Climate refugees: Migrant apocalypse still to come says Canadian writer

Faithful readers know that I have been following the Leftwing/Open Borders drumbeat and warning about climate refugees for years.  See my category on the topic here.
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Posted at the London Free Press, Canadian writer Gwynne Dyer says what we are seeing in Europe is a “dress rehearsal for the real migrant apocalypse” to come.
Blaming it on climate change, he says that all borders will be closed and people will be left to die.
He mentions (without giving us his opinion) that Hungary, Poland, Italy and Austria are already there.
Economic migrants!
I think he is right—-not the global warming part—that the populations of the third world are growing so rapidly and there simply aren’t jobs enough for mostly young men (in Africa, certain parts of Asia, and in Central and South America) due to the changing nature of work, and so an apocalypse is coming.
My view, not Dyer’s, is that how we handle the “dress rehearsal” depends on tough-minded leaders like Donald Trump, Viktor Orban, Sebastian Kurz and Matteo Salvini to save some parts of the first world for our children and grandchildren.
Gwynne Dyer:

Dyer: Climate change will precipitate migrant apocalypse


Around two million migrants have entered Europe claiming to be refugees since 2014, which doesn’t sound like an unbearable burden. After all, the EU has 500 million citizens. Little Lebanon has let in about the same number, although they amount to almost half its own native population.

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Gwynne Dyer

But three factors aggravate the situation in Europe. One is that the refugees in Lebanon have the same language, culture and religion as most of the Lebanese, whereas the ones who reach Europe don’t tick any of those boxes.

The second is that only a few of the EU’s 28 countries are carrying almost all of the burden: Italy, Spain and Greece, where the migrant boats arrive, and Germany, which took in almost a million migrants in 2015.

The final factor is that many of the migrants aren’t fleeing war or persecution. They are hoping for a better life in Europe than the one they left behind, and are willing to face great risks and hardships to get it.

So, the humanitarian impulse is blunted by cynicism about the migrants’ motives, and the unequal distribution of the migrant burden among the various EU member states breeds conflict between and inside those countries. The politics already is getting poisonous, and this is only a dress rehearsal for the real migrant apocalypse.

Even now, many of the “economic migrants” are really climate refugees, although they would probably not use that phrase themselves.


The changing climate will devastate food production in large parts of the Middle East and Africa, and far larger numbers of people than now will abandon their homes and head for Europe. Nobody talks about this in public, but every European government that does serious long-term planning is well aware of it.

This vision of the future colours every decision they make about migrants, for the tougher-minded among them know the borders eventually will have to be closed even if it means leaving people to die.

And some, like the Polish, Hungarian and Austrian governments, and now the Italian government as well, have effectively decided to close the borders now.

So is Dyer saying those governments are forward-thinking by trying to save themselves and their own people, or heartless for not inviting in all of Africa?
Go here to read more of Dyers’ warning.
Read more about the ‘Invasion of Europe’ at RRW here.

Mama Merkel update: Nothing resolved in special EU meeting yesterday, try again Thursday

Invasion of Europe news…..
As we reported last week, a special EU meeting was called for yesterday as the political pressure mounts on German Chancellor Angela Merkel to do something to control the migrant population that continues to grow in Germany.  See Merkel between a rock and a hard place in age of ‘Aquarius.’

Besties French Prez Macron and Merkel.  Macron in la-la land:   “We are living through a political crisis more than a migratory crisis today.”

I’m struck here by the similarity to our situation on the Mexican border where Donald Trump is both trying to stem the flow in to the US, and attempting to kill the catch and release policy of previous presidents (the major pull factor for those gambling on entering the US).
The answer is the same for Europe—stop the in-flow and hold for sorting all those who have gotten in by building detention centers. Sort out legitimate asylum seekers from economic migrants who can be quickly deported.
Don’t let them roam free across Europe!
Continue reading “Mama Merkel update: Nothing resolved in special EU meeting yesterday, try again Thursday”

Updates: Italy refuses another migrant ship; Germany's Merkel less popular, but holding on

The migrants “will only see Italy on a postcard.”

(Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini)

While many of us are fixated on our own migrant invasion at the border, Europe is in a tizzy as Italy refuses a docking request from a second migrant ferry (aka rescue boat) from Libya.
Continue reading “Updates: Italy refuses another migrant ship; Germany's Merkel less popular, but holding on”

US has greatest number of asylum claims of any country in world, far surpassing Germany!

I’ve been warning that the US must not become Germany, but this morning I see that we are there already! 

Merkel and Trump
Dear Donald: Follow Angela Merkel’s lead on asylum seekers at your great peril!

Before I give you the latest news about the numbers, you need to know that asylum is just another side of the refugee coin.
The only difference is that, in the case of refugees we admit through the US Refugee Admissions Program, we screen them (supposedly), pick them up abroad, and fly them to the US.
In the case of asylum seekers, they get to the US on their own initiative and then ask for asylum and that is what is happening at the southern border this very minute—-tens of thousands claiming they are entitled to asylum.
(For those who are scratching your heads and asking why we aren’t just loading them up and sending them back across the border, if they claim asylum (as per the 1951 UN Convention on the Status of Refugees), we must hear their claims.  They are all being trained by Leftist handlers to ask for asylum.)
Continue reading “US has greatest number of asylum claims of any country in world, far surpassing Germany!”

Pew poll on European attitudes on immigration interesting, but flawed

Pew Research is trying to figure out attitudes in Europe about immigration I suspect to gauge the political mood of the electorate.
Pew on the hunt for Europe’s nationalists…..

sweden refugees welcome
I predict that Sweden, the country with the least nationalist spirit, goes down first! 

I was amused to see that the survey did not ask questions in Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic etc. where they might have found large numbers of respondents blow up the survey with high scores. Including those countries (with huge contrasting pro-nationalism scores) surely also would have encouraged more bravery in Western Europe. Pew wouldn’t want that!
Because I have to move on, I’m just going to give you the bare bones news here, but please look at the survey questions.  Glaringly missing, I thought, were any questions along the lines of:

I am not willing to support the welfare needs (housing, healthcare etc) of an ever-increasing number of migrants.

Although there were questions about attitudes about certain lazy workers, there were no questions along the lines of the cost of welfare for a never-ending flow of impoverished third worlders to Europe.
Continue reading “Pew poll on European attitudes on immigration interesting, but flawed”