Don’t let them use the Lady Liberty b.s. anymore! Remove the poem!

This is a portion of a comment we received yesterday to our post about the union leaders and other No Borders advocates planning to rally against a local St. Cloud, MN VFW post because the post had the temerity to allow some people to eat dinner there that the Leftists/Progressives didn’t approve of.  See that post because there is an update about the big pro-America barbecue planned for the VFW.

The commenter, Will Servant, apparently is ignorant of the history of the Statue of Liberty and how the Emma Lazarus poem got there in the first place.

I’m posting this so you will know how to answer when the No Borders agitators try to shut you up with this babble.  From Mr. Servant:

Time to get rid of the ” schmaltzy sonnet!” Let’s go on the offense for a change. Let’s find someone in Congress to introduce legislation to remove the ‘poem.’ After all, it is not historically accurate.  Getting the plaque removed to a museum, although symbolic, would do more to restore immigration sanity than just about anything else we could do!

Thanks Ann.

You’ve given me enough half truths, innuendo, and opinion masquerading as truth, to last at least until Thanksgiving. I am saddened that there are people so dramatically opposed to what I consider to be righteous and Christian, the caring for the least of us. I am dismayed that there are those who think so incredibly different than I do that it is nearly impossible to even engage them in respectful dialogue. Here is a quote from the famous poem inscribed on a pedestal at the Statue of Liberty.

“Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Lady Liberty does not mention any exceptions. She does not say give me your preferred, only those I consider deserving. She does not say give me your huddled masses yearning to be free, as long as we don’t have to spend any money on them. She does not have an ethnic or religious litmus test to decide who gets the protection of our mighty nation, in their quest for a better life. Lady Liberty’s lamp lights the way to freedom for everybody. It cannot be extinguished for one and not the other.

Mr. Servant is displaying his ignorance of history!

Here then, for Mr. Servant’s edification, is the real history of the French gift to America—Lady Liberty—from none other than Roberto Suro, a professor at the Annenberg School of Journalism, founding director of the Pew Hispanic Center, and published in the Washington Post (that right wing rag!).

The article is entitled, ‘She Was Never About Those Huddled Masses.’

Professor Suro tells us in no uncertain terms that the Emma Lazarus poem has to go!

The poem did not come with the statue!  It’s a myth! The message of Lady Liberty was never about immigration!  It is about the Declaration of Independence!
Roberto Suro:

Let’s get rid of The Poem.

I’m talking about “Give me your tired, your poor . . . ” — that poem, “The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus, which sometimes seems to define us as a nation even more than Lady Liberty herself.

Inscribed on a small brass plaque mounted inside the statue’s stone base, the poem is an appendix, added belatedly, and it can safely be removed, shrouded or at least marked with a big asterisk. We live in a different era of immigration, and the schmaltzy sonnet offers a dangerously distorted picture of the relationship between newcomers and their new land.

The most enduring meaning conveyed by Lady Liberty has nothing do with immigration, and I say let’s go back to that. The statue’s original name is “Liberty Enlightening the World,” and the tablet the lady holds in her left hand reads “July IV, MDCCLXXVI” to commemorate the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Lady Liberty celebrates U.S. political values as a force for the betterment of humanity, as well as the bond of friendship among freedom-loving nations. That’s a powerful and worthy message.

And the message would have been the same if the statue had ended up in Philadelphia or Cleveland — both were possibilities when New York was having trouble raising money for the pedestal in the late 1870s. Far from Ellis Island, no one would associate it with immigration. Too bad, because on this subject Lady Liberty misleads more than she illuminates, especially with Lazarus’s added spin.

Read it all here, it is very useful information for the next time some No Borders know-it-all agitator tries to guilt-trip you into thinking that Lady Liberty is frowning on you (calling you a racist!) for daring to question our immigration numbers that anyone in their right mind knows are completely unsustainable today.

Asylum seekers want to go home, say Germany more dangerous than Syria

Invasion of Europe news…..

The caption under this photo at the Daily Mail reads: The lengthy queues reflect the huge influx of migrants coming into the country which is seen to have a ‘soft’ immigration system.

From what the media tells us every day, Syria is one of the most (if not the most) dangerous places in the world.
So, it begs the question: are these really legitimate refugees or economic migrants that are flooding into Germany and welcomed by the German government (but obviously not by the people)?  Really?  They find the “violence” in Germany is worse than ISIS-perpetuated violence in Syria or Iraq?
What does any western government think is going to happen when you push the indigenous population too far?
I have a half a dozen things I could be posting on Germany today, but no time to do it all justice.  The issue of refugees is exploding world wide and I feel pulled in many many directions trying to get the news to you.
So, here is one piece on Germany that you should see today.  Again, I am amazed that the invasion of Germany does not make American TV news anywhere that I’ve seen.  How about you?  Have you seen any coverage other than an occasional big city newspaper report?  Why the silence?
From the Daily Mail (emphasis is mine):

Refugees from war-torn Syria claim racism in Germany has become so extreme they want to go home as a growing anti-Muslim movement sees soaring attacks on foreigners.

The nation has been gripped by a spate of anti-foreigners rallies, violence and arson attacks against refugee homes or would-be shelters as hundreds of thousands seek refuge in the country.

This year has already seen about 200 arson and other attacks against refugee housing while support for anti-Muslim movement, Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West (PEGIDA), has been growing.

The growing tensions between citizens and refugees mean some asylum seekers are so scared of attacks they are considering going home.

Taher arrived in Germany a month ago, risking his life to fleeing the atrocities of war-torn Syria and making the long, difficult journey across the Mediterranean.

But in a shocking admission, the 27-year-old said he had already been attacked by a gang, who piled out of a car and hit him, and has had enough of the xenophobia he has experienced in Germany.

‘I want to return to Syria – very afraid here,’ he said in broken English this week, speaking outside a refugee centre in the small eastern town of Freital, which has gained national notoriety for ugly protests against asylum seekers.

Visit the Daily Mail for more with lots of photos.
Our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ news is archived here.  We have also covered Germany extensively for some time, click here for more on Germany.
And, for all who are wondering why I haven’t reported on the rioting at Calais this week, I just haven’t had time.  So sorry because I know it is important news too.
Update!  LOL! Looks like I’ve been a bad girl according the politically correct ruling class.  I shouldn’t say “invasion,” “economic migrant,” or even “migrant” says the WaPo, here.  I haven’t used the word “swarm” as David Cameron did recently to describe what was happening at Calais, but I’ll remember that for the future.

Warning: Obama's Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) regulation and Immigration Policies have the Same Goal

Editor:  This is a guest column written by reader Julia.
Update August 1:  The author has learned new information and has edited this piece to reflect a better understanding of how AFFH will impact you.
For all of you doing research on Refugee Resettlement where you live, you must now also find out what is happening on the low income housing front as well.  You may find your local elected officials and local developers are too cozy with the federal bucks that come their way to advance the Obama Administration’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing initiative.  And, of course the big question is, would some squishy Republican president ever have the spine to turn this around once in office?  Looks like it may be up to you, in ‘pockets of resistance,’ to raise awareness and fight this locally for now in addition to hitting your US Senators and Members of Congress when they are home for the August recess.
Here is Julia (emphasis is mine):

Stanley Kurtz has done extensive writing on what is now titled the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) regulation. Kurtz believes that Obama blames suburban tax-flight for urban decay and that AFFH is a way to annex the suburbs back into the cities.

Message to Republicans…..

But, let’s look at AFFH in context with other actions of the Obama administration and the Democrat party. These actions include in part, the Department of Justice’s actions to prevent the implementation of voter i.d. laws; challenges to state attempts to require proof of citizenship in voter registrations; lawsuits over state legislative redistricting; the efforts to increase immigration; and the push to get immigrants to become citizens.

Groups such as The New Americans Campaign, Cities for Citizenship, etc. are working in conjunction with the Obama administration to accomplish the administration’s push to get immigrants to become citizens. It is generally believed that these efforts along with the administration’s policy to increase immigration are being undertaken to further the Democrat party’s goal to create a majority Democrat voting populace.

AFFH will create a database that categorizes each zip code by race and establish rules that essentially have the goal of ensuring that no area will have a population of more than 50% non-whites.

If an area has more thant 50% non-whites it is deemed segregated. Then the surrounding predominantly white suburbs will be forced to build subsidized housing so non-whites from the deemed segregated areas can be relocated to the surrounding white suburbs.

Since the Democrat party counts on minorities categorically voting Democrat, they likely intend for AFFH to sway the voting populace in predominantly white suburbs to a Democrat majority.

Robert Romano, senior editor at Americans for Limited Government, presciently said in a 2014 WND article by Leo Hohmann, “[AFFH] allows (the feds) to gerrymander for political purposes. It’s a way to get around whatever Republican gerrymandering had gone on after the 2010 election cycle. If they are doing this for low-income or disadvantaged purposes, well, what does that tell you? Low income tends to vote for Democrats.”

AFFH may thus serve the same purpose as Obama’s immigration policies – pertaining to both legal and illegal immigration – to create a one party system by changing the population. Obama’s immigration policies will change the population in the aggregate by adding more minorities whom they call “new Americans” and AFFH will enable them to be distributed to GOP dominated voting districts in the suburbs.

It seems clear that the Obama administration, through AFFH, intends to take away any benefit that the GOP may have in current GOP dominated voting districts. If AFFH permits the Democrats to successfully dislodge possible GOP voting majorities in the suburbs, they may gain permanent majority control of the U.S. political system.

Paul Sperry wrote in the New York Post that AFFH and its database infrastructure are intended to outlast the Obama administration. Cecilia Muñoz, co-chair of Obama’s White House Task Force on New Americans and Obama’s domestic policy adviser has said that she is tasked with “making sure Obama’s historic immigration policies get ‘institutionalized.”

If the GOP does not take action to counter these programs, they do so at their own peril. But, if the Democrats were to achieve a one party political system with the help of AFFH, the country’s republic form of government may forever be a mere facade to Obama’s hope and change transformation.

 See also, Stanley Kurtz’s recent articles, “ How You Can Stop Obamazone.” and “Lee, Rubio, Cotton, and More Move to Block AFFH in Senate.”

And, John Perazzo’s article “Black Skin Privilege: To Be The Wedge For a The Totalitarian Future – Obama’s race-based plan to turn Congress Democratic, forever.

This post is filed in our category entitled, Comments worth noting/guest posts.  We have also categorized it in our new ‘Pockets of Resistance’ category as guidance for resistance fighters throughout the country.  Maybe assign a couple of members of your group to find out what is going on to bring low income housing to your town.  Housing availability, of course, is the limiting factor determining how many refugees and other migrants will colonize your town.