Hey Malcolm, these mostly Muslim boat people are not our problem!
Check out the news here at Australia’s Nine News.
So here’s my idea!
Donald Trump could get the last laugh by cancelling the “dumb deal” Obama agreed to that would bring up to 1,250 of Australia’s unwanted so-called ‘refugees’, presently held in offshore detention facilities, to (your!) American towns.
Bringing them here would save Turnbull’s political neck, while American taxpayers foot the bill and risk our lives! Some deal!
See my post yesterdayabout the deal! (A deal implies both sides get something!).
Looking for something you can do?
Contact the White House and tell them to scrap the “dumb deal” with Australia! Click here.
Then tell your Congressman too!
That is what Refugees Deeply is reportinghere. (To learn more about the pro-more-refugees site, go here.) Trudeau and Trump earlier this year.
Obama junior (Justin Trudeau) is ‘welcoming’ the Muslim world to Canada while President Donald Trump has appealed the so-called travel ban case to the Supreme Court.
One of the countries whose citizens Trump would at least temporarily ban (as Trudeau welcomes them!) is Yemen.
Canada to Expedite Entry of Refugees From Yemen and Egypt
Canada has added war-torn Yemen and repressive Egypt to its fast-track asylum list. The inclusion of the two countries will mean swifter decisions on refugee status for nationals of those countries.
Egyptians and Yemenis seeking asylum will still have to secure a tourist or other visa to reach Canada and apply. It will mean a smaller hearing and quicker decision once they make it there.
Petra Molnar, a migration researcher, told the Middle East Eye that the expedited country list aims to recognize that conditions in certain countries may “require a faster processing.”
Canada’s existing expedited list includes Syria, Iraq and Eritrea, with Burundi and Afghanistan also expected to be added this month. [Yikes!–ed]
A claimant from one of the designated countries still has to prove his or her need for protection.
Yemen is in a state of civil war that has created one of the world’s worst humanitarian disasters, with 19 million of its 28 million people in need of aid. Egypt under the government of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has locked up hundreds of thousands of people in a crackdown on all forms of opposition.
Readers, most of those al-Sisi is trying to control are the Muslim Brotherhood agitators. The ‘Brothers’ are banned in Egypt. At one point Donald Trump talked toughabout banning them here as well.
I have 196 previous posts on Canada, go here to learn more about what is happening north of our unsecured border.
“This is the worst deal ever,” Trump told Turnbull in the call, adding that the country was trying to send the “next Boston bombers” into the US. (February 1, 2017)
Sometimes I wonder if the real Donald Trump was somehow swapped for a fake Donald shortly after getting in to the White House. Is the real Donald Trump, who knew this was a “dumb deal,” being kept behind bars in the White House basement while the fake Donald runs the country?
His instincts on February first (12 days after reaching the Oval Office) were right-on (see here). What happened to him?
The (Obama!) deal, for the US to take over 1,000 of Australia’s detained (mostly Muslim) ILLEGAL ALIENS off their hands, transform them in to refugees, place them quietly in US towns and cities and put them on welfare in exchange for Australia to take some not-yet-determined number of Central Americans (safely living in Central America) in exchange, is nuts. All that is to save Turnbull’s political skin!
See my extensive archive on the Australia deal by clicking here.
Here is news being peddled by Reutersthat the Trump interviews constitute the “extreme vetting” that the real Donald Trump promised us.
Clearly the interviewers know nothing about Islam (most of those detained in Australia offshore camps are from Muslim countries***). Again, these are illegal aliens who attempted to get to Australia by boat. Legitimate asylum seekers, who tried to get to Australia, are Australia’s problem!
There is no way to check the ‘stories’ provided to interviewers with functioning governments in most of these countries.
Do our interviewers even know that there is such a thing as Taqiyya (the Islamic permission to lie to infidels).
From Reuters:
U.S. Homeland Security officials have begun “extreme vetting” interviews at Australia’s offshore detention centers, two sources at the camps told Reuters on Tuesday, as Washington honors a refugee swap that U.S. President Donald Trump had called “a dumb deal”. [“Refugee” swap! Neither are legitimate refugees—ed]
The Trump administration said last month the agreement to offer refuge to up to 1,250 asylum seekers in the centers would progress on condition that refugees satisfied strict checks.
Coming to a town near you! ‘Refugees’ on Nauru! LOL! One of my readers suggested they all be resettled in Hawaii!
In exchange, Australia has pledged to take Central American refugees from a center in Costa Rica, where the United States has expanded intake in recent years, under the deal struck with former President Barack Obama.
The first security interviews finished last week at Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island detention center, two refugees who went through the process told Reuters.
The refugees told Reuters that interviews began with an oath to God [which god?—ed] to tell the truth and then proceeded for as long as six hours, with in-depth questions on associates, family, friends and any interactions with the Islamic State militant group.
What the heck! Does anyone believe they would tell the truth if they had had an interaction with ISIS!
“They asked about why I fled my home, why I sought asylum in Australia,” said one refugee who declined to be named, fearing it could jeopardize his application for U.S. resettlement.
The security interviews are the last stage of U.S. consideration of applicants.
A decision on the fate of the first 70 people interviewed is expected to be reached within the next month….
And, when the first Australian-rejected migrants get to America this will no longer be Obama’s “dumb deal.” It will be Trump’s “dumb deal” as I said here on Wednesday.
There is more at Reuters, click here to continue reading.
*** The illegal aliens we are interviewing at Australian off-shore detention facilities are from the following countries: Iran, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, Sudan and Stateless (probably Rohingya Muslims from Burma).
(2013) DOZENS have been charged after rioting asylum seekers left the Nauru immigration detention centre in ruins. http://www.news.com.au/national/dozens-charged-after-nauru-detention-riot/news-story/89cc338cc0b837c348afa93c06686e48
This is the “dumb” deal that the Trump Administration has agreed to honor! (See previous posts here)
Supposedly we are taking up to 1,250 rejected asylum seekers (mostly from Muslim countries) that Australia is housing in detention centers at two off-shore locations after they tried to enter Australia illegally. Thorn in Turnbull’s side! Australian open borders protestors want the detention centers closed and the ‘refugees’ admitted to Australia. Instead over 1,000 will be headed to the US. If we had anyone with guts in Congress they might introduce a bill that requires towns (where they will be placed) are notified of the arrival of Australia’s rejected asylum seekers.
Australia plans to close some of the detention facilities by the end of August and detainees (those not going to your US town) have been offered help to get home. So what is the “deal” part of this? For the first time in a long time, we get a bit of news about what Australia is doing for us! Get this! Australia is taking some Central Americans presently in Central America (they aren’t even in the US!). So, I repeat, what are we getting out of the deal?
From 9 News (Australia):
More than 1600 refugees have expressed interest in Australia’s resettlement deal with the United States, which is expected to offer up to 1250 places.
US officials are vetting refugees on both Manus Island and Nauru to decide who they’ll resettle in America under a one-off deal struck with the federal government.
The immigration department says the US considers refugees as cases, which can comprise a nuclear or extended family group, or an individual.
More than 900 detainees have completed their first interviews with US officials.
Australia will remove itself from the process on August 31, meaning no more help for refugees returning to their home countries voluntarily from that date forward, senators were told.
Meanwhile, Australia has begun a refugee screening process for seven cases, 30 individuals in total, for potential resettlement from Central America in relation to the US deal.
Let me be clear! First, any Central American migrants presently in Central America are not our problem.
And, consider this! Australia will take Central American Christians and we get mostly Muslims from the following countries: Iran, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, and Sudan (4 of those countries are on Trump’s original travel ban list).
Adding insult to injury, you pay for all of this! Trump spotted the dumb deal and called it what it is, but….
POTUS might have had the best instincts during the campaign and shortly after getting in office, but frankly, he is now being rolled by the bureaucrats (and RINOs in Congress). So much for his business/management acumen! If this deal goes through, it will be Trump’s dumb deal!
I know all of you are distracted this morning by the horrific news out of the United Kingdom in the wake of the latest terrorist attack on innocent people. I’m distracted too and don’t have the focus to analyze a House bill which was the subject of a hearing last week in the House Judiciary Committee.
First I laughed when I saw this at Human Rights First’swebsite:
Human Rights First Press Contact Mary Elizabeth Margolis 212-845-5269 Here is what Human Rights First says about the bill (of course they oppose any tightening of security for immigrants legal and illegal already on our soil or about to enter).
From their website:
Washington, D.C. – Human Rights first today, along with 25 leading human rights, refugee resettlement, and faith organizations, called on the House Judiciary Committee to reject the Michael Davis, Jr. and Danny Oliver in Honor of State and Local Law Enforcement Act (H.R. 2431), a bill that would harm refugees, asylum seekers, and stateless people fleeing persecution. The organizations submitted a joint statement for the record for today’s House Judiciary Committee hearing on H.R. 2431, emphasizing that many provisions in the bill would severely limit access to asylum and undermine U.S. commitments to refugee protection.
“H.R. 2431 undermines our nation’s legal obligations to refugees and would cause unnecessary hardship for refugees seeking and refugees who have already received protection in the United States,” wrote the groups.
H.R. 2431 would significantly increase the use of immigration detention, increase barriers to seeking asylum in the United States by expanding already sweeping inadmissibility provisions that mislabel innocent refugees and victims of armed groups as supporters of terrorism, and deny countless asylum seekers their day in court by requiring expedited removal of broad swaths of immigrants in need of protection.
Continue reading here. (Here is their complete statement on the bill.)
It must be a good bill if they hate it so much!
Below are the groups opposing beefing-up our security (those in red are refugee contractors whose budgets are largely funded by your tax dollars):
Signers of today’s statement include the Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project at the Urban Justice Center, Center for Gender and Refugee Studies, Church World Service, DC-Maryland Justice for Our Neighbors, Friends Committee on National Legislation, HIAS, Hispanic Federation, Human Rights First, Human Rights Initiative of North Texas, International Refugee Assistance Project, International Rescue Committee, Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States, Jesuit Refugee Service/USA, Latin America Working Group (LAWG), League of United Latin American Citizens, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Multifaith Alliance for Syrian Refugees, NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice, Northern Illinois Justice for Our Neighbors, Office of Social Justice, Christian Reformed Church in North America, Pax Christi USA, Tahirih Justice Center, The Episcopal Church***, The IMPAC Fund, U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, and Women’s Refugee Commission.
***The Episcopal Church is probably a stand-in for Episcopal Migration Ministries(also one of nine federal resettlement contractors). Why on earth Congress continues to fund these groups and ‘religious charities’ which take our money (ostensibly to care for refugees), and then work politically in Washington to weaken our security is beyond me!
For new readers, here are the nine major federal contractors which you pay to place refugees into your towns and cities: