The Sanctuary movement involves Catholics and Communists

Cliff Kincaid, Director of the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism, has published an excellent review of the Sanctuary movement, the Catholic Church’s love affair with Communist Sandinista’s, Obama’s early community organizing days (for a Catholic organization in Chicago) and Jim Simpson’s new monograph:  Red-Green Axis!

God and Caesar
If you want to understand the scope of the Sanctuary Movement that saw churches help illegal aliens from Central America get across the southern border and then spread them throughout America, get this book. Of course it is written in support of the movement, but it’s an eye-opener.

We wrote many posts a few years ago about the 1980’s Sanctuary Movement, see those by clicking here.
Also, I’ve linked the border invasion of the ‘Unaccompanied Alien Children’ last year to the modern-day sanctuary movement.
Here is Kincaid (The Religious Origins of the Sanctuary Movement)  Hat tip: Robin.

Thanks to Donald Trump, the major media are being forced to cover the illegal immigration movement, such as the proliferation of “sanctuary cities” across the U.S. that attract criminal aliens, give them legal protection, and let them back out on the streets to commit more crimes. But the really taboo topic is how these sanctuary cities grew out of a movement started by the Catholic Church and other churches.

Over 200 cities, counties and states provide safe-haven to illegal aliens as sanctuary cities, the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) reports. What has not yet been reported is that the Catholic Church, which gave President Obama his start in “community organizing” in Chicago, has been promoting the sanctuary movement for more than two decades.

What’s more, in April, a delegation of U.S. Catholic bishops staged a church service along the U.S.-Mexico border and distributed Communion through the border fence. At the same time, Pope Francis said a “racist and xenophobic” attitude was keeping immigrants out of the United States.

No wonder the pope’s approval ratings have been falling in the United States. Overall, Gallup reports that it’s now at 59 percent, down from 76 percent in early 2014. Among conservatives, it’s fallen from 72 percent approval to 45 percent (a drop of 27 points).

“Few people are aware that this extreme left branch of the Catholic Church played a large part in birthing the sanctuary movement,” says James Simpson, author of the new book, The Red-Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America.

Simpson says Catholic Charities, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and its grant-making arm, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, are prominent elements of the open borders movement.

The sanctuary movement has its roots in the attempted communist takeover of Latin America.

There is much much more, click here for more juicy information!
New readers, please note that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops is one of nine federal contractors resettling refugees in your towns and cities (on your dime!).
I’m going to have more on the suspicious activities of the USCCB tomorrow…..

Miscellaneous news about the Invasion of Europe

This is a round-up of sorts of some migration news coming out of Europe….

German refugee facilities
Deutsche Welle tells us: Google recently pulled a controversial map showing the location of all refugee homes in Germany for fear it could fuel right-wing violence.

In Sweden, Christians harassed in group home for asylum seekers. 

From the Christian Post:

Syrian Christian refugees living in Sweden say they were forced out of their asylum house by Muslim refugees who demanded they hide their crosses and banned them from using communal areas in the home they shared.

The Christians, comprised of two families, were seeking asylum after fleeing from the Islamic State in Syria. And the place they were staying at housed around 80 people with many being Syrian Muslims.

While Swedish police said they weren’t notified about the harassment, immigration officials visited the residence to outline the government’s rules for those who continue to live in asylum housing.


The violence of ISIS against Syrian Christians and other citizens who refuse to obey Islamic law knows no bounds.

The article goes on to tell us of some of the horrors facing the remaining Christian population of Syria.
Also from Sweden, see Gatestone on the ‘unaccompanied refugee children’ situation there where everyone knows the “children” are mostly young men over 18 years old.

Denmark has no more places to house refugees!

See Breitbart News:

Denmark’s capacity to admit migrants is near breaking point. With 12,000 refugees searching for a place to live, nearly a third of the nation’s struggling municipalities say that they have little to offer newcomers.

In the Czech Republic, Syrian and North African refugees are not welcome, but more Czechs willing to take in Ukrainians. 

From Ceskenoviny:

The Czech Republic should not accept any refugees from Syria, this is the view held by 71 percent of Czechs. When it comes to the refugees from North Africa, the figure stands at 72 percent.

The view that some immigrants from Syria and North Africa should be accepted is held by 26 percent and 24 percent of Czechs, respectively.

Ireland goes along with EU plan and will double its refugee intake.

From Big News

DUBLIN, Ireland – Ireland is to more than double its intake of refugees as part of a European Union plan to relocate up to 40,000 refugees which is being coordinated in response to the unprecedented migration crisis in the Mediterranean.

Under the EU plan, a number of ‘hotspots’ in Italy and Greece will be established where migrants will be registered and fingerprinted. Individuals who are identified as likely to be genuine refugees can be put forward for relocation to another EU country where they will be given the opportunity of protection, while irregular migrants will be returned to their home country.

Ireland has agreed to relocate 600 people over the next two years. This is in addition to the country’s previous commitment to resettle 520 refugees directly from areas affected by conflict, and the humanitarian search and rescue missions undertaken in the region by the Naval Service which saved more than 3,300 refugees.

The Slovak government: we will only take Christian refugees as permanent residents.

From the Slovak Spectator:

THE SLOVAK government remains reluctant to take in refugees within the proposed European schemes and has recently conceded to accept 100 people from Syria under the condition they are Christians, but has agreed to provide temporary shelter for migrants that have already arrived in Austria.

Based on a recent bilateral deal, some 500 refugees seeking asylum in Austria will stay in Slovakia temporarily, until their asylum process is finished and, based on the results, they will either move back to Austria or be deported from the EU.

In Germany there is more news accusing “rightwingers” of torching asylum facilities.

From Deutsche Welle:

The rate of violence perpetrated against refugee homes in Germany in 2015 has already outstripped the whole of 2014. The Interior Ministry has warned that right-wing violence is on the rise in the west of the country.


According to a statement from Germany’s Interior Ministry on Thursday, there have been more attacks on homes for asylum seekers in the first half of 2015 than in the entirety of 2014.

Read the article, there is an admission that a growing number of these cases are perpetrated by people with no known affiliation. Hmmm! Is that what happens when a government is so obviously not responsive to a large number of its citizens? By the way, the article also tells us that these arson attacks were originally confined to the Eastern parts of Germany, but have now spread into the West.  Fascinating that we hear nothing of this in the US media.
I’m sure there is much more news from Europe.  If I see something interesting as the day goes on, I’ll add it.
For our entire archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ click here.