“The Internal Revenue Service gives serious consideration to complaints made alleging the abuse of the tax exempt status granted to certain organizations.”
(IRS website)
Looking for a little project to do from the comfort of home…..
For those of you getting very annoyed by the ‘non-profit’ federal resettlement contractors (which get gobs of federal funding) increasingly involved in political organizing, a reader (‘badboylookout’) did a little research and sent us a link from the IRS on how you can complain about a possible misuse of their 501(c)3 status. The nine VOLAGs *** and their subcontractors are especially active right now as we learned here (just one example).
It looks like you may never know if they are investigated, but it might make someone, somewhere take a look. Go here for the page itself with hotlinks, and below is a shot of what you should know.
You might also wish to complain to Inspectors General at the US State Department, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Dept. of Homeland Security (all three have involvement with the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program).
This post is filed in our ‘comments worth noting’ category, here. And, in our ‘where to find information’ category, here. ***Go to this list to see if you have a non-profit VOLAG subcontractor near you.
Editor: If you visit RRW often, you know that we occasionally post comments (and guest opinion pieces) from readers. This was sent to our gmail account a few days ago and I wanted you to see it. I’ll make an observation at the end.
From someone whose family has lived in Lewiston for almost 100 years:
I just wanted to give you an update on what Refugee Resettlement can do to a city, Lewiston, ME is the home of my Grandparents, since the early 20’s, yes the 1920’s.
Most of my siblings were born in and around Lewiston, as well as my Mother, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.
Protesting the Somali flow to Lewiston as early as 2002! http://www.cbsnews.com/news/somali-immigrants-rile-maine-mayor/
I was really surprised when I returned after being away for about 20 years, to see the Somalian refugees in the town. I don’t mind other people, but the sheer numbers of people, then I spoke to my cousins who have lived there all their lives, and they explained the issues of crime, school violence, poverty, rejection of American values, and the general hatred of women by the Somali refugees.
They kept saying, we can’t get out here to look at a location where family used to live, and how the area had really gone down hill since the refugees arrived. Some of my cousins were victims of violence from Somali Gangs, and that the schools were in shambles because they couldn’t handle the language and culture issues that arise when you dump 15,000 Somali’s on a small town in Maine.
The destruction is irreversible, and horrific, I cried when I saw some of the town and how much it had changed. For example Kennedy park was a beautiful place where my Mom and sisters went to picnic and how nice it was. We were told to stay in the car because Somali drug dealers had taken over the park, and it wasn’t safe.
This type of immigration, the dumping of large numbers of refugees, does not work, it doesn’t help integration.I’m from Orange County California, I went to school with Mexican Gangs, who had their territory, Vietnamese gangs that arrived in large numbers in the 70’s and Korean Gangs that had arrived in the 60’s. Immigrants do not integrate when we drop them in large numbers, it doesn’t work, they don’t integrate.
I love the diversity of America, I am the product of immigrants, but all you have to do is look at what we have done in the past to see that mass integration [does he mean mass immigration?—ed] does not work. We need to drop these immigrants in small numbers across America so they can integrate and become part of the culture instead of allowing them to cluster in large numbers which means that integration will be slow if at all.
My thoughts on this issue of numbers and integration…
First, the Open Borders Left wants to use the word ‘integration’ rather than the word ‘assimilation,’ see here.
But, more importantly readers should know that refugees move in America—especially Somalis who got to Lewiston many years ago after they ‘discovered’ Maine’s generous welfare (see here).
Somalis can be placed (and they are) all over America by the resettlement contracting agencies, but often quickly move to be with their own kind of people in Minneapolis, Columbus, Seattle, San Diego, Lewiston and elsewhere. So for all of you pushing for your governors to block resettlement (it will help some), remember though that you can’t stop secondary migration!
Say for example, the Refugee Admissions Program eventually allows certain states (governors) to stop the placement of refugees in their states, and say Vermont wants refugees and New Hampshire doesn’t, then they will place them in Vermont, but then encourage them to move over to New Hampshire after a few months. Likewise as Minnesota opens its arms to more Somalis they will eventually drift in to neighboring states! (Hijra!)
So, yes, integration/assimilation can’t happen when ethnic enclaves build in certain cities, but…..
The real problem, in my opinion, is that the overall numbers being admitted to the US are too high!
We need an immigration time out!
This post is filed in our ‘comments worth noting/guest posts’ category,here. Our Lewiston archive is here.
Editor: From time to time we post comments we want to feature fearing you might miss them where they were posted. This is from a regular reader from Australia responding to a comment by ‘Lower Tones’ at this post.
You might also want to see my previous post this morning on the “dumb” Australian deal, here. Fatherjon (emphasis is mine):
Lower Tones: You got it in one – cheap, compliant labour! Forget all the heart-wrenching, wrist-wringing emotive stuff about looking after our fellows in need, ‘it’s all about the economy, stupid’. That certainly seems to be the case in America. However we’re finding in Australia that most of our Middle Eastern and African migrant-refugees are still unemployed 5 years after arrival!
Australia too is being roiled by Leftist protesters demanding Middle Eastern and African refugees be admitted. http://nation.com.pk/international/04-Feb-2017/trump-s-refugee-order-triggers-protests-across-australia
The less disingenuous ones admit that they didn’t come here to work, they expected that our much vaunted welfare system, based on the ‘cradle to grave’ theory, would give them a living wage and free housing, education and health for the rest of their lives. Nobody mentioned work back in the village!
Consequently when their teenager offspring find that the welfare system is actually not as salubrious as they expected, and that they only receive modest unemployment benefits, cheap housing in fairly run down suburbs and education in the least desirable schools, they turn to drugs and crime.
Melbourne is currently in a crime wave with African gangs of thugs running amok, robbing, raping and pillaging. The state government tries to pretend that it’s not happening, but few voters will agree as the Labor govt. will find out at the next election.
And, just yesterday we have corroboration of that as Sudanese youth gangs reportedly robbed and beat up Australian teens in a Melbourne suburb—Youth stampede at Caroline Springs, here. (Hat tip: Diana).
You can see why Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is between a rock and a hard place on that Australian refugee deal with the US. Most voters in Australia don’t want more phony ‘refugees’ permitted on the mainland, while the usual Leftist ‘humanitarian’ agitators are pressing for the government to close offshore detention centers and bring those who tried to illegally reach Australia by boat to Australian towns and cities.
The globalists won’t admit it, but this drive for one (borderless) world (where labor flows freely!) is what has patriotic citizens everywhere wanting to throw the bums out!
This post is filed in our ‘Comments worth noting/guest posts’ category, here.
Editor: This is from a reader named Paul. He took my suggestion and wrote to the White House comment page.
Before you read it (below) consider this:
Since we have no idea if our comments to the White House website go down a black hole, use whatever you tell the President more broadly.
First, copy what you told Pres. Trump to your member of Congress and two US Senators. For good measure send it to your governors and your state and local elected representatives. Always ask those elected officials, especially your Washington, DC reps, a question so that they MIGHT feel compelled to respond to you. Then you can use your comment as a part of a letter to the editor to your local newspaper. Simply say, Dear Editor, this is where I stand on President Trump’s Executive order and I believe there are many people in our community who feel the same way. Be sure to make it clear it is a ‘Letter to the editor.’ Finally send your comment to any groups you participate in, your e-mail lists, and send it to your facebook page too. Ask everyone to go to the White House website (more then once if they want to!) and do the same!
In other words, don’t waste your comment, but make it go far and wide!
Here is what Paul said to Donald Trump a couple of days ago:
So far, I’m disappointed with Trump’s actions on immigration. They’re not nearly muscular enough.
DACA and DAPA should have been cancelled on Day 1. Refugee intake should simply be on moratorium, not just in abeyance for a few months. And asylum should be shut down, too, since it’s almost entirely fraudulent.
One important, discrete thing to do is to turn off the federal money to the nine national refugee-resettlement agencies …
Church World Service (CWS) Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC) (secular) Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) International Rescue Committee (IRC) (secular) US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) (secular) Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS) United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) World Relief Corporation (WR)
.. which are essentially federal contractors. Many of their names suggest that they’re charitable organizations, funded by donations from generous American citizens. Instead, the vast bulk of their money comes from us taxpayers, who have no choice about the exactions.
It’s time for any remaining refugee intake to be done solely by private parties on their own nickel. And they should also be made responsible for the well-being of any such refugees after they arrive — as it is now, most of the refugees are dumped into our welfare programs, and they wind up being an even bigger expense — MUCH bigger — to us taxpayers than the resettlement agencies.
Tell everyone you know to contact the White House website and leave a polite message for President Donald Trump! Click here. Then put your comment(s) to good use!
This post is filed in our ‘Comments worth noting/guest posts’ archive here.
Don’t miss my previous post this morningabout how panic has set in among the contractors listed in Paul’s comment. Trump is breaking their rice bowls (taxpayer-funded jobs going bye! bye!).
Editor:As longtime readers know, from time to time, I elevate comments I receive to posts because the comment deserves further attention. This is one from yesterday from a regular reader—‘domstudent11’. I almost answered it last night, but was conflicted about what to say. I am not conflicted this morning after posting my earlier report.
By the way, he is not the first reader over the weekend to bring up the issue of conflicts on facebook.
Here is ‘domstudent11’:
I was unfriended today by a fellow church member who didn’t like my post explaining the lucrative refugee resettlement program. I guess liberals don’t like facts. I wonder if all the hostility on FB is because until now, there was no pushback from conservatives. So I am torn. I could keep my mouth shut and ignore all the anti-Trump posts from my so-called friends, or try to enlighten them, which has resulted in me being unfriended and blocked. For some reason I think it is important to challenge folks, and I have been trying to stick to facts only. I also “like” posts that I agree with from Gary Bauer, Jay Sekulow, Breitbart, etc. What do you-all think? Ignore or challenge?
Here are my thoughts in no particular order:
~Most facebook fights are a waste of time (IMHO). You are not going to change ‘liberals’ minds.
~That said, in light of where we are in America, it is time to bring the issue of Islamic immigration and refugee resettlement to a head, so post to facebook articles you agree with and let the chips fall where they may. But don’t waste time with back and forth arguments.
~Who cares if you lose friends who don’t see the fact that we are at a turning point for America, indeed for all of western civilization.
~Unless they are like-minded, maybe keep your family off of your facebook friends list. No sense jeopardizing your next Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner invite.
~Find more like-minded friends on facebook and in person so that you can have some emotional support for a huge war that has barely begun (assuming Trump doesn’t back down!).
~Direct your facebook energy toward your members of Congress and US Senators (the most likely to turn tail and run when things get rough). And, make sure your state and local elected officials get messages from you too.
~Put some of the time you might spend fighting with liberals on facebook toward other actions that might reach open minds—write letters to the editor, organize a citizens’ group (or join one like ACT for America) in your town, go out and demonstrate when the opportunity arises to confront those supporting more Muslim migration to America. And, my favorite option—use your free speech—write your own blog and build a local/state clientele that will challenge (with facts!) your open borders activists and elected officials.
~And today spend your ‘free’ time supporting Trump and yelling at the Republicans in Washington who are getting cold feet! But, don’t get bogged down in the minutia of what this latest EO says!
Send a message to President Trump by clicking here! Thank him and ask him to stand firm.
Readers! Do you have suggestions for ‘domstudent11’? If so let us know!
This post is filed in our ‘Comments worth noting/guest posts’ category,here.