New Hampshire: Congolese refugee escapes prosecution in domestic violence case

It was  only two days ago that I told you that “assimilation” is a dirty word in the lexicon of the Open Borders/Refugee industry.  I also told you that we have admitted over 40,000 ‘refugees’ from the DR Congo (so  far) with a UN agreed upon goal of taking 50,000.
(DR Congolese refugees are the largest ethnic group coming in under the Trump Administration. Only 3.8% are Muslim, if you are wondering.)

UNHCR asked us to help clean out the camps and we said ‘Yes, sir!’

Now both posts serve as background for this stunner from Manchester, NH about a refugee from DR Congo who beat a woman (no mention if it was his wife) and was given a free pass by the legal system because he had come from a violent culture.
After reading the story here and here, I realized why the refugee advocates and officials have mentioned in the past that women from the DR Congo will need lots of (costly) mental health treatment.

Not just women and children!

Augustin Bahati “lacked the cultural competency to participate in the American justice system.”

And, we were led to believe that we were getting mostly women and children.  I just checked the demographic data at Wrapsnet and was shocked to learn that men and women are pretty much equal in number and in fact in the 21-30 age group in most years, men arriving here out-numbered the women in that group!
Here is a bit from the story at (hat tip: Joanne):

Assimilation is one of the most critical aspects of any successful immigration system. It determines whether an aspiring migrant will be able to adapt to a nation’s values, laws, and culture. And no, this type of assimilation doesn’t mean that one must throw away all of the cultural heritage that makes a person who they are. Rather, it means that they must reconcile their heritage with the laws and values of the nation they wish to join.

A breaking story in New Hampshire highlights the importance of this concept. According to court records obtained by the New Hampshire Union Leader, a prosecutor dropped domestic violence charges against Augustin Bahati, a Congolese refugee, when she unilaterally decided “that he lacked the cultural competency to participate in the American justice system.” In essence, this means that the prosecutor determined Bahati was still so rooted in his old culture – where domestic violence is presumably acceptable – that he was incapable of being legally responsible for violating American domestic abuse laws.

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), where Bahati is originally from, sexual abuse and domestic violence are commonplace. In fact, The DRC is often referred to as “the rape capital of the world.” Throughout the 20-year, ongoing civil war within the republic’s borders, the Brooking’s Institution estimates that as many as 48 rapes occur every hour, largely stemming from members of rival militias. In addition, there are very few laws on the books aimed at protecting women from spousal abuse.

This decision is highly troubling, especially since Bahati’s alleged crimes include “striking, pushing, grabbing, kicking and pulling out the hair” of a woman who was 27 weeks pregnant, according to the Union Leader. What the Manchester prosecutor seems to be saying, is that Bahati’s domestic abuse should be tolerated, because he is new to the United States and still acting according to the moral and legal standards of his native country.

Continue reading here.
And, don’t miss the Union Leader story here.

Does your state ‘welcome’ refugees from the DR Congo? 

Most states do. Only HAWAII, Delaware, West Virginia and Wyoming have escaped!
Since this big resettlement began in earnest in FY2013, we went back to that year (up to the present day) at Wrapsnet.  40,216 are living in your towns and cities.  Only 9,784 to go to please the United Nations, but I have never seen one of these camp clean out projects end when they promised it would!


If you can’t read Florida, it is 1,433. Alaska got 81. NH, where this travesty of justice for women happened, got 703. And, Hawaii which is just dying for more refugees got ZERO!

Here are the Top Ten states with the most DR Congolese refugees arriving since FY2013:
So much for Texas getting out of the program. And, where is California, it is most often #1 or 2???


Did you write to ‘The Donald’ today???

Thanks to all of you who have taken the time to tell the White House what you think!

Germany reaping the whirlwind of infectious diseases admitted to the country along with the migrants

Gatestone has a very informative piece this morning, thanks to reader Cathy for sending it my way.

Germans greet refugees in Berlin (2014): Onlookers clapped and chanted: “Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here.”

As you read this story, do NOT forget that refugees entering the US are being permitted entry even if they have TB.  We learned just this week that the state of Minnesota was financially strapped as its health system attempts to cope with infectious diseases in its migrant community.
So although this story involves Germany, you, Americans are not immune!
Just like in Germany the reason you don’t hear about the diseases in the refugee flow to America is because authorities are “downplaying the threat in an effort to avoid fueling anti-immigration sentiments.”
And, as I have said repeatedly if Islamic terrorism doesn’t worry you, this should…..
(Emphasis below is mine)

Germany: Infectious Diseases Spreading as Migrants Settle In

A failed asylum seeker from Yemen who was given sanctuary at a church in northern Germany to prevent him from being deported has potentially infected more than 50 German children with a highly contagious strain of tuberculosis.

The man, who was sheltered at a church in Bünsdorf between January and May 2017, was in frequent contact with the children, some as young as three, who were attending a day care center at the facility. He was admitted to a hospital in Rendsburg in June and subsequently diagnosed with tuberculosis — a disease which only recently has reentered the German consciousness.

Local health authorities say that in addition to the children, parents and teachers as well as parishioners are also being tested for the disease, which can develop months or even years after exposure. It remains unclear if the man received the required medical exams when he first arrived in Germany, or if he is one of the hundreds of thousands of migrants who have slipped through the cracks.

The tuberculosis scare has cast a renewed spotlight on the increased risk of infectious diseases in Germany since Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed in around two million migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East.


The incidence of Hepatitis B, for example, has increased by 300% during the last three years, according to the RKI. The number of reported cases in Germany was 3,006 in 2016, up from 755 cases in 2014. Most of the cases are said to involve unvaccinated migrants from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. The incidence of measles in Germany jumped by more than 450% between 2014 and 2015, while the number of cases of chicken pox, meningitis, mumps, rubella and whooping cough were also up. Migrants also accounted for at least 40% of the new cases of HIV/AIDS identified in Germany since 2015, according to a separate RKI report.

The RKI statistics may be just the tip of the iceberg. The number of reported cases of tuberculosis, for example, was 5,915 in 2016, up from 4,488 cases in 2014, an increase of more than 30% during that period. Some doctors, however, believe that the actual number of cases of tuberculosis is far higher and have accused the RKI of downplaying the threat in an effort to avoid fueling anti-immigration sentiments.

Read it all here.
See my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.
And, don’t miss RRW’s ‘health issues’  category. 333 previous posts here.
I ask repeatedly, but never get an answer: Do volunteers who work with refugees in the US get any sort of training about how to spot infectious diseases in those they are helping and how to protect their own families at home?

Pew: Fewer Muslim refugees entering US since Trump inaugurated, DR Congo top sending country

Pew Research Center has done some useful number crunching using the data available to you as well at Wrapsnet.

We are cleaning out UN camps for DR Congolese ‘refugees’

DR Congo tops the list!

Here are their findings in two simple graphs.  Readers should know that the flood of refugees coming in from the DR Congo are part of a five year plan agreed to during the Obama Administration to clean out the UN camps housing ‘refugees’ from the DR Congo. We reported this news in June 2013, here.

We agreed to take 50,000 over five years!  As of today we have admitted 40,204!

The group contains many women with mental health issues and children (very costly to the US taxpayer). And, if other UN camp clean outs are any indication, we won’t stop at 50,000!
Last fall we showed you where 33,000 from the DR Congo were placed in America. Most from the DR Congo are not Muslims.
From Pew Research:


I have two categories that might be useful to readers wanting to dig in to data. One is entitled ‘refugee statistics’ and the other is Where to find information,‘ but I warn you both are huge.  This post is archived in both.

Minnesota needs more money to combat refugee communicable diseases

The story at World Net Daily yesterday gave me an opportunity to vent about one of my major pet peeves.  And, that is that economic studies being scattered like rabbit turds around the media landscape that conclude that refugees bring economic prosperity wherever they are dropped never include the true cost of medical care (like MN is experiencing right now), the true cost of the criminal justice system, or the true cost to the economy of remittances (money sent ‘home’ by refugees) that is lost to the US economy.
But, oh well, it is all good for Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey that we deposit refugees throughout America—right Heritage Foundation!
Here is the news and some comments by me:

Minnesota pays out millions every year in welfare for refugees, but there are secondary costs that never get tabulated.

‘Assimilating’ in Minnesota. Somali men and women do not sit together!

In fiscal 2017, which ended last last week, the state spent $1.5 million to combat three infectious disease outbreaks — including the largest measles outbreak in 30 years, which swept through in the Somali refugee community. And health officials notified legislative leaders this week that they want to tap a special public-health fund to offset additional costs.

Dr. Ed Ehlinger, Minnesota Health commissioner, told the Star-Tribune his department will need another $600,000 for fiscal 2018 to help control the spread of measles, drug-resistant tuberculosis and syphilis.

The state has had 78 confirmed cases of measles this year, in an outbreak that began in March. Of those 78 cases, 64 have been in the Somali refugee community.


Ann Corcoran, an expert on the resettlement industry who blogs at Refugee Resettlement Watch, said the industry is fond of churning out “bogus economic studies” that falsely inflate the value of refugees to U.S. communities.


“I am sick and tired of hearing reports on the economic benefits of the refugees that they pay and start businesses and create jobs, and in those studies they never discuss the true cost of health care, or the true cost to the criminal justice system from the numerous criminal trials, incarcerations, etc.,” Corcoran told WND. “Imagine what it costs to put refugees like Fazliddin Kurbanov away for life.”


“Have you ever seen a study on the cost of even short-term incarceration? It’s never in those bogus economic studies,” Corcoran said. “And the other thing that is never in there is the remittances that are gone from our economy. And you can bet your bottom dollar it’s not just wage earnings they’re sending back home. They’re sending welfare money back home, too. So you never see a net inflow or outflow of money from our economy in these phony economic studies touting how much these refugees boost our economy.”

Continue reading here and see what Minnesotan Deb Anderson has to say about the secrecy of the refugee industry in the state (are you listening Olivia?).

And, as someone more astute than I pointed out recently: If refugees bring economic prosperity, why isn’t every country in the world begging for more?

For much, much more on costly health and communicable diseases in our refugee population, go here where I have archived 331 previous posts.
Your assignment:  Write to the White House and tell the President that you are sick of paying for sick refugees!

Burmese biter was headed for New Bern, NC; are we importing mentally ill in refugee program?

Yes, we are. We have been doing so for all the years I’ve written this blog. Many stories show up in our ‘Crimes’ category as those with mental illness end up committing crimes of greater or lesser degree.
This is just the latest, in case you missed it a couple of days ago.

So much for extreme vetting!

Two points jump out at me—first, where is our supposed extreme vetting? And, these refugees coming in in ever- increasing numbers now (here) are Trump’s refugees and I will be referring to them as his!
Here is the headline and story in the latest case (that we know of!) of a mentally impaired refugee coming to a town near you! (Hat tip: Ann)

Documents: Man tried to bite flight attendant before jumping out of plane

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – A man who traveled thousands of miles to get the United States has been charged with jumping out of an American Airlines plane Thursday onto the tarmac at Charlotte Douglas Airport.

Burmese biter Tun Lon Sein. Is he a Rohingya Muslim? We will never know! BTW, what is that on his neck?

Tun Lon Sein is facing federal charges. He appeared Friday morning in federal court.

The incident was reported on American Airlines flight 5242 from Charlotte to New Bern, according to the federal complaint.

Sein is from Myanmar [aka Burma—ed] and had traveled halfway around the world to get to his final destination in New Bern. He flew from Thailand to Hong Kong to New Jersey. Charlotte was his last stop before heading to New Bern.

But in Charlotte, he got out of his seat, went to the main aircraft door and tried to open it, according to the criminal complaint. The document said the flight attendant and two other passengers got out of their seats and attempted to get Sein to return to his seat.

Sein is accused of trying to bite the flight attendant’s hand before opening the galley service door and jumping onto the tarmac.


Court documents said Sein spoke little to no English, which turned out to be an issue in federal court. The prosecutor said officials couldn’t find an interpreter who could translate Sein’s dialect from his native Myanmar***. It will be at least a week before the courts can bring a translator so he will have to stay in jail. [Local and state taxpayers are on the hook for expensive translators!—ed]

The Episcopal Migration Ministry sponsored Sein’s immigration to the United States. The agency said it’s talking with the law enforcement and the State Department to see what they can do to help.

***Didn’t the resettlement contractor have someone who spoke the biter’s dialect waiting at the airport for him? Where is that person to help authorities?
So, what the heck will EMM do?
Nothing! This “man” is now going to cost the US taxpayers tens of thousands of  dollars, maybe more, as he goes to a mental hospital and through the court system! Do you think there is a chance in hell that the refugee contractor—Episcopal Migration Ministries—is going to take any responsibility for this “man”?  Will one of their employees invite him to live with them? Not a chance in hell!

Eh Lar Doh Htoo, 18, killed three young brothers ages 1, 5, and 12 in New Bern in 2015.

Tun Lon Sein is not the first Burmese mentally disturbed person to arrive in the US, and not the first in North Carolina (home to a huge Burmese, mostly Christian, population, however we are increasingly bringing large numbers of Burmese Muslims to the US).
As we told you here recently, the refugee contractor propaganda campaign going on now promotes the big lie that refugees don’t commit crimes in America.
 Here is a case we told you about also in New Bern where a Burmese refugee slaughtered three children in 2015.
LOL! Sorry to laugh when the stories are so horrendous, but virtually never is the word ‘refugee’ used. In the 2015 case the criminal is a “teen” and in the biter case he is simply a “man” in the headline.
Esar Met (Burmese Muslim refugee) in prison for life for killing Christian Burmese girl in Utah.

I’m wondering if the refugee contractors discount cases, like this one (left) and that horrific murder in Salt Lake City also by a Burmese refugee (Esar Met) who brutally raped and murdered a little Christian Burmese girl at his resettlement housing complex, where the killer kills his own ethnic people rather than Americans.  Maybe somehow that doesn’t register as a crime to them?
For folks in New Bern, you need to ask your Congressman to look into whether refugees headed to your city have been screened for mental illness.  Tell him to call the Trump State Department and ask what is going on?
For all of you looking for more on refugee criminals, please see my ‘Crimes’ category because there is no archive or compilation that I know of for refugee-committed crimes.
Also, see my ‘Health Issues’ category for more on refugee mental health.
For new readers, the federal resettlement contractor, Episcopal Migration Ministries is one of nine that monopolize all resettlement in the US: