Germany: Asylum seeker brags that he killed for ISIS

Invasion of Europe News……

Update:  In a different case, an ISIS member posing as an asylum seeker is arrested, here.
Here is the brief story at the Daily Mail:

Merkel grumpy
Meanwhile ‘Mama Merkel’ says the migrant crisis in Europe is everyone’s responsibility. After she put out the German welcome mat, didn’t she see that hundreds of thousands of Middle Easterners would head for Germany (and must cross other countries that don’t want to be colonized to get to Germany)? Vast numbers of them are so-called “economic migrants” and not legitimate asylum seekers.

Police are investigating whether an asylum seeker living in Germany fought for Islamic State, it has been reported.

The Syrian man, who lives in a shelter in the north-east region of Brandenburg, allegedly told other refugees he had been a member of ISIS.

German newspaper Welt am Sonntag, reported that the man was filmed boasting about his blood-thirsty past.
Investigators are now trying to determine whether the Syrian was a member of ISIS, the newspaper reported.

Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office said the suspect was filmed by other refugees boasting about having killed for the terrorist group.

The Guardian  reported overnight that European leaders will gather on Wednesday to try to figure out what the h*** they are going to do about the invasion. (not their words!)
See our extensive archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ going back years, here.  Even casual observers have seen this crisis building for a long time and the chickens in the EU leadership did nothing to get in front of it.
Our archive on Germany is here.  Previous posts on Merkel are here.

Oktoberfest: Will Munich be prepared if migrant hordes and beer drinking revelers clash?

Munich cookies
Gingerbread hearts on sale in Munich. OMG! This tells us all we need to know about the migration crisis Germany has brought to Europe.

Invasion of Europe news…..

Read this story at Yahoo News about what ‘fun’ might happen as one of the biggest annual events for the Germany economy runs smack up against thousands of mostly Muslim ‘refugees’ arriving on trains with the revelers.
Cookies will not fix the problem! For more on the mess Merkel has visited upon Germany, click here.

Saudi Arabia claims they have taken in 2.5 million Syrian refugees (prove it!)

No they haven’t taken refugees.  They may have tens of thousands of foreign workers there on a temporary basis, but they are not resettling any ‘refugees’ on a permanent basis.  And, I doubt the number of Syrians is in the millions.

S.A deportations
In 2013, Saudi Arabia loaded up tens of thousands of Somali and Ethiopian asylum seekers and shipped them back to Africa said HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH. In this photo Africans board buses to the airport for deportation flights to Addis Ababa.

Go here and here to see how this controversy began.  Where is the UN High Commissioner for Refugees confirming or denying these claims?
Here is Alarabia:

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman on Monday chaired a cabinet session in which “false and misleading accusations” over the Kingdom’s response to the Syrian refugee crisis were addressed.

Almost 2.5 million Syrians have been received by Saudi Arabia since the start of the civil war, state news agency SPA reported.

We have been chronicling Saudi Arabia’s mean-spiritedness toward its fellow Muslims for years.  Go here for our complete archive on S.A.’s treatment of refugees.
And, I just found a post here from 2008 ,written by blog partner Judy, in which she reports that S.A. takes no refugees on a permanent basis because they don’t want them to have any voting power in the future.
Just a reminder that you will be hearing from western advocates for refugee resettlement that the countries of Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon have an “unfair” burden because they have millions of Syrians in camps there.  Always remember that those ‘refugees’ are there on a temporary basis and that when we take in refugees they will be here PERMANENTLY (and we will admit their family members) after the Syrian civil war is long forgotten.  The comparison is not a legitimate one.

German political party: Merkel has made “an unparalleled historical mistake”

Merkel cute
Borders open? Borders closed? Who knows how I’ll be feeling tomorrow.

Invasion of Europe news…..

That phrase I believe is being echoed around the world and most assuredly in the countries of Eastern Europe that are having to cope with German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s insane decision to allow unregistered refugees to flow in to Germany by the tens of thousands and who must naturally cross other sovereign nations to get to Merkel’s welcome.
That phrase is also near the very end of a detailed story about Merkel’s flip-flopping over first opening, then closing and now (maybe?) opening German borders to the swarming mass of humanity she has surely unleashed.
I’m running out of time now, but want to bring this latest news at The Guardian from earlier this afternoon.
Go here to learn more about Germany and the mess “Mama” Merkel has created.
A reader reminded me of this:  Do you remember Merkel saying that “multiculturalism has failed” in Germany?  Here in 2010.

Mama Merkel makes a mess as Germany closes its borders

Invasion of Europe news….

What the heck did German Chancellor Angela Merkel think was going to happen when she “welcomed” the world to Germany?
Now, what is going to happen to the hordes who must be backed up all the way to Turkey, but who have started on their migration to Merkel’s welcoming arms?

Angela Merkel
Is “Mama Merkel” insane? There can be no other explanation for what she is doing!

From Deutsche Welle last evening:

Borders between Germany and Austria were closed and train services suspended for twelve hours amid a massive refugee crisis. Alison Langley reports from Vienna’s central station on the reactions there.

On Sunday evening at the West Bahnhof refugees and normal train passengers struggled to get to Germany after the German government announced it would introduce border controls immediately and that train service with Austria was suspended.


Thousands of refugees hoping to continue their travels to Germany and beyond – some wanted to get to The Netherlands, others Sweden – were stranded in Austria, along the Hungarian border with Nickelsdorf and the German boundary.

Helmut Marban, police spokesman in Nickelsdorf, said about 11,000 refugees had arrived in Austria as of 21:00. They were expecting up to 5,000 more during the night.

More here….
Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.