A Chechen national "refugee" is believed to be ringleader of Turkish terror attack

And, get this!  Amnesty International had allegedly at one point stepped in to protect him from extradition to Russia.

chechen Ahmed Chataev
Chechens can look like the guy next door! Ahmed Chataev believed to be the ‘brains’ behind recent Istanbul terror attack.

So, indeed we have more evidence (if we needed it) that terrorists are hiding in the refugee stream to Europe and in this case to Austria!
Keep in mind that the US takes ‘refugees’ from Austria—in fact, according to State Department data, 1,339 supposed refugees traveled from Austria to your towns from October 1, 2015 to May 31, 2016.  Where are they now?

Here is the news from Eurasia Review:

Following Tuesday’s horrific attack at Istanbul’s Ataturk airport, which resulted in 44 death at the hands of three suicide bombers, Turkey was quick to blame the Islamic State for the terrorist act. And while that may be accurate, something surprising has emerged about the alleged ringleader of the group of three men who have been since identified as Russian, Uzbek and Kyrgyz nationals. As Russia’s Kommersant and Turkish media report, a Chechen national suspected of being the mastermind behind the deadly Istanbul airport terrorist attack, had previously received refugee status in Austria, which helped him to repeatedly avoid extradition to Russia on terror charges.


It has been also revealed that Chataev was long wanted by the Russian authorities for terrorism-related offenses but he fled to Europe, where he was granted asylum, and successfully managed to escape extradition to Russia.


In 2008, he was detained with some other Chechen nationals in the Swedish town of Trelleborg as police found Kalashnikov assault rifles, explosives and ammunition in his car. As a result, he spent more than a year in Swedish prison.


In 2010, Chataev was arrested in Ukraine with his mobile phone files containing a demolition technique instruction and photos of people killed in a blast. Russia requested his extradition on terrorism-related charges but the European Court for Human Rights ordered Ukraine not to hand him over to Russia with Amnesty International also urging Ukrainian authorities to halt extradition as Chataev “could face an unfair trial and would be at risk of torture and other ill-treatment.”

Just as in the Boston Bomber case, the Russians had the goods on an Islamic terrorist and the bleeding hearts in the west wouldn’t listen!
More here.
I heard this news on CNN this morning, but it has not been widely reported.
See our Austria archive here.

Europe: Thousands of Muslim migrants converting to Christianity, leaving "religion of violence and fear"

Speculation is rampant about why this is happening.

German baptism
Baptism in Berlin. Photo: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3225014/How-Muslim-migrants-converting-Christianity-Germany-hundreds-boost-chances-winning-asylum.html

More ‘Invasion of Europe’ news….
Are the conversions legitimate or only for the sake of improving one’s chances to be granted asylum, that is the question!
Some of these cases sound sincere to me….
From World Religion News:

The past few months have seen large numbers of Muslim immigrants all across Europe converting to Christianity. Refugees in Germany, Netherlands, France, and Denmark have been getting baptized in the thousands with mass adult baptisms having happened in places like a local swimming pool in Hamburg, Germany. This has been a controversial issue with many people and leaders questioning the motives behind the conversions. Clergy in those areas have, however, stated that Christianity as a religion should be open to all, with no one allowed to judge the other.

The speculations on why the trend has been on the rise have been quite a number. Personal testimonies from some of the converts have provided a different and touching perspective to the issue. Coming from nations like Iran, Afghanistan and Iraq, the refugees have claimed they always lived in fear and gone through hell with some having been raped and so on. Some have referred to Islam as a “religion of violence and fear.” Conversion to Christianity is punishable by death in some of the Islamic nations and they might face death if they go back. Some claim to have converted after meeting very helpful Christians during their refugee journey who welcomed them with open arms. Seeing Christianity as a religion of love, a good number opted to convert.

Here is a line in the story I found perplexing.  Why would any Christian church oppose conversions?

In Netherlands however, conversion may end up being a hindrance to asylum as some of the liberal state churches are opposed conversions.

What are state churches in the Netherlands? Does anyone know?

In the US, the ‘religious’ organizations that have been contracted to resettle refugees in your towns are strictly forbidden to attempt conversions to Christianity (so they can’t use this as a reason for why they resettle Muslims!).  

See one of several posts on the prohibition.

No US government bucks if you try to tell Muslims about Christianity!

Go here for our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.

Insanity! US took 500 illegal aliens off Malta's hands in one year

This invasion of Europe story leads to the invasion of America!
The story makes me sick.  I have been writing about it for EIGHT years.  George Bush started it and of course Obama continued this abrogation of international refugee law. 
Here is one of the earliest posts I wrote (from 2008) about Bush’s Ambassador to Malta who first broke the law!

refugees on Malta
Illegal aliens who arrive on Malta could hit the jackpot and get a ticket to America!

In just one recent year, 500 ILLEGAL aliens made their way from North Africa across the Mediterranean to the island nation of Malta. Then, to help Malta out, our US State Department said ‘presto-chango’ and these ECONOMIC migrants who had launched from lawless Libya and elsewhere in North Africa magically became refugees and they now live in your towns in America somewhere!  And, this has been going on for eight years!
Legitimate claims for asylum are supposed to be made in the first safe country where the LEGITIMATE refugee lands—in this case Malta (making them Europe’s problem).  Are we asking Europe to take some of our illegal alien Mexicans? Of course not!
Do you understand the full import of what this means—any of the phony asylum seekers reaching Europe could be simply moved to America now that the precedent has been set.
From the Independent:

Some 500 immigrants who arrived in Malta in search for a better life have been resettled in the United States of America between March 2015 and March 2016. This information emerged in a reply to a Parliamentary Question. Minister for Home Affairs Carmelo Abela explained that 355 out of the 503 were Somali, 138 came from Eritrea, 17 from Sudan, two from Ethiopia and one from Iraq.

The resettlement exercise was possible following an agreement between the Maltese authorities, the American government and UNHCR.

You know it makes me so mad when I know that Congress, if it had the will, could do so much to reform this program with a few simple fixes that could make it safer and not so insane until real reform could begin.  Simply disallowing this lawbreaking would be a good start!
Click here for more on Malta. I’ve never counted them, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see 50 posts here on just our policy relating to the island nation.

Migrants burn down refugee center on Lampedusa (thank you Pope Francis)

Invasion of Europe news…..
African migrants claiming to be asylum seekers (they are not, they are economic migrants and criminals) set fire to a refugee center on the Italian island of Lampedusa earlier this week (Hat tip: Pamela Geller).

pope on Lampedusa
Pope Francis went to the Italian island of Lampedusa in July 2013 and blessed the migrants while lecturing the Italians to be more welcoming! Migrants are trying to find “serenity and peace” said the pontiff. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2013/07/09/pope-lectures-on-lampedusa/


A group of Tunisian migrants set fire to the main pavilion in a Lampedusa refugee welcome center Tuesday night, causing severe damage, after learning they would be repatriated to their home country, according to reports. [They were determined to not be legitimate refugees.—ed]

The fire enveloped the first aid and reception center of Imbriacola in Lampedusa, which presently houses some 530 asylum-seekers, though no injuries have been reported. This is not the first time that migrants have set the pavilion ablaze. Similar acts of arson occurred in 2009 and then in 2011.

After hours battling the fire, which was set around 10:30 pm, teams of firefighters stationed on the island were finally able to get the blaze under control in the early hours of Wednesday morning.


Reports suggest that in recent weeks tensions had already been growing inside the Lampedusa welcome center, linked to the refusal by a group of African migrants, mainly from Eritrea and Yemen, to submit to identification and registration procedures including the taking of fingerprints.

More here.
When is the last time you have seen news like this at any mainstream media outlet or on cable news?  One day America will wake up to the fact that Europe is lost and they will wonder how that happened so quickly.  It hasn’t been that quick!  We have reported on the invasion for many years now and chronicled the inability (unwillingness) of European leaders to stop it!
See our complete Invasion’ archive here.

These Palestinians are illegal alien criminals, not heroes for trekking across the world to get here

There is so much I want to say about this Washington Times story, but my posting queue is so long and I am so far behind.
Remember this basic concept as you read this story.  LEGITIMATE asylum seekers are to ask for protection in the first safe country in which they arrive—they are nothing more than illegal alien criminals when they use smugglers to get them through 7 safe countries before they arrive at the US border and ask for asylum (refugee) status.
The Palestinian men highlighted in this story clearly had money and were not going to be patient to wait in line to be processed as legitimate refugees.

Mounis Hammouda
New American Palestinian Mounis Hammouda

They were simply shopping for the best deal (and had money to help them) as they left Gaza and passed through Egypt, Turkey, Cyprus, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Mexico to arrive on the Arizona border.
Here is just a bit of the story, you need to read it all (if you can stand the Washington Times pop-ups and other ads):

FLORENCE, Ariz. (AP) – Mounis Hammouda and Hisham Shaban were stranded in Honduras, penniless after being ripped off by a smuggler who was supposed to get them to Mexico so that they could arrive at their final destination, the United States.

The Palestinian men had traveled across the world to escape bloodshed and torture in their homeland, and desperately phoned a friend in Canada to wire them money so they could finish their trek.


Some migrants cross into the U.S. illegally; others, like Hammouda and Shaban, turn themselves claiming asylum. They were among nearly 42,000 people to seek asylum in 2014 in the U.S., a more than 20 percent increase from 2010.

Immigrants claim asylum because they believe they will face persecution or torture in their homeland.

They can stay in the U.S. if an asylum officer and immigration judge determine that such a fear exists. Many are detained during this process, but some are granted bail while their request moves through the immigration court system, which can take years.

As you watch what is happening in Europe with hundreds of thousands of migrants arriving and asking for asylum, keep in mind this is happening at our borders too (just on a smaller scale so far)!  Once granted asylum, these illegal aliens are then eligible just like refugees for all of our welfare benefits, for permission to work and to ultimately become a US citizen.
Check out this other story this morning (hat tip: Joanne): Smugglers made $5 billion in 2015 moving supposed ‘refugees’ around the world.