'Welcoming America' comes to Long Island, is it in your town yet? Find out!

It’s been almost exactly two years since I first heard that the Office of Refugee Resettlement in the Dept. of Health and Human Services had hired a community organizing contractor (with your money!) to tamp down any “pockets of resistance” to the seeding of immigrants (legal and illegal) in your towns and cities.
Read my original post here.

The ORR spokesman at the meeting in Lancaster, PA actually used the phrase “pockets of resistance” to describe any of you questioning what Washington was doing to your community.

Wanted! Bloggers to track and report on what David Lubell is doing! He is the founder and head honcho at Welcoming America. Obama honored him in Nashville last year. His community organizing group was started with seed money from George Soros and he is working to change your communities across America forever. http://www.tennessean.com/story/money/2014/12/09/obama-honors-immigrant-rights-leader-david-lubell/20156983/

Since then of course we have learned that the whole seeding idea is part of Obama’s New Americans initiative.
I’m bringing you this post at a website called the Independent Sentinel for a very specific reason (in addition to educating you about how ‘Welcoming America’ is working to control anyone in Nassau and Suffolk counties that might object to being replaced by 526,000 immigrants with more on the way).
First, please read the post by Sara Noble, here.

And this is why I am posting it:  Sara Noble is doing something!

She is investigating, writing reports and publishing them on national issues and on her local community.
Everywhere I go, people ask, what can I do?  What can I do? This is what you can do—become an investigative blogger!  Or, a regular letter-to-the-editor writer, a facebook page editor (not just yak about personal stuff), tweet on a specific subject.

We must do the work old fashioned investigative reporters used to do.  And, we have to get our research out beyond our own circle of like-minded people.

Here is what Sara says:

Independent blogs like this one provide an opportunity for common folk to battle the corrupted mainstream media in a search for truth. We are searching, always searching…

I don’t know how many times I have to say it, but it does you no good to be a great reader of the news, or even a researcher and then send me e-mails (filled with links) that fill up my in-boxes!   Remember it is just me here!
The other day I suggested someone start an investigative blog on food stamp fraud at immigrant-run convenience stores—someone please tell me you will soon launch that!
We can help save America, but we have to get our facts and get them out far and wide because the mainstream media (even Fox News) is controlled by the establishment.

Welcoming America Watch!

Now that would be a great title of a blog or website!  One of you looking for something to do from home could easily do this….
Track Welcoming America around America!
Report what they are up to!
See our archive on Welcoming America by clicking here.

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