What would I ask Republican Presidential candidates tonight?

Someone asked me to prepare a list of questions I might ask Republican candidates tonight in Milwaukee.  So I wrote up a quick list and thought I would share them with you.  Now mind you, there is no way that anyone would ever ask the candidates if they would scratch the whole darn Refugee Admissions Program, so that is not one of my questions.

Republican debate
Republicans on stage at the earlier CNN debate….

There is no particular order of imporance with my ten quick questions below!  And, I am sure you all could come up with many I haven’t thought of.  Send comments and tell us yours!

1) The Obama Administration has said recently that it will admit 10,000 Syrians in the fiscal year 2016 resettlement of 85,000 third world refugees to American towns and cities in 48 states, yet the Director of the FBI James Comey recently told Congress that the Syrians, coming from a failed state, could not be properly screened. In this battle between the US State Department (that wants many more than 10,000), and the FBI (Homeland Security concerned with the possible infiltration of ISIS in the refugee population), how would you bring your cabinet together on this critical issue?

2) The Center for Immigration Studies recently released a new study which finds that a Syrian family of four resettled in America will cost US taxpayers over a quarter of a million dollars over five years. Would that factor figure into your decision on how many refugees America can afford because it is the President who has almost exclusive power for determining refugee numbers and makes that determination every September?

3) Recently Senator Jeff Sessions office released data on welfare use of refugees in America and found that 90% of Middle Eastern refugees were using some form of social services—food stamps, cash assistance, Medicaid and so forth—and that rate was higher for that group than refugees from elsewhere in the world. There are also reports of widespread fraud in the welfare application process. What would you do to discourage fraud and limit welfare for all classes of immigrant?

4) The United Nations is choosing most refugees admitted to the US (over 20,000 Syrians have been referred by the UN) and 97% of the Syrians chosen thus far have been Muslims who are presently housed in UN camps. Would you go against the UN and seek out Christian and other religious minorities in need of resettlement as a first priority?

5) In 2014, the US admitted 67% of the refugees that were resettled anywhere, the next highest country was Canada with 9%. If you were President would you urge a more equitable distribution to first world countries?

6) The world is watching in horror as Europe is being inundated with tens of thousands of migrants. Approximately 8,000 are arriving in Germany each day (originally welcomed by the government). Only about half are Syrians and the largest percentage are economic migrants, not legitimate refugees. If you, as President, had a private meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel, what would you say to her?

7) The refugees being housed presently in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan will be there temporarily, perhaps years, but they will not be given citizenship rights. Those resettled to the US and other western countries are permanent residents on a track to citizenship. What alternative would you suggest for managing, especially the Syrian flow, short of making tens of thousands of them US citizens?

8) Our present system of resettling refugees is virtually controlled by the UN, the US State Department and nine federal contractors which monopolize the resettlement of refugees and even choose the towns and cities where they will go. In a ______Administration would you seek to reform this out-of-control resettlement program and give some authority to state and local elected officials which virtually have none right now?

Would your administration propose or support existing reform legislation?

9) Non-profit organizations affiliated with some religious denominatons are being paid millions of tax dollars each year to bring refugee families to cities of their choosing and in three to six months that family is expected to be on its own and the non-profit then brings in the next group incentivized by a federal payment that is calculated by the head (per refugee). Would you pledge to reform the program to put more responsibility back on to private charity as the original act of 1980 invisioned?

10) There have been many reports recently of school systems overloaded with needy immigrant students who require extra help with learning English and to deal with mental traumas, would your administration seek a moratorium on resettlement until officials in overloaded cities and local and state taxpayers could catch their breath?

Don’t hold your breath!  I would be blown away if there is any question relating to refugees tonight in Milwaukee, even though, as I said in my previous post this morning—immigration is THE issue for 2016!

Obama plan to use executive amnesty for a half a million illegal aliens, blocked in 5th Circuit Appeals Court decision

However, don’t get too excited!

It is very likely that the Obama Administration will appeal to the Supreme Court just in time to turn the whole thing into a spectacle in the run-up to the 2016 Presidential election a year from now.
In fact, the 5th Circuit has played right into the hands of the No Borders activists who told a Georgetown audience here, the week before last, that they plan to bring hundreds of thousands of pro-amnesty activists for a massive display of power to the steps of the Supreme Court in the critical months just ahead of the election.  If the Appeals Court had delayed a decision by several months, there would not have been time to get the case before the High Court before Obama leaves office.

Marielena Hincapie (National Immigration Law Center) said they are gearing up for a massive action if/when the DAPA case gets to the Supreme Court  in advance of the 2016 Presidential election.  You could almost see her rubbing her hands with glee at the Georgetown gathering at the prospect of a hundred thousand sign-carrying Latinos and their Leftist friends on the steps of the High Court. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2015/10/30/washington-dc-gathering-of-open-borders-activistslawyers-was-revealing/

And, if you are wondering what all this has to do with the legal refugee program, I’ve been mentioning recently that all of those FOR amnesty for illegal aliens are working very closely with the nine federal ‘non-profit’ resettlement contracting agencies in a quest to change America’s demographic make-up.  So there is no sense in us keeping the two issues separate any longer.
Here is the Huffington Post on the decision:

A federal appeals court on Monday agreed to keep on hold President Barack Obama’s executive order on immigration — nearly a year after he announced it as a backstop measure to Congress’ failure to enact comprehensive immigration reform.

The divided, 124-page ruling deals a blow to the administration’s Deferred Action for Parental Accountability program, known as DAPA, and there may be just enough time for a formal appeal to the Supreme Court to be resolved ahead of the 2016 election.

In ruling against the government, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit largely agreed with a lower court judge, who in February issued a “nationwide injunction” that effectively stopped DAPA from taking effect, and concurred that Texas and other states that sued the president over the program had legal “standing” to challenge its constitutionality in federal court.

The appeals court accepted Texas’ argument that an expansion of immigration relief to include a wider class of undocumented immigrants would cause the state to “incur significant costs in issuing driver’s licenses to DAPA beneficiaries” — a basic “harm” requirement for any litigant seeking standing to sue.


Based on how the high court accepts and decides cases on appeal, advocates and experts have warned that undue delays from the 5th Circuit would foreclose administration lawyers from appealing the ruling in time before Obama leaves office — which in turn leaves the fate of DAPA in the hands of his White House successor.

But supporters of Obama’s immigration policies said there’s still time for the Supreme Court to get involved.

Let the cheering begin!
They are cheering at La Raza, and at the National Immigration Law Center, and at the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (and at its legal arm CLINIC), and at Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and at the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society as a big show on the steps of the Supreme Court could advance their mass migration agenda for years to come if it results in assuring a Republican (like Trump) is not the next President.  No doubt—immigration will be THE issue of 2016!  (This Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals decision has just assured us of that!)

Obama lied about his school years and the press shrugged, why the double standard for a conservative black man?

Update November 9th:  Go see this!  Nine more things Obama lied about in his life story and the MSM never said a word.

Remember this story, it was revealed in 2013 that Obama lied when he said he didn’t know that his illegal alien Uncle Omar was in the US.  If I recall from my reading in ‘Dreams from my father,’ Obama said he had no idea where Uncle O was.
As the press is busy on a witch hunt of a black conservative candidate for President—Ben Carson—they conducted no such inquiry into Obama’s Uncle Omar fabrication until Uncle Omar, under oath, confirmed they had actually lived together (before ‘Dreams….’ was written).
Ben Carson had a great question for the media yesterday—-why aren’t you demanding that Obama unseal his college and law school records?
 (If I was a betting person, I would bet it’s because he went to college as Barry Soetoro, citizen of Indonesia (foreign student!)).

Obama and Obama
Obama and Obama

Many of us who read and wrote (for years) about holes in Obama’s life story are eager to see what else we will find out as Obama slips out of Washington in 2017.  I can’t wait to find out, and we will eventually, who in our so-called Washington leadership knew the truth all along!
From the 2013 Boston Globe story (Judy reminded me of the story today). A trip down memory lane:

President Obama acknowledged Thursday that he lived with his Kenyan uncle for a brief period in the 1980s while preparing to attend Harvard Law School, contradicting a statement more than two years ago that the White House had no record of the two ever meeting.

the other Barack

Their relationship came into question Tuesday at the deportation hearing of the president’s uncle, Onyango Obama, in Boston immigration court. His uncle had lived in the United States illegally since the 1970s and revealed for the first time in testimony that his famous nephew had stayed at his Cambridge apartment for about three weeks. At the time, Onyango Obama was here illegally and fighting deportation.


On Thursday, a White House official said the press office had not fully researched the relationship between the president and his uncle before telling the Globe in 2011 that it had no record of the two meeting. This time, press office staff members asked the president directly, which they said they had not done in 2011.

“The president first met Omar Obama when he moved to Cambridge for law school,” said White House spokesman Eric Schultz. “The president did stay with him for a brief period of time until his apartment was ready. After that, they saw each other once every few months, but after law school they fell out of touch. The president has not seen him in 20 years, has not spoken with him in 10.”

We covered the Uncle Omar story extensively, here.  And, a must read is Sally Jacobs’ (another Boston Globe reporter) book, The Other Barack’ which I found particularly revealing not so much about Barack Sr., but about the comings and goings of Ann Dunham.

Say NO to another “high-tech lynching” of a black conservative man by the Leftwing media!

Hungarian Prime Minister: Soros behind invasion of Europe

I’ve thought this very same thing!
More ‘Invasion of Europe’ news…..
We have written several stories over the last few years about Soros involvement in various countries, here, here, and here promoting the rights of Somalis as they colonize Scandinavia.
See also news about Soros’ handbook for Muslim invaders to Europe, here.

hillary and soros
Never, never forget that Hillary and Soros are soulmates!

From Bloomberg Business:

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban accused billionaire investor George Soros of being a prominent member of a circle of “activists” trying to undermine European nations by supporting refugees heading to the continent from the Middle East and beyond.

“His name is perhaps the strongest example of those who support anything that weakens nation states, they support everything that changes the traditional European lifestyle,” Orban said in an interview on public radio Kossuth. “These activists who support immigrants inadvertently become part of this international human-smuggling network.”

Rights groups have criticized Orban for building a razor-wire fence on the border, tightening asylum laws and boosting his support among voters with anti-immigrant rhetoric. Soros, who was born in Hungary and is one of the biggest philanthropists in eastern Europe via his foundations and university, gives grants to organizations that provide legal assistance to asylum seekers.

Soros said in an e-mailed statement that a six-point plan published by his foundation helps “uphold European values” while Orban’s actions “undermine those values.”

Go here to read Soros’ plan.
And remember Hillary and the girls share much of the blame for the ‘Invasion of Europe’ from Libya.

Paul Ryan speakership campaign reveals traitors in our midst (South Carolina and Idaho pay attention)

Julia Hahn at Breitbart has been doing great work in exposing the players (traitors!) behind the House Speaker campaign of Rep. Paul Ryan.
Update:  Paul Ryan victory party invitations are out!  See here.  (Hat tip: Cathy), and Diana West reports on the role played by the Heritage Foundation (very troubling!), here. (I’ve been done with them for awhile anyway!)

The House “Freedom Caucus” (listed below) is not a group friendly to Americans looking to control immigration or to American workers.

By the way, for me, immigration is the only issue that matters.  We will live or die depending on how many immigrants we admit and from where they come.  Once they change the demographic make-up of America, no other issue you care about will matter.
For all of you fighting to slow refugee resettlement in South Carolina and Idaho, two members of Congress (dressed in Tea Party clothes***) in your states are working against you.

Roy Beck of NumbersUSA says of Rep. Mick Mulvaney of SC that “open borders is in his ideological DNA.”  “Hispandering poodle,” says VDARE.

While I have written disdainfully of Rep. Trey Gowdy for dragging his feet (as Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security) on holding hearings on the Refugee Admissions Program, it turns out that fellow South Carolina Rep. Mick Mulvaney has been working overtime on amnesty for illegal aliens and no doubt is helping push refugees into the state (likely cheered on by SC Senator Lindsey Graham who recently made it clear that he wants Syrian Muslims admitted to the US in large numbers).
And, no wonder Republican Governor Nikki Halley is toeing the line and “welcoming” refugees to SC.  The state’s leading Republicans are working to promote MORE immigration to America.  She is obviously too weak to buck them (if she wanted to!).
Let me be clear, while many of you reading this blog have made a distinction between LEGAL immigration and ILLEGAL, that is—‘illegal is bad’ and ‘legal is o.k. sometimes’—the other side is making no such distinction.

This is about mass migration no matter how they get here for the no borders agitators, for Obama, for the Democrat party looking for more votes, and for the big donor interests of the Republican Party (give us cheap labor!).

Here is Julia Hahn on Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) and Raul Labrador (R-ID).  I’ve snipped just a bit of her investigative report, please read it all!  ***Update*** Reader Robin suggests you watch the whole PBS video referenced by clicking here.

In recent days, prominent conservatives and grassroots activists have slammed the House Freedom Caucus for what they described as a “betrayal” of the Republican electorate. As Rush Limbaugh said after Ryan issued his list of demands to House lawmakers:

You would not think that the Freedom Caucus, the conservatives in the House, the Tea Party caucus, whatever you want to call them, no way would they go along with this. No way under the sun would they go along with this. … But it looks like enough of them will. … This is how we get. … I don’t want to say “played,” folks, but I’m telling you: the script is written offsite, backstage. We don’t see that. We see everybody playing their part, including the Freedom Caucus members.

However, what conservative activists describe as a “betrayal” is, for several key members of the House Freedom Caucus, the fulfillment of their long-time desire to implement amnesty and alter the demographics of their districts through expanded immigration. While the GOP electorate ejected Eric Cantor in large measure due to his support for Marco Rubio’s amnesty drive—followed by Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) and current Whip Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)—the PBS documentary reveals that one of the founding members of the House Freedom Caucus, Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC), embraces an even more progressive immigration agenda than Cantor himself.

The documentary, which aired on October 20, casts Mulvaney at the center of the La Raza-backed 2013 and 2014 immigration push, alongside Paul Ryan and Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL).


Mulvaney told CNN that he believes his colleagues should throw their support behind Ryan’s Speakership and declared, “The bottom line is if he wants to be Speaker, he has the votes as of tonight.” With those words, Mulvaney all but ensured that the Speakership would go to the man whom NumbersUSA President Roy Beck described as “terrifying” and “the heart and soul of crony capitalism”:

He has spent his entire adulthood ideologically connected to the open borders crowd. Open Borders is in his ideological DNA. That’s the terrifying thing. He’s an ideologue and his spent his whole life working for ideologues. Open borders seeps out of every pore of his being.

Idaho resistance pay attention!

Another pro-amnesty House Freedom Caucus Member, Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID), echoed Mulvaney’s declaration that the Speakership was now a lock for Ryan: “We can support him and we want him to be successful,” Labrador said. Labrador was a member of the House’s Gang of Eight effort to pass amnesty until public pressure forced him to drop out of the group. As Breitbart News has previously reported, immigration experts have described Labrador as equally enthusiastic about expanding immigration as is Kevin McCarthy or Eric Cantor.

Continue reading here.
We should have all been paying attention to Patrick Cleburne writing at VDARE in 2014:  ‘Treason Lobby Flaunts Control Of South Carolina GOP Via Hispandering Poodle Rep Mulvaney (SC-5)’ (hat tip: Richard at Blue Ridge Forum). By the way, Mulvaney’s district is right next door to Spartanburg and Trey Gowdy’s district.
Conservative South Carolina voters need to go to the ballet box and spare the nation those ‘Republicans’ you are sending to Congress (likely with the blessing of Senator Lindsey Graham).
***Here are the other members of the so-called “Freedom Caucus.”  Most, as we learn from Hahn, are Libertarians and not true conservatives or Tea Partiers for that matter.   Libertarians have long been advocates for more immigration to America.

My recommendation is, if you see your member on this list—tell them to get the h*** out of this caucus!  List from wikipedia, here.