Andy McCarthy in defense of Gov. Bobby Jindal’s remarks about European no-go zones

Andy McCarthy

Former US Attorney, author and expert on Islam, Andy McCarthy on Saturday praised Louisiana Gov. Jindal for his remarks during a speech in the UK recently.  We told you about the controversy here.

Now, here is McCarthy at National Review Online entitled, What Bobby Jindal Gets about Islam — and Most People Still Don’t  (hat tip:  Judy):

“Footballs are deflating, the president is detached from reality, the Saudi king is deceased, and the sharia state next door, Yemen, is descending into bloody chaos. With mere anarchy loosed upon the world, it would be easy to miss the fact that, in England this week, Bobby Jindal gave as important and compelling a speech as has been delivered in years about America — our leadership role on the world stage, our preservation as a beacon of liberty.

In the birthplace of the Magna Carta, it has nonetheless become legally risky to speak with candor (even when quoting Churchill). Yet Louisiana’s Republican governor became that rarest of modern Anglo or American statesmen. Bobby Jindal told the truth about Islam, specifically about its large radical subset that attacks the West by violent jihad from without and sharia-supremacist subversion from within.”

Read more of what McCarthy said.  And then this is the line that everyone must heed while there is still time for America.

The world’s most influential Islamic supremacists have told us in no uncertain terms that they see Muslim immigration in the West as part of a conquest strategy.

Let me nag you again!—please readModern Day Trojan Horse: Al-Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration, Accepting Freedom or Imposing Islam?’

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal doubles down on ‘no-go-zones’ statement, runs afoul of word police

Update:  Today the Center for Security Policy sent a formal letter of thanks to the Governor for his willingness to speak the truth, read it here.

And, it isn’t just the phrase ‘no-go-zones’ that the politically-correct word police surely aren’t happy with.

He actually had the nerve to use the forbidden word—“assimilate.” 

Now that is unforgivable!  It is a word never, ever used by the Open Borders/More refugees movement!  See here—“integration” is the proper word in Obama and Washington cool circles.

Jindal wants Muslims and other immigrants to assimilate. But what could he possibly know about immigrants!

From CNN at

WASHINGTON (CNN) —Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal on Wednesday stood by his controversial comments about “no go zones” in European cities, insisting that some Muslim immigrants are trying to “colonize” European cities and “overtake the culture.”

And the United States could be next, warned Jindal, a Republican who is considering a 2016 presidential run.

“They may be second, third, fourth generation, they don’t consider themselves part of that country. They’re actually going in there to colonize, to overtake the culture,” Jindal said. “If people don’t want to come here to integrate and assimilate, what they’re really trying to do is … overturn our culture.”


“We’re at war with radical Islam whether he wants to call it or not,” Jindal said on Wednesday.

Drawing on his Indian heritage, Jindal insisted that the race or religion of immigrants is not what’s important, but that immigrants to the U.S. must learn English and integrate and assimilate to American culture.

“It used to be OK to call America the melting pot, now the politically correct one wants to say, look we can’t impose our culture on others, we can’t impose our values on others, that’s nonsense,” Jindal said.

Say after me:  Assimilate, assimilate, assimilate!  Use it everywhere you can!

Americans sign letter to Saudi Arabia, offer to take lashings for “blasphemy” blogger

Now at the Univ. of Minnesota, former Asst. Secretary of State Eric P. Schwartz oversaw the resettlement of tens of thousands of Muslims to the US in the early Obama years.

I found this little bit of news interesting for one reason, one of the signatories of a letter from the American Islamic Forum for Democracy to the Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the US is former Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration (in the early Obama years), Eric Schwartz, a Soros protege who we discussed here at RRW on many occasions.

Click here for many critical posts we have written about Obama’s original choice to head the refugee program at the US State Department, clearly a representative of the Hard Left.

Now at the AIFD he has put his name on the letter spearheaded by Islam reformer Zuhdi Jasser.   Read all about it here (hat tip: Cathy).

I don’t know if there is any significance to this laudable PR campaign to help save the Saudi blogger being flogged for blasphemy, but could we be turning a corner where some in politically-correct academia are beginning to understand the threat shariah law poses for the world?  Or, do they just hate Saudi Arabia?

From the American Islamic Forum for Democracy:

PHOENIX (January 20, 2015) – Five notable religious freedom advocates, including Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, AIFD President, have signed and presented a letter to the Saudi Ambassador calling on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), to immediately release Raif Badawi. If they do not release him, they are asking that the Kingdom take them in the place of Raif Badawi in the meting out of his corporal punishment. Badawi was sentenced to prison, a monetary fine, and 1000 lashes for “blasphemy” based on his website which allowed the free exchange of religious and political ideas. His 1000 lashes are being delivered on a weekly basis every Friday in front of a mosque in Jeddah by the Saudi regime. His health was compromised by the first 50 to the point that last Friday the second 50 were delayed.

The signatories to the letter are Princeton Law Professor Robert P. George, Harvard Law Professor Mary Ann Glendon, Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, President of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, Daniel I. Mark, who teaches political science at Villanova University, Eric Schwartz, Dean, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota, Hannah Rosenthal, CEO, Milwaukee Jewish Federation, and Katrina Lantos Swett, President of The Lantos Foundation. The letter requested a remittance of his punishment but further stated that in the absence of a full dismissal, each was requesting to receive 100 lashes in the place of Mr. Badawi.

Hmmmm!  What do you make of this?

Authorities cancel the usual Monday anti-Islamification rally in Dresden, Germany; say organizers lives at risk

It is Monday morning and one of the first things I did was look for news about how today’s anti-Islamification march by PEGIDA was shaping up.  I’m such a cynic and so this news from NBC yesterday seems (to me) like a very easy way for Chancellor Angela Merkel to shut up those pesky demonstrators—just claim that the government is shutting it down for the ‘Right-wings’ own good (ironically to save their lives from Islamic terrorists or their Left-wing enablers).

Last week 25,000 turned out in Dresden, the highest number so far! Photo:

Actually when you think about it, if Islamic terrorists should (God forbid) kill organizers of the anti-Muslim immigration movement, the civil war might come sooner than it surely will later.

From NBC News (emphasis is mine):

German authorities canceled a march by the anti-Islam PEGIDA movement in Dresden due to a “concrete threat” against the group’s weekly gathering, officials said Sunday.

PEGIDA — or “Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West” — drew 25,000 people at its last rally in eastern Germany. While some of the PEGIDA protesters are believed to be right-wing extremists, the majority are not believed to be. The group’s protests, fueled by fears that the country could be overrun by Muslims and other immigrants, have alarmed German officials.

Dresden Police said in a statement Monday that it had received information relating to a “concrete danger” in connection with PEGIDA’s weekly rally and that it was banning the demonstration and public gatherings in the city for Monday.

“Attackers were called on to intermix with the PEGIDA demonstrators in order to commit a killing of single members of the PEGIDA organizing team,” Dresden police president Dieter Kroll said in a statement. “We have to act on the assumption that there is an immediate danger to the lives of all participants in the demonstration.”

What do you bet another threat is called in next week!

Go here for all of our previous coverage of Dresden.  Our extensive archive going back several years on Germany’s immigration mess is here.

Click here for more on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ generally.

Liberal Bill Maher takes on Muslim assimilation problem: sometimes people don’t melt!

From Breitbart News:

“You don’t have to be a right-wing nut to worry!”

On Friday’s broadcast of his HBO political talk show, comedian Bill Maher channeled Breitbart News on the threat that radical Islam poses to European countries, along with the dangers sharia law represents to Western freedoms.

What follows is a discussion, including about the recent controversy surrounding terror expert Steve Emerson’s exaggeration on Fox News about the Muslim population level in Birmingham, England.

Maher cited these facts, then said, “Sometimes in a melting pot, people don’t melt.”

Maher went on to say, “I don’t want to live in a world where we can’t wear a mini skirt walking down the street… You don’t have to be a right-wing nut to worry” about radical Muslim threats.

“We know that there are some Muslims who want to take over” and eliminate our culture and laws, Maher concluded.

Muslim population levels

On that Birmingham Muslim population question (Maher says Birmingham is 25% Muslim, I’ve seen 20%)….  Last month I wrote an extensive paper (yet to be published) on the refugee program and Muslim immigration and during my research I concluded that the Muslim population of a city or a country only needed to get to about 3% before the Islamic supremacists became emboldened and  began to push their sharia compliance agenda.

If you are wondering, the only really thorough study I could find on Muslim demographic levels was this one from 2010 at Pew Research.

What I realized also is that we really do not have a good handle on how many Muslims are permanent residents of the United States.  Someone must do a very serious and thorough analysis soon!

We are probably around 1% as a country with pockets higher than 3%.  Pew (in 2010) said France was at 7.5%, but all of the recent estimates I’ve seen put their Muslim population at 10%.