Admit fewer refugees say 76% of Republicans; 38% of Dems agree!

I was surprised to see that this large number—38%—of Democrats think our refugee admissions are too high!

Obama and Clinton 3
The numbers indicate that the public is not behind Obama and Clinton on the subject of refugees. Trump needs to continue to hammer this issue! Republicans in support of the refugee program for its ready supply of cheap labor should beware!

Readers you have to wade through a lot of column inches before you get to what I consider the meat of this story by AP.  It sure looks like Americans generally are not in agreement with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on admitting tens of thousands of refugees from mostly Muslim countries, especially Syrians.
Associated Press at WHIO (12 paragraphs into the story).  Emphasis below is mine:

Americans are slightly more likely to oppose than favor a temporary ban on Muslims who are not U.S. citizens from entering the United States, by a 52 percent to 45 percent margin that has been strikingly consistent in AP-GfK polls conducted this year.

Sixty-nine percent of Republicans say they favor the temporary ban on Muslim immigration, while 68 percent of Democrats are opposed. Half of whites and just a third of non-whites say they favor the ban. Seventy-six percent of Trump supporters are in favor.

On a trip to Scotland last month, Trump shifted his rhetoric, saying he would instead “want terrorists out” of the U.S., and to do so, he would limit people’s entry from “specific terrorist countries and we know who those terrorist countries are.”

The poll indicates that rhetorical shift could win support. Among those asked more broadly about a temporary ban on immigrants from areas of the world where there is a history of terrorism against the U.S. or its allies, 63 percent are in favor and 34 percent opposed. Ninety-four percent of Trump supporters say they favor this proposal, as do 45 percent of Clinton supporters.

“That’s a necessity for creating stability,” said Ryan Williams, 40, a health care provider from Jacksonville, North Carolina.

Most Americans — 53 percent — think the United States is currently letting in too many refugees from Syria, engulfed in civil war since 2011 and the Islamic State militant group’s de facto center. President Barack Obama has pledged to admit some 10,000 Syrian refugees this year.

Remember Hillary is on record saying she wants to admit 65,000 Syrians immediately (only 11 percent of Americans agree with her!):

Another 33 percent think the current level is about right, while just 11 percent want to let in more. About 4 in 10 think there’s a very or somewhat high risk of refugees committing acts of religious or political violence in the United States, 34 percent think the risk moderate, and 24 percent consider it very or somewhat low.

Seventy-six percent of Republicans think the U.S. should allow fewer refugees. Among Democrats, 43 percent think the current level is about right, 38 percent think the U.S. should allow fewer, and 18 percent want to allow more.

This tells me that Trump has to continue to pound the issue of refugees!  (And, that the propagandists at The Hive have their work cut out for them).
BTW, if every American could see what I’ve seen over the last two days on my road trip, these numbers would be even higher!
One more thing…I’ve heard several times lately that some Americans think that the US refugee program is a temporary one for the refugees, that they only come here until things calm down in their home countries.  That is NOT the case! Refugees who come to the US come here permanently and ultimately become citizens.

It is the numbers stupid! Debate (again) in wake of Nice Islamic terror attack

It is no surprise that the Election 2016 debate about refugees should have begun in earnest again after the slaughter in Nice.
But, as everyone focuses on security screening, I want to repeat again that this is about numbers.  The Tunisian killer would not have been stopped by security screening.  He was just one of tens of thousands of Muslims living in France because France never said NO! to more Muslim immigration.
The bottomline is that there is a threshold that is crossed once the Muslim population reaches a certain point where Islamists become emboldened and energized.  France is there, so are many other European countries.  We don’t want to get there, but it is coming fast. The election of Hillary Clinton will assure that America will cross that threshold too!
Be sure to watch this youtube video about the Nice terror attack! (hat tip: Dick)

From Fox News—-Hillary wants 65,000 Syrians admitted to the US and we previously reported that the resettlement contractors want 100,000.

The terror attack Thursday in Nice, France, that left at least 84 people dead has reignited the refugee debate in the 2016 presidential race, with Donald Trump blasting Hillary Clinton’s calls to let in thousands more and saying, “we’d better get awfully tough.”

The terrorist behind the attack, Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, was not a refugee but a French resident originally from Tunisia. The attack nevertheless has rekindled concerns that accepting more refugees from Islamic State-occupied Syria raises the risk for the U.S.

The Obama administration has pledged to accept 10,000 refugees from Syria by the end of September. The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that 5,211 refugees had been brought in by the end of June and the U.S. is on track to meet the administration’s target.

Clinton, though, back in September called for increasing that number to 65,000 – a 550 percent increase from the administration’s current target.

“I would like to see us move from what is a good start with 10,000 to 65,000 and begin immediately to put into place the mechanisms for vetting the people that we would take in,” she told CBS News.

 Continue here.

More on Obama and his crony corporate pals doing an end-run on refugee program

We mentioned this story here and here the other day when we wrote about Twin Falls Idaho and Chobani Yogurt, but now we are learning even more!
The Daily Caller (reporter Alex Pfeiffer) has relied on the work of Nayla Rush a refugee/immigration researcher at the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington to flesh out yet another of Obama’s creative (sneaky and unethical) ways of flooding the country with phony refugees.

Crony capitalism on full display at the Clinton Global Initiative. Chatting it up with Bill is Hamdi Ulukaya founder and CEO of Chobani Yogurt. Big companies need the federal government to supply them with cheap labor! Photo:

Below is a bit of the Daily Caller article (note that Chobani Yogurt is prominent among the financial giants working to change the nature of your towns!).
Do not be fooled! It is all about money and power (with a brushed on veneer of compassionate humanitarianism).

The White House announced last week that it is launching a “Call to Action” asking private businesses to help with the resettlement of refugees. This could be done without regard to the government cap of 85,000 total refugees, including 10,000 Syrian refugees, in 2016.

Fifteen founding corporations have teamed up with the Obama administration on the effort. These are: Accenture, Airbnb, Chobani, Coursera, Goldman Sachs, Google, HP, IBM, JPMorgan Chase & Co., LinkedIn, Microsoft, Mastercard, UPS, TripAdvisor, and Western Union. The Call to Action initiative is not only to help refugees in the United States, but all over the world.


These refugees will be coming outside the refugee resettlement program so they would not be counted under the government cap of 10,000. These ‘alternative legal pathways or sponsorships’ will be under employment visas, training, student visas and scholarships, visiting scholars etc,” Nayla Rush, senior researcher at the Center for Immigration Studies, told The Daily Caller.

Rush added, “remember, the aim is to bring as many Syrian refugees as possible. 10,000 is the limit this [Fiscal Year] under the refugee resettlement program. No limit to these ‘private sponsorships’, more importantly, no traceability.”

Read Rush’s full report here.
She mentions Chipotle and the major US resettlement contractor, International Rescue Committee, something we told you about here in May.

Say after me: It is all about money! It is all about money!……

inquiring mindsIsn’t it curious that Chobani Yogurt asked Bloomberg to take a sentence out of a report that Bloomberg posted on June 30th on the Obama Call to Action.
Bloomberg correction:

“Corrects to remove reference to Chobani yogurt hiring additional refugees in ninth paragraph, which the company has not announced.”

Are they saying they are (or are not) hiring more refugees for their plants in New York state and in Idaho? Inquiring minds want to know!

Tomorrow Obama will nag businesses to give jobs and stuff to refugees

In September Obama and Justin Trudeau will be hosting a refugee shindig at the United Nations and so in advance of that Reuters tells us Obama will be pressuring businesses (starting tomorrow) to give more jobs to refugees, and more goodies too.  I guess he wants to brag at the UN this fall.
But, wait, aren’t we being told ad nauseum that refugees are self-sustaining within months of arrival and boosting the local economy wherever they are placed?  Can’t have it both ways!

Power with O and H
The sooner these three are gone the better off we will be! Power, Obama and Hillary want our borders erased.


The White House will on Thursday rally businesses to give jobs to refugees ahead of a September summit where U.S. President Barack Obama will urge world leaders to boost humanitarian funds by a third and double the number of refugees being resettled.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, said on Wednesday that the Obama summit during the annual gathering of world leaders at the United Nations would also aim to get one million refugee children in school and one million more refugees access to legal work in the neighboring countries they fled to.

“The summit is by no means a panacea; even if we hit every target, our response will still not match the scale of the crisis,” Power told the United States Institute of Peace, adding that it would boost the number of countries trying to help.

“We need businesses, big and small, to do more too; which is why tomorrow, the White House is launching a private sector call to action, which will rally companies to do their part, from providing jobs to donating services to refugees,” Power said.

So does that mean some low-skilled Americans will lose their jobs so a refugee from Africa or the Middle East can have it?
I’ll have more to say tomorrow.

Hillary's 65,000 Syrians would cost US over $400 billion over their lifetimes

That is the estimate the highly respected Heritage Foundation expert on welfare, Robert Rector, has estimated.
The Daily Caller has the story, here.

Hillary Clinton’s proposal to accept an additional 65,000 Syrian refugees annually could potentially cost $403 billion in lifetime costs if implemented all four years in a hypothetical first term.

Hillary got the 65,000 number from her pal, former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband, who is now the head honcho at the financially largest US refugee resettlement contractor (International Rescue Committee). Photo about special relationship:

That’s according to a new analysis released Monday by the Senate subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest.

Currently, the Obama administration is planning to take in 10,000 Syrian refugees in fiscal year 2016, which ends September 30.

In total, the Obama administration is planning to take in 85,000 refugees, while the original plan was to take in 100,000 refugees. Clinton’s proposal would potentially increase that number to 155,000 refugees entering the United States annually.

Robert Rector, a scholar at the Heritage Foundation, estimated the costs of local, state, and federal benefits for refugees and found that the lifetime cost of admitting 10,000 refugees is $6.5 billion.

It is extremely hard to estimate the cost of the massive welfare that refugees receive so we have never even tried here at RRW, but Rector has put pencil to paper to do the calculations. Continue reading here for more.
Where does this 65,000 number come from? Well initially it came from David Miliband, Hillary’s pal who runs the International Rescue Committee.  The other nine federal contractors followed suit and then the Senate Jihad Caucus (our name!) sent a letter to Obama telling him that they want 65,000 Syrians ASAP.   We addressed the demand here in a youtube video last year.
The resettlement contractors subsequently upped their demand to 100,000 Syrians.
Galling isn’t it to think that you pay for the resettlement of third worlders who will ultimately out-populate you and your posterity.