Germany overloaded with asylum seekers, tensions rise

The first thing I noticed in this Deutsche Welle “news” story is the number of times the reporter was able to get the words “right-wing” into one report!  Check it out yourself (for a chuckle)!

Readers, we report refugee and asylum news from around the world so that you know how far ahead some countries are with their own cultural/demographic decline and the political backlash coming from the citizens.  And, we have a substantial readership particularly in Europe, Canada and Australia.

Sweden is probably the farthest along in its demographic “change,” but Germany is trying hard to catch up as it, along with Sweden, welcomes large numbers of so-called asylum seekers across their borders.   Germany has invited 10,000 Syrians to enter Germany this year on top of the Afghans and other Middle Easterners flowing over their borders.  Most of the illegal aliens are economic migrants and will have no legitimate claim to asylum.

Pro Asyl’s Burkhardt: Silence the “right-wing propaganda” and allow only our socialist propaganda. So, who are the real fascists?

The Deutsche Welle “news” is really no new news, just a rehash and a call to silence the “propaganda” of the “right-wing!”  Emphasis is mine:

 In the Bavarian city of Fichtelberg on a Saturday afternoon in January 2014, a group of men pushed their way into a refugee shelter. Dressed in black and partially masked, the intruders stopped at the stairwell and began yelling, according to sources quoted in the local newspaper “Nordbayerische Kurier.”

Nobody in the shelter, however, understood what the men were shouting as most of the refugees had just arrived in Bavaria and spoke no German. After the shouting, the black-clad group quickly left the refugee shelter.

Arson attacks, broken windows and racists slurs painted on buildings are among the rising number of right-wing acts of aggression against refugee shelters across Germany. The Federal Criminal Police (BKA) registered 59 right-wing offenses in 2013, more then twice as many as the year before.

Fear that the “right-wingers” will join forces with the regular German folks!  Eeek!

The German government also said it is concerned by the BKA statistics. “The right-wing scene turned noticeably against asylum seekers in 2013,” Pamela Müller-Niese, a spokeswoman for the Federal Ministry of the Interior, said in a statement.

The number of asylum seekers in 2013 reached its highest level since 1999. A total of some 127,000 people from Syria, Afghanistan and other hot spots in the world fled to Germany last year. To accommodate them, numerous cities have converted empty schools and military barracks into temporary housing.

In many places, however, residents feel ignored, and right-wing extremists have taken advantage of the situation by joining anti-asylum protests in their neighborhood. Such was the case in Berlin-Hellersdorf. The situation there became so tense last year that refugees required police protection to enter their housing units.

“The far-right is trying to exploit the mood in many parts of the population,” said Günter Burkhardt. “There’s an attempt to connect to the middle of society.” [This Deutsche-Welle “news” story is designed to warn-off the middle of society from any association with the “far-right.”—-ed]

Interior Ministry spokeswoman Müller-Niese also said there were concerns about the right-wing appealing to more of society by hyping allegations of “asylum abuse.”

Half of Germans say the country already has too many asylum seekers, according to Funke.

The real fascists in Germany are those who want to silence the people!

Pro Asyl‘s Burkhardt called on politicians to take responsibility for curbing the right-wing’s populist propaganda in Germany. He said there needs to be a clear commitment to the basic right of asylum and corresponding measures that allow asylum seekers to integrate in Germany.

Burkhardt goes on to say, give the asylum seekers apartments and jobs which I suspect is the thing that will infuriate the “middle of society” the most, and it will attract more migrants to Germany!

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson hounded for his comments on refugees

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson brought out the dogs with refugee comment.

The interview that NewsHounds reported on here last Wednesday happened earlier in February.  Carlson was interviewing Michael Cutler on the issue of asylum fraud and the Obama Administration’s relaxation of security screening for refugees and asylum seekers.

I had never heard of NewsHoundswe watch Fox News so you don’t have to–a Leftwing blog originally launched with the help of  They assure us that they are not funded by George Soros here.

LOL!  Here is the crux of what the sanctimonious blogger Priscilla says of Carlson (I’m reading NewsHounds so you don’t have to!):

Here we go with the tired old Statue of Liberty mythology, and Carlson is a “total dick!” 


The Statue of Liberty is considered a beacon of freedom whose message to the world is to “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” But Emma Lazarus’s eloquent phrases mean nothing to scion of white privilege, Tucker Carlson, who is aghast that his country would welcome those whose lives have been torn asunder by political upheavals and other circumstances which necessitate their seeking asylum here. Earlier this month (February 8th), Tucker Carlson hosted an anti-immigration spokesperson for a biased discussion of how changes in asylum rules are threatening our freedom. In railing against asylum policies, Tucker Carlson, showed us, once again, why he is such a total dick!

Can you believe it, Carlson said the US government’s job is to protect American citizens (gasp!).  And, Carlson asked the unforgivable question, why is it our moral obligation to take all these refugees? 

Priscilla continues:

This newest right wing fear factor was part and parcel of Carlson’s interview with Michael Cutler who writes for a white nationalist publication and is a fellow with the CaliforniaCenter for Population Stabilization, a hate group which is funded by the white supremacist Pioneer Fund.

Carlson described the new policy, in fair & balanced terms. Just kidding he referred to it as “ripping the immigration door off of its hinges.” In introducing his guest, a former ICE agent, Carlson said he “could hardly believe” the policy is “real.” Cutler claimed that these people, coming from countries with terrorism, won’t be sufficiently vetted and cited an example of past asylum seekers who were engaged in crime. The chyron framed the Fox propaganda: “Asylum Outrage.” He continued to discuss the “national security” implications of this policy which will “put Americans at risk.”

Carslon said “the whole thing is crazy” and asserted that “the US government has only one job and that’s to look out for the welfare of American citizens.”  He asked

“why is letting in refugees, or people who claim they are, I mean the refugees, you know half the world has refugee status, India, why do I have a moral obligation to do that as an American, I’m totally confused by this.”

Carlson then made one more assertion that drives them wild—if we let them all in they will all become Democratic voters.

“it’s more than compassion, these people will become voters, many of them will become voters, trust me, they’re part of the Obama coalition and the enemy, they will be Democratic voters, the numbers show it, the Obama coalition and the enemy.”

And, in case you missed it in the opening, Carlson is a “total dick!”  (Sorry, but am just quoting Priscilla)

So according to Tucker Carlson, refugees from war torn countries should not be allowed into the country because it’s not his moral obligation and because they might vote Democratic. One thing is for sure, that kind of “Christian” attitude won’t be growing the GOP anytime soon. The America of Fox News is not the America represented on Lady Liberty. At least that’s what Tucker Carlson thinks! What a total dick!

Thanks NewsHounds!   I missed the Carlson interview and wouldn’t have known about it but for your reporting.  Anyone who can infuriate you on this subject is a new hero of mine!

British-Syrian TV pundit causes firestorm, says Syrian refugees should not come to UK

If all Syrians coming to America were like the UK’s Halla Diyab, the Leftwingers would be leading the charge to STOP Syrians from coming here.

She suggested they go to neighboring countries where they are among people of their own culture!  And, the horror, she questions who will pay for all the Syrians?  For that, she is labeled ‘Syria’s Sarah Palin.’

One country she lists as a better place to send Syrian refugees is deportation-nation Saudi Arabia!

From Al-Arabiya News (hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’):

A British-Syrian TV pundit is threatening to sue social media users who slander her or threaten her life after her recent controversial views regarding not allowing Syrian refugees to come to Britain were aired on a BBC program.

Halla Diyab, a writer and producer based in London, told BBC One’s This Week news program that Syrian refugees would be better off seeking asylum in neighboring Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt – rather than coming to England where they will face a cultural barrier such as not being able to speak English.

Syrian refugees shouldn’t be “picky and choosey,” she told the BBC’s Andrew Neil.

She also voiced concerns over how much allowing Syrian refugees into the country would cost British taxpayers.

Many people publicly condemned Diyab’s views referring to her as “Syria’s Sarah Palin”;’ however, the British-Syrian pundit is now concerned the criticism has went too far with some angry viewers saying she is an Assad-loyalist and others making comments about her morality.

There is much wailing and moaning from the ‘humanitarian’ crowd who call her insensitive.  You can read all of that yourself.  I guess she, or they, don’t know that some of their ‘humanitarian’ brethren would agree with Diyab (here).

Then she asked who will pay for all of this?

And, if peace comes, will they go home or will taxpayers continue to support them?  Yikes! The ultimate sin to ask those questions!

During one part of Diyab’s BBC appearance, now available online, Diyab takes a sip of coffee, and asks: “If Syria returns to peace, will the British government force them to go back to Syria or will they stay here forever?

“As a British taxpayer, will I be requested to subsidize for a new Syrian population in this country?”

“It would be much better for them to stay in neighboring countries that are close to Syria culturally and demographically, like the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon,” she added.

And, the you-know-what hit the fan on social media.  Hang in there Halla!

The answer is yes, of course, these refugee resettlements are always permanent, even when the word ‘temporary’ is bandied about.

Regarding our photo caption.  Consider for a moment what would happen to the immigration issue if a large majority of immigrants arriving in America, or the West generally, said they would vote for conservatives.  In a heartbeat, the political Left would be demanding we halt all immigration!  Heck, they might be at the border with guns!

A new facebook page: Diversity’s Dark Side (Like it!)

Longtime readers know that I’ve been looking for years for a way to highlight stories that involve immigrant crimes and cultural clashes that don’t necessarily involve refugees.  This has been especially so with the food stamp fraud stories we’ve posted here as a ‘hobby’ of sorts.

Now, thanks to the help of a reader from Kentucky, there is such a place to gather those news stories.  It is a facebook page entitled appropriately, Diversity’s Dark Side.   By posting news stories that demonstrate the destructive element more uncontrolled immigration is bringing to America, it is a way to balance the usual multicultural mumbo-jumbo, parroted by the mainstream media and the Open borders lobby, about immigrants supposedly bringing strength to communities by bringing “ethnic” diversity.

Here is the “about” at DDS:

Our goal is to gather in one central place reports of crimes, hardships and examples of cultural tension brought to our towns and cities by people who should never have been allowed entrance into our country. We encourage people to question if there really is ‘strength in diversity’.

If you have never read it, this might be a good time to visit our ‘Diversity’ page here at RRW and read this 2007 article about a Harvard study which questioned the whole notion of diversity bringing strength to communities.

If you are on facebook, visit Diversity’s Dark Side and ‘Like it.’  Tell your friends where they can get a daily dose of reality about some of the crooks, criminals and generally those from cultures unwilling to assimilate which we have allowed to enter the US!

Also, some have asked about a twitter account for DDS, until we can figure out how to link the two, you can follow me on twitter.  I am AnnC@refugeewatcher.

Belgium, Germany, Greece: the invasion of Europe continues….

….making the natives restless!

Afghans shout slogans as they demand refugee status in Belgium.

In Belgium, Afghans demanded asylum!

From Russia Today (hat tip: pungentpeppers):

Up to 350 Afghan asylum-seekers and their supporters set up a camp in Belgium’s western town of Mons, urging local authorities to arrange a meeting with Belgian Prime Minister to demand residency papers.

The Prime Minister was not at home, and the asylum demanders were offered, but turned down a warm room.

While the Prime Minister has at least promised to study their cases, his Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration and for Social Integration, Maggie De Block, informed that the Afghans’ requests would be processed as for any other illegal immigrants.

The numbers are growing.

In 2012, there were 332 000 asylum applicants registered in the EU27, the European Union of 27 Member States. Afghanistan, with 8 percent of the total number of applicants, remained the first main country of citizenship of these applicants, according to Eurostat.

Germany, France, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Belgium register 70 percent of all applicants. In 2012, the highest number of applicants was registered in Germany (77 500 applicants, or 23 percent of total applicants), followed by France (18 percent), Sweden (13 percent), the United Kingdom (8 percent) and Belgium (8 percent).

In Germany the far-right is growing!

From Fox News:

BERLIN –  Germany has seen a spike in far-right protests against refugees this year as the number of people seeking asylum in the country rose by two thirds.

Government figures show 18 “noteworthy” extremist gatherings outside buildings housing refugees this year, compared with three in 2012.

Nearly 100,000 people applied for asylum in Germany between January and November, up from 60,000 in 2012.


Almost half the protests this year were organized by the far-right National Democratic Party, or NPD.

Germany’s 16 states have asked the country’s highest court to ban the party.

Ha!  Germany, banning opposition parties?  Isn’t that what happened once before in history?  No lessons learned about fascism and silencing speech?

Police chief says they must make life tough for illegal migrants entering Greece.

From the Christian Science Monitor:

As Syria’s refugee crisis mounts, host countries in Europe and the Middle East have grown uneasy over new arrivals. But even by these standards, candid comments by Greece’s top police official reveal a particularly hostile welcome for thousands of refugees on Europe’s southern border.


Last week, the Chief of the Greek Police suggested that irregular immigrants’ lives should “be made unbearable,” according to a leaked audio recording from a meeting of police officials publicized by the Greek magazine, Hot Doc.

“If (authorities) told me I could go to a country… and would be detained for three months and then would be free to steal and rob, to do whatever you want… that is great,” a man identified as the police chief says on the tape. Describing the police response, he continued: “We aimed for increased periods of detention… we increased it to 18 months… for what purpose? We must make their lives unbearable.”

Here is one thing I don’t get about this—these illegal migrants (would-be asylum seekers) are traveling through Turkey to get to Europe.  Turkey is a “safe country,” why aren’t they asking for asylum there and why isn’t the UNHCR demanding that they apply in Turkey, even if it means more UN camps in Turkey.  It makes one wonder if the UN and Turkey are in cahoots to help speed up the invasion of Europe.