Renewed warning that ISIS plans to infiltrate 'refugee' flow to Europe

This is not new, but just this week an EU agency is warning (again!) that the invasion of Europe could include ISIS terrorists among the illegal aliens arriving in Europe from North Africa (thanks to Hillary and the girls, here).

Michele Coninsx is the EU’s chief crime and terror fighter.

From Israel National News:

ISIS members could infiltrate Europe together with masses of refugees from Libya, Syria, and Iraq – ironically fleeing ISIS terror in their homelands, said Michele Coninsx, head of the EU’s judicial cooperation agency Eurojust.

Speaking Monday in Brussels, Coninsx told reporters that the EU was working together with other countries to prevent the migration of ISIS terrorists. She declined to specify exactly what steps were being taken.

A video released last week by ISIS in Libya and published by the Arabic-language Asharq al-Awsat shows the two perpetrators of a deadly attack on the Corinthia Hotel in January threatening that ISIS’s newly-established presence in the country would be used as a springboard to invade Europe.

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