Killers came in as 'unaccompanied alien children'

Killers, gangbangers and other assorted criminals came across the US Southern border in recent years and are beginning to ‘show’ themselves such as in this dreadful case reported by Leo Hohmann writing at World Net Daily:

Two Central American teens charged in the recent execution-style killing of a Massachusetts man came to the U.S. as unaccompanied alien children or UACs under President Obama’s “open-border free-for-all,” according to a Judicial Watch report.

unaccompanied alien children
This is a 2014 photo of some of the apprehended “children.” Obama and the religious refugee contractors want them to be legitimate asylum seekers. Lawyers ready and willing to make them Americans!

The two 17-year-old boys also have ties to the notorious MS-13 gang, according to the Boston Herald.

Upward of 130,000 women and children from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras have poured across the U.S.-Mexico border since the summer of 2014 and the administration has distributed them into communities nationwide with the help of the Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist and various evangelical churches.

WND reported Wednesday that a new study by a Catholic organization found that nearly 80 percent of those coming from Honduras were not fleeing violence but merely seeking economic opportunities.

Lawmakers want answers from the Office of Refugee Resettlement (the lead agency responsible for the whereabouts and the care of the “children” most of whom are teenage boys!)

This week two federal lawmakers – a senator and a congressman – sent a letter to the administration demanding answers on exactly how and when the teens entered the U.S. The lawmakers, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., chair of the House Judiciary Committee, also want to know if the administration had knowledge about the suspects’ gang connections.

“Please provide a complete copy of the alien file for Jose Vasquez Ardon and Cristian Nunez-Flores,” the lawmakers state in a letter to the Department of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services, the agency that’s mostly handled the barrage of UACs and the relocation process.

There is much more, continue reading here.
We have an extensive archive on so-called ‘unaccompanied alien children’ here.  Thousands of these teenage boys have been secretively distributed throughout the US.  Many more are on the way in 2016!
Be sure to see this post about the squabbling resettlement agencies trying to get their cut of the federal boodle for the “children.”

Angry Turkish Prez: We will open our gates and let them go through to Europe

Invasion of Europe news…..

Europe get ready! Tens (hundreds!) of thousands more migrants could soon be on the way.

Erdogan is angry:

“….the time could come when the country would open the gates for refugees to travel to Europe.”

But, I’m wondering when exactly he ever closed his border to Europe?  See this interactive map which shows just how many are going every day from Turkey to Greece.  The screen shot is for Tuesday of this week.  3,676 crossed in one day!  See the map and scroll back each recent day and prepare to be shocked.  And, while you are at it, note how many passed into Germany from Austria just in one day (Feb. 9)—3,314! in ONE day!
Screenshot (24)
The Telegraph:

Turkey is at breaking point and the time could come when the country would open the gates for refugees to travel to Europe, the Turkish president has threatened.

Erdogan, Merkel and Obama. Faux outrage? Maybe this all part of the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan?

Recep Tayyip Erdogan attacked the calls for Turkey to accept more refugees and accused the UN of insincerity over inaction in Syria.

In recent days, the UN, EU and other organisations have called on Turkey to take in thousands of Syrian refugees fleeing Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and Russian air strikes on its southern border.

“In the past we have stopped people at the gates to Europe, in Edirne we stopped their buses. This happens once or twice, and then we’ll open the gates and wish them a safe journey, that’s what I said,” Mr Erdogan said in a speech to a business forum on Thursday.

“There is a chance the new wave of refugees will reach 600,000 if air strikes continue. We are making preparations for it,” Mr Erdogan said in a speech to a business forum in Ankara.

Erdogan is also (supposedly) angry at his ol’ pal Barack Hussein Obama (US responsible for sea of blood), here.
For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, go here (the invasion has been going on for YEARS).

Is 'Refugees Welcome' partly to blame for American nanny's murder in Vienna?

Invasion of Europe news….
You’ve probably heard the news of her murder, but will the mainstream media mention her death was allegedly at the hands of an African asylum seeker?

Let’s call them the generation with a death wish! Did these three indirectly play a role in a young woman’s murder by an African ‘asylum seeker’ in Vienna? Learn more about Refugees Welcome here:

A young Colorado woman working as a nanny in Austria was found murdered in her apartment last week and an African ‘asylum seeker’ has been arrested in the case.  (This is a different case, although similar, to the American murdered in a similar fashion in Italy).
As European countries have opened their gates to ‘refugees’ from all over the world, it is no wonder that murderers, rapists and thieves have taken advantage of the sheer stupidity of European leaders especially those in Germany and Austria, not to mention the enormous naivete of young ‘humanitarians.’
Here is what Breitbart London said on Saturday.  The murdered young woman was protecting her killer from imminent deportation:

A 24-year-old Gambian ‘asylum seeker’ has been arrested for the murder of an American Au Pair in Austria.

American Lauren M. [her family has revealed her last name, here.—ed] had worked in Vienna, Austria for going on 3 years. The au pair job allowed her to pay for her studies and live in the city.

25-year-old Lauren Mann of Colorado was found dead in her Vienna apartment last week.

Her dead body was found in her one bedroom apartment in Vienna’s 4th district on the evening of Tuesday January 26 after she had not come in to work that day or contacted any of her friends. Police found her corpse face down in the bedroom of her home.

Krone says initial reports were unclear as to the cause of Lauren’s death but an autopsy later identified that she had been suffocated and so the case was determined to be a homicide.

The hunt for a suspect was helped drastically when police were able to find DNA at the scene which belonged to an asylum seeker already in their database. The 24-year-old Gambian Abdou I. was no stranger to police. In fact the asylum seeker had already been involved on the wrong side of the law and had been accused of sexual misconduct with minors back in 2014.

According to authorities, the Gambian was living at Caritas refugee centre in Erdberg [Caritas Austria, here—ed] and was scheduled to be deported back to his home country in Africa. There was already a warrant out for his arrest at the time of the murder and it is through that Lauren M. had hidden him in her small one bedroom home so that he could escape deportation.

Refugees Welcome!  Come live in our homes!

Breitbart then tells us this:

Lauren M’s actions were possibly inspired by the Refugees Welcome founders Jonas Kakoschke and Mareike Geiling who set up their group as a sort of migrant “airbnb” for migrants to live in their homes and for other volunteers to do the same.

See also Pamela Geller, here, on the murder.  Moral of the story!  Do not take an asylum seeker into your home!
More on Austria:  Did you know that we take hundreds (thousands) of “refugees” from Austria?
Austria is a safe country and there is no reason we should be processing any refugees from there or from Malta either.  I don’t care what the excuse is!  Go here and see that 424 “refugees” came to America from Austria in the first 4 months of FY2016.
For more on Austria, click here.  And, for our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, go here.

German Catholic Cardinal: Germany must reduce the number of migrants

Invasion of Europe news…..
Well, this is refreshing (sort of!).  A Catholic leader is actually saying that his country cannot handle the massive number of mostly Muslim migrants entering it.  (No, he didn’t use the ‘M’ word! He didn’t go that far!).
I’m wondering if the Pope is going to slap his wrist for this heresy!
From the Daily Caller:

A high-ranking Catholic official has called for a reduction in the number of refugees coming to Germany.

Kardinal Reinhard Marx, Erzbischof von München und Freising und Vorsitzender der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz, blickt am 21.09.2015 zu Beginn der Herbstvollversammlung in Fulda (Hessen) in die Runde. Zu Beginn des traditionellen Herbsttreffens der katholischen Bischöfe stehen Beratungen über die Flüchtlingskrise im Mittelpunkt. Foto: Arne Dedert/dpa +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Cardinal Marx did recognize the growing problem for Germany and Europe here in September 2015, but didn’t sound as worried as he sounds now.

Cardinal Reinhard Marx, the chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference, cautioned Saturday that the country cannot “take in all the world’s needy.” Over one million refugees seeking asylum entered Germany in 2015 — the country currently struggles to manage the influx both logistically and politically.

“As a church we say that we need a reduction in the number of refugees,” said Marx to Passauer Neue Presse. He noted that the response to the refugee issue should not be one only of “charity but also reason.”

Continue reading because I think you will see more about what is driving this remarkable statement.  He warns against xenophobia and the rise of the right-wing. (Is that the real boogeyman for Father Marx?)
More on the way!
There will be more coming to Europe (and Germany)!   The Times of Israel is reporting that Turkey is about to admit tens of thousands of additional Syrians at its border with Syria.  And, mark my words, Turkey will let them flow directly across the country and allow them to launch their boats to Europe as spring arrives.  Turkey would like nothing better than to see a Muslim Europe!
See our entire ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here, and go here for much much more on dear old Deutschland.

Germany: Police raid refugee shelters thwarting ISIS terror plot

Surprise! Not!
Mama Merkel wants workers, gets terrorists!  This is probably just the beginning.
Invasion of Europe news…..
From Deutsche Welle (hat tip: ‘mjazzguitar’):

They allegedly planned to attack a busy shopping area—Alexanderplatz described here:

German police arrested three Algerians suspected of ties to the “Islamic State” militant group and of having planned a terrorist attack in Berlin. Other suspects were questioned during police raids but not arrested.

Suspects encountered during a number of police raids conducted in the early morning hours Thursday had allegedly been planning to meet in Berlin to carry out terrorist attacks. It is not known how close their plans were to completion, but German police said they believed all the suspects had active links to IS.

Martin Steltner, spokesman for the Berlin prosecutor’s office, declined to comment on any further details from the ongoing police investigation but said that prosecutors were aware of a “concrete” plan to target the capital. The German newspaper “Bild” meanwhile claimed that the suspects had been plotting to attack Berlin’s Alexanderplatz, a central shopping and entertainment square as well as a major regional transportation hub. Checkpoint Charlie, the former border crossing between East and West Berlin, was discussed as potential target, according to the German dpa news agency.

About 450 officers were deployed in Berlin during the operation, which occurred as parts of Germany started a week of celebrations marking Carnival amid beefed-up security measures.


The coordinated police raids carried out on Thursday morning took place at four residences and two businesses in Berlin, a refugee shelter in the town of Attendorn in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, a Hanover refugee shelter and a number of other locations in the city.

NOT refugees!
But, it is no surprise that they took advantage of the flood of migrants as Angela Merkel “welcomed” over a million to Germany in a year.  And, heck, ISIS said all along it would use the refugee flow to infiltrate Europe.  The really stupid leaders of Europe must not have believed them.

The alleged involvement of Algerian nationals in an IS plot is expected to put North African refugees in the spotlight once more, after they were blamed for a series of sexual assaults during New Year’s Eve festivities in Cologne. German Chancellor Angela Merkel had announced recently that refugees from North Africa, including those coming from Algeria, would likely be deported as Germany classified Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria “safe” countries of origin.

More here on the raid at DW.
For our complete archive on the Invasion of Europe, click here.  Want to write a book?  We have probably well over 100 posts on the invasion going back years!
Then, go here, for a rapidly growing body of work on Germany. The actions of German leaders should be studied by all who want to avoid the cultural and economic destruction of their countries via mass migration.