SC Senator Lindsey Graham advances bill to bring in MORE Syrian refugees, more quickly

Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, is also a contender for the Republican nomination for President.  He joins Far Left Senator Patrick Leahy in his efforts to get the Syrians in here faster.
Every time I see Graham, a proud member of the Gang of Eight on amnesty two years ago, I wonder whether Graham influences Rep. Trey Gowdy.  Does Gowdy share Graham’s position on immigration?

Does Graham keep a tight rein on Gowdy? Did either of them hear what the FBI said this week?

How closely does Graham monitor the activities of South Carolina Rep. Gowdy who has been dragging his feet on holding any hearing on the Refugee Admissions Program in the subcommittee (which he chairs!) responsible for Refugee Program oversight?
(A hearing was scheduled and postponed in the full House Judiciary Committee last week, but Gowdy, as subcommittee chairman, has been silent, and as such a disappointment, on the Syrian refugee question. If anyone has seen Gowdy raise concerns about bringing Syrians to America and his state, please send a news report my way and I will stand corrected.)
And, Mr. Gowdy, how about a hearing on the Babin bill that has 22 co-sponsors as of this writing?  Gowdy is not one of them!
I digress, here is the news about Lindsey Graham and his pal Leahy.
From The Hill (hat tip: Joanne).  Emphasis is mine:

A bipartisan pair of senators — including one presidential candidate — is pushing forward with an emergency spending bill to help strengthen the administration’s ability to combat the Syrian refugee crisis.

Sens. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) have rolled out legislation that would provide an extra $1 billion in emergency funding, mandating that the White House tell Congress within 45 days how it will use the money.


Dozens of Senate Democrats backed a letter from Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) [Hey, does Chris Murphy do the bidding of CAIR-CT too?—ed] earlier this week calling for an emergency spending bill. That letter was sent to Leahy and Graham, as well as Sens. Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) and Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), the top two members on the Appropriations Committee. [Mikulski here—ed]

But FBI Director James Comey said Thursday that there are “gaps” in the screening process for bringing Syrians into the United States.

“There is risk associated of bringing anybody in from the outside, but specifically from a conflict zone like that,” he told members of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

Graham, who is running for president, quickly came out in support of accepting more Syrian refugees after a photo of a drowned Syrian child went viral and sparked international outrage earlier this year.  [He fell for the propaganda photo!—ed]

His position pits him against not only many of his Republican colleagues, but also other 2016 presidential contenders. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who is also running for president, said earlier this week that President Obama’s plan to accept additional Syrian refugees was “nothing short of crazy.”

The Graham-Leahy bill also requires that Secretary of State John Kerry describe what security vetting refugees would have to undergo before being accepted into the country.  [We already know they can’t screen the Syrians!—ed]

How many times have you heard Lindsey Graham say on TV that “if we don’t do something over there, the terrorists will be here!” So how can he so blithely, in the face of testimony by the FBI director, still advocate getting more Syrians here faster?

Sharyl Attkisson does Lewiston, Maine; Trump says no Syrians

Watch investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson’s debut of her new show—Full Measure. (Hat tip: Joanne).  This is the “tease” for the show.  You will have to click here to watch the whole episode.

Immigration took center stage in the show’s debut. Host Attkisson explored why Lewiston, Maine has become an unlikely refuge for Somali asylum-seekers, “Full Measure” correspondent Scott Thuman examined life in European refugee camps, and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump explained why he wouldn’t welcome any Syrian refugees to America.

In the program, please note the discussion about refugees vs. asylum seekers.  Remember the Somalis in the program were brought here by the UN/US State Department, but many of the others in the story are asylum seekers.  Those are migrants who got here on their own (no screening) perhaps illegally (across our borders) or came in on a temporary visa and then they apply for asylum.  The US does not allow them to work so they go to states like Maine where they are permitted to receive welfare as non-citizens who have not yet been designated refugees (aka asylees) after proving they would be persecuted if they went home.
The word is out all over Africa—go to Maine!
As I said in my previous post.  All of the media attention on refugees now will help (we hope) wake up Americans to the very real likelihood that their towns will soon be populated with third worlders (as Lewiston, ME has for over a decade).  Folks, you will have to start speaking up if you want to see our American culture survive (and your town’s resources not depleted). Your town could easily become the next Lewiston….
See our complete (and lengthy) archive on Lewiston, Maine by clicking here.

Carson favorability numbers jump dramatically after Muslim President comments last Sunday

Update:  I just finished watching Chuck Todd on Meet the Press (the show where Carson made what you know Todd was expecting to become Carson’s fatal blow) and Todd never mentioned Carson at all today.  You know that if Todd had succeeded in killing Carson’s Presidential aspirations, it would have been one big brag fest at Meet the Depressed (as Rush calls it) today. Todd mentioned Rubio’s slight rise in the polls and Fioriana’s but not one word about Carson’s this week (as Carson moves into a virtual tie with Trump)!
Fox News has done everything it could, over the last week, to make sure commentators throughout the network ‘school’ Ben Carson on what he can and cannot say on Muslims in public office and sharia law.  Hah! Looks like Carson gets the last word!

ben-carson think big
Reports: Carson hauls in a whopping $20 million in recent quarter! (from small donors!)

See our report last week, here.  And, don’t miss Andy McCarthy’s takedown of the increasingly pompous Dr. Krauthammer, here.
I’m about done with Fox News, but at least here they are reporting what they found (hopefully with egg on Mr. Murdoch’s face)!
From Fox News:

Hillary Clinton’s personal favorable ratings hit a low mark in the latest Fox News national poll, while Ben Carson’s ratings climb to new high in the wake of his news-generating comments on Muslims and the presidency.

Carson receives the best net favorable scores among all voters as well as self-identified Republicans. In addition, Donald Trump and Jeb Bush get the worst net scores overall, and Bush has the lowest score among Republicans.


The number of voters who have a positive opinion of Carson is up 20 percentage points: 46 percent now, up from 26 percent in May. Among Republicans the increase is even greater: 66 percent now view him favorably, up from 42 percent.

Interviewing for the poll started Sunday afternoon and went through Tuesday evening (September 20-22). That Sunday morning, Carson made news with remarks about Sharia law and why he would not support a hypothetical Muslim in the White House.

For more on the candidates we have a category called ‘2016 Presidential campaign’ where we archive everything we write that relates to immigration/refugees and the candidates.

Senator Ted Cruz: Syrian refugee flow a national security threat

2016 Presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz has joined Donald Trump and Ben Carson***in expressing alarm about the Obama Administration plans to begin a large scale movement of Syrian (mostly Muslim) refugees to your towns and cities.  However, he has gone one step further and has written to key players in the decision-making process and wants answers to many of the questions we have.

Ted Cruz serious
Cruz: Taxpayer dollars should not be spent to import terrorism.

Remember that the Senate Judiciary subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest will be holding a hearing on the Obama Administration’s Determination for FY2016 that has as of this writing declared that we would be taking 10,000 (or more) Syrians to become permanent residents and ultimately citizens of the US starting a week from today.  Senator Cruz is a member of that subcommittee.
Here is his press release yesterday on the matter:

Sen. Cruz: The Refugee Flow Out of Syria Must Be Treated as a National Security Risk

Sends letter to department heads requesting information on policies admitting Syrian refugees to the U.S.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today sent a letter to Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, Secretary of State John Kerry, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey. In his letter, Sen. Cruz acknowledges the need to address the humanitarian crisis in the region, but also shares grave concerns regarding the Administration’s intent to import tens of thousands of individuals from Syria and elsewhere who have not been properly vetted for ties to ISIS, al Qaeda, al Nusra and other radical Islamic terrorist groups.

“In the current threat environment – with an Administration that seems more intent on responding to the interests of the world than the needs of the American people – Congress has an obligation to be vocal and, if necessary, resist this effort. To be clear, this has nothing to do with immigration policy and everything to do with national security. Congress needs much more information before we can allow the United States to engage in a process that could wind up spending taxpayer dollars to import terrorism, much less fund that process,” Sen. Cruz wrote.

I urge all of you to read his 6-page letter addressed to Secretary of State John Kerry and to the heads of the Justice Department, Homeland Security Department and the FBI seeking detailed information on how this decision was made and especially on the security screening practices used that would assure the safety of the American people.
I’m going to be checking to see if the Senate hearing, a week from today, will be live-screened and will let you know.
Get involved!
Is your US Senator on the Subcommittee?  Go here and have a look.  If so, you need to express your concern about Obama’s plan which could see your town (go here for cities that have already begun receiving mostly Muslim Syrians) become a resettlement site for refugees from the Middle East.  By the way, see Daniel Greenfield yesterday—best way to assure we don’t get terrorists, halt Muslim immigration to America!
And, don’t forget the on-going grassroots campaign, here, to halt funds in the CR (Continuing Resolution) for the resettlement of Syrian refugees.
***Does anyone know of any other 2016 Presidential candidates besides Trump, Carson and Cruz who have made their position clear on NOT admitting (or going cautiously on admitting) Syrian refugees at this time?

Ben Carson: Put Americans first, not Syrian refugees

Echoing the comments we heard yesterday from the Trump campaign, 2016 Presidential candidate Ben Carson, said also yesterday—Put Americans first!

Carson: “Why don’t we ever think about putting Americans first?”

Oh, and by the way, Carson’s comment on Sunday that a Muslim should not be President of the US has actually raised his percentage points in one new poll I saw last evening (he is still in second place behind Trump) and he reportedly has reaped a windfall of campaign contributions.
Here is CNN (Syrian refugees could bring terrorists):

Washington (CNN)Ben Carson said the U.S. should be cautious when taking in Syrian refugees to avoid the risk of terrorists entering the country.


Carson, who grew up in poor in inner-city Detroit before becoming a successful neurosurgeon, said the U.S. should focus on helping Americans citizens first.

“We need to be dealing with that before we start bringing in a bunch of other people,” he said. “Why don’t we ever think about putting Americans first?”

This is the same logical theme we hear all the time when someone is first informed about the Refugee Admissions Program of the UN/US State Department.   Put Americans first!