Coeur d'Alene, Idaho newspaper confirms it: No refugees to be resettled in Northern Idaho ("right now")

However, the state refugee coordinator, Jan Reeves, while suggesting Northern Idahoans are too hostile to accept refugees, confirms that Syrian refugees will be resettled in Twin Falls.
Last week we heard a rumor that refugees were going to be resettled in Coeur d’Alene and/or St. Marie’s, Idaho and our story reached thousands and thousands of readers, see the original story here.
Then we heard from the Director of the World Relief office in nearby Spokane, Washington who told us that there were no plans to resettle refugees across the state line, but they were only looking for donations and volunteer help.  See our follow-up post here.

Reeves and Johnson
That is Jan Reeves on the right with Holly Johnson of Tennessee (left) they decide for Idaho and for Tennessee (along with the US State Department) who gets resettled in their states with virtually zero input from elected officials in their Wilson-Fish states. In 2013, Obama chose Reeves as a “champion of change.”

It is not the purpose of this post today to discuss the donated stuff, but you should know that the ‘stuff’ (even junky donations) are counted as cash by the federal government for the purpose of demonstrating that the non-profit group was adding its share to the pot of money that is used for the refugees and for the agency’s salaries and overhead.
Also, volunteer hours are tracked and a dollar value is placed on them also for the purpose of ‘matching’ federal dollars.  But, I digress.
Now thanks to some good sleuthing by Jeff Selle, at the CDA, we learn this (below) from Mr. Reeves (Reeves is largely responsible, along with the UN/US State Department, for determining who comes to Idaho, a Wilson-Fish state, with no Idaho state government input!).  (Emphasis below is mine.)

Jan Reeves, director of the Idaho State Office of Refugees, confirmed what Kadel said.

[The Idaho State Office of Refugees, Jannus Inc, is a non-profit group, NOT an office of the state government. Kadel is the Director of World Relief Spokane—ed]

“I talked with Mark about this a couple of days ago,” Reeves said. “The last thing I would recommend is settling refugees in a community that doesn’t support them. Considering the (political) climate in North Idaho, we would not resettle refugees there.”

Reeves said the very notion that his office or the World Relief organization would clandestinely try to create a resettlement community is absurd.

Reeves may not “clandestinely” resettle refugees in Idaho, but I assure you that the taxpaying citizens of towns being chosen across the country are the last to learn (usually when refugees have already arrived in town!) the news.

“It isn’t done secretly by the dark forces of government,” he said. “In fact, it is a fairly long process.” [What is a “fairly” open process? How about a completely open process!—ed]

Reeves said North Idaho doesn’t have the service necessary to support a large number of refugees. He said the only two Idaho cities that will receive the Syrian refugees are Boise and Twin Falls.

He said Boise took 35 Syrian refugees this year, which amounted to seven or eight families.

“I do expect we will see more Syrians in Boise this year,” Reeves said, adding he is not sure how many they will take because those decisions are still being made in Washington, D.C.

“In about a month we should know much more,” he said, adding they are deciding how to distribute a total of 85,000 refugees among nine resettlement agencies and 200 resettlement communities.

There is much more, continue reading here.  Be sure to see the many comments!
You need to know that in 2013 the White House chose Jan Reeves to receive its ‘Champions of Change’ award, here.  Jannus Inc. was formerly Mountain States Group which I discussed here a little bit at the end of this post.  Remember, Obama is changing America by changing the people!
My recommendation for Idaho patriots, especially those who have dodged a bullet for now in N. Idaho, you need to persuade your state legislature to take action and GET RID OF THE WILSON-FISH program in your state.  Tell them to take control back from an un-elected non-profit group!
By the way, point out to your state and federal legislators that Montana and Wyoming take ZERO refugees.  See map here.

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