They are pushing back hard in Fargo, ND; commissioners want feds to pay-up for cost of refugees

New ‘welcoming’ towns pay attention!

This article (below) at World Net Daily is a must read for all citizens in the new ‘welcoming’ resettlement sites the federal government is identifying around the United States.

Fargo Commissioner Dave Piepkorn: I think it (refugee resettlement) is the issue of the upcoming election; most people don’t know it yet.

We learned recently that there are 47 of them, but the US State Department is so secretive about where it’s sending refugees this year—110,000 of them if Obama has his way—that we only know of a handful (see list below).

Fargo, ND could be a poster city for what happens when a small city becomes swamped and the feds refuse to turn off the spigot.

This week the City Commissioners voted 5-0 to study just how much the program is costing the community with an eye to suing the federal government for what they call an “unfunded mandate.”
Here is Hohmann writing at World Net Daily with a detailed summary of all the controversy on-going in Fargo (Fargo is one of the stops I made this summer on RRW’s roadtrip to troubled towns).  This is a very detailed article and I’ve only snipped a small portion of it below:

The latest flashpoint in the growing backlash against refugee resettlement is Fargo, North Dakota, where the city commission is demanding a full accounting of the program’s costs.

“Surprisingly, that’s never been done before,” said a Fargo city commissioner, Dave Piepkorn, who spoke with WND this week and can be seen discussing his plan in the video above.

Fargo, like many other small cities that have received large numbers of refugees, has been divided by the issue. There have been protests against refugees and counter protests in favor of them, followed by biting blogs and news reports on both sides.

Fargo was thrust into the spotlight on Sept. 18 when it was revealed that the Somali refugee who attacked mall shoppers in St. Cloud, Minnesota, was originally resettled here.

“When we have one Muslim terrorist who tries to kill innocent people in St. Cloud, which is two hours from here, that raised my alarm,” said Piepkorn, who is leading the fight to expose the costs of refugee resettlement on his community.


Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota moved last year into a new, larger building, a symbol of its success in transforming Fargo into a model of diversity and multiculturalism.

Piepkorn, a former standout offensive lineman for the North Dakota State football team who was drafted by the Cleveland Browns in 1984, hopes to shine a light on the secretive process by which Fargo has been seeded with Third World refugees over the last two decades.

His proposal to direct the city staff to total up the costs of refugee resettlement in Fargo and Cass County was approved 5-0 by the city commission Monday night.


Fargo’s costs of integrating the refugees have been estimated at $250,000 for last year alone, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg, Piepkorn told WND.

Piepkorn said the U.S. State Department, which oversees the program, gives the city no say over how many refugees get sent to the community and from where. Those decisions are made by the State Department and Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota, which gets paid a fee by the government for each refugee it resettles in Fargo.


He believes that if the influx of refugees from the Third World into Fargo is driven by the federal government then the federal government ought to pay for the costs. He’s calling it an “unfunded mandate,” and he told a local radio host Tuesday that if the feds don’t ante up to help offset the costs, then the city will consider filing a lawsuit.


I think it is the issue of the upcoming election; most people don’t know it yet.

Continue reading here, the story is a detailed summary of what is coming your way once your town becomes a new resettlement site.  I don’t know what it takes to convince people that those who have been there know what they are talking about!
See all of our earlier posts on Fargo by clicking here.

Is your town one of dozens the US State Department has SECRETLY targeted?

(Broken record alert! I’m posting this on every post going forward!)
I get questions every day from readers wanting to know if there town is on the list (we recently heard that there are 47 of them).  The State Department in Washington has a list, but to my knowledge it is kept secret from the general public until the refugee contractors (the VOLAGS) begin holding small meetings in town (your town) to start to line-up political support often through local ‘interfaith groups’ etc.
The feds are on a hunt for more towns because, as we described with Fargo, existing resettlement sites are troubled and pushing back, plus Obama’s last proposal of 110,000 beginning tomorrow (the first day of the 2017 fiscal year) is huge and they will be desperate to find places to put so many impoverished people.
Everyone should revisit this older post I wrote entitled ‘Ten things your town needs to know’ about refugee resettlement for your community.
Here are the new resettlement cities we have identified so far (go here for a list of established resettlement sites) Remember readers that the Republicans in Congress are letting this happen:

Asheville, NC

Rutland, VT

Reno, NV

Ithaca, NY

Missoula, MT

Aberdeen, SD

Charleston, WV

Fayetteville, AR

Blacksburg, VA

Pittsfield, MA

Northhampton, MA

*Flint, Michigan

*Bloomington, IN

*for new sites identified after original posting

Do you know other towns?  Someone sent me another one the other day and I promptly forgot it!
Although the good-for-nothing Congress quickly passed a Continuing Budget Resolution so they can get out of ‘Dodge’ (DC) and get home for 6 weeks, the funding issue is not dead this year.
They will be back in November to pass the budget for the remainder of FY2017 thus presenting another opportunity for us to CUT THE FUNDING for the massive number Obama has proposed.
Never forget!  Right now the Republicans in Congress hold all the cards because they control the purse.  If we get 110,000 or more (yes Hillary can even increase the number if she gets into the White House, she can say her 65,000 Syrian Muslims need to be airlifted here immediately), the blame will fall on the REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP who could cut off her money!

Diversity not so beautiful in Elizabeth, NJ

The Leftist Open Borders activists and the Refugee Resettlement contractors continue to promote the naive concept that all immigrants they shove together in neighborhoods throughout American towns and cities love each other and are eager for the mixing of cultures they are told happens in the mythical American melting pot.

David Miliband, a British national, is head of the federal resettlement contractor diversifying Elizabeth, NJ. He and Hillary are long-time pals! If Hillary is elected, expect tens of thousands more refugees arriving in your towns. Go here for our huge archive on Miliband:

It is a big lie that immigrants living next door to each other (and next door to African-Americans) are all living in harmony. It is a lie we have reported on many times over the years as the mainstream media usually hides the friction from the general public.
But, I guess in the case of Elizabeth, NJ, hometown of one of the recent Islamic terrorists who came out of the closet, even the Los Angeles Times is reporting on the growing fear of Muslims by the earlier Hispanic immigrant waves.
By the way, I’ve even heard that in some big food processing/manufacturing plants the Muslim workers and Hispanic workers are assigned to different shifts so as not to create more tension in the workplace.
Breitbart tells us all about how the fissures are showing in Elizabeth, NJ as reported by the LA Times (because let’s face it, how many of you are still reading the LA Times!):

“I used to think we were all immigrants, all the same people who came here for a better life. Now I’m not so sure,” a Colombian-American neighbor of First American Fried Chicken, the business linked to Afghan-American suspected terrorist Ahmad Khan Rahami, told the Los Angeles Times.

Gus Serrano, who lives in the Rahami family’s community in Elizabeth, New Jersey, was one of many who expressed reservation with the newest arrivals to the working-class, largely immigrant and refugee-populated city. Rahami was arrested last week after allegedly planting a series of bombs throughout the region – first in the sleepy shore town of Seaside Park, New Jersey, then in two locations in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan, and, finally, at the Elizabeth, New Jersey, Transit train station.

In a notebook found on his person after a shootout with police, Rahami made mention of al-Qaeda recruiter Anwar al-Awlaki and Islamic State chief propagandist Abu Mohammad al-Adnani. “Kill the kuffar in their backyard,” he wrote.

Hispanic immigrants are kuffars just like you and me!

Here is another quote from a woman who is reevaluating her thinking:

One woman told the Los Angeles Times that she used to chide a friend who would warn about Muslim immigrants. “I would tell my friend, ‘How can you say Muslims are terrorists?’” She says she is reconsidering her friend’s stance: “But now — oh my God — look what happened in our neighborhood. How can we know who to trust?”

Continue reading here.

Elizabeth, NJ is being diversified by federal contractor the International Rescue Committee, see here.

I just checked the Refugee Processing Center to see just how much diversity the IRC had dropped in Elizabeth over the last ten years (number of refugees in parenthesis):

Afghanistan (19)

Bhutan (15)

Burma (44)

Colombia (12)

Cuba (602)

DR Congo (75)

El Salvador (2)

Eritrea (15)

Ethiopia (8)

Iran (4)

Iraq (206)

Ivory Coast (4)

Latvia (1)

Moldova (8)

Pakistan (2)

Somalia (9)

Sri Lanka (5)

Sudan (41)

Syria (221)

Ukraine (4)

But not to worry, they are going to melt into multicultural bliss and live happily ever after.

American Thinker: Trump sees the Trojan Horse

Actually the Ottoman Turks (the Muslims) were ultimately defeated at the Gates of Vienna in 1683. Polish Hussars, pictured here, pushed the Turks back on SEPTEMBER 11-12, 1683 freeing the Austrians and sparing Germany. Gates of Vienna blog posted a good report on what happened here a few years ago: Unfortunately, the Muslims are back today as so-called “refugees” being welcomed to take Europe without a fight.

There is a good article about the Hijra by Ted Belman at American Thinker yesterday. Here are the opening paragraphs:

Ever wonder why there are so many Muslims and Muslim countries in the world? Over the millennia many countries were conquered, but didn’t remain Persian or Greek or Roman as the case may be. You see, the countries conquered in the name of Islam, became and remained Islamic. For example Pakistan, part of India, and Malaysia both were Hindu; Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and N. Africa were Christian; Afghanistan was Buddhist. They are all Islamic now.

This transformation was not by chance but by design. All these countries were conquered by force then shorn of their wealth and many of their women. Then the Muslim conquerors introduced Sharia and continued fighting the local inhabitants. The inhabitants were either forced to convert or accorded Dhimmi status. As time went on all cultures submitted and eventually became Islamic.

The advance of Islam was finally reversed in Spain and stopped at the Gates of Vienna in 1642 [Not sure about 1642, here is the final battle in 1683. More here—ed]. Thereafter the power of Islam went into decline but other than Spain, it never lost its hold on the people it conquered. This decline was reversed in the Twentieth Century when Arabs became wealthy as a result of their vast oil reserves. This wealth was then deployed to conquer the west, not by Violent Jihad, but by Stealth Jihad.

This design was referred to as The Islamic Doctrine.

Continue reading here.
The Islamists know and understand their history better than we do!  I bet they are laughing their heads off about the success they are having invading Europe today!  Interesting isn’t it that Poland is one of the few European countries that ‘gets it’ and isn’t inviting in the Muslim ‘refugees.’
BTW, we have a category here at RRW for years called ‘Stealth Jihad.’  Check it out sometime.

Resettlement industry wants 100,000 Syrians in FY17, 210,000 total refugees and billions more from Congress

Just to recap, Obama’s final ‘determination’ sent to Capitol Hill a week ago calls for a ceiling*** of 110,000 refugees from all over the world for Fiscal year 2017 which begins in 8 days.  He did not indicate how many of those would be Syrians but recently we learned that 20,000-30,000 would likely be Syrian Muslims.

the National Clean Energy Summit 7.0 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center on September 4, 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Political and economic leaders are attending the summit to discuss a domestic policy agenda to advance alternative energy for the country's future.
Hillary and John Podesta (working for George Soros) started the Center for American Progress and you can bet if she gets in the White House, the two of them will open the floodgates to the third world.

Thanks to Richard at Blue Ridge Forum for spotting this story at the Center for American Progress (CAP) where the resettlement contractors and their friends spell out what they really want. 
They want the 110,000 to be a floor and not a ceiling and they want 100,000 Syrian Muslims on top of 110,000 other refugees.
They also drop some astounding numbers about how many billions of dollars they want from the REPUBLICAN Congress.
Here is the story from earlier in the week:

After a slow start in fiscal year 2016—in which, by the end of May, the United States had only resettled one-quarter of its stated commitment of 10,000 Syrian refugees—the administration announced on August 29 that it had hit its target. According to the administration’s report to Congress laying out its 2017 resettlement goals—the “Proposed Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2017”—the administration now believes it will surpass its original goal, bringing in up to 13,000 Syrians by the end of September.

Most importantly, the report to Congress makes clear that the United States will surpass even the commitment made by Secretary of State John Kerry in September 2015 to bring in 100,000 refugees in FY 2017: It raises the target for resettlement in FY 2017 to 110,000 refugees.


Human Rights First, for example, has called for the administration to admit 100,000 Syrians next year in addition to 100,000 refugees from the rest of the world.

Whatever number of Syrians the administration ultimately decides to admit, it should view the commitment to resettling 110,000 total refugees in FY 2017 as a floor, rather than a ceiling, and should do everything in its power to increase the number of refugees admitted.

They know what we have been trying to say for weeks! Congress has the power to slow the invasion if they want to because the resettlement contractors have virtually no money of their own. 

They need your money to change your towns!

CAP continues:

Funding is critical, and the ball is in Congress’ court

While the Obama administration has stepped up to raise the numbers of refugees to be resettled, Congress has not, to date, provided a corresponding increase in the funds available to ensure that these individuals are able to resettle smoothly, find livelihoods, and become self-sufficient soon after arrival—a key goal of the U.S. refugee program.

The funding Congress appropriated for FY 2016 was based on an estimate of only 75,000 refugees being resettled. When the administration raised its target to 85,000 refugees, Congress did not increase the funding to match. This means that over the past year, the government has had to resettle more refugees with fewer funds. To make matters worse, Congress will most likely only fund the government for the remainder of the calendar year using a continuing resolution—a stopgap, short-term funding bill rather than a full-year appropriation—likely holding the amount of funding for resettlement to FY 2016 levels. This will become all the more difficult to sustain as the number of refugees admitted grows to 110,000.

Take the Office of Refugee Resettlement, or ORR, as an example. This agency helps integrate newly arrived refugees into American life and society, providing financial and medical assistance, social work and case management, and language and job training programs. It also has primary responsibility for the housing and care of unaccompanied children who arrive in the United States. In FY 2016, the ORR received a little less than $1.7 billion to accomplish these tasks. With an increase in the numbers of both refugees being resettled and unaccompanied children arriving, however, ORR’s budget is stretched thin.

The Refugee Council USA (mentioned below) is the lobbying arm of the resettlement industry in Washington.

The administration’s FY 2017 budget, based on the original goal of resettling 100,000 refugees, calls for the ORR to receive about $2.2 billion, while Refugee Council USA—the main umbrella group for organizations working to resettle and protect refugees—has called for the ORR to receive $2.95 billion. Either way, Congress must come together to provide more funding to the agency.

The Continuing Budget Resolution as it now stands has barely half that much and we are urging Congress to cut even more deeply.
Keep calling them and tell them that you know they, the Republican leadership, hold the cards—not Obama!
We have written a lot about the Refugee Council USA and also about the Center for American Progress, so please use our search function if you want to learn more.
***On this ‘ceiling’ issue: for all the time I have been writing this blog, the industry has been working to make sure the ceiling is met. But, it is only a ceiling.  The President can, during the course of the year, go below the ceiling and in some earlier years a president has.  So it strikes me that if Donald Trump is elected, he could very well just (at minimum) go way below the ‘ceiling’ (tell his Secretary of State to slow it down) after he is inaugurated without even initiating a battle (over Obama’s last determination) in the opening months of his administration.

Horowitz at Conservative Review nails it! Refugee program (our national sovereignty) should be central to this election

conservative-reviewYesterday conservative writer Daniel Horowitz reported on the Obama Administration’s announcement that they are shooting for admitting 110,000 refugees to be placed in your towns starting on October 1.
I’m sure you are shouting at the computer at this very minute—how can he do that he is out of here in only a few short months!  Well, he can if Congress gives him the funding and the pass that every Congress for the last 35 years has given the administration on the subject of refugees.
Before I tell you more of what Daniel Horowitz said, his vitally important point is this one!  Are we going to stand silent and lose our sovereignty, to be overrun as Europe is today? Indeed, do we want to be Europe?***

“It would be a crying shame for conservatives not to harness this very potent issue and make the election a referendum on whether America will become like Europe or not.”

Now here is a bit of what else he said yesterday, but please read the whole thing because he presents some very good ideas for reforming the entire program.


Earlier today, pursuant to the Refugee Act of 1980, which requires the State Department to consult with Congress on the annual level of refugee intake, the Obama administration announced its plans to admit 110,000 refugees in FY 2017 beginning October 1. That is a 25,000 net increase from this current fiscal year level, and a 40,000 net increase from most recent years. It is also 10,000 more than the State Department projected for FY 2017 during last September’s consultation with Congress.

Are the people and their representatives powerless in stopping this forced transformation?

As I wrote in Stolen Sovereignty, Ted Kennedy promised that the 1980 refugee bill would limit the flow of refugees and increase Congressional input in the process. Refugee intake was to be capped at 50,000 a year. But in a sleight of hand that the public would have never approved had it been advertised in a transparent way, the president was granted de facto unilateral authority to increase the flow over and beyond the 50,000 cap beginning in 1983 — in consultation with Congress.

More here.
But, don’t forget, and Horowitz tells us too—Congress holds the power to defund the Refugee Admissions Program right now! 
And, by the way, it isn’t just about the Presidential election in November.  All of your members of Congress are up for election and one third of the US Senate. Find them on the campaign trail and let them know what you think!
***If you need evidence about the death of Europe, see RRW’s complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.