One Catholic in the world is not advocating for the wholesale movement of Syrians to the West….

He is the Archbishop of Aleppo, Syria and in this interview with Catholic News Service he is highly critical of Canada’s mass importation of Syrians.  (By the way, we have never seen a breakdown of the percentage of Muslim v. Christian Syrians Canada is admitting.)
Archbishop of Syria
I’m guessing he would be even more appalled if he knew how the US Conference of Catholic Bishops takes millions of tax dollars every year and is now busy scattering Syrians to the four winds and into every corner of America.
Here is what he says about the cradle of Christianity potentially being devoid of Christians.
I wonder does this give any good Catholics pause about what is being done in their name when thousands upon thousands of Syrians are scattered for permanent resettlement?

MONTREAL (CNS) — Seated in a quiet room, the Melkite Catholic archbishop of Aleppo, Syria, spoke slowly, in an almost muffled voice.

He goes on to describe a horrible bombing of the city.  Then this….

The city is 8,000 years old. It gave civilization to the world,” said Archbishop Jeanbart, giving details about what Aleppo brought to history, culture, science and economics. Located in northern Syria, until recently Aleppo was a driving force for the country’s economy, providing work to 1.2 million workers and hosting 150,000 university students.

“More than half of the city’s population left over the last four or five years,” added the archbishop who has served there since 1995.

Ever since the war started, Archbishop Jeanbart has said that his wish is to see the population — and especially the Christians — stay in Syria. When asked what he thinks about Canada welcoming 25,000 Syrian refugees in the past few months, he was not impressed.

“We’re not happy when we see the Canadian government moving refugees and facilitating their integration. It hurts us. A lot,” he said.


….he would rather see the Canadian government making more efforts to allow the Syrian population to stay in Syria.


We will reconstruct our country. We want to build and stay,” he said, pounding the arm of his chair. “We want it to be our country and stay in this country where Christianity was born, and give a testimony of Christ’s love and charity, and of the possibility to live together, as men believing in God and respectful of one another.”

Continue reading here.
Go here to see our complete Canada archive with recent posts about ‘Boy’ Trudeau’s impulsive, supposedly humanitarian, airlift of over 25,000 Syrians in only a few months.
And, I wonder if the Pope ever listens to others of his faith who clearly must disagree with what he (the Pope) is advocating.

Christian Syrians say Pope left them behind in Lesbos

You knew the minute you heard it—that the Pope choosing 12 Muslims to take to Rome with him on his plane—was one of the more troublesome actions (of a long list) of this Socialist Pope.  See our post on the Pope’s Syrian Muslim refugees by clicking here.

Christian Syrian
Christian Syrian refugee woman the Pope left behind on Lesbos. Photo:

Now from the Daily Mail yesterday.  It answers our primary question—weren’t there any Christians and other religious minorities to choose from?
And, this bureaucratic (red tape!) excuse for passing up this brother and sister is ridiculous.

A Christian brother and sister from Syria say they have been ‘let down’ by the Pope after he left them behind in a Lesbos refugee camp despite promises they would be given a new life in Italy.

Roula and Malek Abo say they were two of the lucky ‘chosen 12’ refugees selected by the Vatican to be taken from the desperate camp and housed in Rome.

But what seemed like the chance of a lifetime was cruelly snatched away when they were told the following day they couldn’t go. Instead three Muslim families were taken.

Neither Community Sant’Egidio, the charity which organised the trip, or the Vatican would explain the selection process over which migrants were picked.

Spokesman Massimiliano Signifredi called the incident ‘regrettable’ – adding: ‘The problem here is the three Syrians arrived after the March 20 deadline. They arrived just after the agreement between the European Union and Turkey.

Mr Signifredi said: ‘Our staff went to Lesbos and spoke with the people who were selected. But everything was decided by the Vatican.

‘The question why the Pope took only Muslims is difficult to understand and he was suffering, I think, because he wanted to do something also for Christians as the chief of the Catholic Church. But he couldn’t because there is this international agreement [with the EU].’

There is much more here.
See our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.

Poll: Large number of Protestant pastors fear refugee resettlement plans

Two major federal contractors, World Relief and World Vision, paid for a poll in January and were probably not thrilled to learn that 44% of pastors surveyed have “a sense of fear about global refugees coming to the United States.”
World Relief*** and World Vision are both quasi-government agencies.  World Relief received just short of $300 million from government grants and sub-grants since 2008, while World Vision gobbled up nearly $900 million in the same time period.  Go to for the compilations.

save Christians
Tell your pastors that World Relief is NOT saving Christians of the Middle East, but is bringing Syrian Sunni Muslims to your towns and are paid by you, the taxpayer, to do that!

They probably paid for this poll on your dime so they would have a feel for how much more propaganda they need to get out to your local churches!  Maddening isn’t it!
From Christian Today:

A new survey indicated that many Christian churches in the United States are more than willing to lend a helping hand on refugees but at the same time are afraid to risk engaging them.

The telephone survey of about 1, 000 Protestant pastors conducted by LifeWay Research showed that 44 percent of church congregations have “a sense of fear about global refugees coming to the United States.”

By contrast, only 27 percent of the church congregations have gotten themselves involved in helping the refugees.

Although 98 percent of the pastors said they are “at least somewhat informed about the Syrian refugee crisis,” just 35 percent have addressed the issue from the pulpit.

The survey showed that the respondents mostly agree that “Christians have a responsibility to care sacrificially for the refugees and foreigners” with more than eight in 10 (86 percent) agreeing on the matter, according to the report.

Help overseas is the sensible and truly charitable answer for those who want to help Syrian refugees!

But the survey showed some disconnect in agreeing that churches need to do more. One in five pastors in the U.S. said their church is helping refugees overseas and one in three have addressed the Syrian refugee crisis from the pulpit.

Only 8 percent of the pastors consider it a privilege to care for refugees.

The survey sponsored by the humanitarian organisations World Relief and World Vision….

So, to our Protestant readers, it looks like you are having some impact in your local churches already as many pastors are skeptical.
People ask me all the time:  what can I do?  You can head off the propaganda campaign coming your way from these phony “humanitarian” organizations!  They will be taking this poll information and crafting a PR push on your ministers/pastors.  Make sure your pastors understand who World Relief is planning to bring to your town!
Photo: 99% of Syrians resettled in US in first three months of FY2016 are Sunni Muslims, see here.
***World Relief is one of nine major federal refugee resettlement contractors. I don’t know why World Vision gets all that government cash.

423 Syrians admitted to US in first two months of fiscal year; 99% are Sunni Muslims

I love it, so many reporters are on the case now!  This morning I see Drudge is prominently featuring a CNS news story about how all of the Syrians admitted to the US after the Paris terror attack are Sunni Muslims, click here for that story.  Lots of good information there!
Below is a map (from the Refugee Processing Center) of where the Syrians have been resettled in the US since October 1 (the first day of fiscal year 2016 until yesterday November 30th, assuming the data is up to date as of yesterday).
Two months into the fiscal year, the Obama Administration has 9,577 to go to reach its goal of 10,000 Syrian (mostly Muslims) for this year.
Top five states where the Administration is seeding Syrian Muslims:  No surprise California is numero uno, but that they are pouring them into PA is a surprise, and then KY, OH, and TX round out the top five.  (Hey Mitch and Rand, where are you?)
map Syrians end Nov. 30
Checking the religion numbers for the first two months of fiscal year 2016, it is even worse than two weeks ago.  Of the 423 admitted so far, 418 are Sunni Muslims.  That comes to 99% Muslim and you can expect numbers like that to continue because the UNHCR is picking our refugees and he told an audience at Georgetown Law School recently (here, we were there), that the Christians are not persecuted because the “regime” (Assad) protects them.  I guess for the UNHCR, ISIS is not a persecutor!
Go here if you want to play around with the US State Department data base (called the Refugee Processing Center).

Action Alert:  Call your members of the House and Senate at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vigorously oppose the Refugee Resettlement funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15! Please call by this Friday, Dec. 4th.

Allentown, PA: Syrian Christian community is NOT "welcoming" Syrian Muslim refugees

You just knew it had to be so, and I’m actually amazed that the Associated Press even wrote this story.  Incredible!

We previously told you about the discord in Allentown, PA as the local Lutheran contractor was surprised to see angry Tea Partiers show up a recent meeting.  But, at that time we were being told that Allentown was ideal because of its large “welcoming” Syrian community.

Tom Wolf PA
Pennsylvania Governor, Dem. Tom Wolf said in a statement that PA will continue to welcome the mostly Sunni Muslim Syrians to the state (even if the Syrian Christians are worried?):

In fact Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told that gathering at Georgetown we attended that the Syrian American community was opening its arms to the new refugees—well maybe not so much!
[After the first six weeks of FY2016 admissions, PA is number six of the 50 states receiving 98% Muslim Syrian refugees, see here.]

Syrian Christian:  We need to know who we are welcoming!

Here is the AP story at CBS News (What gives? MSM news outlets posting a story that doesn’t fit the Administration’s narrative!):

ALLENTOWN, Pa. — A few days ago, a pastor asked Syrian-born restaurant owner Marie Jarrah to donate food to a welcoming event for recently arrived Syrian refugees. Jarrah, who said she regularly helps people in need, declined.

Like many of Allentown’s establishment Syrians, she doesn’t think it’s a good idea to bring refugees to the city. She clung to that view even before last week’s terrorist attacks in Paris. “Problems are going to happen,” said Jarrah, co-owner of Damascus Restaurant in a heavily Syrian enclave.

As debate intensifies nationally over the federal government’s plan to accept an additional 10,000 refugees from war-ravaged Syria, a similar argument is taking place in Allentown – one with a sectarian twist.

Pennsylvania’s third-largest city is home to one of the nation’s largest populations of Syrians. They are mostly Christian and, in no small number, support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad – a dynamic that’s prompting some of them to oppose the resettlement of refugees, who are Muslim and say they fled violence perpetrated by the Assad regime.

Aziz Wehbey, an Allentown auto dealer and president of the American Amarian Syrian Charity Society, worries some Syrian refugees might have taken part in the fighting in Syria’s civil war and have “blood on their hands.”

“We need to know who we are welcoming in our society,” said Wehbey, who immigrated to the United States a quarter-century ago and became a citizen.

The article does go on to say some Christians are coming around.
One of the myths we have tried to explode over the years here at RRW is this idea that America is one big happy melting pot and that we can shoehorn many disparate cultures and races together (who have been fighting for hundreds of years where they came from) and expect them to live happily ever after in America.
We have reported case after case of clashes for example between African Americans and the new African refugees as they are shoved together in inner city neighborhoods.  Now we are going to see if Middle Eastern Muslims will live side by side with Middle Eastern Christians.
Why would tensions be less here than they were in Syria?  They won’t, and it’s this liberal clap-trap we must expose!