Hint! Their plans do not involve taking care of poor Americans first!
You can ‘enjoy’ listening to the International Rescue Committee’s lackey as she explains what Biden should do to increase the number of refugees to be admitted to the US here.
How the Biden Administration Can Reset America’s Approach to Refugees, Asylum Seekers and International Migration
The United States has a long history of supporting refugees and asylum seekers. Until the Trump administration took office, the United States was the single largest country for refugee resettlement in the world. In most years prior to 2017, about half of all refugees who were resettled to a developed country came to the United States.
With Trump leaving office, the incoming administration has an opportunity to reset America’s approach to refugees, asylum seekers and international migration more broadly.
Biden promises 125,000 in his first year, much higher than in any Obama year.

I could care less what Nazanin Ash, vice president for global policy and advocacy says, but the article triggered my interest in checking out salaries (something I haven’t done for awhile) at the ‘non-profit’ refugee promoting group which received over $440 MILLION from you, the taxpayer, in a recent year.
The Manhattan-based ‘charity’s’ 2018 Form 990 is here.
Poor Ms. Ash, she doesn’t even come in the top ten salaries for this behemoth working to change your American towns by changing the people.
They expect to be back in business now that Biden and the Dems have stolen the election, but they sure didn’t take any pay cuts during the lean (ha!ha!) Trump years.
Parents! Tell your kids to grow up to be charity workers!
Imagine how many poor people could be helped with that $1 million annual salary that moneybags Miliband is raking in! Not to mention the millions that others working for the International Rescue Committee are making.
See my extensive archive on David Miliband. When the brother to ‘Red Ed’ arrived from the UK in 2013 he started at a salary just over $400,000.
As American workers and the previous refugees they placed throughout the country are struggling to make a living during the Chinese virus ‘crisis’ it is sickening to see how greedy these charity workers are.
As I have said many times, if these non-profits were raising their money privately, I wouldn’t care what they pay their top executives, but when they take even one dollar from hard working Americans it becomes our business.
Has America run out of poor people?
For new readers here (below) are the nine federal contractors just licking their chops as they prepare to go back to work bringing more poverty to America.
This is what I said to Neil Munro at Breitbart, and you should ask the same every chance you get.
There’s no sense trying to argue with [progresives] except to turn it back and say; ‘What about our own poor people? Why aren’t they interested in taking care of our poor Americans? Our homeless? Why are refugees and immigrants somehow cooler and more desirable to take care of than our own poor people? Have we run out of poor Americans to take care of?’ No, clearly, we have not run out of poor Americans.
These are the charities, including ‘religious’ charities that put migrants ahead of Americans!