St. Cloud, MN: a microcosm of the battle ahead for cities targeted by federal refugee program

The dramatic change in demographic makeup and the escalation of tensions in St. Cloud came to my attention in the earliest days of writing this blog when my then blog partner, Judy, wrote in 2008 about how Somali students were harassing a service dog to such a degree that it caused the disabled student to leave the school.

See that story here.

It is a good thing that we captured some of that story because it seems to no longer be available at the St. Cloud Times, which surprise, surprise, seems to be the case for many of the articles we have reported on from St. Cloud in the ensuing 9 years.

Recommendation!  I can’t do it here, but when I look at RRW’s archives on St. Cloud (that began with the dog abuse story) what immediately comes to mind is that what has happened to the city, now the third highest for the direct resettlement of Somalis in the state (Minneapolis and St. Paul, are numbers one and two), is that someone should do a documentary film or write a book about the transformation of a small American city that began with a meatpacking plant’s desire for cheap labor.

And what got me thinking about it this morning is this snarky editorial in the St. Cloud Times blaming the Christian haters for the tension there.

Before I get to that, take a look at my St. Cloud archive by clicking here.

A sampling of stories that you should look at include:

St. Cloud, MN Somalis turn up the stealth jihad heat, demand “human rights”

St. Cloud, MN a perfect example of community agitation to bring “change”

St. Cloud, MN update: refugees now arriving there directly from camps


On this last post, I checked data at Wrapsnet and St. Cloud was getting Somalis directly, immediately after 9/11, but I believe Lutheran Social Services MN (the resettlement contractor there) didn’t open an office in the city until 2010.

But, direct resettlement doesn’t tell the whole story because Minnesota leads the nation in secondary migration (Somali refugees placed in other states move to MN to be with their own kind of people.)

Here is some of the editorial from the St. Cloud Times showing its disdain for its Christian readers:

If Central Minnesota is going to look back on one year since the Crossroads Center attacks and ask about community relations and people getting along, we at least need to be honest.

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Photo used by the St. Cloud Times to illustrate its editorial. What! no photo of the Somali who stabbed ten at the local mall last year (a bit more hateful than words!).

When it comes to publicly exuding religious extremism in Central Minnesota and a lack of tolerance for others, it’s not from new immigrants nor Muslims. It’s from long-time residents. And Christians.


But there also is no denying a small, fervently vocal group of residents is working very hard to degrade new immigrants and Muslims — to the point this group wants to ignore the First Amendment and move from an American democracy to a Christian theocracy.  [WTH! These citizens with concerns are using the First Amendment as you chronicle below. It is the SC Times attempting to silence speech with this editorial!—-ed]

Witness the continued march of anti-Islam guest speakers making stops across Central Minnesota, typically as invited guests of certain Christian pastors.

The latest came Sept. 12-14 when Christian pastor and former Muslim Shahram Hadian spoke in St. Cloud, Browerville and Freeport. His topics: “Trojan Horse of Interfaith Dialogue,” “Islam’s Assault on the Constitution” and “Islam’s March Toward Supremacy.”

Witness the handful of local folks who have shown up regularly at recent St. Cloud City Council meetings to use the public input period to demand City Council members stop the influx of immigrants.

Never mind that this is a free country, and people can live where they choose. These speakers also want city leaders to go into public schools and other places, programs and organizations over which the city has no control.

So how many Christians in St. Cloud have attempted to murder Muslims?

(Don’t miss Leo Hohmann here on the feckless FBI on Somali refugee Adan who attempted to murder Americans one year ago in St. Cloud.)

But, somehow, to the editors at the St. Cloud Times, it’s the Christians (exercising their First Amendment rights!) who are the haters?

The editors continue…

To be clear, Dahir Adan stabbing 10 people at Crossroads a year ago was among the most horrific crimes experienced in Central Minnesota. And, yes, it certainly met the definition of terrorism.

It is unsettling that even a year later the FBI is not providing more details, especially clarity as to whether Adan was acting alone.

More here.

I’m frustrated! The story of St. Cloud needs to reach all Americans, so someone in the larger media needs to do a full investigation, or better still write a whole book or produce a documentary film so that all of America can be warned!

RRW weekly roundup for week ending September 15th…

I haven’t posted a weekly roundup for awhile but I am this week so I can tell you for the umpteenth time to exercise your free speech rights while we have them.

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Artwork compliments SPLC

Prompting me to nag you again was the news from Oakland, Iowa I posted here minutes ago.

But, before I get to the nagging part, and since this is a round-up for the week, here are the top three most-read posts of the week (top posts of the last day are in right hand side bar):

Catholic Bishop Dolan says that the USCCB is not after more money when defending DACA kids, I beg to differ

White House could announce refugee ceiling for FY18 this week

Consider the optics Mr. President! Thousands of impoverished people arriving in the US when Americans are homeless

On that second post above, I’m looking for an announcement any hour (or any day). It was expected yesterday.  I’m reserving judgement on Trump until I hear what he decides on the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.

Let the nagging begin….

Come on people, stop being passive news readers!  Find a way to become informed (yes, read the news, but do some research too) and then get that information and your opinions out there through social media, letters-to-the-editor or by writing your own blog.  Believe me, getting your ideas and information out to others is very satisfying!

Or, if it is comfortable for you, put on local informational meetings like the one in Iowa this week.

If you sit in your house alone reading news and stressing over the future of America, you do no one any good (and you hurt yourself!).

The mainstream media is not going to report on certain issues, so you have to do it.

Honestly, the most important thing we must preserve to save America is our freedom of speech, and the more of you fearlessly exercising it, the harder it will be for those trying to kill those rights.

They will call you a few names! Who cares!

Endnote: You can see my facebook feed in the left hand side bar here at RRW, and my twitter feed is in the right hand side bar.  I recommend that you visit RRW from time to time rather than depending on that e-mail notification controlled by wordpress that somehow seems to mysteriously drop people on a regular basis.

Dems join CAIR to silence speech in Iowa small town

This didn’t happen in Berkeley, CA or St. Louis, MO but in a small Iowa town’s community center.

I’m just going to give you the opening paragraphs of the story, but everyone of you concerned about the future of  our country should read the jaw-dropping account of a public meeting where Democrat protesters and Council on American Islamic Relations representatives teamed up to disrupt a presentation organized by a former Muslim, a convert to Christianity.

This is America?

From Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily:

While all eyes were on the University of California, Berkeley, Thursday night to see if radical leftists could control their anger over the mere presence of a conservative speaker on campus, it was a gathering in a tiny Iowa town that attracted the attention of one of the left’s key allies – the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

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Hurst, running for local elected office, was the leader (along with CAIR) of the infiltrators who disrupted the meeting requiring police presence so that speakers could continue. “He posted on Facebook suggestions that Guandolo, Christian and Gaubatz did not qualify for free speech rights under the First Amendment.”

CAIR, which was named an unindicted co-conspirator in a massive terror-financing trial held in 2008, crashed a meeting in Oakland, Iowa – population 1,500 in rural Pottawattamie County.

Why such concern for what’s going on in a place so far off the beaten path?

Actually, it’s not unusual, not in post-Trump America.

CAIR has made it a top priority in the wake of President Trump’s surprising election victory to show up, challenge and cause confusion wherever the truth about Islam is being taught, say experts on the organization. CAIR is worried that a nation under the spell of Barack Obama for eight years may start to wake up to some startling facts and discover that Islam has become the government-favored religion, the only religion Americans are not allowed to criticize.

Miriam Amer, CAIR Iowa, was reportedly in attendance.

This is all part of CAIR’s nationwide campaign against “Islamophobia” which coincides with the United Nations’ anti-Islamophobia campaign being carried out on a global scale. Cities such as Boston, Minneapolis, San Fransisco and Nashville have all taken up the cause of defending Islam against verbal attacks increasing referred to as “hate crimes.”

The speakers who had CAIR worked up into a tizzy were John Guandolo and Chris Gaubatz, partners in Understanding the Threat…..

Click here and read about what happened in Oakland, Iowa, a bigger deal then Berkeley where we have come to expect massive intimidation efforts to silence speech.

When is the last time you heard about Dems/Muslims holding public meetings crashed by people trying to silence their speech?  That’s right, you haven’t!

And, one more thing, if you have people like Hurst running for public office where you live, you better get out and oppose them!

Letter to media: “discredited” SPLC should be ignored

I signed an open letter to the media on Wednesday critical of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “hate group” listing.

Here is the story about that letter at WND:

They are among the rudders of America’s conservative movement.

Limbaugh: “… all you have to do is disagree with them and you are called a hater.”

Names such as L. Brent Bozell III of the Media Research Center, Edwin Meese III of the Heritage Foundation, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William Boykin of the Family Research Council, Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel and Michael Farris of Alliance Defending Freedom.

They are the ones media seek out for comment on important issues of the day.

Now they collectively are sending a message to establishment media: Stop using the “hit pieces” from the Southern Poverty Law Center in your reporting.

Forty-seven individuals and groups in a coalition Wednesday released an open letter to news outlets, calling on them to stop using data from the “discredited Southern Poverty Law Center.”


Just days ago, talk radio superstar Rush Limbaugh criticized SPLC as “perhaps one of the biggest hate groups on the left.”

“They tar and feather and slander right-wing groups and call them hate groups,” he said. “They’ve got a map on their website, and whenever a right-wing group that says or does anything that the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is a bunch of leftist freaks, all you have to do is disagree with them and you are called a hater.”

Go here to read more, and see the text of the letter here.

No group here!

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Looking for a hate “group” at RRW? Up until recently, Oreo is all you would find for group members!  However, we recently added a dog and that has created a whole new hate situation here at RRW.

Of course the SPLC has me listed as a hate “group,” but to show how shoddy and unprofessional their work is, I have no group.  I’m an independent blogger writing factual reports (with my opinions!) on the US Refugee Admissions Program and have been doing so for the last ten years.

What apparently got me in the crosshairs of the SPLC (besides being effective!) is this report (Resettlement at Risk) written by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (a federal refugee contractor) with the help of a large grant from the J.M. Kaplan Fund.

The report recommends that any local citizens questioning the federal placement of refugees in their towns and cities should be investigated. (You see we have no right to question what the federal government does or how it spends our money, or expect to be labeled “haters.”)

Conduct Research on Local Anti-Refugee Leaders:

The national refugee agencies should partner with groups such as Center for New Community and Southern Poverty Law Center to learn more about individuals and groups leading local efforts to resist resettlement, to determine if they belong to
organized anti-immigrant or anti-Muslim organizations or networks.

See my previous posts on the SPLC by clicking here.

‘Government Slaves’ website gives list of 400 websites Google is attempting to chill, RRW is on it

Here is the news, hat tip: Judy

Government Slaves:

The war on truth has reached a fever pitch as Google has made it their mission to annihilate the independent media. The ‘New Media’ lead by the likes of Infowars, Breitbart, Natural News and many other great independent sites will have an uphill battle when it comes to getting their content in front of readers. Google has announced they will be doubling down on their ‘Orwellian’ practice of making stories disappear from their monopolistic search engine. Outlined in their Gestapo like 160-page handbook, Google describes exactly how they plan to suppress any information they deem unfit for readers.

Continue here, see the list and learn about other search engines to consider.

Screenshot of a portion of the list of 400. We are in good company:

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