Carson favorability numbers jump dramatically after Muslim President comments last Sunday

Update:  I just finished watching Chuck Todd on Meet the Press (the show where Carson made what you know Todd was expecting to become Carson’s fatal blow) and Todd never mentioned Carson at all today.  You know that if Todd had succeeded in killing Carson’s Presidential aspirations, it would have been one big brag fest at Meet the Depressed (as Rush calls it) today. Todd mentioned Rubio’s slight rise in the polls and Fioriana’s but not one word about Carson’s this week (as Carson moves into a virtual tie with Trump)!
Fox News has done everything it could, over the last week, to make sure commentators throughout the network ‘school’ Ben Carson on what he can and cannot say on Muslims in public office and sharia law.  Hah! Looks like Carson gets the last word!

ben-carson think big
Reports: Carson hauls in a whopping $20 million in recent quarter! (from small donors!)

See our report last week, here.  And, don’t miss Andy McCarthy’s takedown of the increasingly pompous Dr. Krauthammer, here.
I’m about done with Fox News, but at least here they are reporting what they found (hopefully with egg on Mr. Murdoch’s face)!
From Fox News:

Hillary Clinton’s personal favorable ratings hit a low mark in the latest Fox News national poll, while Ben Carson’s ratings climb to new high in the wake of his news-generating comments on Muslims and the presidency.

Carson receives the best net favorable scores among all voters as well as self-identified Republicans. In addition, Donald Trump and Jeb Bush get the worst net scores overall, and Bush has the lowest score among Republicans.


The number of voters who have a positive opinion of Carson is up 20 percentage points: 46 percent now, up from 26 percent in May. Among Republicans the increase is even greater: 66 percent now view him favorably, up from 42 percent.

Interviewing for the poll started Sunday afternoon and went through Tuesday evening (September 20-22). That Sunday morning, Carson made news with remarks about Sharia law and why he would not support a hypothetical Muslim in the White House.

For more on the candidates we have a category called ‘2016 Presidential campaign’ where we archive everything we write that relates to immigration/refugees and the candidates.

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