The federal fiscal year ended on September 30th. We are now beginning FY 2016 (Obama says we will admit 10,000 Syrians who cannot be thoroughly screened according to the FBI). That is UNHCR Antonio Guterres on the left. He chooses our refugees and Anne Richard, Asst. Secretary of State for PRM does what he says!
Because the UNHCR is choosing our Syrian refugees from its camps dominated by Sunni Muslims, you can expect the numbers (the percentage) of Muslim refugees to continue just about as they have been this past fiscal year.
I’m sorry if this news is repetitive for our regular readers, but I want the mainstream media to stop being so lazy (or duplicitous) when reporting on the Syrians who have come so far.
I repeat, these numbers will not change going forward unless we get the UN out of the business of picking refugees for us!
This data is directly from the US State Department’s Refugee Processing Center. I thought if I did the research maybe reporters wouldn’t be so lazy in reporting it!
In fiscal year 2015 we admitted 1,682 Syrians through the Refugee Admissions Program. Religious affiliation is as follows:
Atheist (2)
Bahai (2)
Christian (29)
Moslem (53)
Moslem Shiite (10)
Moslem Suni (1,537)
No Religion (1)
Orthodox (1)
Other Religion (5)
Zorastrian (6)
That makes it 97% Muslim!
When you see politicians like Senators Mikulski, Cardin, Graham, Blumenthal and others we have mentioned this past week advocating for more Syrians, remember they are advocating for more MUSLIM Syrians to be admitted and placed in your towns, not truly persecuted Christians!
Back in December 2014, Canada said they would accept Christian (and other minority) Syrians over Muslims and all hell broke loose. They were beaten over the head in the media by the human rights industrial complex. So, I’m wondering if this proposed new policy on Syrian refugees does the same thing by loosening Canada’s apron strings to the UNHCR. Harper dared to reference “old-stock Canandians” in recent debate. Conservative leader Stephen Harper takes part in the Globe and Mail leaders’ debate Thursday, September 17, 2015 in Calgary.THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward
Just a reminder, in the US we have completely given over all responsibility to the UNHCR to choose our Syrian refugees and they are choosing mostly Muslim Syriansfrom their Muslim-populated camps.
Here is the news at the Wall Street Journal:
TORONTO—The Canadian government said Saturday that it will accelerate the processing of Syrian refugees to resettle 10,000 in the country by September 2016, more than a year ahead of its original target, as it contends with criticism over its response to the resettlement crisis.
In January, the Canadian government said it would resettle 10,000 Syrians over a three-year period. But faced with mounting pressure to work faster, the ruling Conservative Party now plans to complete the process 15 months earlier by designating all Syrians who have fled their home country as “prima facie” refugees.That means Canada will no longer require proof of official United Nations documentation to accept them as refugees, shortening the review process and broadening the pool of refugees Canadian groups can sponsor, Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander announced at a press conference.
I read that to mean that Canadian immigration authorities could pluck Christians and other religious minority refugees from where ever they are hiding right now, not having to pick from an approved UNHCR list.
At the same time, Mr. Alexander stressed security screening of refugees remains a government priority.
Election year issue!
The incumbent Conservatives are in the throes of a tight three-way election campaign ahead of an Oct. 19 vote. Polling suggests its response to the refugee crisis, while facing heavy criticism among his political rivals, hasn’t played a role in eroding support.
Mr. Harper has said there is no “refugee-based solution” to the conflict in Syria, and added Western allies must plan for a long-term military presence in the region to defeat Islamic State. He’s also warned of the security risk to Canada of immediately taking on additional refugees without proper security screening.
Unlike the US 2016 Presidential debate this past week, in Canada they actually uttered the words “Syrian refugees.”
In a party leaders’ debate this past week, Mr. Harper accused his political rivals of having a “reckless approach” on Syrian refugees, as they are content to “throw open our borders and let in hundreds of thousands of people without any kind of security check.” His main rivals accused Mr. Harper of fear mongering, and demanded he stop using the issue of security to limit Canada’s role.
I see the US resettlement contractors and the media latching on to the 10,000 Syrians in one year figure and using it to say that the US can take many more than 10,000 without noticing the distinction being made by this policy that would, by taking mostly Christians, reduce the security concerns greatly for Canada (although it will still be expensive!).
One Christian Syrian family coming to live in the Vatican with me! So good, so charitable!
Readers will remember that Pope Francis called on Christiansto open their homes to Syrian refugees and he promised that the Vatican would take two families. They have chosen one so far—Melkite Greek Catholics.
So, then let me ask, if Americans are being asked to “welcome” Syrians why can’t we have Christians too?
Presently the UN/US State Department selection for your towns and cities has been comprised of 95% Syrian Muslims. I think if your town is being asked to take Syrians you should be demanding Christians who will pose no security threat to Christian America!
The Muslim Syrians can be taken in by the rich Arab states!
From NBC News:
Responding to a call from Pope Francis for every Church parish to house refugees, the Vatican City said Friday it had taken in a family that had fled the war in Syria.
The family – a father, mother and their two children – came from Damascus and are Melkite Greek Catholics, a Christian church with close ties to the Roman Catholic Church.
The Vatican said in a statement that the family, which was not named, arrived in Italy on Sept 6, the day Pope Francis made his appeal for European parishes to open their doors to refugees. The four Syrians have since asked for asylum.
The vast majority of Syrians are Muslims, but its small Christian community is one of the oldest in the world, making up an estimated 10 percent of the population before the outbreak of the Syrian unrest in 2011.
When the Pope comes to Washington this coming week, I sure hope he is going to call out those doing the persecuting in the Middle East (but don’t count on it). Let him know what you think! Send letters to the editor wherever you live because you know the mainstream media is going to milk this visit for all its worth to promote the Democrats’ no-borders agenda.
It sure sounds like it! How dare he! And, who invited him to insert himself into our political system?
Oh, no surprise John Boehner*** invited him! Previously we learned that Democrats are going to use the Pope’s visit to advance their goal of admitting 100,000 Syrians to the US in the next year!
Is Boehner working for Obama and the Democrats (just asking!)?
Citizens concerned about saving Western Civilization should be out in New York and Washington, DC protesting the message the Pope, we are told, will be spewing! According to the editor of a Catholic magazine he may even quote that historically inaccurate Emma Lazarus poem to guilt-trip you. Please spare us that lecture! In 2013, Pope Francis helped fuel the invasion of Europe by welcoming illegal aliens to the island of Lampedusa. If you can’t be out with a protest sign next week, every Catholic who disagrees with this Pope on immigration should pen a letter to your local paper that begins with:
This Pope does not speak for me!
This is the news featured at Drudge earlier this morning!
And the church wonders why so many of us have left it!
From the Financial Times:
When Pope Francis makes his maiden visit to the US next week, he will accomplish something that has eluded the 2016 presidential contenders — overshadowing Donald Trump, the frontrunner for the Republican nomination.
US television networks will provide wall-to-wall coverage of the visit, which will include the first speech by a Pope to Congress. [Thanks John Boehner!—ed]But while the pontiff will steal some of Mr Trump’s media thunder, he is also expected to wade into a debate about immigration — an issue that has helped propel the brash real estate magnate to the front of the Republican pack.
Since losing the 2012 election, party leaders have talked about the need to appeal to Hispanics, who are the fastest growing segment of the US electorate. But Mr Trump has upended that plan by campaigning against illegal Mexican immigrants, some of whom he has called “rapists”, and reopening a polarising debate that the Republicans had hoped to avoid in 2016.
Vatican officials say Pope Francis will focus heavily on immigration during his visit, which would insert him into the middle of presidential politics and could unsettle conservatives even more than his critiques of capitalism and environmentalist rhetoric.
“The Pope obviously has a very soft spot in his heart for immigrants,” said one Holy See insider. “He won’t say, ‘open all borders’, but there’s no two ways about it, he will say, ‘let’s give our immigrant brothers and sisters a fair chance’.” [So, if not all borders, how many, whose borders, and how wide? They will never answer those questions.—ed]
Give me a break! Emma Lazurus blah! blah! blah!
Robert Mickens, the Rome-based editor-in-chief of Global Pulse, the Catholic magazine, said that concern for migrants had been “one of the central themes” of Pope Francis’ social teaching. “He doesn’t need to scold the lawmakers but I think he will challenge them not to abandon America’s long history of welcoming immigrants,” Mr Mickens said.
“I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the Pope were to quote those evocative line’s from Emma Lazarus’s poem that adorns the Statue of Liberty — ‘give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore’.”
There is more if you can stand it, click here. (Update: Looks like the Financial Times may only let you in one time, but its o.k. we snipped the important part)
And, one more thing! The Pope has made no appeal to put the persecuted Syrian Christians ahead of Sunni Muslims for protection by western countries. Correct me if I am wrong! Here, Hungarian Bishop tells Pope he is wrong on Syrians arriving in Europe, calls them invaders.
I think my head is going to explode!
Why do big news outlets like the Washington Post republish such biased news from lazy reporters?
Here is an article written by Jacob Wirtschafter for Religion News Service (whatever that is) and published at the Washington Postthat leaves one very large piece of the story unreported. And, that is that HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), as one of nine major federal resettlement contractors, has a financial stake in the decision to admit large numbers of Syrian (mostly Muslim) refugees. Doing well by doing good! More than half of their $31 million dollar budget*** is from the federal government (you!) which pays them (BY THE HEAD) to resettle refugees.
They have every incentive to increase the number! HIAS doesn’t focus attention on persecuted Jews and Christians/other minorities as a first priority, they help bring Somali, Iraqi and soon Syrian Muslims to your towns and cities. And, how dare CEO Mark Hetfield now feign concern for Israel when he has been bashing Israel for years over the illegal alien problem Israel has been trying to cope with! See here and here.
Here is the “news” about how happy Syrian Americans are that HIAS is helping get their people into America.
At theWashington Post:
LOS ANGELES — Advocates for Syrian refugee resettlement found unexpected allies as major Jewish groups have called on President Obama to open America’s gates to 100,000 asylum seekers from the war-torn Arab nation.
The American Jewish resettlement agency HIAS has launched a petition drive calling on Obama to resettle 100,000 Syrians in the U.S., and Reform rabbis pledged to make refugee assistance a key theme for High Holiday sermons and congregational activism.
Jewish American groups, saying they can’t be bystanders as the worst refugee crisis since World War II unfolds, are joining Arab-American leaders in a critique of existing policies, which have sharply limited the numbers of refugees settled in the United States.
The nerve of Hetfield now saying we should bring Syrian Muslims to America to ensure Israel’s safety! Why? Presumably just to pander to the American pro-Israel community when Hetfield has been a leading critic of Israel on the immigration issue urging them to let in more ‘refugees’ which anyone in their right mind knows will kill Israel.
HIAS President and CEO Mark Hetfield said the request for additional Syrian refugees is also a matter of ensuring Israel’s safety.
“The crisis in Syria threatens to destabilize Jordan, Lebanon, and perhaps even Turkey and Egypt,” he said. “This cannot be good for Israel.”
“HIAS has consistently called for more resettlement and pushed back against discriminatory rhetoric opposing the opening of doors to Syrian refugees,” said Omar Hossino, public relations director for the Syrian American Council in Washington, D.C.
It took 5 seconds to find this linking the Syrian American Council to the Muslim Brotherhood.
And, btw, HIAS was a leading activist group pushing the ‘Gang of Eight’ amnesty billin the Senate (we have many posts on their lobbying activities on these pages over the years).
If the US brings in 100,000 Syrian Muslims as HIAS is demanding, they will be rolling in the green stuff! So come on lazy reporters, do your homework!
*** Have a look at the most recent Form 990 for HIAS (which re-branded itself and dropped the word Hebrew from its name awhile back). It is a $31 million dollar a year supposed ‘non-profit’ group that receives 55% of its funding from the US taxpayer. Federal grants total just over $16 million and that is to resettle refugees! And they receive other funds related to their refugee resettlement efforts including over $500,000 in processing fees for loans (refugee air fare loan collections).
Hetfield pulls down a salary (and related income) of just over $300,000 per year and there are 5 other employees in the six-figure range. Go hereto see if HIAS is working in your city.