Not a good idea. As I see it, these free speech marches serve as a critical valve on the pressure building in communities across Europe. Closing the valve will only cause the steam to build to a level of much greater power—potentially explosive power.
We haven’t mentioned Calais much lately, but if you look back atmany previous postsyou will see that this encampment of mostly Middle Eastern and African migrants has been growing for years as they press for being allowed to enter the UK where they see the taxpayer-funded ‘services’ more attractive than what is available to them in France.
Here is the latest news from The Local:
The French government has banned public demonstrations in Calais days before the anti-Islam group Pegida had planned to march through the town.
Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve announced the ban on protests “that pose a threat to public order” days before Pegida were hoping to march through Calais.
“I have asked the Pas-de-Calais prefect to proceed with the banning of all protests that have the potential of disrupting public order, no matter who the organizers are,” Cazeneuve said.
The minister said he was referring to all groups who seek “to create tension, division and violence”.
The northern port town is home to between 4,000 and 6,000 refugees who are living in squalor in a makeshift camp on the edge of town.
Tensions have risen in recent weeks with clashes between migrants desperate to make a bid to get to the UK and the French riot police who block their path.
Broadcast from Nashville, Tennessee, but can be heard on-line.
We told you about the hunt for a brave governor willing to defend the Constitution here last Thursday. The hunt continues.
States like Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky and others, CAN stop refugee resettlement in their states.
In case you haven’t seen the article, Breitbartreported last week, that the Thomas Moore Law Center has been working since June on a lawsuit to challenge the constitutionality of the federal refugee program as it is being implemented in states like Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama and others.
Erin Mersino, senior trial lawyer from the public interest firm, the Thomas Moore Law Center will talk about this on the Ralph Bristol radio show, Monday December 7th at 9:05 A.M. EST/ 8:05 CST.
The Thomas More Law Center defends and promotes America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and moral values, including the religious freedom of Christians, time-honored family values, and the sanctity of human life. It supports a strong national defense and an independent and sovereign United States of America. The Law Center accomplishes its mission through litigation, education, and related activities. It does not charge for its services.
They will represent your state at no charge.
You can listen to theRalph Bristol show and learn more about how the lawyers at the Thomas Moore Law Center are prepared to stand up to the federal government and defend your states’ rights.
Meanwhile, according to Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart, it looks like Tennessee Republican Governor Bill Haslam is not going to be that brave man.
Is yours a Wilson-Fish alternative state? Why not see if radio programs in others of these states would do an interview with the Thomas More Law Center (if I can be so bold as to offer them!). You need to build grassroots pressure on governors of these states (it only takes one) to be the plaintiff in this all important Constitutional test!
North Dakota
South Dakota
I feel sure our friends at VDARE won’t mind if I post Maryland grassroots warrior Ed Hunter’s letter to VDARE about what happened on Friday evening when the indefatigable Hunter unfurled one of his highway overpass banners for French TV.
Here is Hunter’s banner for this week, but you can see others of his novel campaigns to circumvent the mainstream media and get his message directly to American citizens, at Blue Ridge Forum. Can’t Be Bought Trump
This is what happened on Friday evening as a French TV crew filmed him (from VDARE where you should go for links). In Ed’s words, but emphasis is mine:
Last week the Washington desk of the French TV station “France 2” contacted us at the Maryland Tea Party and said they wanted to go up on the overpass and conduct an interview on the Donald Trump phenomenon***. About 2 PM we arrive at the bridge over I-95 Northbound, and we set up the banners and are waving to people on the interstate below.
The rush hours is beginning and the traffic is starting to slow down as it passed under us. The French TV crew arrives about an hour later around 3 PM. They get out their big expensive TV camera, and the French reporter Valerie begins asking questions.
Ed Hunter shows how to get his message directly to citizens and around the MSM.
Some of them were hard to answer such as “What does Donald Trump mean?” or “Is this a popular provocation?” (The usual French stuff. How can you answer those types of questions?) Anyway, they get around to the subject of immigration and I can sense I am up against the usual PC wall as they try to get “racist” stuff out of me. So she says “Okay just try to summarize Trump in a way that makes sense to people in France.” So I said “Donald Trump is an American version of Marine Le Pen.” Then she asked if I supported Le Pen and I said, “Absolutely”.
I told her that Muslim immigration will be the end of France and Europe.
Then I asked them (off camera) if they felt that way, and they replied “Oh no…it is all a stunt, we do not have a immigration problem in France. These Muslims are French. They came to France to help us rebuild France. I said. ”French built France. Why can’t you rebuild it yourself?”
They looked at me as the typical redneck American. So as we are talking the noise from the honking from the interstate is rising to a crescendo. The honking and cheers for the Trump banners are getting so loud we can’t continue the conversation. The French say goodbye and get into their car and leave. I am asking myself “What is going on? Why is everyone reacting to the banners, which read ‘CANT BE BOUGHT…VOTE TRUMP’?” The whole Interstate has erupted. Everyone below as far as I can see is going nuts and cheering and leaning on their horn and screaming out the windows “Donald! Donald!” And we are waving back and this is going on for about an hour. And we can’t figure it all out. So it’s 5:30 PM and getting dark and cold. We take down the banners and drive to Starbucks for coffee when someone calls with the news about the Paris attacks.
The very moment that the French media elites were repeating the PC leftist party line… “We do not have an immigration problem. We are multicultural” etc., the news of the Paris attacks is hitting the car radios of the people on the highway below and they are going nuts in support of Trump and his defiance of the political, media and academic elites.
I called Valerie the French reporter and she had just heard the news. All she could say is “I am so shocked…so shocked!!” I said ”Why? You had to know this was coming, you were told a million times—”. At which point she hung up.The next morning I read Ann Coulter in Mediaite: “Donald Trump Was Elected President Tonight.”And I believe he was.
I saw it happen. I watched an almost physical wave of noise and cheering and honking roll up I-95 from as far as I could see south towards DC, to where it disappeared over the horizon to the north, up towards Baltimore, New York and points beyond.
All of this only confirms again for me—for middle class Americans, immigration is THE issue of 2016. And, I urge all of you to find your place in the battle to save us—to save America. You might not have Ed’s guts to get up on a highway overpass, but find your talent and put it to work to save us from becoming Europe!
***One last thing….when we attended the Georgetown Law School pro-open borders gathering in DC a couple of weeks ago, attendees were in complete shock over what they described as the “Trump phenomenon” here.
This post is filed in a category we hope to use more often—-called ‘creating a movement.’ Addendum! Angry about Paris? READ THIS POST and do it! Tell Congress to stop the funding for the Refugee Admissions Program NOW!
We told you the other daythat the owner of the shuttered Atlantic City casino—the Revel—is offering it up as a home for a massive number of Syrian refugees and now the NJ Star Ledgeris chiming in with an editorial supporting the idea. The New Jersey readers of the Star Ledger sure don’t like developer Glenn Straub, the owner of the bankrupt Revel. Photo here:
This really isn’t worth writing about except for one thing. I spent a few minutes reading the comments and am always surprised to see how vehemently Americans are opposing the resettlement of more refugees, especially those from Syria right now. And, for the most part the commenters (141 at this time) have some understanding of the impact the program will have on their communities. Almost all oppose the idea.
So read the editorial,here. And, then below are a couple of comments that jumped out at me, and I didn’t even read them all! Go visit yourself, to see which ones strike your fancy:
646 11 hours ago
Can you imagine what impact that would have on AC’s infrastructure? More people in schools, more police services, more social welfare programs. Section 8 would probably pay for most of the tenants. That in itself could bankrupt AC.
whatevernj 7 hours ago
@Golden Tornado @Jimmytown Trash is the least of the worries. German villages along the border are being destroyedwith refugees stealing food, walking into private residences, and non-stop harassment of any female over the age of 10. No thank you.
RFC123 15 hours ago
Before setting refugees up in an Atlantic City hotel, how about getting more of the rich Persian Gulf countries (you know, the ones in the region around Syria) to take some of these refugees in? Specifically, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, and Bahrain. These countries have accepted ZERO Syrian refugees
greg102 16 hours ago
“This is not a question of practicality or physical space, but a question of our will as Americans to help a people who are in dire need.”–Congressman Bill Pascrell Jr. (D-NJ)
Accepting and housing unvetted Syrians at the Revel is NOT good for America and NOT good for Atlantic city. We should not be manipulated into taking large numbers of potentially violent and assimilation-resistant refugees with a totally alien culture into our country. It is not in our national interest –but Predident Obama has historically done little that’s in our national interest as far as I can tell. One last question for the SLEB/ Pascrell cartel: why are we hearing nothing about the Christians –true refugees that are being slaughtered in Syria –that are barred from entry into the U.S.?
Stop feeding the r-selected 17 hours ago
To quote myself from below…
THis idea has nothing to do with altruism. As you’ve noticed there are plenty of ways altruism can be used to benefit our own citizens.
Nope, this is all about importing foreigners. Have to think about and ask “why would they want to import foreigners?”
Is there something about the current US racial and cultural mix they don’t like and want to change?
If their words and deeds are any indication, the answer is a resounding YES. Your kids are in for a rough future.
Stop feeding the r-selected 18 hours ago
Just what AC needs: more unproductive poverty to further drain the welfare system, while those in favor of imposing the burden sit in their gated communities and send their kids to safe non vibrant schools.
LOL! I especially like that last bit about “non vibrant schools.” Apparently ‘Stop feeding the r-selected’ has read a bunch of the Left/No Borders propaganda about how immigrants and refugees make communities more VIBRANT. Huh? Who says?