France bans protest march at Calais

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Not a good idea.  As I see it, these free speech marches serve as a critical valve on the pressure building in communities across Europe. Closing the valve will only cause the steam to build to a level of much greater power—potentially explosive power.
We haven’t mentioned Calais much lately, but if you look back at many previous posts you will see that this encampment of mostly Middle Eastern and African migrants has been growing for years as they press for being allowed to enter the UK where they see the taxpayer-funded ‘services’ more attractive than what is available to them in France.
Pegida in the Netherlands
Here is the latest news from The Local:

The French government has banned public demonstrations in Calais days before the anti-Islam group Pegida had planned to march through the town.

Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve announced the ban on protests “that pose a threat to public order” days before Pegida were hoping to march through Calais.

“I have asked the Pas-de-Calais prefect to proceed with the banning of all protests that have the potential of disrupting public order, no matter who the organizers are,” Cazeneuve said.

The minister said he was referring to all groups who seek “to create tension, division and violence”.

Calais crossing

The northern port town is home to between 4,000 and 6,000 refugees who are living in squalor in a makeshift camp on the edge of town.

Tensions have risen in recent weeks with clashes between migrants desperate to make a bid to get to the UK and the French riot police who block their path.

More here.


Germany is building camps with high fences for its trouble-making migrants, it is time for all of the European governments to do the same.
See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.

Germany placing trouble-making migrants in security-fenced camps

Invasion of Europe news…..
It sure is about time!  In hopes of heading off more incidents like the New Years Eve rampage when gangs of migrants attacked German women in Cologne (and elsewhere in Germany), the German government has opened a camp (with high security fences) and the first, mostly African migrants, have arrived.
If European countries built camps to hold all migrants in order to sort them out, it would go a long way to stem the tide of those still flowing across European borders by the thousands every day.  How many would launch from North Africa and Turkey if they knew they would be placed in a ‘refugee’ camp in Europe?

They are still coming into Germany by the thousands every day. Go to this very cool interactive map and see how many are still getting into Europe MOSTLY from Turkey right now which is letting them launch from their shores.

These Africans have already caused trouble and will be among the first to be deported.
From Breitbart London:

Scores of migrants with a history of delinquency and trouble making are being moved to a single camp with high fences and extra security. The camp in Stuttgart, Germany has been designated exclusively for men of North African origin.

The first group of 40 migrants was bussed in from the nearby town of Ellwangen this week, all of whom had been involved in a “large scale incident”, Stuttgarter Nachrichten reports. Half of them were “classified striking or delinquent” by the regional government office.

A spokesman for the office explained that the location had been carefully selected to secure and control the volatile group. “The terrain lends itself because it is fenced”, said Katja Lumpp. “We have increased the security service again, 40 people are now available around the clock. That’s a lot”, she added.

A different spokesman claimed that the move was about bringing the North Africans from rural to urban areas, as they are more likely to be deported than Syrians and Iraqis.

We bring you ‘Invasion of Europe’ news frequently as a lesson for the rest of western civilization!  See our complete archive here.
See our dozens and dozens of posts on Germany by clicking here.

Swedes pushed to the brink, attack migrants in Stockholm

Invasion of Europe news….


Sweden masked men
Photo caption: A picture of masked activists issued by the neo-Nazi Swedish Resistance Movement. Photo: Swedish Resistance Movement

You know it had to come to this—a violent response to the bloody violence perpetrated by an asylum seeker earlier in the week.
On Tuesday we reported the murder of a young humanitarian aide worker in a home for “unaccompanied children” in Sweden. She was stabbed to death and now we hear the ‘child’ who killed her was a Somali migrant.
In any country where there still might be a flicker of desire to save ones country and culture from invasion, this news is the inevitable result.
From The Local:

A gang of up to a hundred black-clad masked men marched in central Stockholm on Friday evening, singling out and beating up immigrants, and handing out leaflets threatening further violent attacks against unaccompanied refugee youth.

The march, the most extreme reaction seen so far to the murder on Monday of social worker Alexandra Mezher worker by a Somali refugee, has been linked to football gangs and far-right groups.

According to Aftonbladet newspaper, the men were distributing leaflets with the slogan “It’s enough now!” which threatened to give “the North African street children who are roaming around” the “punishment they deserve.”

“They were scattering leaflets which had the intention to incite people to carry out crimes,” Stockholm police confirmed its website.The march, the most extreme reaction seen so far to the murder on Monday of social worker Alexandra Mezher worker by a Somali refugee, has been linked to football gangs and far-right groups.

According to Aftonbladet newspaper, the men were distributing leaflets with the slogan “It’s enough now!” which threatened to give “the North African street children who are roaming around” the “punishment they deserve.”

“They were scattering leaflets which had the intention to incite people to carry out crimes,” Stockholm police confirmed its website.

More here.
Our Invasion of Europe archive is here.  We have an extensive archive on Sweden as well.  It is the country I have predicted would fall first to the Islamic invasion, but maybe there is still some will to live among the Swedish population.  Maybe they won’t go down without a fight.
Hint to Swedes!  Ikea is one of your significant threats!
We noted (here) that Ikea is one of several global companies working with Chobani Yogurt promoting more migrant labor to be distributed around the world.

Sweden: Teenage migrant stabs refugee worker to death

It is all over the alternative media, so you’ve probably seen it (in more graphic detail) than The Guardian gives us.  Here is The Guardian story which should be headlined: ‘Migrant situation in Sweden completely unsustainable, police resources strained.’

An employee at a refugee centre in Sweden has been stabbed to death.

Paris 2015! How about Sweden 2016! Prime Minister Stefan Lofven visits the bloody scene of the attack. More to come?

Police spokesman Thomas Fuxborg said the alleged assailant was a young man living at the centre for unaccompanied asylum seekers aged between 14 and 17 in Molndal, near Gothenburg on Sweden’s west coast.

He did not give details about the suspect’s age or nationality but said the man had been arrested for murder. Swedish news agency TT said he was 15 years old.

The victim was a 22-year-old woman, and the motive was not immediately clear.

“These kinds of calls are becoming more and more common. We’re dealing with more incidents like these since the arrival of so many more refugees from abroad,” said Fuxborg.

The Swedish prime minister, Stefan Lofven, visited the area in the aftermath of the death.

The attack came as the national police commissioner, Dan Eliasson, requested 4,100 additional officers and support staff to help fight terrorism, carry out migrant deportations and police asylum facilities.


“Many of the problems we are now facing help to prove the point that Swedish police have long been underfunded and under-staffed,” Lena Nitz, the director of the police union, told TT.

“It is obvious that the migrant situation is a great strain. It has become clear that the situation is completely unsustainable.”

See our complete archive on Sweden by clicking here.  It has always been my first choice guess for which country in Europe will fall first to the Muslim migration.
By the way, next time you hear refugee contractors and the globalists talk about refugees bringing economic prosperity, ask if they have factored in the cost of crimes and the need for increased crime prevention (and the cost of imprisonment!).
Send us links for more updates on this story—-is it one more sexually motivated attack?

Too funny! 'Refugees' not finding Germany to their liking and want to go home!

Invasion of Europe news….
Just as US federal refugee resettlement contractors are gearing up their massive PR campaign that America should embrace a hundred thousand Syrians and bring them to your towns, thousands of those (supposedly seeking asylum) who flooded into Germany in the last year want to go home!
Why? To put it simply:  Not enough welfare goodies and culture shock (“open attitudes” about sex).  So much for fear of war.

Merkel Iraqi thank you
In this story (burly fighting age) Iraqis are getting ready to make their move to Germany. One of the best things the EU could do (to save itself) is to craft a PR campaign to be broadcast in the Middle East and N. Africa featuring unhappy “refugees” who say they are sorry they came and want to go home!

Be sure to see a post we wrote last August where a Syrian American says that many of those fleeing Syria see Europe as El Dorado (a mythical city of gold) and don’t want to be left out of the gold rush.
The Wall Street Journal has a really good story yesterday:

BERLIN—In October, Amer sold all his belongings in Syria and took his family to a safer life in Germany. Four months later, he wants to return to a country still at war.

Once in Germany, Amer discovered an unexpected reality: Instead of the small house he was hoping for and money to help him open a business, he was given a bare room in an old administrative building turned into an emergency shelter. Now he is packing his bags again.

“I came to Germany because everyone was saying it was heaven. Now I regret that decision,” said the 30-year-old from Damascus.


But many who arrive find the country doesn’t match their often inflated expectations. They balk at modest benefits, poor job prospects, and harsh treatment at immigration offices, and voice other complaints ranging from bland food to Germans’ open attitudes about sex.

The Merkel myth about jobs, just that, a myth (or, how the greedy globalists are destroying western civilization).

Ms. Merkel has said the best path to integration is through work, but most migrants face a long road from the cots of emergency shelters to finding housing and employment.

Economists have warned that migrants with low skills, like Amer, stand little chance of ever finding jobs. While some political leaders say the new migrants will help offset a dearth of German workers in the future, critics say they could become a long-term burden on German taxpayers.

Read it all.
Maybe the fighting back home isn’t so bad after all!
See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.  And, read all about Germany and crazy Mama Merkel, by clicking here.