Christie swings back at Obama over women refugees comment

I’m glad someone is pointing this out in a big way—women can be Islamic terrorists too!
My only problem with Christie’s comment is that we (they! not me) are stuck on Syria!  While Syrian numbers are still small, every month, we have thousands of refugees, women among them, entering the US from Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and even Burma that could just as well be devout Muslims we can’t trust.
From The Hill:

U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) listens to testimony during the confirmation hearings for Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte on Capitol Hill in Washington January 30, 2007. REUTERS/Jim Young (UNITED STATES)
Chrisite: Obama should open those [big] ears more and his mouth less.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is pointing to this week’s shooting in San Bernardino, Calif., as evidence that female refugees from Syria should not be allowed in the country.

“We now know from San Bernardino, just a couple of days ago, that women are very capable of being involved in terrorist activity,” the GOP presidential candidate said at a forum in Fort Dodge, Iowa, on Friday, according to ABC News.

One of the alleged assailants in the attack that left 14 dead and 21 injured Wednesday is Tashfeen Malik, 27, a Pakistani woman who immigrated to the U.S. in 2013 on a K-1 fiancée visa.

Authorities said Malik pledged her support to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) as the attack was happening.

“The widow who comes over here from Syria, if aligned with ISIS or another organization, could create just as much death as any man given the weapons that are available now,” Christie said.

President Obama previously mocked Christie’s blanket opposition to allowing Syrian refugees into the country, asking Republican presidential candidates whether they were “scared of widows and orphans.”

The New Jersey governor slammed the president’s criticism in light of the San Bernardino attack.

“I wonder if the president is going to stand up and call me a tough guy today and insult me again,” Christie told radio show host Hugh Hewitt on Friday. “You know, the fact is I know a little bit about this stuff, and the president should open his ears more and open his mouth less.”

Filed in our category ‘2016 Presidential campaign,’ here.
Remember readers that even if they don’t have terror inclinations, women and children are very expensive refugees because you will be educating the kids and paying for all of their welfare including healthcare!

Action Alert:  Call your members of the House and Senate at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vigorously oppose the Refugee Resettlement funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15!  Don’t stop calling  (we will keep you posted as we learn more about when the vote might occur).


Important Senate test vote: Only ten Senators vote to limit visas from jihad terror-producing countries

Julia Hahn writing at Breitbart tells us what happened here.
If yours is one of the brave ten be sure to thank them! (They are mentioned in Hahn’s story below but I put them right here on top so you wouldn’t have to look far).

Rand Paul

Jeff Sessions

Mike Lee

David Vitter

John Barrasso

Mike Enzi

Mark Kirk

Jerry Moran

Richard Shelby

Ted Cruz

After Paris and after San Bernardino this is the best they could do—only ten willing to go to the mat for your safety!

rand paul smiling
Good for you Senator Rand Paul!

The amendment, offered Sen. Rand Paul, would have suspended visa issuances to more than 30 Muslim countries with active Jihadist populations. Graham and Rubio were both members of the Gang of Eight, which proposed legislation that would expand Muslim immigration, and Paul and Cruz were both opponents of the Gang of Eight bill.

Graham and Rubio’s vote against curbing Muslim migration follows the attack in San Bernardino. The male suspect, Syed Farook, is the son of Pakistani immigrants; and the female suspect, Farook’s wife, Tashfeen Malik, was a Pakistani native. According to CNN, the two met, “when he [Farook] had gone to Saudi Arabia in 2013 on the Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca that Muslims are required to take at last once in their lifetime. It was during this trip that he met Malik, a native of Pakistan who came to the United States in July 2014 on a ‘fiancée visa’ and later became a lawful permanent resident.”

Sen. Paul’s amendment failed 89-10, with only nine other Senators joining Paul’s bid for a halt to the large-scale distribution of visas to nations with jihadist populations. The nine others supporting Paul’s amendment were Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), Sen. David Vitter (R-LA), Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), Mike Enzi (R-WY), Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL), Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS), Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL), and Senator Ted Cruz.

Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Republican Whip Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), and GOP Conference Chair Sen. John Thune (R-SD) voted against the amendment. Thune’s vote is particularly notable as the GOP conference is in charge of the Republican Party’s messaging in the Senate.

Go here for the rest of the story (there is a lot more information).  Readers Rubio is never going to be your friend on immigration issues!

Only 6% of Syrian refugees want to come to North America

Gosh, what do you know!  Ben Carson was right when he said on his trip to Syrian refugee camps in the region—they really don’t want to come here. They want to go home.

Gives me an idea for some Congressional tweaking (see at the end of this post).

Congress needs to create a repatriation fund for refugees and other immigrants unhappy in America!

From Gallup via the Washington Times:

America and Canada are not the destinations of choice for Syrian refugees looking to escape the violence within their nation. Only 6 percent, in fact, cited North America as the place they would prefer to live in, this according to a new Gallup poll of Syrians released Monday.


What are the refugees’ preferences, should they permanently relocate?

Gallup found that 39 percent of their 1,000-plus Syrian respondents cited Europe; 35 percent cited the Middle East and northern Africa. Another 10 percent said they would prefer to live somewhere in Asia.

Still, 30 percent said they would continue living in Syria.

So who does want them in America (my list)?

Barack Obama

Hillary Clinton

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees

The Democrat Party and Democrat governors

The resettlement contractors being paid by the head to resettle them

The entire Catholic Church structure in America and many other mainline Protestant churches, Jewish groups and assorted others.

The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and other Islamists trying to advance the Hijra

George Soros

Big-wigs like those we reported in our previous post this morning

Many in Congressional leadership on both sides of the aisle


Mainstream media news outlets

So why are they so eager when the Syrians aren’t?

Repatriation Fund!

Now that there is so much research going on by reporters looking for new angles on the refugee issue, someone needs to look into how many refugees actually want to leave America once they know what it is like here.  In my early days of writing RRW, I would hear directly from disillusioned refugees, esp. Iraqis, who wanted to go home, but didn’t have the finances and the where-with-all to do it.
Surely the State Department tracks the number of refugees who do in fact leave.  I know some Iraqis went home.
We could save ourselves a lot of money if Congress created a Repatriation Fund where refugees (and other migrants, even illegal ones) who got here and were unhappy could apply for funds to go home!  A reader suggested it here in January of this year.
Wouldn’t it be funny to watch the Dems trying to figure out how to defeat this measure.  If they claimed it would be expensive it would be an admission that America has a whole heck of a lot of unhappy migrants here!

Action Alert:  Call your members of the House and Senate at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vigorously oppose the Refugee Resettlement funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15! Please call by this Friday, Dec. 4th.

Contractor says governors can find out which refugees are being resettled; White House said NO

Update:  White House is now saying they will give information to governors, but it is info. already available to the public, here.
In a recent conference call with the White House, governors were told that they are not permitted to find out who is being resettled in their states, while here a big-wig at Church World Service says governors need only call the US State Department and they will be told who is coming.
We reported on the conference call here—the White House said NO they can’t!  (You know I’ve noticed that many of the operatives in the resettlement contracting business know less than we do about what is going on!)
Now here we have Church World Service Director of Refugees and Immigration Programs, Bosnian Erol Kekic, telling Chris Christie to call up the US State Department and they will tell him who is coming to New Jersey and when:

Church World Service’s Erol Kekic says Christie needs only to call the State Department to find out who is being resettled in NJ. Keckic bio here:

Resettlement groups immediately declared their independence. “We don’t believe the directive the governor put in place is necessarily enforceable,” said Erol Kekic, executive director of immigration and refugee programs for Church World Service. “Immigration is a federal issue. He can’t control who lives in his state.” And as for reporting any contact, Kekic said that information on any refugees settled in New Jersey is already easily available to governors by calling the State Department in Washington, D.C. “It’s not something very secret, nor it is hard to obtain,” said Kekic, “If Christie and these other governors want to know who and where these refugees are, maybe they should pick up the phone?”

Note to Governor Christie (and other governors):

Pick up the phone! Call Anne Richard, Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration each week and get a list of who is being resettled in New Jersey (or your state).  
CWS, probably Kekic himself, sits down each week with PRM and decides who is going where.
Then Governor Christie, make a public announcement each week about which refugees are going to which NJ towns and cities and you would do your NJ citizens a great service.  They have a right to know (they will be paying for it!).
If you haven’t made the connection, Kekic works for the Rev. McCullough, we told you about here on Sunday.  He is the guy being arrested in front of the White House.  Remember these federal contractors also promote amnesty for illegal aliens!

Action Alert:  Call your members of the House and Senate at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vigorously oppose the Refugee Resettlement funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15! Please call by this Friday, Dec. 4th.