Miscellaneous news about the Invasion of Europe

This is a round-up of sorts of some migration news coming out of Europe….

German refugee facilities
Deutsche Welle tells us: Google recently pulled a controversial map showing the location of all refugee homes in Germany for fear it could fuel right-wing violence. http://www.dw.com/en/attacks-against-germanys-refugee-homes-on-the-rise/a-18604812

In Sweden, Christians harassed in group home for asylum seekers. 

From the Christian Post:

Syrian Christian refugees living in Sweden say they were forced out of their asylum house by Muslim refugees who demanded they hide their crosses and banned them from using communal areas in the home they shared.

The Christians, comprised of two families, were seeking asylum after fleeing from the Islamic State in Syria. And the place they were staying at housed around 80 people with many being Syrian Muslims.

While Swedish police said they weren’t notified about the harassment, immigration officials visited the residence to outline the government’s rules for those who continue to live in asylum housing.


The violence of ISIS against Syrian Christians and other citizens who refuse to obey Islamic law knows no bounds.

The article goes on to tell us of some of the horrors facing the remaining Christian population of Syria.
Also from Sweden, see Gatestone on the ‘unaccompanied refugee children’ situation there where everyone knows the “children” are mostly young men over 18 years old.

Denmark has no more places to house refugees!

See Breitbart News:

Denmark’s capacity to admit migrants is near breaking point. With 12,000 refugees searching for a place to live, nearly a third of the nation’s struggling municipalities say that they have little to offer newcomers.

In the Czech Republic, Syrian and North African refugees are not welcome, but more Czechs willing to take in Ukrainians. 

From Ceskenoviny:

The Czech Republic should not accept any refugees from Syria, this is the view held by 71 percent of Czechs. When it comes to the refugees from North Africa, the figure stands at 72 percent.

The view that some immigrants from Syria and North Africa should be accepted is held by 26 percent and 24 percent of Czechs, respectively.

Ireland goes along with EU plan and will double its refugee intake.

From Big News Network.com:

DUBLIN, Ireland – Ireland is to more than double its intake of refugees as part of a European Union plan to relocate up to 40,000 refugees which is being coordinated in response to the unprecedented migration crisis in the Mediterranean.

Under the EU plan, a number of ‘hotspots’ in Italy and Greece will be established where migrants will be registered and fingerprinted. Individuals who are identified as likely to be genuine refugees can be put forward for relocation to another EU country where they will be given the opportunity of protection, while irregular migrants will be returned to their home country.

Ireland has agreed to relocate 600 people over the next two years. This is in addition to the country’s previous commitment to resettle 520 refugees directly from areas affected by conflict, and the humanitarian search and rescue missions undertaken in the region by the Naval Service which saved more than 3,300 refugees.

The Slovak government: we will only take Christian refugees as permanent residents.

From the Slovak Spectator:

THE SLOVAK government remains reluctant to take in refugees within the proposed European schemes and has recently conceded to accept 100 people from Syria under the condition they are Christians, but has agreed to provide temporary shelter for migrants that have already arrived in Austria.

Based on a recent bilateral deal, some 500 refugees seeking asylum in Austria will stay in Slovakia temporarily, until their asylum process is finished and, based on the results, they will either move back to Austria or be deported from the EU.

In Germany there is more news accusing “rightwingers” of torching asylum facilities.

From Deutsche Welle:

The rate of violence perpetrated against refugee homes in Germany in 2015 has already outstripped the whole of 2014. The Interior Ministry has warned that right-wing violence is on the rise in the west of the country.


According to a statement from Germany’s Interior Ministry on Thursday, there have been more attacks on homes for asylum seekers in the first half of 2015 than in the entirety of 2014.

Read the article, there is an admission that a growing number of these cases are perpetrated by people with no known affiliation. Hmmm! Is that what happens when a government is so obviously not responsive to a large number of its citizens? By the way, the article also tells us that these arson attacks were originally confined to the Eastern parts of Germany, but have now spread into the West.  Fascinating that we hear nothing of this in the US media.
I’m sure there is much more news from Europe.  If I see something interesting as the day goes on, I’ll add it.
For our entire archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ click here.

Obama's illegal 'refugee' resettlement program for Central American 'children' up and running

The Obama Administration is writing refugee law with its new Central American Minors “refugee” resettlement plan.  And, apparently Congress is unwilling to defend its power under the Constitution. So what else is new!

The “children” won’t need to ride in on top of a train. We are flying them in just as we do refugees from around the world. http://www.tucsonweekly.com/TheRange/archives/2015/02/09/immigration-officials-announce-an-in-country-refugee-parole-program-for-central-american-minors

This so-called Central American Minors Refugee/Parole Program (known as CAM) has simply rewritten the definition of the word refugee.  Legitimate refugees are by international law and US law supposed to be able to prove they have been persecuted for one of several reasons—religion, political view, membership in certain groups, and race.
People looking to improve their economic condition are not refugees!    See my earlier post here for more.
This is a good article at Newsday, focused mostly on the NY, Long Island area but it gives us some useful updated information.  Thanks to reader Chris for sending it.
There is also a map which shows where the tens of thousands of ‘children’ (mostly teenage boys) were distributed around the US in the last year or so.
Ostensibly the program is meant to stem the illegal invasion of the border, but it isn’t.  It is really, in my view, meant to expand the definition of ‘refugees’ and eventually, I predict, it will be available to other poor people in other third world hellholes way beyond Central America.
I’ve snipped just a small amount of the article, but there is much more so please read the whole thing!

Hundreds of Central American children are seeking to come to Long Island and other parts of the nation on a new path carved by President Barack Obama for minors “at risk of harm” in their home countries, according to a federal agency and a local resettlement group.

Children from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala who prove they are fleeing danger will be placed on flights to airports where their parents will meet them. The number coming will be limited by the program’s rules, as well as yearly quotas for refugees from Latin America and the Caribbean, officials said.

Refugee contractors monopolize the program!

Rep. Peter King, chairman of important House Homeland Security subcommittee is OK with this illegal expansion of refugee law!

In this next section we get further evidence that this program is also a boon to our usual cabal of ‘non-profit’ resettlement contractors because they are PAID to process the children.  One is not even permitted to use other help to process in one’s children, applications must go through groups like Catholic Charities!
Newsday continues:

As of June, about 200 petitions had been filed under the new initiative by immigrants seeking to legally bring their children to Long Island — mostly from El Salvador — and another 200 were waiting to file their requests, said Carmen Maquilon, immigrant refugee services director at Catholic Charities in Amityville. The nonprofit is the only group authorized in Nassau and Suffolk counties to file those requests for admission as refugees or immigration parole recipients with the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program.


Applications reported

The U.S. Department of State, which administers the new program for minors, reported receiving 1,385 individual applications from throughout the United States as of June 8 — 1,139 for children in El Salvador, 21 for children in Guatemala and 225 for children in Honduras. The agency did not say how many of the applications were from New York.

So much for help from Congress!

U.S. Rep. Peter King (R-Seaford), whose district includes communities where many immigrants’ kids have resettled, said he is not opposed to the refugee program.

 More here.

Investigation needed!

Back in 2013, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (one of nine federal resettlement contractors) sent a delegation to Central America and returned to write a report that predicted that 60,000 unaccompanied alien children would flood our southern border in 2014.  They hit the number almost exactly on the head.  I’ve wondered ever since if they were good guessers or if they actually went to Central America and LIT THE FUSE on the invasion.   Here is one post where I mention my theory.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if some investigative reporter dug into what happened on that Bishops’ trip in 2013!
By the way, the Catholic Charities office mentioned in the Newsday article is a subcontractor of the USCCB.
All of our posts on the illegal alien ‘children’ going back many years, are archived with the phrase ‘unaccompanied minors.‘  Today, I primarily use the phrase ‘unaccompanied alien children.’

More headaches for Germany as asylum center torched

The latest ‘Invasion of Europe’ news…..

Update July 23rd:  German Justice Minister condemns attacks on asylum centers.

Over a thousand residents of the Bavarian town of Eichstatt say “Nein” to plan to house asylum seekers. Photo: https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eichst%C3%A4tt

From National Catholic Reporter:

Munich—A German Catholic church leader condemned an arson attack that destroyed a reception center for asylum seekers.

Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich-Freising, president of the German bishops’ conference, said the attack revealed that “some groups” were trying to “sow hatred” against migrants.

The July 16 incident in the Bavarian town of Reichertshofen, is the latest in a wave of attacks against hostels for asylum seekers as anti-immigration sentiments rise in Germany in the face of unprecedented numbers of asylum applications.

Noting that there have been 150 attacks against centers for refugees and asylum seekers in the first half of 2015, Marx said the church must make clear its opposition to such “hatred and violence.”


About 1,200 of the 7,780 residents of the town, located 40 miles north of Munich in the diocese of Eichstatt, had signed a petition against the project.


Germany is expecting an influx of 450,000 refugees and asylum seekers this year, which is more than double the number of those who arrived in 2014.

With numbers that high, I suspect that tensions are going to get a whole lot worse.
See our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.

Australia: Violent riots erupt between anti-Islam nationalists and anti-racism activists

Coming to a town near you?
Reuters has the story here:

MELBOURNE (Reuters) – Several hundred Australian nationalists and anti-racism activists clashed with police in Melbourne on Saturday in a rare display of violence in a country where immigration is an increasingly emotive political issue.


Fear of young Australian Muslims being inspired by militants such as Islamic State and traveling to fight in Iraq and Syria has underpinned support for right-wing groups like Reclaim Australia and the United Patriots Front.

“The message is very clear: you come here, embrace our way of life,” Daniel Nalliah, National President of the Rise Up Australia Party and Reclaim Australia rally organizer told the crowd.

“If you think where you come from is better than where you are coming to, shut up, pack up and get out.”

About 450 police were on hand following violent clashes at a similar rally earlier this year and used pepper spray as they struggled to keep the two sides apart.

The written report doesn’t tell the whole story.  See the films of the violent demonstrations to get a better understanding of the tension over immigration down under.  Here are just two of many:


For new readers we have an extensive archive on Australia with 171 previous posts.

How did Chattanooga shooter's family get here?

I haven’t seen anyone find the definitive answer yet. Have you?
Andy McCarthy, here, further elaborates on their ‘Palestinian’ origins, and tells us the family came when Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez was an infant.  He was born in 1990.

Abdulazeez family
The apparently not-so-happy Abdulazeez family. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3165737/Muslim-Marine-murderer-s-father-sexually-assaulted-wife-beat-son-wanted-second-wife-allowed-Islamic-law.html

We take very few ‘Palestinian’ refugees (I’ve remarked many times that the Palestinian problem is never solved by the UN because they need to continue the thorn in Israel’s side, but that is a story for another day).
I hate to speculate, but will anyway.  There is a chance that this family was very likely among those being expelled from Kuwait (to Jordan) at the time of the first Gulf War.  The father is reportedly a Palestinian who could very well have been a successful asylum seeker just as had been the father of the Tsarnaev Boston Bomber family.  In the Tsarnaev case the father got into the US on his own and then asked for asylum.  Once granted political refugee status he then brought the rest of the family over.

By the way, we wouldn’t be speculating if the US State Department and its resettlement agencies in Tennessee would talk!

ORR Annual reports to Congress hold much information

I went back to the Office of Refugee Resettlement Annual Reports to Congress to see what we were doing in the early 1990’s in Jordan and Kuwait.  For those of you doing research, these are a treasure-trove of information.
In the first half of the 1990’s we took no refugees from either Kuwait or Jordan, however, much to my surprise the reports in the early 1990’s included the nationalities of successful asylum seekers.  Unfortunately by the 1995 report this feature was dropped from subsequent reports.
Go here to the Annual Report for 1994 and see Table 14 on Page A-24.
From 1990-1994 we accepted 85 asylum seekers from Kuwait and 66 from Jordan.  Could this be how the Abdulazeez family gained legal immigrant status in the US?
Again, we don’t know yet, or at least I haven’t seen reports yet on how exactly this family gained access to a legal life in Tennessee, but, this gave me an opportunity to mention the Annual Reports to all of you concerned activist citizens who are researching what has been done to your states.
Completely changing the subject….I was interested to see (in that same 1994 report) a table on the distribution of ‘unaccompanied minors’ that year.  We distributed 8,416 of those ‘unaccompanied minors’ to your towns as early as 1994.