Trump speaks out on Syrian refugees: we aren't saving Christians, just the Muslims

Donald Trump
We are saving the Syrian Muslims and not the Christians!

Thanks to Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit for spotting a brief mention by Presidential candidate Donald Trump in Las Vegas on Saturday.  Go to Gateway Pundit for the story and the video clip.
Trump is almost right. It isn’t zero Christians, but it’s pretty close to zero.  Although we have admitted a small handful of Syrian Christian refugees, the vast majority are Muslims and mostly Sunni Muslims as we reported here recently96% of the small number admitted so far in 2015 are Muslims.

But, don’t forget!

Led by the Senate Jihad Caucus, the push is on to admit 65,000 Syrians before Obama leaves office and the vast majority of those will be plucked from UN camps populated by mostly Syrian Sunni Muslims.

Let's hope Trump doesn't back down on immigrant crime statement

Update July 3:  If the Republican Party condemns Trump (here) over his remarks, the GOP is toast!
I’m traveling today with no time to post much, but wanted you to be sure to see this piece by Ann Coulter.  And, I see that it’s not just the media going after Trump.  It seems he has released all the Furies of Hell with his comment about immigrant criminals.

All the Furies of Hell have been released on Trump!

In her bookAdios America: The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hell Hole.’  Coulter very extensively lays out what she says in her latest column.
I have (over the last 8 years) noticed that very rarely does any media report tell the reader the immigration status of a criminal and that is especially so if the immigrant is a refugee.
Some reader recently asked me where to find crime stats for refugees and I wished him good luck and asked if he ever found any, send them my way!
Ann Coulter:

When Donald Trump said something not exuberantly enthusiastic about Mexican immigrants, the media’s response was to boycott him. One thing they didn’t do was produce any facts showing he was wrong.

Trump said: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

The first thing a news fact-checker would have noticed is: THE GOVERNMENT WON’T TELL US HOW MANY IMMIGRANTS ARE COMMITTING CRIMES IN AMERICA.

Wouldn’t that make any person of average intelligence suspicious? Not our media. They’re in on the cover-up.

There is a lot more, read it all here.
Hang in there Mr. Trump, we are counting on you to not buckle to the pressure!  If you waiver and waffle, you have no chance of winning the Presidency!

Hillary's Burma problem: Rohingya refugees on the loose

Editor’s note:  This issue of Rohingya refugees coming to the US in large numbers is on par with the Syrian refugee lobbying push!  Watch for it!
I have a boatload of information on Burma (Myanmar) I should have been posting, but I’ve been dragging my feet simply because it is so much information.  Hillary’s announcement (not really, she had already announced) that she was (surprise!) running for President of the US over the weekend, forced me to at least mention this nugget.

Hillary and Aung-San-Suu-Kyi-and-Clinton_full_600
Hillary thrilled to meet Aung San Suu Kyi in 2012. Hillary must not have heard about Suu Kyi’s great transgression—not supporting the Rohingya cause in Burma! Photo:

Longtime readers know that we have followed the issue of Rohingya refugees for nearly 8 years (see our Rohingya Reports category) mostly because of our concern that there would be a big PR campaign to bring this most fundamentalist ethnic Muslim group to America, and there is!
We are bringing them and a big media push is on to bring many thousands more!  I recently looked at the number of refugees who are getting out of Burma (Buddhist leaders want Burma to be a Buddhist nation) and being brought to your towns and cities—-over 12,000 Burmese Muslims so far!

So the Buddhists of Burma want to keep Burma as a Buddhist nation and it is our responsibility to take in the expelled minorities!  Why?

Hillary had been bragging that during her reign as Secretary of State she was working her magic diplomacy on the Burmese government and getting them to calm down.  Guess that didn’t work out so well as all the news is about the thousands of Rohingya getting into boats and sailing to Malaysia and Indonesia so they can be picked up by the US and brought to rural America!
By the way, the famous human rights activist, Aung San Suu Kyi, released from house arrest in Burma after 15 years, is not taking up the Rohingya cause much to the consternation of groups that comprise the human rights industrial complex.  (See our many posts on that subject here).

The Podesta Group sent to Burma to help save Hillary’s legacy! 

From the Washington Free Beacon (hat tip: Cathy):

As Myanmar backslides into religious conflict, a lobbying firm founded by Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman is working to rehabilitate its image.

The Southeast Asian nation inked an $840,000 contract in March with the Podesta Group, founded by Clinton campaign chief John Podesta and his brother Tony. The firm will work to “strengthen the ties between … Myanmar and United States institutions,” according to its contract.

That could involve meetings with members of Congress, the White House, reporters, and policy groups, according documents filed with the Justice Department’s National Security Division.

The liberalization of Myanmar was once seen as one of Secretary of State Clinton’s few success stories. However, recent humanitarian crises have drawn stern rebukes from top U.S. officials and human rights organizations.

The United Nations’ Human Rights division on Wednesday condemned the country’s government for jailing an activist who spoke out against state-sanctioned violence against the country’s Muslim Rohingya minority.

“Rather than prosecuting individuals, who brazenly call for the Rohingya to be killed, for hate speech and incitement to violence, the authorities have jailed a peaceful advocate who dared to question the misuse and manipulation of religion for extremist ends,” the United Nations wrote.

Surrounding countries now face a refugee crisis as tens of thousands of Rohingya flee the country.

For everything you want to know on Rohingya Muslims, see our Rohingya Reports category (this is the 180th post archived there). Be sure to scroll through the posts and see that Buddhist monks want the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) to stay out of Burma!

Texas: number one refugee resettlement state in the nation (primer part III, what to do!)

Because I’m going to Texas tomorrow, over the last two days I posted a couple of information posts on Texas (see Part I and Part II).  I really only skimmed the surface, but hopefully provided information many of you had not seen before.  But, now I hope that isn’t the end of it!
I believe with all my heart that if we don’t get immigration under control immediately, and I mean both LEGAL and illegal immigration we won’t recognize America in the next decade.  Our unique American culture does matter and western civilization is superior and we are going to have to work to keep it.  You need only look to Europe to see what is in store for us if we don’t get to work now!

Cecilia Munoz, Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett are winning! They are changing America by changing the people. You have 16-17 months to regain control and elect a president willing to turn this around.

So for Texans, and everyone, first find a few like-minded citizens in your state to help you.   Don’t wring your hands if there aren’t a hundred people willing to give up a little time shopping, watching TV or barbecuing, you only need 4 or 5 to begin your community organizing!
Yes, just like the Left, you have to ‘community organize!’  There is no silver bullet to stop this.  It is going to take a lot of plain old hard work!

* I recommend keeping your organization(s) loose.  You don’t need to run right out and try to get a 501(c) IRS designation which will only slow you down.  You don’t need a tax designation to proceed with using your free speech! Come up with a name for the group.  But, don’t discourage others if they want to form their own groups.  The Left does that all the time—2 people here is a group, and three over there!
* Do your homework.  Get the facts about refugee resettlement in your state.  The other side has for years kept this program as secret as they could for a reason.  That reason is that when people learn how it works, they are stunned and they don’t want it!  Knowledge is power.  The refugee industry doesn’t like it when you know how it works!
* In addition to learning how the program works, find out who is pushing refugee resettlement in your community.  Find and expose the elected officials, the business leaders (the Chamber of Commerce!), industry leaders (meatpackers for one!), rich foundations and the church leaders responsible for pouring immigrants into your town or state.  This is one of Barack Obama’s favorite Alinsky rules—the name and shame rule.  We can use it too!
* And, this is my number one harangueYou must have some way of posting or reporting on everything you learn and for that I recommend a blog or website where you can keep an archive of reports and documents as well as the latest news.  Facebook works too, but it is somewhat limiting as some people don’t use facebook.  You need to get your information out around your local media to your people and to new people who join you, or would like to join you, along the way.  And, for goodness sakes, if more than one person in the state wants to maintain a website, go for it!  Many voices are better than one because they can’t then shut you all up!
* But, you must use your local media too!  You need to use every avenue of the media that you possibly can.  Letters-to-the-editor and opinion pieces in local newspapers will get the information outside of your circle.   Local talk radio is great on this subject.
* Look for opportunities to get press—a rally, a guest speaker or even the release of a new report from your group are all reasons to put out press releases.  The goal is to spread the message to ever-widening circles.
* Find someone (or several) in your group willing to be speakers for civic groups around the state.  Develop a power point presentation and take it from town to town speaking to tea parties, American legions, or even rotary clubs.  This is why your facts are so important, especially the economic facts.  People will be really concerned when they see how much of the US Refugee Program is being foisted off on to local taxpayers.
* Elected officials hate noise!  Like it or not, you are going to have to bug every elected official at all levels of government.  Your mayors and city leaders will try to get out of any responsibility claiming this is a federal issue, don’t let them get away with that.  The truth is, if the federal government meets a lot of local organized resistance including from the local elected officials, the feds and their resettlement contractors will move on to other softer targets.
Letters and e-mails to elected officials are not enough anymore. You will have to get in their faces when they are in the district or state, and for goodness sakes get in the faces of the Presidential candidates as they tour the country.  Ask them where they stand on refugee resettlement and other LEGAL immigration programs that have gotten way too large and way too out of control.  Don’t let them get away with that tired old line:  Legal immigration is good, illegal is bad!
And, I am sorry to say, for Texas, your governors and your US Senators for the last decade and more have allowed the immigration mushroom cloud to grow over the state, why?  Why are they willing to see Texas turned BLUE?
* Last but not least, join forces nationally.  Hopefully we will be setting up a data base (state by state) of activists on this issue, so we can connect you within your states, and so we can act swiftly when national action is required.   Stay tuned for more on that.

We are up against a lot of power and a lot of money, but don’t let that discourage you!

Again, if we don’t get immigration under control and soon, nothing else matters!

Don’t be afraid!  Who cares if they call you names!
Calling you names is the only power the other side has over you, take that power away by not cowering to their name-calling!  Consider it a badge of honor if they call you a racist, a xenophobe or an islamophobe!

Editor:  This was not meant to be an exhaustive list of organizing ideas.  If you have others, please send them as comments and I’ll add them here as updates to this post.

Mr. Open Borders himself, Jeb Bush, met with 'evangelicals' promoting refugee resettlement for Spartanburg, SC

Again, Leo Hohmann writing at World Net Daily reveals how even Republicans like former Gov. Jeb Bush are on the bandwagon to bring in more immigrants and refugees—is this for his big business donors’ desire for cheap labor?
What makes me so annoyed is to see  politicians, like Bush, co-opting a certain segment of the ‘evangelical’ community and making it sound like it is all about ‘welcoming the stranger’ rather than about the almighty dollar!

Let’s make Jeb an impossible!

For background, see our original post on Spartanburg/World Relief and Jason Lee here with updates.
This is how Hohmann’s article from last night begins (emphasis is mine):

A group of pastors met with presidential hopeful Jeb Bush earlier this month in South Carolina to try to get a feel for his candidacy.

Bush described the importance of his faith, saying he reads the Bible daily, and he shared his views on hot-button issues at the May 2 meeting in Spartanburg. The pastors’ ears perked up when the former Florida governor, who converted to Catholicism after marrying a Mexican woman, talked about immigration and refugees.

Bush’s history on this issue is consistent:

* In 2009, Bush sent a letter to Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis advocating an immigration plan developed by the Council on Foreign Relations. That report included in its recommendations an earned pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

* In February 2014 Bush was one of 10 national Republicans who signed a statement calling for the U.S. to import more refugees. Bush was joined in signing the document by Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform and a known supporter of Muslim Brotherhood front groups.

One of the pastors listening to Bush on May 2 in Spartanburg was Jason Lee, a local pastor who was tapped to be director of the new Spartanburg office of World Relief, which is a major player in the refugee resettlement business.

World Relief plans to bring in 60 refugees from Syria and Africa over the next year. The announcement that Muslim refugees would be arriving soon in this small Southern city brought no small measure of controversy, splitting the Christian community in half. Some want to welcome the refugees while others think the city already has enough poverty, unemployment and homeless veterans that need their attention.

The controversy has led to a proposed provision being added in the state budget that would require counties to sign off on plans for refugees before any funds could be released for their resettlement. The proposal has passed the state House but remains fluid in the Senate.

“This proviso would stop the resettlements in Spartanburg for at least a year because World Relief is not going to bring refugees here if they can’t sign them up for all the welfare benefits that flow through the state, because the churches do not support this program financially,” said Christina Jeffrey, a local Christian activist who comes down on the opposite side of the issue from Jason Lee.

“The people are very confused on this,” she said. “They think the churches support it with their own money.”

Lee said he was impressed by what he heard from Bush. In a twist of irony, the former Republican governor’s views on immigrants and refugees mesh with South Carolina’s religious left, more than the religious right.

Please read onThere is much more especially about other Evangelical groups pushing back against the Leftist Evangelicals represented by World Relief.

Learn more about Kelly Monroe Kullberg and ‘Evangelicals for Biblical Immigration’ here at their facebook page. Learn how the religious left is attempting to co-opt Christians.   Join more than 31,000 others who ‘like’ the page!
See NumbersUSA scorecard on the 2016 Presidential hopefuls.  Bush has a D+ score on immigration and jobs for Americans!