The Economist: The number of ex-Muslims in America is rising

This is one of the most interesting articles I have read in awhile. Who knew? Somalis and other Muslim immigrants are leaving Islam in growing numbers, or at least hiding their rejection of the ‘faith.’
I’ve heard it said that there would be no Islam if there was no severe punishment for renouncing it.  Around the world “apostasy” is a death sentence. Honor killings here in the US are a prime example of how Islam instills fear in its ‘followers.’
Here is The Economist with the fascinating news:

ayaan hirsi alie
Proof that free speech must be preserved. Hirsi Ali’s speaking out has influenced many to make the break!

AS SOON as he stepped off the plane on a family holiday to Kenya, Mahad Olad knew something was wrong. His mother, a “very devout, very conservative, very Wahhabi” woman, was acting strangely—furtively taking phone calls when she thought he was out of earshot. His suspicions would soon be proved correct. Mr Olad’s family, Somali immigrants to America and devout Muslims, had discovered that he had not only renounced Islam but was also gay. The holiday was a ruse, an intervention to save his soul.

Mr Olad was told he would leave college and be turned over the next day to the care of Muslim clerics who would restore his faith. “I was aware of the horrors of these camps,” Mr Olad says. “They operate them in the middle of nowhere, where you cannot escape. They subject you to beatings, starvation and trampling.” He tried to contact the American embassy, but it could not send help because of recent terrorist attacks nearby. Luckily, he also managed to reach a Kenyan atheist group. In the dead of night he sneaked into his mother’s room, stole his passport and was whisked away by taxi to the embassy, which eventually returned him safely to America. He has not spoken to his family since.

Though few have such harrowing stories, hundreds of thousands of American Muslims might recognise something like their own experience in Mr Olad’s tale. As the number of American Muslims has increased by almost 50% in the past decade, so too has the number of ex-Muslims. According to the Pew Research Centre, 23% of Americans raised as Muslims no longer identify with the faith. Most of them are young second-generation immigrants who have come to reject the religion of their parents. Some, however, are older when their crisis of faith arrives, already married to devout Muslim spouses and driving children to the mosque to study the Koran at weekends.


Normalizing islam
Ex-Muslims of North America (EXMNA) touring the US. Is the SPLC trying to silence them too (as they have tried to do to Hirsi Ali)?

The vast majority, whether young or old, are silent about their faithlessness.


Publicly leaving Islam is difficult because many Muslims live in tight-knit communities. Many apostates are left closeted, afraid to put at risk their relationships with their parents, on whom they may still depend, or with their siblings and their friends. Non-believing Mormons, Hasidic Jews and evangelical Christians find themselves in a similar predicament. Within Somali enclaves in Minneapolis and Pakistani ones in Dallas, renunciation of Islam is tantamount to renunciation of an entire social circle. “The most frustrating part is living knowing that my life has to be guided by the rules I don’t agree with,” says one still deep in the closet.


Then there are those in more religious households. They tend to have cleaner breaks, sudden realisations while studying the Koran or the Hadith, the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad. Often the verses that trigger this are controversial ones about slavery or gender that family members and imams cannot explain satisfactorily. Coming across the writings of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens sometimes has the same effect.


Despite all the pressure of family and community, more ex-Muslims seem to be going public. Ex-Muslims of North America (EXMNA), an advocacy organisation, has pushed for those who safely can to publicly declare their renunciations.

“The goal is to change things enough so that we no longer need to exist,” says Sarah Haider, EXMNA’s director.

Much more here.
I’m chuckling as I wonder —- has the Southern Poverty Law Center declared EXMNA a hate group yet?  After all, showing what a bunch of buffoons they are, they named Ayaan Hirsi Ali an Anti-Muslim Extremist in 2016, here.

Bannon storms Europe: Let them call you racist!

Steve Bannon, Trump’s right hand man during the run-up to Trump’s upset victory in the US presidential race in 2016, is traveling around Europe spreading a populist message  painfully aware that Europe is in deep trouble and if globalist-instigated migration to the continent continues, Western Civilization itself will be in danger of collapsing in this century.
That reminds me, I recently watched the excellent documentary film, ‘The Fight of Our Lives.  You can order it here (or attend a showing near you).  Using interviews with some very smart people, it lays out the threat from without and the threat from within to our western way of life.  Needless to say, the invasion of Europe is a big part of the film.

Invasion of Europe news….
Here is Mother Jones report on Bannon’s European tour:

Steve Bannon to French Far-Right: “Let Them Call You Racist…Wear It as a Badge of Honor”

Former White House strategist and Trump whisperer Steve Bannon has a message for members of France’s far-right, xenophobic National Front party. “Let them call you racist,” he told the crowd at the party’s congress in Lille on Saturday. “Let them call you xenophobes. Let them call you nativists. Wear it as a badge of honor. Because every day, we get stronger and they get weaker.”


Bannon and Le Pen
Bannon: History is on our side with Marine Le Pen

Mother Jones continues….

Bannon, who was swept out of the White House after unflattering quotes of his appeared in Michael Wolfe’s book Fire and Fury, is currently traveling Europe and whipping up support for various nationalist and anti-immigrant parties. “They see what Breitbart did and they want it in their own language,” he told the New York Times, referring to the right-wing site he left in January. “That’s the key. Right now my sites are in English. They want one in their own language.”

He told the Times that he had a “fascinating” meeting earlier this week with the leaders of the hardline Alternative for Germany party. The AfD, now the third-largest party in Germany, is hostile toward immigrants and Muslims, arguing for stricter immigration controls and bans on minarets and niqabs. Not long ago, two AfD officials responded to a public service announcement by German police that ran in Arabic as well as German by tweeting, “Are they seeking to appease the barbaric, Muslim, rapist hordes of men?”

The Times also reported that Bannon might meet with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, an autocratic figure who has cracked down on his country’s media, judiciary, and electoral system. Blocking immigrants from entering Hungary is arguably Orbán’s signature issue. Bannon, who declined to say whether he was meeting with the Hungarian leader, called him a “hero” and “the most significant guy on the scene right now.”

And Bannon has embedded himself in Italian politics, lending a hand to the populist forces now on the rise in that country.

In France, Bannon reportedly met with the National Front’s leader, Marine Le Pen, who was defeated in last year’s presidential election by centrist Emmanuel Macron.

More here.
Bannon is exactly right on the “racist” name-calling! Take away the power of the word by laughing at them!  Humor is the most powerful political weapon (Saul Alinsky).
I’ve said often that we should have a gala every year to celebrate all those that the Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled as racists.
(I don’t mean to brag about my honors, it would just be a fun gathering that would also send a powerful message because it would end, once and for all, the SPLC’s power with the media.)
See the New York Times on Bannon (wrecking the European establishment!), here, and Fox News here.
My ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.

SOS! from Ireland to South Dakota, media covers for global migration plan

I am sure that when State Senator Neal Tapio proposed his bill and secured a hearing on it—a bill to slow refugee flow from certain countries to SD—he couldn’t have envisioned how that failed bill has now exposed so much about the fearful ‘leaders’ and the dishonest media in that state….
….’leaders’ who apparently aren’t afraid of jihadists, but of the power of BIG Business (like the meatpackers who want the cheap labor and call the shots) and Chamber lobbyists.
Did the newspaper there also bow to BIG MEAT power, or was it the Chairman of the committee who pressured the newspaper to change its story on the hearing in less than an hour?

Chairman, Republican Senator Bob Ewing was clearly embarrassed when Hohmann said “you don’t want to hear the truth.”  My guess is that he called the Argus Leader and had the original story taken down! Just a guess on my part!

How fortuitous it was that Leo Hohmann, James Simpson and Phil Haney were all there to see it first hand.
They knew the local Argus paper had reported fairly in the first few minutes after they testified only to see that story removed and replaced (except for the url, LOL!) within the hour.
So Senator Tapio didn’t get his bill advanced out of committee, but in fact gained much more in the fight to save western civilization. He exposed the feckless leaders in the legislature and the media’s dishonest complicity with them.
Be sure to see my two previous posts on Hohmann’s reports here and here.  (See the weak women ‘leaders’ selling us out!)
Then here is today’s news on how newspapers worldwide are doing the bidding of the global elites and attempting to reduce the natural and sensible resistance people have to being taken over by literally alien cultures.

Irish gov’t paid media for positive spin on plan to import 1 million migrants, but that doesn’t happen in U.S. right?

A very disturbing story appeared in the European press this week that should concern all of us on this side of the Atlantic.

Stick with me while I explain why.

According to the Times of London, concerns have been raised about an “ethically dubious deal” between the government and national newspapers that involves journalists writing positive pieces about the Ireland 2040 plan.

The government’s “strategic communications unit” arranged for sponsored content to appear in local, regional and national newspapers including the Irish Independent and The Irish Times.

What is the Ireland 2040 plan, you ask?

It’s a €116 billion national development plan to prepare for an estimated population growth of one million people over the next two decades.

And where is this population growth going to come from, since Irish women have stopped having babies, as evidenced by their paltry 1.7 children per woman fertility rate?

So how does this relate to South Dakota, continue reading here (I don’t want to give it all away).
But here is a hint, the (second) story the Argus Leader reported about the Tapio bill hearing is entitled:

Citing concerns of discrimination, S.D. panel shelves refugee resettlement ban

But the url still shows what the original title was:

Hohmann had told the chairman of the committee something he didn’t want to hear (there were audible gasps in the hearing room) and you can see it in the url above.

“You don’t want to hear the truth!”

Read the full account at
It is happening all over the world! But, unless you are carefully monitoring your media, you would never know!
(Real) leaders looking for something to do?
Craft bills and resolutions even if you know they won’t go anywhere, but do it to expose your weak elected officials and your dishonest media like this bunch in South Dakota.
For more on South Dakota, you might want to visit my archive on the state here.  It is a state I visited in the summer of 2016 on my tour of western states where BIG MEAT rules!

Important free speech case filed against Twitter

And, it all started when Twitter banned Jared Taylor and American Renaissance from its platform.
Breitbart has a long report on the case.  I think Taylor has a good case, but you know how our court system has become (too often these days) the place where Leftwing ideology has found its home and Constitutional protections are lost, so I won’t dare to predict how this could turn out.
Here is Ian Mason writing at Breitbart about the case filed last week in California:

A group of free-speech lawyers filed the most serious legal challenge yet to Twitter’s censorship policies Tuesday in San Francisco County Superior Court, seeking a ruling preventing Twitter from banning users purely on the basis of their views and political associations.

Jared Taylor
Twitter made a big mistake taking on Taylor! Taylor’s case has a good chance of prevailing if the California judge is not a Leftwing ideologue.  And, if he/she is, could Jared Taylor v. Twitter go all the way to the Supreme Court?

The 29-page complaint contends that, under a California legal doctrine that recognizes some private facilities as “public forums,” Twitter may not discriminate against speech on their platform based purely on viewpoint. If successful, it would be the first extension of that doctrine to internet social media platforms and could transform the way free speech is treated online. The suit became all the more relevant Wednesday as Twitter stood accused of locking out thousands of conservatives under the guise of cracking down on “Russian bots.”

The genesis of the suit is Twitter’s November 2017 announcement that they would start banning and sanctioning users based on their offline behavior and associations.

On December 18, 2017, Twitter, five years after their top British executive described the company as “the free speech wing of the free speech party,” made good on this threat, “purging” hundreds of mostly right-wing users. Twitter’s new policy refers to association with “violent extremist groups,” and a company blog post claimed, “If an account’s profile information includes a violent threat or multiple slurs, epithets, racist or sexist tropes, incites fear, or reduces someone to less than human, it will be permanently suspended.”

One of those purged is Jared Taylor, founder and editor of “American Renaissance,” a fringe-right journal on race and immigration. He is frequently described as an “extremist” and a “white supremacist” by left-wing groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the latter of which sits on Twitter’s “Trust and Safety Council,” the largely leftist group of activists and non-profits Twitter assembled in 2016 to help decide which speech to censor.

Taylor is a graduate of Yale University and Paris’s Sciences Po, the former West Coast editor of PC Magazine, and author of several books. He describes himself as a “white advocate” or “race realist” and condemns Nazism and antisemitism.

According to the complaint, in his more than six years on Twitter, Taylor never made threats, harassed anyone, or otherwise came under scrutiny for his behavior on the platform. Even the SPLC notes Taylor “scrupulously avoided racist epithets [and] employed the language of academic journals” in his writings, and Taylor once wrote an article urging people to be more civil on Twitter.


Yet both Taylor’s personal account and that of American Renaissance were permanently banned. The only explanation Twitter gave was that the accounts were “affiliated with a violent extremist group.” Twitter refused to offer Taylor any further details including to which “violent extremist group” he was affiliated.

There is much more here.

The SPLC and me….

You might also want to know that the SPLC has gone on another of its media hit campaigns.  See that the Baltimore Sun has listed me as a “hate group” (taking the SPLC’s word for it!) without ever checking to find out that I am a journalist blogger and have no group!
How many more one-person ‘groups’ are on SPLC’s “hate group” list?
LOL! The Sun says Maryland hate groups are “on the rise” as Maryland gains one “hate group” since the SPLC’s list last year.
The SPLC aimed its big-money guns at me after the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society directed them to my work. Of course HIAS didn’t like anyone questioning their federal funding and their refugee resettlement program.