Will Susanna and Tommy turn the tide to save Europe?

fake eyebrows
While the media is busy with the run-up to the show in Singapore, and prior to that the G7 in Canada that saw social media in a flutter over the failure of Justin’s fake eyebrow that came unglued in a presser attacking Trump (yes, apparently the prime minister of Canada augments his eyebrows with bushy black fake ones!), some monumental shift may have occurred in Europe in one week….
Is there still hope to stop the Invasion of Europe?
Here is what I see.
Continue reading “Will Susanna and Tommy turn the tide to save Europe?”

Facebook on the hunt to remove nationalist Burmese patriot monks from their platform

Burma is a Buddhist country and the Buddhists want to keep it that way.
That is the long and short of the battle between nationalist patriot monks and the Rohingya Muslim minority that has been increasingly aggressive in pushing for what they see as their rights.

monks in Burma
Angry monks fighting for their country and their religion!

Of course, the global Left is on the side of the Rohingya and therefore so is Facebook!
I’ve been following the Rohingya controversy for over ten years and the Rohingya are far from being pure as the driven snow having instigated many of the violent conflicts between the government and themselves which has played out in rural villages, but you would never know that to hear the mainstream media spine.
So now we learn that Facebook is hunting for monks on their platform in order to silence them and keep them from going around the biased media with their side of the story.

Burma (aka Myanmar) is far away. Why should Americans care?

Continue reading “Facebook on the hunt to remove nationalist Burmese patriot monks from their platform”

Somali refugee becomes first Lord Mayor of an English city

Over ten years ago I reported that an Imam was bragging in Saudi Arabia that America would be electing Muslim mayors in droves (30 by 2015, he said). His prediction has not materialized here so far, but it looks like the Hijrah is moving ahead at a rapid pace in the UK where the English people have apparently given up.
(The Tommy Robinson episode demonstrates that better than anything).
Here is The Independent headline (with a bit of the story):

Meet Sheffield’s new mayor, the black, Muslim, former refugee whose viral inauguration photo charmed the world: ‘I’ll be doing things differently’

When I’m ushered into his parlour, the new Lord Mayor of Sheffield is sat with his feet on his desk, firing off emails about creating a post of Sheffield Poet Laureate.

Despite the rarified surroundings – mahogany furniture, upholstered sofas, fine china teacups – he swears like a Yorkshire trooper and laughs infectiously. He is still wearing his Dr Martens and his ceremonial chain.

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Charlene White is a 37-year-old British journalist, not a teeny bopper. Bye! Bye! UK

“It’s a good accessory,” he smiles.

Asked how he feels about the global reaction to his now famous official inauguration photo, Councillor Magid Magid’s response is as unorthodox as the image itself.

“Mate… f*****g hell…” he tells The Independent, still apparently struggling for words. “It’s been surreal. Mad. I wasn’t expecting any of this.”

The 28-year-old’s election as the South Yorkshire city’s official first citizen last week made headlines around the world. He has received messages of goodwill from people as far and wide as New York and Syria. ITV News anchor Charlene White declared on Twitter that she might be “a little bit in love”.

This is partly because of who he is and what he’s achieved. Councillor Magid is not only the city’s youngest ever lord mayor – and the first from the Green Party – he is also a Muslim former Somalian refugee who arrived in the UK at the age of five, unable to speak English.

And it is partly because of that picture. In it, amid the shadowy, gilded confines of Sheffield’s Victorian Town Hall, he squats – complete with ceremonial chain, Dr Martens boots and wide-eyed smile – high on a balustrade.

‘If me doing this – as a black, Muslim immigrant – can spark someone to go out and change their bit of the world, that’s my job done’

“I’ve no idea why I got up there, mate,” he says. “It wasn’t planned. It was just me being myself. There’ve been [121] lord mayors before and I respect them all but I wanted to show I’ll be doing things differently. It just came out of that. I wanted to say this town belongs to all of us.”

More here.
Amazing and sad that we are alive at this critical juncture in history and witnessing an invasion of Europe that never should be happening.
Magid is doing what Islam expects him to do, it is the Charlene White’s (she is from an immigrant family too) that are making Islam’s supremacism possible.

The one thing that makes America different from the UK and other European countries is that we still have FREE SPEECH!

It is vitally important that you exercise that right! They cannot shut us all down, so please, please develop a network and talk about immigration and Islam. Develop your facebook channels, tweet, write a blog or letters to the editor. If that is too difficult at least develop an e-mail chain for family and friends and keep talking!

St. Cloud, Minnesota citizens are entitled to an open discussion about their changing city

Ten years ago this month, RRW published its first of what would be many posts on St. Cloud, Minnesota, a small city targeted by Lutheran Social Services of MN and the US State Department for the resettlement of mostly Somali refugees.

Jeff Johnson surrounded
Council member Jeff Johnson surrounded in October 2017     https://www.sctimes.com/story/news/local/2018/05/18/st-cloud-city-council-member-jeff-johnson-refugee-resettlement-program/602537002/

When blog partner Judy wrote this post about the mistreatment of a service dog by Somali students it was the first time I had ever heard of St. Cloud, Minnesota.
In those ten years we have published dozens of posts on the demographic change there and the controversy it has created.
Our experience has been that the St. Cloud Times has been biased against anyone who wants to have a discussion about the change, but this story by reporter Jenny Berg is surprisingly balanced!  What happened?

Not just the ‘insensitive’ numbers guy: Jeff Johnson keeps refugee conversation going

It is a long story, but really worth reading. I was particularly interested in one theme expressed throughout:

Concerned citizens have a right to expect transparency from government officials at all levels.

In fact, it is that very lack of transparency that gave rise to this blog!
There would be no Refugee Resettlement Watch beginning in July 2007 if there had been an open and honest discussion in Hagerstown, Maryland that year and if the Hagerstown Herald Mail had investigated and explained the details of how the small city in a red county had been chosen for resettlement and how the process would work going forward.
See what I wanted to know in 2007! I’m still working on getting those answers for every American town and city! You have a right to the answers (without having your character slimmed!).

Social Contract magazine devotes entire issue to educate readers about the Southern Poverty Law Center

No less than 21 articles by well-known authors make up the Spring 2018 Issue of the Social Contract Magazine.
Addressing the SPLC’s terroristic tactics to silence speech they don’t like…..
Our friend James Simpson authored this one entitled:

The Southern Poverty Law Center – Institution of weaponized hate

A few excerpts:
James Simpson

Since the election of Donald Trump as 45th president of the United States, the leftist under-ground has surfaced in an unprecedented, full-throated effort to neutralize his historic victory. This underground includes violent communist, socialist, and anarchist street thugs from groups like Refuse Fascism (the Revolutionary Communist Party),1 Antifa (anarchists and anarcho-syndicalists)2 and Black Lives Matter (socialists).3 But it also includes many Democrat politicians, judges, and bureaucrats at all levels of government, for example judges essentially governing from the bench with unconstitutional restraint orders, elected officials erecting sanctuary policies in direct defiance of the federal government, and media willing to give them all rhetorical cover.

Running interference are groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), who have joined the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) in an unholy alliance to attack and silence the Left’s critics.

This war on speech has been going on for a long time, but over the past 17 months has reached a fever pitch. While we see Islamic terrorist attacks on Western targets almost daily now, CAIR literally threatens venues, organizers, and speakers who discuss the threats from Islamic terrorism and the Islamic supremacy doctrine of Shariah.4

And while CAIR goes on the warpath, the SPLC assists by labeling individuals and groups “bigots,” “racists,” “xenophobes,” “Islamophobes,” “white nationalists,” and “haters.” The SPLC can claim responsibility more than any other group for popularizing the “hate” narrative, now ubiquitous in the popular press.

Continue reading here.
Below are just some of the titles in this issue of the Social Contract.

Everything you ever wanted to know about the SPLC:


social contract
I couldn’t fit all the titles on one page!  See them all here:   http://www.thesocialcontract.com/artman2/publish/tsc_28_3/index.shtml

As long time readers know, I’ve been targeted by the SPLC as an anti-Muslim extremist primarily because I got under the skin of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, one of the nine federal resettlement contractors, that doesn’t like my questions about their government funding and political agitation. HIAS is closely allied with the SPLC.