NGOs called out, care more about flooding Europe with 'diversity' then with the well-being of refugees

Invasion of Europe news…..

I didn’t know that major international ‘humanitarian’ organizations had threatened to quit helping refugees in Greece in protest against the German/Turkish deal to return many migrants to Turkey.

US resettlement contractor, the International Rescue Committee, tells us that one of the first questions the ‘starving, persecuted refugees’ ask when they arrive in Greece is “do you have wi-fi?”

But (whether true or not), the important thing this article reaffirms is that legitimate refugees have a right to ask for care, they don’t have a right to go country shopping.
For instance, every ‘other-than-Mexican’ who arrives at the US Southern Border is NOT a candidate for asylum in the US (although they are being granted asylum) because they could have asked for asylum in Mexico or whatever FIRST safe country they came to in their flight.
If a Somali has traveled via the Middle East, to Russia, to Cuba, to somewhere in South America and then northward to our border, that person should not be granted asylum here.  If they were truly persecuted they could have asked for asylum in half a dozen other safe countries on that journey.
Likewise those migrants passing through Turkey, then hopping over to Greece, could claim asylum in Turkey (a SAFE country), but are instead shopping for a better deal in say Germany or Sweden.  They really don’t even want asylum in Greece.

Again, legitimate refugees do not have the right to shop for the country of their choice.  And, those who have no evidence that they are personally persecuted for one of several reasons have no right to ask for asylum (refugee status) at all.

So here is the article at Commentary Magazine from earlier this month about “rights groups” being exposed as, first and foremost, concerned with politics and changing Europe than with the care of individual refugees.

Israel and its supporters have argued for years that many “human rights” organizations are far less concerned with human rights than with pushing a political agenda. But as long as that political agenda consisted mainly of attacking Israel, most Westerners remained convinced that these groups still deserved their credibility and moral haloes.


The “human rights community” is outraged by the EU’s recent deal with Ankara, under which all migrants entering Europe via Turkey will be promptly returned there. The Council of Europe’s commissioner for human rights, Nils Muiznieks, declared that such “automatic forced return” is “illegal,” and the only acceptable solution is for EU countries to “ramp up the relocation of asylum seekers” into their own borders. Human rights groups similarly asserted that the deal violates international humanitarian law, inter alia, because they claim Turkey is unsafe for refugees. Amnesty, for instance, termed the deal “abhorrent.”

Then, angry over the EU’s refusal to accept their view, the organizations halted assistance to tens of thousands of migrants already in Greece. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Medecins Sans Frontieres, the International Rescue Committee, the Norwegian Refugee Council and Save the Children all suspended operations in Greek refugee centers to protest the deal.


….if Turkey is willing to continue hosting these refugees in exchange for benefits like billions of euros and visa-free access to Europe, there’s no earthly reason why those refugees should be entitled to relocate to the EU instead. Indeed, if Turkey’s drawbacks suffice to entitle refugees to resettle in Europe, at least half the world’s population would be similarly entitled.


Similarly, refugees in Turkey don’t have it easy, but they’re surviving. Thus, relocating them to Europe isn’t necessary to fulfill the refugee convention’s goals; it’s necessary only to achieve a political purpose: remaking Europe by flooding it with millions of migrants.

Continue reading here.
Remember every person on the move around the world is NOT a refugee, but these organizations making a living in this industry want you to think they are. What we are witnessing in Europe is truly an invasion aided and abetted by the NGOs.
And, go here for our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.

Archbishop of Canterbury: People are afraid, very afraid of mass migration

Invasion of Europe news…..
Well, this is refreshing! A major Christian leader somewhere in the world has the nerve to say it while admonishing all of those who link that fear to racism.

Waiting in Calais for passage to the UK
Illegal migrants waiting in Calais for passage to the UK

And, he dares to say this:

‘You can’t say, “God says you must vote this way or that way”.’

So take a lesson US Catholic Bishops, Lutherans, Evangelicals, and the rest of you supposed Christians!
From the Daily Mail:

Britain has a ‘genuine and justified’ fear of mass immigration, the Archbishop of Canterbury declared last night.

The country’s most senior churchman said it was ‘absolutely outrageous’ to dismiss the public’s legitimate concerns as racist.

Archbishop Justin Welby warned: ‘There is a genuine fear. And it is really important that that fear is listened to and addressed.

There have to be resources put in place that address those fears.’

He added: ‘What happens about housing? What happens about jobs? What happens about access to health services?’

archbishop of Canterbury
Archbishop of Canterbury

Campaign groups last night welcomed his powerful intervention as a ‘marvellous breath of fresh air’. It comes after years in which the liberal Left has attacked those expressing concern about the unprecedented levels of immigration into Britain as bigots.

Archbishop Welby also revealed that the Church would not be taking a position in the EU referendum debate.

He was highly critical of Europe’s response to the refugee crisis, but added: ‘You can’t say, “God says you must vote this way or that way”.’

Continue reading here. Unfortunately, Archbishop Welby still thinks the UK should take in more refugees, but I expect his position will change on that too once they come in larger numbers from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.
For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, click here.

European pressure cooker could blow any time now as countries unilaterally close borders

Invasion of Europe news….

A major crisis is at hand as the Balkan countries close their borders (following Austria’s lead).
Because there is no serious will to do so, there is nothing to effectively stop the flow of illegal migrants into Greece from Turkey. Greek leaders fear their country will become one big refugee camp as the migrants cannot move toward Germany (the country whose streets they believe are paved with gold!).
Here is the story at the Malta Independent.  And below is a screen shot of the flow yesterday showing 2,972 came in from Turkey but the flow northward has all but stopped.
Go to the interactive map and move the courser back over the last month to see the astounding numbers that were moving into Austria and then Germany in recent weeks.
Screenshot (26)
The Independent:

The rift over how to handle Europe’s immigration crisis ripped wide open Friday. As nations along the Balkans migrant route took more unilateral actions to shut down their borders, diplomats from EU nations bordering the Mediterranean rallied around Greece, the epicenter of the crisis.

Cypriot Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides – speaking on behalf of colleagues from France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Malta and Greece – said decisions on how to deal with the migrant influx that have already been made by the 28-nation bloc cannot be implemented selectively by some countries.

“This issue is testing our unity and ability to handle it,” Kasoulides told a news conference after an EU Mediterranean Group meeting. “The EU Med Group are the front-line states and we all share the view that unilateral actions cannot be a solution to this crisis.”


The Greek government is blaming Austria – a fellow member of Europe’s passport-free Schengen Area – for the flare-up in the crisis. Austria imposed strict border restrictions last week, creating a domino effect as those controls were also implemented by Balkan countries further south along the Balkans migration route.


Thousands of migrants are pouring into Greece every day and officials fear the country could turn into “a giant refugee camp” if they are unable to move north due to borders closures.

Continue reading here.  What a mess!
Go here for all of our ‘Invasion of Europe’ news.

French court will allow migrant camp at Calais to be razed

It is about time!
Invasion of Europe news….
I have been wondering for years why France has permitted this intolerable situation to fester (see our many reports going back several years by clicking here).
It strikes me that the sensible solution for all European countries (in addition to closing their borders! and turning boats back!) is to create proper camps for the migrants where they could live in decent conditions, but in a CAMP (not out mingling with the native population), while each one is legally sorted out.  If they have a legitimate asylum claim expedite it, and if they don’t deport them.

Why can’t the UNHCR take care of these people in proper camps?

The insane situation at Calais has developed because the migrants don’t want to seek asylum in France and are holding out for the big prize, the UK.
They want the UK to open its doors and invite them in.  That isn’t going to happen, so they are attempting to illegally cross the channel and plan to disappear into Great Britain.
If all migrants who arrive in Europe know they will be living in CAMPS, supervised by the Red Cross or UN for perhaps months/years as they are processed, then, I believe, it would help deter the flow into Europe in the first place.
Here is the latest news from AP:

A French court gave the state the green light Thursday to raze makeshift tents and lean-tos used by hundreds of migrants at a sprawling slum in Calais, where many dream of slipping into Britain.

Tamping down fears of a violent confrontation, France’s interior minister promised to treat the migrants humanely and not send in bulldozers to evict them.

The camp in the northern port city — known as “the jungle” — has been an embarrassing chapter in Europe’s migrant crisis, and France announced this month that its densely populated southern half would be razed. The move prompted rights groups and migrant advocates to sue.


Officials say moving migrants out of the Calais slum will be a better solution for all, since many have been languishing in poverty and hopelessness after nearby borders have been sealed by increasing security. Officials estimate the number of migrants who will be affected at 800 to 1,000, while humanitarian organizations say over 3,000 migrants live there.

I think we have a hint at why the camp is now going to be razed! The political “far-right” is gaining power and the politicians are worried!

Moving the migrants out will be France’s most dramatic step yet to end Calais’ yearslong migrant problem, which has transformed the city of nearly 80,000 into a high-security tension point, fueled far-right sentiment and defied British and French efforts to make the issue go away.

If you’ve never seen it, watch this incredible short speech by a life-long resident of Calais about what life has become in that region of France.

Someone should bring her on a speaking tour of America!

African human smugglers getting rich off money transferred from US


Gaddafi bloody
Col. Gaddafi warned Obama/Hillary: Take me down and Libya will become a launching pad for the invasion of Europe!

Invasion of Europe news….
And I bet if you could actually follow the money you would find that you, the US taxpayers, are footing some of the bill as “refugees” in America send money home (through illegal channels) to fuel the trafficking of their relatives into Europe.
Blame it on Hillary and Obama as many of these Africans pass through now lawless Libya.  Just yesterday Sec. of State Kerry warned that Libya could soon become a failed state. Could be!!!
‘The Migration Machine’ is a very long investigative piece by Reuters and worth reading if it doesn’t make you sick!  (Hat tip: Joanne)
See our previous posts on Obama/Hillary/Rice and Power and what they did to Libya.