Vast majority of US Muslims are Democrats, so why would Marco Rubio want more?

Julia Hahn, who has been doing a fantastic job at Breitbart on the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program has another good article yesterday entitled, ‘REPORT: MUSLIMS ARE THE FASTEST GROWING IMMIGRANT COMMUNITY‘  (hat tip: Cathy).

Here is how she begins (with some much-needed data!):

Trump, never shy to speak up, said in August that the billionaire Facebook founder and No Borders advocate, Mark Zuckerberg, had his own personal US Senator—Marco Rubio.

“Muslims are the fastest growing bloc of immigrants, according to new census data published by the Center for Immigration Studies.

The report, which analyzes data from American Community Survey (ACS), finds that the foreign-born population in the U.S. hit a new record high 42.4 million in July 2014.

The report details that some of “the sending countries with the largest percentage increases in the number of immigrants living in the United States since 2010 were Saudi Arabia (up 93 percent); Bangladesh (up 37 percent); Iraq (up 36 percent); Egypt (up 25 percent); Pakistan, India, and Ethiopia (all up 24 percent); Nigeria and Ghana (both up 21 percent).”

“In contrast to most sending regions and countries, the number of immigrants from Europe and Canada declined,” the report notes.

As Breitbart News has previously documented, every year the United States voluntarily imports more than a quarter of a million– or 280,000– Muslim migrants. This number includes 117,423 migrants who were permanently resettled with Legal Permanent Resident status, as well as an additional 122,921 temporary Muslim workers and foreign students, and 39,932 Muslim refugee and asylees. This means that each year, the U.S. admits a number of Muslim migrants larger in size than the entire population of Des Moines, Iowa.”

Readers, although the number of refugees and asylees is lower than some other categories, remember that they are eligible for all forms of welfare immediately upon arrival as compared to those who entered under other legal immigration programs.  They also get a federal resettlement contracting agency to hold their hands as they sign up, so they are much more costly to the US taxpayer.

What is up with Rubio? 

Muslim immigrants (like most immigrants) are going to vote for Democrats, so why should Senator Marco Rubio be open to inviting more to America?   On the Syrian issue he squished out here earlier this month by saying he was “open” to taking in Syrians Muslims who are now swamping Europe.
Hahn continues at Breitbart:

According to Pew Research, only 11 percent of Muslim Americans identify as Republican or leaning-Republican, making them one of the most reliable Democrat voting blocs in the country.


Despite the fact only 11 percent of Muslim voters say that they “lean” Republican, many Republican presidential candidates would like to see the number of Muslim immigrants expanded even further.

For instance, GOP presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)—whose campaign predicts he will be in first place by February—has introduced a new foreign worker bill which would substantially increase Muslim immigration. His bill, known as the I-Squared bill, has been described as the “gold standard of high-tech reform,” by billionaire Mark Zuckerberg’s immigration lobbying group.


In addition, Rubio has also his argued that the United States should increase the number of poor Muslim migrants the United States admits as refugees— on top of the tens of thousands already admitted each year. Experts project that the cost of admitting just ten thousand additional refugees will cost U.S. taxpayers $6.5 billion dollars.

There is much more, continue reading here.
I have a hunch that Fox News is hankering for a Rubio/Fiorina ticket in 2016 (or at least that could be Fox owner Rupert Murdoch’s dream team), here.  Both could be counted on to do as they are told and support bringing in cheap immigrant labor for big business, something Murdoch has been openly supporting.

Trump: NO Syrian refugees, take care of Americans first!

I missed this one yesterday, but the ever-watchful Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily spotted it.  Trump’s campaign manager made clear Mr. Trump’s position on the Syrian ‘refugee’ issue and the broader issue of refugee resettlement to America.   The spokesman alluded to the abuse of the word ‘refugee’ which might escape the average listener’s ear.

Lewandowski and Trump
Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.

A legitimate refugee must prove he or she is personally persecuted for religion, race, political persuasion, they CANNOT simply be running from a war (or crime or a bad economy).  The media and the NO Borders Left (the one-worlders) have been perverting the word for years.
They want any person running from anything to be classified as a ‘refugee’ eligible for admission to the first world.
Here is the news from Trump campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, making it clear that Americans come first!
World Net Daily:

Donald Trump has issued very few specifics in how he would deal with the world’s refugee crisis, but on Tuesday his campaign manager offered a bombshell sure to score him points with the GOP’s conservative base.

Corey Lewandowski said the United States “should take in zero” Syrian refugees.

“This is very simple, the bottom line is we should take in zero,” Lewandowski said when asked by radio host John Fredericks what a President Trump would do about the refugee crisis.

“And the United States, to be clear, has a process for bringing refugees into the country, and an individual must qualify as a refugee to begin that process, is how it works,” Lewandowski continued. “Individuals caught in a civil war do not necessarily qualify as refugees.

“If Mr. Trump were the president of the United States, we would not be bringing refugees into the country under this criteria,” Lewandowski said.

Secretary of State John Kerry announced Sunday plans by the Obama administration to increase the number of refugees brought directly from the Third World to America, from 70,000 this year to 85,000 in 2016 and 100,000 in 2017.

WND reported Monday that two bills are now in play in the House, one introduced by Rep. Brian Babin, R-Texas, that would halt all refugee resettlement pending a full investigation of the program’s financial and security impact; and the second authored by Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, would require congressional approval of all resettlements and require priority to be given to Christian refugees.

Put Americans first!  

In the Tuesday radio interview, Lewandowski delivered a much stronger line of argument, saying “it is time – and Mr. Trump has said this, time and time again – to put Americans first.”

“While I understand our position in the global economy, and how important the United States is in world public affairs, it is time to look at the people who are in our country first who are struggling – the middle class, the bottom class of people who can’t survive – and give them opportunities,” said Lewandowski. “And this is exactly what the issue is, when it comes to not just bringing in refugees, but illegal immigrants.

Continue reading here.  Hohmann lists the towns and cities in America already ‘welcoming’ Syrian refugees (whether they know it or not!).
A reminder that when I first tell a new person about how the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions program works, they are outraged and ask—-but what about the poor and homeless people we have in our town already?  Can’t we take care of them first (before we import more poverty)?
Be sure to see Hohmann’s article this week about the actions going on in Congress with the McCaul and Babin bills.   After discussing the bills, Hohmann reports that these 2016 Republican Presidential candidates are supporting the Obama Syrian resettlement plan.  We will let you know if others get on board with Obama.

Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham and John Kasich have all said the U.S. should consider taking in more Syrian refugees, essentially agreeing with the policy of Obama and Democrats in Congress.

Of course they could modify their positions and say that we will only take persecuted Christian Syrians in reasonable numbers, to be cared for privately by individual churches, but don’t hold your breath!

Hillary says US should admit 65,000 Syrians in coming year

We mentioned this news briefly yesterday (Hillary following the lead of the Senate Jihad Caucus?), but today I see the news is all over my alerts.  Here is one story at CBS News.  Oh, and btw, for all of you closely following the Benghazi tragedy, she does discuss it here:

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Sunday that the United States should accept 65,000 refugees from Syria to help alleviate the humanitarian crisis created by the war there.

We should take 65,000 Syrians and settle them where you live.

“We’re facing the worst refugee crisis since the end of World War II and I think the United States has to do more,” the former secretary of state said Sunday on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “I would like to see us move from what is a good start with 10,000 to 65,000 and begin immediately to put into place the mechanisms for vetting the people that we would take in.”

She said there should be a focus on admitting the most vulnerable, like persecuted religious minorities, or those who had been brutalized, like the Yazidi women [The last time we checked the data, only 1 Yazidi had been admitted in the Syrian flow to America so far—ed].

Hillary has got to know that the UN is choosing mostly Sunni Muslims for the US.  I sure hope that she and her pals don’t think that because Assad (who by all accounts has tried to shield the Christians) is a Shiite and that the Sunnis constitute a “religious minority!”   Just a reminder that Al-Qaeda and ISIS are Sunnis.
Then she calls for a confab at the UN where world leaders would guilt-trip others to do more.  Except that no one will have the guts to tell the Gulf Arab states they have to take in Syrian refugees.

Clinton also said, “I want the United States to lead the world,” and said the United Nations Secretary General should call for a meeting at the upcoming U.N. General Assembly meeting in which countries make specific commitments about to provide money and aid.

For new readers and the media (which I have seen in recent weeks is extremely uninformed about the Refugee Admissions Program of the UN/US State Department), here is a list of 190 or so US cities where Syrians will be resettled.  Any town within a hundred mile radius of a resettlement office is also fair game.

Breaking: Ben Carson says a Muslim should not be President of the US; CAIR comes out with both barrels

Earlier this morning I happened to catch Ben Carson on Meet the Press with Chuck Todd and I was astounded that Carson very forcefully said that a Muslim should not be President because Islam was incompatible with the US Constitution.  I knew immediately that all hell was going to break loose for Carson.
Update:  Here is what Powerline blog says about Carson’s statement.  “He had better batten down the hatches.” Hat tip: Paul
Update #2:  I feel for you South Carolinians!  Lindsey Graham demands that Carson apologize to Muslims, here.  BTW, pundits on Fox this evening suggested that Carson’s remark was likely supported by 80% of the American public and would actually help his candidacy.
Update September 21:  Frank Gaffney at the Center for Security Policy agrees with Carson and explains why.  LOL! He suggests that Obama is actually doing everything a Muslim Prez. might do anyway!  Click here.
Update #2 on September 21:  Both Trump and Cruz hang Carson out to dry.  Click here to see what I think of Trump and Cruz tonight.
Update September 22:  Carson says a Muslim could be President if he rejects Sharia Law! Hang in there Ben!
Update September 27:  Carson vindicated with exploding favorability numbers.
Watch Carson answer here:
The same question was asked of Gov. John Kasich and he waffled all over the place.  Then CNN contributor, the GOP establishment water-carrier, Hugh Hewitt*** jumped in to criticize Carson saying there shouldn’t be a religious test, demonstrating Hewitt’s ignorance about Islam.  Islam is a complete political system inseparable from the ‘religious’ aspects of the ‘faith.’
Now we see that the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is all over Carson for daring to utter such a politically incorrect opinion.

Take action!

Even if Carson is not your #1 choice for the 2016 nomination, you must right now go to facebook, twitter, and your e-mail lists and drum up support for Carson and an opinion that readers here share.  Push back the inevitable Left wing trashers who are probably already at work kissing up to CAIR and calling for Carson to get out of the race!

By the way, earlier in the program Todd asked Trump about the Muslim incident in New Hampshire last week, where an audience member questioned Obama’s ‘faith,’ and Trump said it wasn’t his job to defend the President, implying that the President was big boy and could take care of himself.  Besides, he went on to say, I doubt Obama is going to defend me when someone at a public event says something about me that I don’t like.
You can reach the Carson campaign at twitter (@realBenCarson) and here at his website.  Send him a message and ask that he stand firm!
***See what Breitbart said about Hewitt here earlier this past week.

Canada to take 10,000 Syrian refugees, but not necessarily UN-chosen ones!

Back in December 2014, Canada said they would accept Christian (and other minority) Syrians over Muslims and all hell broke loose.  They were beaten over the head in the media by the human rights industrial complex.  So, I’m wondering if this proposed new policy on Syrian refugees does the same thing by loosening Canada’s apron strings to the UNHCR.

Conservative leader Stephen Harper takes part in the Globe and Mail leaders' debate Thursday, September 17, 2015 in Calgary.THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward
Harper dared to reference “old-stock Canandians” in recent debate. Conservative leader Stephen Harper takes part in the Globe and Mail leaders’ debate Thursday, September 17, 2015 in Calgary.THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

Just a reminder, in the US we have completely given over all responsibility to the UNHCR to choose our Syrian refugees and they are choosing mostly Muslim Syrians from their Muslim-populated camps.
Here is the news at the Wall Street Journal:

TORONTO—The Canadian government said Saturday that it will accelerate the processing of Syrian refugees to resettle 10,000 in the country by September 2016, more than a year ahead of its original target, as it contends with criticism over its response to the resettlement crisis.

In January, the Canadian government said it would resettle 10,000 Syrians over a three-year period. But faced with mounting pressure to work faster, the ruling Conservative Party now plans to complete the process 15 months earlier by designating all Syrians who have fled their home country as “prima facie” refugees. That means Canada will no longer require proof of official United Nations documentation to accept them as refugees, shortening the review process and broadening the pool of refugees Canadian groups can sponsor, Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander announced at a press conference.

I read that to mean that Canadian immigration authorities could pluck Christians and other religious minority refugees from where ever they are hiding right now, not having to pick from an approved UNHCR list.


At the same time, Mr. Alexander stressed security screening of refugees remains a government priority.

Election year issue!

The incumbent Conservatives are in the throes of a tight three-way election campaign ahead of an Oct. 19 vote. Polling suggests its response to the refugee crisis, while facing heavy criticism among his political rivals, hasn’t played a role in eroding support.


Mr. Harper has said there is no “refugee-based solution” to the conflict in Syria, and added Western allies must plan for a long-term military presence in the region to defeat Islamic State. He’s also warned of the security risk to Canada of immediately taking on additional refugees without proper security screening.

Unlike the US 2016 Presidential debate this past week, in Canada they actually uttered the words “Syrian refugees.”

In a party leaders’ debate this past week, Mr. Harper accused his political rivals of having a “reckless approach” on Syrian refugees, as they are content to “throw open our borders and let in hundreds of thousands of people without any kind of security check.” His main rivals accused Mr. Harper of fear mongering, and demanded he stop using the issue of security to limit Canada’s role.

I see the US resettlement contractors and the media latching on to the 10,000 Syrians in one year figure and using it to say that the US can take many more than 10,000 without noticing the distinction being made by this policy that would, by taking mostly Christians, reduce the security concerns greatly for Canada (although it will still be expensive!).