Think Progress has Rep. Brian Babin in its crosshairs….

…..not happy that Rep. Babin (R-TX) told Laura Ingraham we should only take Syrian Christian refugees.
No surprise that Think Progress should faint at the thought that someone might actually say ‘let’s prioritize persecuted Christians’ in our Syrian refugee stream.

Photos of Laura Ingraham in her studio after the Laura Ingraham Show, as she talks with her producers who are off camera. (Photo by Rich Lipski/The Washington Post/Getty Images)
In 2013, talk radio host and Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham called for a moratorium on Muslim immigration.

Think Progress is the media arm of John Podesta’s Center for America Progress, one of Washington’s hardest left (if not THE hardest left agitation groups) and a great friend of both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.  Here is one post we wrote on Podesta in 2009.
The article is a bit muddled indicating that the writer doesn’t understand the Refugee Admissions Program, but I’m posting this to show that the Left hates this argument—if we are going to bring in Syrians, why not Syrian Christians who we know are being persecuted and whose screening would be much simpler since they don’t have a reputation for terrorism.
Here is Think Progress writer, Emily Atkin, apparently gasping in outrage that someone should say such a discriminatory thing—America should prioritize Middle East Christians.

A Texas Congressman is calling for an immediate halt to the Obama administration’s plan to take in 10,000 Syrian refugees, saying the plan is a threat to national security and that more should be done to ensure Christian refugees are getting help.

Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX) appeared on the Laura Ingraham show on Monday to tout his latest bill, which calls for an immediate suspension of the Refugee Resettlement Program pending a “thorough examination” of the program’s costs and national security risks. The program allows the U.S. government to admit refugees when it is justified by humanitarian concerns.

But according to Babin, the program is a conduit for terrorist groups like ISIS to “set up bases of operations” in the United States, and should be suspended. At the same time, though, he said the U.S. should be doing more to accept Christian refugees.


….the vast majority of refugees to Europe are coming from Syria — and among those, the vast majority are Sunni Muslims, according to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. And advocates say biases about which religious groups should be prioritized for resettlement could leave many affected Muslims in the dust.

By the way, one of the top posts of all time here at RRW is this one—Laura Ingraham calls for a moratorium on Muslim immigration to America.
See posts on Rep. Babin, here.
Just a reminder readers, that the number of refugees matters too—the US cannot take in the whole world or our economy will surely collapse.

Be sure to see Leo Hohmann’s latest at WND (from last night) on how the Left is reacting to the resettlement pushback going on in many states, here.

Group to rally against refugee resettlement in Twin Falls, ID today

Here is a short announcement from

TWIN FALLS • The III Percent of Idaho is holding a march Sunday to call for an end to the refugee program, which is run locally by the College of Southern Idaho.


Refugee resettlement has been an issue worldwide this year due to the refugee crisis triggered by the civil war in Syria, and there is a movement in Twin Falls to shut down the refugee center here, with opponents citing security and cost concerns.

“The ramifications of ignoring Idaho veterans, homeless, and students will continue to yield tragic consequences if Idaho tax dollars are shifted into a broken refugee system,” the III percenters said in the statement. “Until refugees can be thoroughly filtered, and a more reliable, systematic method of accepting refuges is implemented, we must stand in opposition.”

The article goes on to say that the group supports the bill introduced in Congress by Rep. Brian Babin of Texas that seeks to put the program on hold until the cost to the taxpayers is fully determined.   One of our many posts on the Babin bill is here.

Idaho Republican Rep. Raul Labrador is vice chairman of the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security and Idahoans should be looking for him to take a leadership role to protect Idaho!

Rep. Raul Labrador…..

Idahoans should be urging Rep. Raul Labrador to co-sponsor the Babin bill AND urge him to push for hearings on it—he sits on the House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security.
In fact he is the vice-chairman of the subcommittee responsible for the refugee program!
Although Twin Falls is not in Rep. Labrador’s district, he should be encouraged to take a lead on this issue from his all important committee leadership position.  He needs to tell Trey Gowdy (the chairman!) to hold hearings on the Babin bill.
Learn more about the III of Idaho, here.
We have an extensive archive on Twin Falls, Idaho.  Go here to learn more.
Labrador’s district has dodged a bullet (so far) as we learned here.
And, one more bit of news:  we’ve learned that a new Pocket of Resistance’ is forming in Boise!

eBay founder's publication 'The Intercept' having hissy fit over refugee resettlement backlash

The reporter (Lee Fang) for ‘The Intercept’ singles out a wealthy California man as its target in his piece in which he is literally freaking-out over all of us.  The implication here is that without this one man, there would be no backlash against the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program.

Ebay founder
Pierre Morad Omidyar is the billionaire founder of eBay (an Iranian) and ‘The Intercept’ is his creation. Don’t you just love it when Leftwing wealthy funders of political causes have hissy fits when they find there are big money people on the right. OT! He is wearing a Nature Conservancy hat here—the TNC operates very similarly to the wealthy refugee resettlement contractors as it too harms unsuspecting citizens in small town America (I know from vast past experience!).

I love to read stories like this one because it means you are having a huge impact!
By the way, he (Fang) is using Alinsky Rule 13 (we discussed Rule 13 here in 2009). Alinsky taught his followers in ‘Rules for Radicals’ to target individuals because they hurt more quickly than institutions.

It won’t work because the movement to hold back the tide of third world migration to America is much much larger than this one California man.

And, what Fang and eBay founder Omidyar don’t want their readers to know is that there are thousands of citizens working on this issue who are paid by no one and fueled only by a desire to save America—economically and culturally!  If Mr. Shillman went away today, it wouldn’t matter because we are fed by passion and patriotism, not cash.
The Intercept:

Strident calls to reject Syrian refugees fueled by wealthy California donor

While humanitarian groups and religious charities across the country are urging the U.S. to open its arms to refugees fleeing the bloody conflicts in Syria and Iraq, a number of bloggers and political pundits are beating the drums of intolerance, using conspiracy theories and anti-Muslim rhetoric to mobilize the American public against accepting migrants escaping war.

Several of the leading voices in this effort are sponsored by Robert Shillman, a wealthy donor to conservative causes who lives in Rancho Santa Fe, a suburb of San Diego.

Shillman, who did not respond to a request for comment, is the founder and chairman of Cognex Corp., a company that produces manufacturing technology.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at FrontPage Magazine, has argued that the only “genuine refugees” are “Christian and non-Muslim” and that the U.S. should not accept any Muslims from the conflict in Syria because those fleeing the region “are not victims, they are perpetrators.”

This is what makes me laugh: the reporter would like his readers to think that Shillman had something to do with Spartanburg and St. Cloud.  I bet the majority of those demanding answers in those cities have never even heard of Shillman.

Shillman Journalism Fellow articles about the dangers of accepting Syrian refugees have gone viral over the last two months, with versions reposted on conservative blogs and news hubs. Fear of Syrian migrants has fueled anger in small towns that fear they will become hosts for Islamic terrorists. Residents in cities such as Spartanburg, South Carolina, and St. Cloud, Minnesota, have organized opposition to the possibility of refugee resettlement efforts.

Asked earlier this year by Reuters about his support for David Horowitz and Pamella Geller, two well-known anti-Muslim activists, Shillman explained that he is not anti-Muslim, but rather simply more outspoken than most business leaders. “Most CEOs are hired guns and their future depends on what their boards think of them. I don’t give a fuck,” he said.

Best antidote to Rule 13—Rule 5!  Laugh at them!
There is lots of amusing stuff in here, continue reading.

CAIR steps into refugee debate in Redlands, CA

We told you the other day that concerned citizens have stepped forward in Redlands, CA to question their local elected government about any plans they might have heard about to resettle refugees in Redlands.  Of special concern are the Syrian Muslims now expected to arrive in large numbers in the coming months.
This is new….

“This paranoia and phobia is rooted in a combination of ignorance and bigotry.” (name calling will get you no where!)

CAIR is the Council on American Islamic Relations and is active (and makes news) in demanding rights for Muslims in America.  However, it is only recently that they have become publicly involved in the Refugee Admissions Program of the UN/US State Department as we told you about here in Connecticut recently (more on CT later this morning).
We have long suspected that they have been quietly advancing the Hijra to America, but again, only recently have we seen news that they are out in the open promoting refugee resettlement.
From Redlands Daily Facts (emphasis is mine):

REDLANDS >> Southern California Islamic leaders have responded to comments made by members of the Redlands Townhall and Redlands Tea Party Patriots about the possibility of Muslim Syrian and African refugees resettling in town.

Members of both groups last week asked the City Council members their plan if asked to resettle refugees. They said they were concerned that Muslims who have beliefs contrary to the United States Constitution and ties to terrorist groups could be living in Redlands.

There is no formal proposal to resettle refugees in Redlands.

Mohammad M. Hossain, founder of the Islamic Center of Redlands, said the refugees are homeless and have nothing, so everybody has a duty to help them — that they would be grateful and not commit violence.

The Islamic Community Center of Redlands in Loma Linda is inviting the public to an Open Mosque Day on Sunday in the wake of the comments made during the Oct. 6 City Council meeting.

The center in Loma Linda declined an interview but sent comments by emailed statement.


Victoria Hargrave of Redlands Townhall said on Wednesday that our nation is based on Judeo-Christian beliefs, and we value freedom of speech, freedom of religion and property rights as protected by the Constitution. She said Muslims reject these values and are coming to America to impose Sharia law.

“This paranoia and phobia is rooted in a combination of ignorance and bigotry,” said Hussam Ayloush, executive director of the Los Angeles chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations and chairman of the Syrian American Council in a telephone interview Wednesday about the Redlands tea party concerns.

More here…..
I wonder would the mosque and CAIR be involved at all, if we were saving mostly Christian Syrians and not resettling mostly Muslims as we are now.
Concerned citizens should follow the example of the grassroots groups (the pocket of resistance) in Redlands, and go on the offensive by preemptively telling your local elected government that you are concerned about third world refugees coming to your towns especially because those refugees are going to place a large financial burden on state and local taxpayers, in addition to posing a potential security threat.

Remember the Director of the FBI James Comey testified in Congress just last week that they cannot screen Syrian refugees (truth-be-told, they can’t properly screen the Somalis, the Iraqis and the Afghanis either!).

My video shown on Newsmax TV

Maybe we will hit 2 million views one of these days!   The video we made with the Center for Security Policy back in April has over 1.7 million views as of this writing.
Be sure to check out our second Youtube video here about the Senate Jihad Caucus wanting 65,000 Syrian mostly Muslim refugees to be admitted to America (they have recently bumped the number up to 100,000 before Obama leaves office!).
By the way, when Donald Trump says he will send them back if he should become President (we applaud his bravery in saying this), but please know that will never happen once they have been admitted during Obama’s remaining time in office and are disbursed to 48 US states (see map).  Only a tiny fraction of the refugees we’ve admitted to America ever go home willingly and we have never forcefully sent any home even once their country has stabilized.
Last night our first Youtube video was shown on the Steve Malzberg show on Newsmax TV (thanks to all who notified me and to Brenda for the link).

Malzberg:  If this keeps up we are going to lose our country!