We need more diversity from Kyrgyzstan, says Gang of Eight bill

Yesterday the Daily Caller alerted us to another section of the monster “comprehensive” immigration reform bill that relates to the already existent DIVERSITY Visa Lottery.  Yes, you have the right.  We have another LEGAL immigration program that brings in 50,000 or so “diverse” immigrants a year so that we assure what?—DIVERSITY in our immigrant populations.

We need to be sure we have a representative sample of people from Kyrgyzstan in America. Diversity is beautiful! Right?

Regular readers here may know that Virginia Republican, Robert Goodlatte, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has for years tried to kill this ridiculous fraud-ridden lottery.

Here is what the Daily Caller reports on the “reforms” to be made via the Gang of Eight bill to the Diversity Visa Lottery:

The Senate’s pending immigration bill would give an advantage to people seeking to immigrate from Kyrgyzstan, the former Soviet republic that provided passports to the two ethnic Chechens who allegedly bombed Boston.

As part of a compromise that would replace the current “Diversity Lottery” program, countries with low rates of immigration to the United Sates — including Kyrgyzstan and Russia — would be awarded five points.

The five-point bonus could have a significant influence on who gets to live among 310 million Americans, because only the top-scoring applicants in the bill’s new merit-based immigration system would be granted green cards.

This system would give a person with a Kyrgyzstan passport an advantage over otherwise equally qualified people from countries like Mexico, the United Kingdom, Canada and Brazil. Those countries do not qualify for the bonus because they send large numbers of people to the United States.

The same bonus is also offered to people from a series of unstable countries that are not covered by the Diversity Lottery, a State Dept. program that annually offers 55,000 green cards to people in countries that send few immigrants to the United States.

Those countries include Egypt, Libya, Somalia and Tunisia, as well as countries alongside the war-wrecked Chechen homeland in the Caucasus mountains.

We have resettled over 100,000 Somalis through Refugee Resettlement, so why are they allowed to participate in the Lottery?

All of our posts on the Boston refugee bombers are here.

‘Diversity is strength’ alert from Nashville, TN

We’ve got a bunch of new readers here at RRW lately, so I bet many of you don’t know that Nashville, TN is one of the hottest refugee resettlement cities in America thanks to the work of Catholic Charities which is running the state program and using your tax dollars to do it. In fact, it is so hot, we actually have a whole category just for “welcoming” Nashville (here).

Now here comes one of those joys-of-diversity reports (hat tip: a friend from Tennessee), entitled ‘Man attempts to rape cousin to prevent marriage.’



Metro police arrested a man Monday for attempting to rape his cousin in order to prevent her from getting married.

According to police affidavits, Alaa Mikhaiel does not like his cousin’s boyfriend and doesn’t want them to marry.

Mikhaiel, 26, went to her apartment Monday and persuaded her to get into his car.  He then drove the victim, against her will, to the Hamilton Creek boat ramp area.

Once there, Mikhaiel began pulling off the victim’s clothes while telling her “I’m going to rape you,” an affidavit stated.

The victim fought the suspect off until he finally opened her car door and shoved her out.

Had Mikhaiel raped his cousin, her boyfriend likely wouldn’t have married her to due to “Egyptian customs.”

Mikhaiel was charged with kidnapping, attempted rape and domestic assault.

He made bond and was released from jail Tuesday.

The “Egyptian customs” referenced here are most likely Muslim customs but we don’t know for sure—we do know they are not our customs.

We don’t take very many Egyptian refugees (YET!), however a whole batch of Egyptian diversity visa lottery (new seed immigration!) winners were reported in Tennessee a few years back, here, but they were identified at the time as Coptic Christians.   We bring in over 3000 Egyptians each year with the lottery.

More on the Diversity Visa Lottery ….

Yesterday, Steve Sailor, writing at VDARE, gave us a history of the “Irish lottery” (now the Africa/Middle East lottery) here and suggests it will be a cold day in Hell before the Republicans can kill the thing.


House Republicans have scheduled a vote for this Friday on an immigration compromise guaranteeing green cards to foreign STEM advanced degree holders in return for the end of Ted Kennedy’s two-decade old Diversity Visa Immigration Lottery.


So, good luck Republicans on being against the diversity immigration visa lottery just because it’s a bad law. The GOP doesn’t control the myth-making machinery, and that’s what counts.

Read it all and see how the lottery has already produced at least one Islamic terrorist.

See my previous post on the Republicans’ bill, here.

Republicans would expand LEGAL immigration, including chain migration in their proposed bill

But, they would eliminate the Diversity Visa Lottery which I just mentioned here the other day.  Advocates for mass immigration into the US fittingly call this diversity-enhancing program “new seed” immigration.

From AP at the Washington Post on Friday (while you were relaxing):

WASHINGTON — House Republicans still smarting from their poor showing among Hispanics in the presidential election are planning a vote next week on immigration legislation that would both expand visas for foreign science and technology students and make it easier for those with green cards to bring their immediate families to the U.S.

This is generally known as chain migration (Rep. Eric Cantor is all for it according the article):

Republicans are changing the formula this time by adding a provision long sought by some immigration advocates — expanding a program that allows the spouses and minor children of people with permanent residence, or green card, to wait in the United States for their own green cards to be granted.

There are some 80,000 of these family-based green cards allocated every year, but there are currently about 322,000 husbands, wives and children waiting in this category and on average people must wait more than two years to be reunited with their families. In that past that wait could be as long as six years.

Here is the part that sounds pretty good, but will go nowhere until people across America get involved and demand that their member of Congress KILL the Diversity Visa Lottery (sometimes called the “green card lottery”).  In fact, anyone who really cared about the refugees would oppose this lottery program too because it imports the kind of immigrants who will be in direct competition with refugees for jobs.

But the legislation would still eliminate the Diversity Visa Lottery Program which gives out a similar 55,000 green cards a year to those from countries, including many in Africa, with traditionally low rates of immigration to the U.S. That prompted the House’s Hispanic Caucus, Congressional Black Caucus and Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus to all come out against it in September.

The three caucuses said Republicans were trying to increase legal immigration for people they want by ending immigration for people they don’t want.

Ahhhhhh!  That is exactly what the goal of our immigration policy should be—-TO TAKE THE IMMIGRANTS WE WANT, THOSE THAT WOULD BENEFIT AMERICA and not the ones that will drain our resources while refusing to assimilate.

Immigration lawyers:  Looks like the Republicans are ready to talk, but this isn’t enough to satisfy us!

Crystal Williams, executive director of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, said the bill is a message from Republicans that “we are here and we are ready to talk about immigration reform.”

But she said she doubted it will make much progress in the Senate during the short lame-duck session. People “are now starting to think about broader reform,” she said, adding that a limited bill that doesn’t increase visas won’t get a lot of support.

Send those squishy Republicans back to the drawing board because they don’t get it—-no matter what they do it isn’t going to be enough for the Hard Left and their friends in the corporate world who need low wage laborers.

For new readers: Check out wikipedia here on the Diversity Visa Lottery, it has a pretty good write-up.  I’ve started a new category for the Diversity Visa but only have this post and a previous one in it so far.  Type ‘diversity visa lottery’ into our search function for the many posts prior to the creation of the category.

Diversity Visa Lottery is for “new seed” immigration

I was looking for something else and came across this information page at the Immigration Policy Center (IPC) a pro-open borders organization.   (Have a look at IPC’s background here at Discover the Networks.)

We have from time to time over the years touched upon this legal immigration program called the Diversity Visa Lottery or Greencard Lottery and I plan to be writing about it more often.  For some of you I know it’s hard to believe that we have a lottery so that we can collect greater diversity from around the world.

Here is what the Immigration Policy Center says in its fact sheet about the lottery.

The diversity visa lottery was created to encourage legal immigration to the U.S. from countries other than the major immigrant sending countries.  The current immigration system favors individuals who have close relationships with family members or employers in the U.S.  People who do not have close family or employment in the U.S. have very few opportunities for permanent, legal immigration to the U.S.

The diversity immigrant category was created by the Immigration Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-649) to stimulate “new seed” immigration from parts of the world that are under-represented in the U.S.  The Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act of 1997 (NACARA) temporarily reduced the 55,000 annual ceiling by up to 5,000 annually to offset immigrant visa numbers for certain NACARA beneficiaries.  As of now, the diversity visa ceiling is still set at 50,000, and it is unclear how many more years the offset will continue.

The diversity lottery makes visas available each year to natives of countries with fewer than 50,000 total immigrant admissions over the preceding five years.  Natives of Mexico, India, China, and other countries that send large numbers of immigrants to the U.S. are not eligible.


Each year, diversity visa winners make up about 4% of all LPR admissions.  In 2009, there were 47,879 green cards issued to diversity visa winners.  Of those, 26,243 were principal applicants, 10,157 were spouses of principal applicants, and 11,479 were their children.  The vast majority were new arrivals to the U.S. (46,602 vs. 1,277 adjustments of status for immigrants already in the U.S.).   [This last part means that someone already in the US with another visa program or I suppose illegally in the US as well, can apply—ed]

This is what they say about the 2010 batch of “seeds:”

The single largest number of visas went to Ethiopia (3,987 visas), followed by Egypt (3,447), Uzbekistan (3,279), Nigeria (2,937), Bangladesh (2,800), and Kenya (2,279).   [I’ll bet you the majority of those are Muslims—ed]

Readers:  I’m adding a new category today—Diversity Visa Lottery.  But, for more that we have previously written on the topic over the last five years, type in ‘diversity visa’ and you’ll find a bunch of older posts.

Note to all of  you who say, “I’m o.k. with LEGAL immigration, it’s illegal that I have problems with.”  So is this program which brings in 50,000 a year O.K too?