Italy: 50 of the latest batch of migrants allowed in have vanished, Catholic Church let them go!

Invasion of Europe news…..

It was less than two weeks ago that we told you about the stand-off between Interior Minister Salvini and the forces arrayed against him demanding he allow the latest migrant transport ship to unload its cargo.

Father Francesco Soddu
Father Francesco Soddu of Caritas: After all they weren’t in detention! They “voluntarily” departed!

He relented once a commitment was made for most of the 144 to be placed in the care of other countries.

Additionally dozens were to be taken in by the Catholic Church (we cheered that agreement where the migrants would not be a cost to the taxpayers of Italy).

Guess what?

It is those the church took in who have disappeared in to Europe!

From The Local:

Around 50 of the 144 migrants recently allowed into Italy after being stranded for days on a coastguard vessel have disappeared from reception centres, the country’s hardline Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said on Wednesday.

Salvini grim
Matteo Salvini

These migrants “were so in need of protection, a roof and a blanket that they decided to leave and disappear,” Salvini said on Facebook.

“This is the umpteenth confirmation that those who arrive in Italy are not skeletons fleeing war and famine,” he claimed.

The migrants were picked up by the Diciotti coastguard ship on the night of August 15th and were left stranded at sea for ten days as Salvini refused to allow the vessel to dock in an Italian port. The interior minister, who heads the anti-immigration League party, finally relented after Ireland, Albania and the Italian Catholic church agreed to lake most of them in.

The head of Catholic charity Caritas, which was hosting the migrants at its Rocca di Papa reception centre south of Rome, said it was a “voluntary departure”.

The group was not in detention, Father Francesco Soddu told Ansa news agency, and suggested that they may be trying to reach other countries in Europe.

More here.

Guess those 50 are no longer Italy’s problem—Germany? France? The Netherlands? Here they come!

Go here for more on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’

The Left loves this Pope, let me count the ways!

Actually I’m not going to run through a litany of his positions that mirror an internal Leftwing political agenda, but when reader Paul sent this good blog post from John Hinderaker at Powerline, what came to mind was the photo below and this report I did just over five years ago.

In my view, Pope Francis is at the top of the list of feckless and frankly treasonous ‘leaders’ in Europe who are directly responsible for the Invasion from Africa and the Middle East that roils the continent from Sweden to Italy on a daily basis.

One might be led to conclude that creating chaos and discord is the aim as this Pope welcomes Africans to Italy as he did five years ago.  Surely he must have gone to the Saul Alinsky school for political agitators!


pope on lampedusa
In July 2013, Pope Francis went to the Italian island of Lampedusa and welcomed (said Mass!) for the African invaders of Europe!


Here is Hinderaker’s blog post yesterday telling us about how biased international journalists are when covering the Liberal Pope who pushed out the Conservative Pope and became the present Pope only 4 months prior to his welcoming stunt on Lampedusa.


It seems pretty clear that liberal reporters and editors view Pope Francis as an ally, maybe one who could decisively neutralize their long-time adversary, the Catholic church. Hence they are protecting him against what would, with a conservative pope, be a scandal of historic proportions.

Read it all here.

Reminder to longtime readers and for new readers:

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops is the largest refugee resettlement agency in the US and is paid millions of your tax dollars every year to change America by changing the people!

And, I guess we see clearly why journalists never investigate their financial dealings, or question the separation of church and state.  Why, because the Bishops’ goals directly align with most journalists’ political world view.

This is just one more example of why Trump won the White House! The deplorables have caught on!

See my complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ by clicking here.

It began long before German Chancellor Angela Merkel opened Germany to a million migrants beginning in 2014.

Invasion of Europe news: Spain orders deportations of African migrants


That was fast!  It only took a few months for a WELCOMING Socialist government to learn that you simply can’t have open borders.

It was only in June that we reported Spain’s foolish (virtue-signalling) move to invite the Aquarius migrant transport ship to drop off 600 MORE illegal aliens.

My, my, times have changed….

This news is at Voice of America, generally a pretty squishy media outlet when it comes to the issue of immigration, but this story is pretty hard-hitting.


spanish territory border jumpers
Here we come! The New Europeans!

Continue reading “Invasion of Europe news: Spain orders deportations of African migrants”

Another Uzbek refugee sentenced to prison on terrorism charges

We have reported on the case of Jamshid Muhtorov for several years, click here for background.  The other Uzbek jihadist making the news lately is Fazliddin Kurbanov.

jamshid nbc
A Muslim refugee who was frustrated and angry about life in the U.S.

Yesterday a judge in Colorado sentenced Muhtorov to 11 years for conspiring to aid a terrorist group in Uzbekistan.  The AP story is entitled:

Uzbek refugee given 11 years for supporting terror group

What is so noteworthy about that headline?

The fact that the word refugee is used. Back in the day (LOL! when I first started writing this blog!), the headline would have read “Colorado man given 11 years for supporting terror group.”

The article would have then given only his name leaving you wondering where he came from and how he got here!

Little by little the times are changing and refugees who commit crimes are being identified.

Continue reading “Another Uzbek refugee sentenced to prison on terrorism charges”

13 more of Australia’s rejected asylum seekers are headed to Yourtown, USA

And, many have mental challenges after five years of all-male detention on Manus Island says refugee activist. Oh joy!

Manus Island refugees
Some of these single men who have been in detention for five years will soon be free in your American neighborhood!

Of course we are not told where the 13 (probably all Muslims) are going to be placed in America.

Just when I had been thinking that maybe the Trump Administration was quietly forgetting about the Obama “dumb deal” with Australia, here comes the news from Radio New Zealand:


13 Manus refugees flown to the US for resettlement

Continue reading “13 more of Australia’s rejected asylum seekers are headed to Yourtown, USA”