That is the title of a story about the travesty that occurred in Sterling Heights, Michigan on Tuesday evening.
Before you read this consider the fact that the US Department of State continually places Muslims in the same communities in which they have placed Christians from the Middle East. I’ve seen them place Burmese Muslims into Burmese Christian communities in some US cities as well, and thus they bring centuries of religious conflict to American soil. Obama is still winning! US Attorney Barbara McQuade said she was “very proud” to help get this mosque placed in a Christian neighborhood. Pres. Trump and AG Sessions did not save the Iraqi Christian community that likely helped put them in the White House, but they should now move quickly to replace all of Obama’s US Attorneys! Photo :
And, also consider that mosques represent the expansion of Islam in to the land of the Kafir. Iraqi Christians will now be pushed out of this community in Sterling Heights, a win for the Islamic supremacists.
Our earlier post is here.
From Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily:
In the end, the Iraqi Christians of Sterling Heights, Michigan, say they felt abandoned and left vulnerable by their government.
It didn’t matter that they had escaped genocide in the Middle East.
It didn’t matter they had 180 people at the City Council meeting Tuesday to voice their concerns about a large mosque being proposed in the middle of their neighborhood.
It didn’t matter, they say, that Donald Trump is their new president or that Jeff Sessions is the new attorney general.
They lost. The Muslims won.
The city on Tuesday night agreed to a settlement with a Muslim group that wants to build a mega-mosque on 15 Mile at Mound Road, in the heart of a residential area filled with Christians who escaped Muslim persecution in Iraq.
The Chaldeans and others opposed to the mosque were hopeful up to the last minute that new Attorney General Jeff Sessions would step in and dismiss the DOJ lawsuit against the city.
Barbara McQuade, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan and an Obama appointee, led the investigation into the city’s handling of the mosque project, and she remains in her post under Trump. She praised the settlement at a news conference Wednesday morning, saying it made her “very proud.”
Continue reading here.
We can only hope that the Justice Department now moves quickly to remove all of Obama’s US Attorneys!
Update February 22: The mosque will be built, Trump Administration did not stop Obama deal. So sad for citizens there.See here.
Maybe he doesn’t even know that an Obama Justice Department ‘deal’ is going forward! With the stroke of a pen this afternoon, AG Sessions could halt this action! Spread this news far and wide to try to get the attention of Attorney General Jeff Sessions! World Net Daily:
A city of 130,000 people in southeastern Michigan is under the gun of Islamic pressure following its denial of a mega-mosque in a residential neighborhood populated largely by Christian refugees who fled Islamic persecution in Iraq.
Sterling Heights already has two mosques, but a third, the American Islamic Community Center, applied for a permit and was rejected after it was determined its proposed use was incompatible with the residential area. Too much traffic, too little parking, the city planning commission decided by a 9-0 vote against the mosque in September 2015.
But in December, the mosque sued the city and the Obama Justice Department joined in, claiming the real reason the mosque was denied was because the city was caving to anti-Muslim bigotry in the community. Now, a settlement deal is headed to the Sterling Heights City Council on Tuesday evening. If the council votes to sign the deal, it could be very costly for the city.
Obama’s Justice Department deals must be killed! Here is the full story, no time to write about it further, just please see what Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily is reporting.
And, since October 1, 2016 (the first day of fiscal year 2017) we are up to 34,430—still time for the Trump Administration to cap entry for this year at less than 50,000 (my suggestion is 35,000). Trump Watch!
I’m glad to see so many news outlets now tracking refugee numbers, something not done until the last year or so. (You will see some slight discrepancies in numbers depending on what parameters are entered at Wrapsnet and what time of day the reporter accessed the State Department data base.)
Here is what I have this morning: Since President Trump’s Executive Order on the evening of 1/27, the State Department and its contractors have hustled and placed 2,305 refugees. (Remember that although the ‘ban’ has been stymied by court wrangling, the 50,000 ceiling, a reduction from Obama’s proposed 110,000, stays in effect.)
Of the 2,305, 1,051 come from the countries that were included in the ban as follows:
Iraq (341)
Iran (115)
Somalia (156)
Sudan (37)
Syria (402) (400 of the Syrians are Muslims and only 2 Christians)
Libya (0)
Yemen (0)
(We rarely bring refugees from those last two countries anyway)
Total: 1,051
It defies all common sense to believe Rohingya boat people can be security screened. Story and photo:
One thing you need to know is that all of those coming from places like Iran and Iraq are not Muslims, some are Christians and other minorities.
But the total number of Muslims in the group of 2,305 is 1,022.
In addition to those countries above, we admitted Muslim refugees from the following countries: Afghanistan, Burma, DR Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Jordan and Palestine. In fact 19 of the 87 Burmese we admitted are Muslims. These are probably the Rohingya boat people who went illegally to places like Malaysia, and I maintain cannot be thoroughly vetted any better than Syrians or Somalis.
This post is filed in ourTrump Watch!category as well as ‘refugee statistics’and ‘where to find information.’
“Even people that live here, they don’t even know they have that many refugees in the state.”
Aden Batar, Catholic Community Services
Right now, most refugees resettled in ‘welcoming’ Utah are placed there through Catholic organizations under the umbrella of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, but the Mormon church is jumping on the bandwagon. So far they haven’t applied to become a refugee contractor (to get direct grants from the federal government), but I have been speculating about the possibility that they are in the learning stage right now working along with Catholic agencies. Poster boy for refugee program in Utah! They will never mention the sensational trial of Burmese Muslim refugee, Esar Met, sentenced to life in prison in Salt Lake City in 2014. He brutally raped and murdered a 9-year-old Christian Burmese girl. Met was likely placed in a housing complex with Burmese Christians by one of the Utah’s resettlement agencies. Was it the Catholic agency? National media never reported the story! I’m not going to let it die! If you missed it yesterday, you might want to read my post about the millions of tax dollars the US Conference of Catholic Bishops receives every year for their charitable (Ha! Ha!) workhere.
It doesn’t surprise me that other ‘religious charities’ might want to get on the gravy train! See recent posts on the Mormon church and refugees here.
Here is a the fluffy puffy news from The National Catholic Reporter (the star of the story is a Somali refugee) about how wonderful the refugee program is in Utah.
Aden Batar’s first taste of Utah came more than 20 years ago as a high school student in his native Somalia. An agriculture team from Utah State University had traveled there to work with Somali farmers on their farming techniques. Batar was a promising student then, learning about the snow in Salt Lake City from the ag workers, studying English and planning for law school.
Now 48, Batar was the first Somali refugee resettled by Catholic Community Services (CCS) of Utah in 1994. The agency has helped to resettle close to 7,000 men, women and children in the state, the majority since 1996. That same year, Batar got a job as a case manager with CCS in part because he could speak Somali.
“Utah is home to more than 60,000 refugees,” said Batar, now the immigration and refugee resettlement director at CCS, which is affiliated with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. He credits a partnership between the Catholic church and the Church of Latter Day Saints for much of the immigration work done in the state. “Even people that live here, they don’t even know they have that many refugees in the state.”
Hser Ner Moo: The medical examiner testified that she died in “excruciating pain” and her mother wonders if coming to America was the right thing to do.
Concerns about terrorism and the prospect of harsher immigration laws under the incoming Donald Trump administration aren’t making the work of CCS and Holy Cross Ministries any easier, but they’ve frankly got too much on their plates right now to worry much about what might happen in the future.
If it’s still a surprise that so many refugees end up in Utah, it may be even more so to learn that they are often the “most difficult to serve,” Batar said. The refugees are usually part of large families, people with medical issues or disabilities, or women who have suffered trauma and are the head of household. Utah is popular not just because housing is inexpensive there, although it is, Batar said.
We can only assume that Utah has run out of American poor people for the LDS church to serve, so they have moved on to importing poverty to the state.
Near the end we hear from Rick Scott, manager of North American humanitarian operations for the LDS Church in America and Canada:
The LDS Church had explored becoming a resettlement agency itself, Scott said, but it currently provides cash, commodities (mattresses, food, hygiene products, etc.), resources, and volunteer assistance to CCS.
Frankly, I think they still are exploring it! But, to break into the monopoly the nine volags(federal contractors) have, an organization wishing to become a direct resettlement agency must prove they have experience with refugees. What better way to get it than to partner with the largest contractor—the US Conference of Catholic Bishops—to learn the ropes.
There is a lot more that might be of interest to Utah residents, go here to read the glowing report about Utah wrapping its arms around refugees.
Frankly folks, I’m suspicious. If the Obama Administration had any interest in saving the Yazidis, what took them so long? And, why this new category of refugee just as Obama exits the White House. My opinion is that this is a political move to shame Trump if he tries to slow the massive flow from Iraq.
My first thought upon reading this articleat Voice of America (VOA) is that the State Dept. is setting up this special category of Iraqi refugee (btw, we admitted 122,532 Iraqis over Obama’s 8 years), so when Trump comes in and tries to pause the program from certain terror-producing regions of the world, the Left/Dems will scream and holler that he is opposed to saving Yazidis, Christians and other religious minorities.
A brief mention of the Center for American Progress by Voice of America makes me suspicious and my guess is that this story was fed to VOA by CAP. You know that is the group John Podesta created with George Soros and the Clintons (see my 2009 post) and if you enjoyed reading John Podesta’s Wikileaks e-mails you will recognize the name Neera Tanden who is CAP’s Prez. and was on the Clinton team.
The article reads like we haven’t been hauling Iraqis to America by the tens of thousands during the Obama Administration (see numbers below).
The U.S. government is working to permanently resettle hundreds of Iraqis who were victims of Islamic State (IS) violence.
Bartlett is most likely a career government employee. Trump will appoint someone above him as Asst. Sec. of State for PRM, but like all federal agencies there will be many entrenched bureaucrats working their own angles against Trump policies.
Larry Bartlett, director of the Office of Refugee Admissions at the State Department told VOA that the U.S. is coordinating with the U.N. Refugee Agency (UNHCR) to bring in hundreds of Iraqis to several to be determined locations in the U.S. Most of them are Yazidis and Christians whose communities were uprooted by IS. Many of them suffered brutality and torture at the hands of IS.
The resettlement efforts mark the first widespread attempt by the U.S. to admit Iraqis who survived under IS. [So who was persecuting the 122,000 plus we admitted in the last 8 years?—ed]
“We confirmed that Yazidis were the most traumatized [and] were the most victimized,”Bartlett said. “But there are other groups that were also affected by [IS] such as Christians and other religious minorities up there in the north.”
“We would expect that within a course of a year we would do hundreds of people,” Bartlett said. “One of the things we want to focus on is resettling families as a whole. There have been other programs in the past where just some of the victims were resettled for treatment. We are looking at this differently. We are looking at this as a family unity program of linking families together as much as possible.” [And, we haven’t been bringing families?—ed]
There is more, continue reading here.
BTW, interesting that Bartlett is making this announcement. Is Anne Richard (Asst. Sec. of State for Population, Refugees and Migration) busy packing up her office?
So let’s look at the numbers for Iraqi refugees admitted to the US since Obama took office!
And, remember readers that refugees by definition are supposedto be escaping persecution for one of several reasons (including race, religion, political views).
From the very beginning I have asked: so if Sunni Muslims persecute Shiite Muslims in Iraq and vice versa, does it make any sense to bring in both warring factions, and place them in your towns as we have been doing for over 8 years (Bush reluctantly opened the Iraqi flood gates at the end of his Administration). From Fiscal Year 2009 until December 1, 2016 (8 fiscal years and a few months) we admitted to the US 122,532 Iraqi refugees (in some of those years Iraqis were the top ethnic group we resettled).
The numbers break down like this:
Sunni Muslims: 44,367
Shiite Muslims: 32,766
Moslems (not specified): 1,887
Catholics: 13,306
Christians (not specified): 21,173
Yazidis: 1,215
There were many other groups, including some other Christian denominations that were smaller in number.
So, I will ask again, who was persecuting the Muslims? Are they persecuting each other and thus they are eligible for refugee status? Sure looks like it!
For ambitious readers, this is the 715th post I’ve written about Iraqi refugees, see Iraqi category here.