UNHCR to hold big pow-wow in Geneva tomorrow, will be demanding more resettlement of Muslims to the West

Well, that is the gist of it.  Most refugees they are stressing about are Muslims after all.  So, what do you expect! Of course they want more seeded into your towns and cities.

miliband and Obama
David Miliband, former British Foreign Secretary moved across the pond to run the US resettlement contractor, the IRC, but he obviously doesn’t dare criticize Obama for going slooowly on getting the Syrians here.

The International Rescue Committee and the other federal contractors (which are paid by the head to resettle refugees) have signed on to an open letter to world leaders to harangue them about more permanent resettlement in the west of mostly Muslim Syrians and Iraqis.
I’m laughing to myself because surely the IRC and the eight other quasi-government agencies masquerading as non-profit groups must be really embarrassed because the US (Obama!) can’t get done what they want—they are all on record wanting 100,000 Syrians admitted to the US THIS year.  But, not a critical word in their open letter about their dear leader Barack Hussein Obama.
I followed their wailing and moaning way back in 2007 and 2008 when Bush was going too slowly in opening the Iraqi flood gates and they screamed via many friendly reporters every month (when the new numbers came out) about what a meany Bush was.
Not a peep about Obama! So fun to watch!
In a couple of days we will be 6 months into FY2016 and we are (I am happy to report) nowhere near the numbers of Syrians being admitted to the US that Obama has promised (he promised 10,000 by Sept. 30th).  Come back in a couple of days and I’ll let you know where we stand. Hint: They have over 8,000 to go! (Apparently the political pressure you are all putting on is working!)
Here is the letter, you can read it yourself if you feel like it.
Below are the signers.  Without your tax dollars most of these organizations would have to fold like cheap suits! Ha! I wonder how many of their employees will be on taxpayer-funded junkets to Sweden today?

Refugee Council
Christian Aid
Refugee Action
Church World Service
International Rescue Committee
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
Migration & Refugee Services
Mercy Corps
U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants
World Vision
International Refugee Assistance Protect
World Relief

What? No Catholic Bishops lobbying this time?
See also, UNHCR schmoozing with John McCain in Washington this month.  He came to town to get his federal handout of your money.

Tone deaf in Colorado Springs! We welcome Syrian Muslim refugees

Jasim Mohammed Ramadon
Ramadon, an Iraqi refugee, convicted in 2014 of brutal rape of Colorado Springs woman. Go here and follow links to Diana West’s indepth reporting: https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2014/01/24/iraqi-refugee-rapist-found-guilty-in-colorado-diana-west-reports-the-story-nationally/

Yesterday, within hours of the horrific Islamic terror attack in Brussels—a direct result of decades of “welcoming” immigration policy toward refugees, and migrants generally, from Muslim countries— citizens of Colorado Springs took to the streets to say they welcome Syrian mostly Muslim refugees to their city.
From The Gazette:

About 120 Colorado Springs residents rallied Tuesday on the steps of City Hall in support of refugees – especially Syrians – about 12 hours after deadly terrorist explosions ripped through the Brussels airport and subway.

Banners and speeches urging compassion and human kindness continued the community’s strong opposition to City Councilman Andres Pico’s March 7 proposal, “A Resolution Declaring Opposition to the Relocation of Refugees from the United States Refugee Resettlement Program to the City of Colorado Springs.”

Continue reading here and see the photos of the those rallying.
See our earlier post on the latest controversy from Colorado Springs, here.
Just four words for the citizens of Colorado Springs with short memories:  Jasim Mohammed Hasin Ramadon.
For new readers, visit our refugee crimes category, here (1,940 previous posts archived there!).  For all posts on Colorado, click here.   Whatever happened to that Uzbek alleged Islamic terrorist arrested in Colorado in 2012?  Does anyone know?

Brussels is coming to a town near you! Time for a moratorium on Muslim migration to America!

It is past time!  We have been writing about it for years.
Belgium, Germany, France, even the UK have been for decades “welcoming” Muslim migrants and what has it gotten them!  This!
Update March 23: Please read about Alex’s blog from Germany about Islamists’ plans for Europe, America, Australia and yes, Canada too.  Alex posted this literally hours before the news broke of the horrific Islamic attack on Brussels. Free speech from Germany is a rare thing! Catch it when you can!

Photo: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/belgium/12200780/Brussels-explosions-many-dead-in-attacks-on-Zaventem-airport-and-Metro-live-updates.html

There is only one difference between us and them.  They have been seeing the colonization longer and the percentage of the Muslim population is higher than ours is here in America.  How can our ‘leaders’ possibly not see the same future for us if we allow the Muslim population to continue to grow exponentially.
It is just a matter of numbers and once the population reaches as little as 3 or 4% (pick a number, it will be much lower than you assume!) there will be Molenbeeks in many American cities as the supremacists become confident that they can hide in their cities within cities.
A scene earlier this morning from the departure area of the Brussels airport. Salt Lake City in ten years? Or Phoenix?

Because this blog is about refugees, I just checked the numbers of Muslim refugees admitted to the US since Obama was elected (but this has been going on for at least a decade before that through the George W. Bush Presidency as well!).
The number of Muslim refugees totaled 154,160 (in a total refugee count of just short of a half million for all religious persuasions) since the fall of 2008 (to March 15, 2016).
They break down like this: 69,400 Moslems (sect not specified), 33,000 Shiite Moslems, and 51,760 Sunni Moslems.  That is just in less than 8 years!
Those numbers do not include all the Muslims who came in through the Diversity Visa Lottery, those who are here in Temporary Protected Status, Student visa holders and the list goes on. And, it doesn’t include all of those who have entered the US illegally and then applied for asylum!
I had to chuckle (well sort of) when I saw that we admitted 30,052 Iraqi Shiites and 40,450 Iraqi Sunnis! In other words we are bringing in both sides of the centuries-old Shiite/Sunni conflict! Is that doubly insane!  Does anyone really believe they will bury the hatchet (oops!) and that the mythical American melting pot will make it all go away!

A reminder to voters in Utah and Arizona today!

You both have cities in the top twenty US cities receiving Somali Muslims (Iraqis too!) with a track record of producing devout Islamic supremacist youths!  See here.
Donald Trump is right!  Stop the migration!
Here are the top twenty hot Somali cities in just the last year:

  • Minneapolis-St. Paul – 646
  • Columbus, Ohio – 412
  • Buffalo, N.Y. – 361
  • Syracuse, N.Y. – 307
  • Dallas-Ft. Worth – 302
  • Salt Lake City, Utah – 276
  • San Diego – 275
  • St. Cloud – 243
  • Louisville, Ky. – 236
  • Phoenix, Ariz. – 218
  • Seattle, Wash. – 212
  • Erie, Pa. – 207
  • Atlanta – 159
  • Glendale, Ariz. – 155
  • Tuscon – 154
  • Boston – 153
  • Houston – 150
  • Nashville – 148
  • Kansas City, Mo. – 145
  • Portland, Ore. – 132


Question to refugee: why Germany? Answer: money

Invasion of Europe news….
Can Angela Merkel prevent Europe being eaten away at its core? 

merkel kiss
Merkel loved in Baghdad, in Berlin not so much! http://www.cbsnews.com/news/german-chancellor-angela-merkel-from-debt-villain-to-migrant-heroine/

That is the title of an op-ed by Timothy Garton Ash at The Guardian on Thursday.  Here is a bit of it:

Why did you come to Germany and not Italy? I ask Jawad, a skinny 16-year-old from Afghanistan, standing outside his family’s blanket-tented six square metres of home at an emergency refugee reception centre in an east Berlin sports hall. Six months ago he spoke no German, but now he replies without hesitation: “Italien hat kein Geld!” Italy has no money! Short and to the point. A million Jawads arriving in a single year have so shaken up rich and bourgeois-liberal Germany that a xenophobic, anti-immigrant party has just won nearly a quarter of the vote in one east German state.

Around the world people are asking: can Europe’s centre hold?

Politically and economically, Germany is the centre of Europe. The “grand coalition” government of centre-right Christian Democrats and centre-left Social Democrats is the centre of Germany. And Angela Merkel is the centre of that centrist government. In a real sense, therefore, Merkel is the centre of Europe.

Faced with a bad result for her CDU in regional elections in three federal states, she remains outwardly unmoved, sticking to her proclaimed EU-Turkey strategy which the EU summit is being asked to approve in Brussels today. Is this the patient, pragmatic steadiness that has won her so much trust? Or is it the hubris that sets in, as if by some law of physics, when a politician has been in power for more than 10 years? (Margaret Thatcher, Helmut Kohl, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan – the list goes on.)


The electoral success of AfD (Alternative für Deutschland) has been the cover story around the world.

It is not just the lower and struggling middle classes in Germany that are rushing to AfD!

Everyone I talked to in Berlin agreed that a striking feature of AfD is the support it enjoys among the educated middle class: professors, doctors, entrepreneurs, lawyers, people who know exactly when to say “Frau Doktor” and are themselves often “Herr Doktor”, if not “Herr Professor”.

Continue reading here.
See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.
Just now I watched the almost non-stop footage of the recent terror take down in Brussels and wondered how any thinking person couldn’t understand that mass Muslim migration would eventually doom a city and a country.
Say NO to Molenbeek for your town!

Homeland Security chief reiterates: Syrian and Iraqi refugees pose security threat

They must really be seeing something they aren’t telling us about for Homeland Security Director Jeh Johnson to be so forthcoming at a Congressional hearing yesterday.
And, it isn’t just the Syrians and Iraqis we should worry about!

jeh johnson
Johnson: Refugee stream does present potential for terrorist attacks. At least someone is being honest in the Obama Administration.

From The Hill:

The head of the Department of Homeland Security on Wednesday said that the United States’s acceptance of Syrian refugees could pose a national security threat.

Even as President Obama has called for the U.S. to welcome 10,000 Syrian refugees this year, Secretary Jeh Johnson maintained during a hearing on Capitol Hill that the initiative is not risk-free.

“In all candor, I do agree that the refugee flow coming out of Iraq and Syria represents a potential opportunity for terrorist organizations to move its members into other nations for potential attacks,” Johnson testified before the House Homeland Security Committee. “So I agree that there is that potential, which is why just within the last several months we have enhanced our vetting for refugees.”

The claim hints at the problems vexing the Obama administration as it seeks to ramp up the number of refugees brought into the country.

The administration is so far falling far behind Obama’s pledge to bring in 10,000 new Syrian refugees this fiscal year. Since October, the U.S. has brought in just 1,115 of the refugees.

Meanwhile, during this same time period, Canada has admitted 25,000 Syrians with apparently little concern for thorough vetting.

Rohingya at sea
It isn’t just Syrians we should worry about. Rescued Rohingya are being resettled in the US by the thousands. They can’t possibly be screened any better than Syrians! https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2016/02/27/european-ship-headed-to-asia-to-help-rescue-rohingya-why-you-should-care/

How about security threats from other countries? What do the numbers look like?

(The 2016 fiscal year began on Oct. 1, 2016, numbers below are through February 29th—5 months).
Truth be told:  they can’t screen the others below any better than the Syrians!

Syria: 955 (with 946 of those being Muslims).   Not sure where The Hill got the 1,115.

Iraq: 3,476 (2,856 are Muslims)

Somalia: 3,036 (3,034 are Muslims)

Burma: 4,774 (1,135 are Muslims)  Yikes! We must be making a big push to get those Rohingya Muslims in to the US before Obama leaves office. I had no idea the number of Burmese Muslims would be this high!

Be sure to see our whole category on the Rohingya of Burma/Bangladesh.  Scary!
If you missed it, see the New York Times on terror threat posed by refugee program, here.