While everyone is lately concerned about a few thousand Syrians entering the US, most Americans don’t know that we have resettled over 100,000 Iraqis here since the beginning of the Obama Administration. In 2014 we admitted 20,000 and three quarters of those were Muslims.
Did you get Iraqis dropped off in your state?
Primary resettlement states for Iraqis FY2008-FY2013. California and Michigan hit the jackpot. But which is the wisest state and the real winner—Wyoming with zero! http://www.cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/profiles/iraqi/population-movements/index.html
Now the news on the latest radicalized refugee…...
From the Detroit News (hat tip: Joanne). You know what is very amusing (sort of), most of the other news accounts of this case yesterday left out the word “refugee” and simply said, “An Iraqi man living in East Lansing….” I guess the other media outlets went to an Obama-certified language school. Kind of like when Obama called those poor beheaded Egyptian Christians simply Egyptian “citizens.”
An Iraqi refugee living in East Lansing is facing charges for allegedly lying to federal officials about returning to the Middle East to fight with Islamic extremists.
Al-Hamzah Mohammad Jawad, 29, who has a green card, was scheduled Tuesday to fly from Detroit Metro Airport to Amman, Jordan, according to a criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court.
When U.S. Customs and Border Protection interviewed him on the jet way, personnel “became alarmed when Jawad could not explain his future travel or why he purchased a one-way ticket one day prior to his departure.”
They escorted him to an interview room and contacted an FBI special agent, the court document said.
During an interview with the agent, Jawad initially said he was traveling to visit his mother, a professor in Amman, but within minutes acknowledged his ultimate destination was “Iraq to conduct jihad” since a childhood friend recruited him to “join, train and fight with the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Iraq,” the complaint said.
Federal officials said Jawad entered the U.S. as a refugee on March 18, 2013.
Here is an idea, just let these Jihadi wannabes get on the plane, but revoke their US passport. Do we really need frustrated Islamic radicals in the US or even just plain old nut cases?
I laughed this morning when I saw last week’s news—that those in charge of national security have discovered an important chink in our “humanitarian” refugee program as it relates to Syrians (and frankly Iraqis and Somalis as well!)—how do you screen someone who has no paper trail?
And, how do you keep them from being radicalized once we let them in?
This story (from last week) is this morning’s headline story under the banner (Obama letting ISIS in?) at Drudge.
(ABC News)US Officials Admit Concern Over Syrian Refugee Effort.
Readers: Consider yourselves more educated on this national security issue than most of Washington!
For any new readers in the national media—be sure to see the State Department obfuscating here and know that Syrian refugees are already arriving!
Here is news from just a few days ago where Syrians are arriving in the home state of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and 2016 Presidential contender Senator Rand Paul.
While I was distracted over the last two days (here), some of our readers were on top of the news. Thanks to reader Joanne for spotting this story about why the Syrian refugee flow to America is only a trickle. I am still puzzled why the UN and its “humanitarian” cheering squad are not squawking at Obamaover the hold-up as they went absolutely nuts when George Bush did the same thing in his Presidency about Iraqis.
Michael Steinbach, assistant director of the Counterterrorism Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
US authorities are facing a difficult task screening Syrian refugees for potential extremists because of a shortage of intelligence from the war-torn country, officials told lawmakers Wednesday.
Michael Steinbach, assistant director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, said the US government had data and intelligence to draw on when it performed background checks on refugees from Iraq in recent years but in the case of Syria, there was “a lack of information.”
“The difference is, in Iraq, we were there on the ground collecting, so we had databases to use,” Steinbach told the House Homeland Security Committee. [And they still let in the Kentucky Iraqi refugee terrorists!—ed]
“The concern is in Syria, the lack of our footprint on the ground in Syria, that the databases won’t have the information we need,” he said.
“You are talking about a country that is a failed state, that does not have any infrastructure so to speak, ” he said.
Washington has decided to let in more Syrians displaced by the civil war and announced plans in December to review about 9,000 refugee cases referred by the UN refugee agency.
US officials told AFP on Wednesday that nearly 11,000 cases referred by the UNHCR will be examined. [Once again an admission that the UN is picking our refugees!—ed]
Lawmakers at the hearing voiced dismay at the possibility that some of the male refugees heading to America could be potential jihadists.
The US was already working to stop foreign fighters from returning to America and admitting large numbers of refugees “would be a federally sanctioned welcome party, if you will, to potential terrorists in the United States,” said Michael McCaul, Republican chairman of the committee.
Such a move would be a “huge mistake,” he said.
Here is a thought to solve the problem and keep us safe—stop all Muslim migration to America starting with the large numbers of Muslim refugees we are resettling in 180 cities across the country!
Click herefor our now very extensive Syrian refugees archive.
If you just finished reading our previous post on an Iraqi refugee creep from Kentucky and still have a smile on your face after clicking our last link in that post, wipe the smile off your face!
Grover Norquist, a long time Open Borders lobbyist apparently has some explaining to do! Photo and earlier story on Norquist at Frontpage magazine: http://www.frontpagemag.com/2012/raymond-ibrahim/a-disturbing-event-the-american-conservative-union-embraces-an-islamist/
So why do we write about Norquist? because back in our first months as a blogger (more than seven years ago) we told you that Norquist was pushing for Iraqi refugees to be admitted into the US in large numbers. The majority are Muslims in need of extensive taxpayer-funded social services.
Why, we asked, does an anti-tax crusader want to add to our tax burden?
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush signed the letter!
Does Jeb know who he is consorting with???
By the way, Norquist’s lettererroneously statedthat Ronald Reagan signed the Refugee Act of 1980 into law (he knows better—it was Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden and Pres. Jimmy Carter who are responsible for the law).
I’m not going to tell you what Rebel Pundithas unearthed—-read it yourself!
Editor: This is another contribution from our premier crime investigator ‘Pungentpeppers.’ Regular followers of RRW know that Bowling Green has long been a hot resettlement site for third world refugees. We have reported on many occasions about what is happening to Senator Rand Paul’s home town ranging from third world refugees being placed in slum buildings and left to themselves to those two Iraqi refugee terrorists caught and convicted there a couple of years ago. (Our lengthy Bowling Green archive is here and our even lengthier archive on Kentucky is here.)
If a Senator can’t even save his home town, how can we expect him to save America?
Bowling Green Interpreter: A Publicity Hound Dog
This story recalls for me an old Elvis Presley hit, “You ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog, cryin’ all the time.” Elvis could have been singing about the villain of our piece – an Iraqi interpreter gone bad.
The hound dog—Ayoob Akteyarlee—from his facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/joseef.ayoob
The news usually reports on how Afghan and Iraqi interpreters deserve to come to America – after all, didn’t they help our military in two wars? The U.S. Government though doesn’t seem so gung ho on bringing all of them here; it makes them wait up to four years.
Interpreters are becoming impatient – a group of them staged a protest in front of the U.S. Embassy in Kabul a few months ago. Why the foot dragging? Do Government officials understand something that the ever-trusting American public does not? Although the Government’s reason for the holdup on visas is ostensibly security concerns, there has to be more to it.
Afghanistan and Iraq are traditional, Islamic, and mostly tribal societies. Their people have values, ideals and a way of life that are vastly different from ours. Some of the interpreters were uneducated bazaar boys or vendors who sold wares on the streets – all they understand is their traditional society.
The specter of Bacha Bazi is a concern. Will they respect our laws is another. And how about our women – will they respect them? Per author Diana West who is an expert on Muslim immigration, a horrific rape case, known as “one of the worst in Colorado history”, involved five men who brought with them from Iraq a “new” form of violence.
The final question – relevant to our piece – will they harm our children?Certainly some of the interpreters can bridge the enormous cultural gap and become productive and law-abiding U.S. citizens. But others will do us harm – today’s story is about one of them.
Bowling Green Discovers A Publicity Hound With A Dramatic Flair
An Iraqi interpreter named “Ayoob” received a special interpreter visa and settled in pleasant Bowling Green, Kentucky. This man – who also calls himself “Joe” – shows a narcissistic pride in his appearance. Not shy in front of the press, he has appeared in the Bowling Green Daily News at least three times. You can take a look at his publicity photo here. He’s wearing his trademark head-topper tuft.
Something about Ayoob – or Joe – doesn’t seem quite right. Prone to exaggeration, he resembles a male “Drama Queen”.
Akteyarlee was featured in a June 2013 article about the joys of diversity at the Bowling Green Islamic Center. Photo and story: https://islamiccenterbgky.wordpress.com/2013/06/05/growing-diversity-daily-news-may-2013/
In June 2013, Ayoob was featured in one of the Bowling Green Daily News‘s golly gee diversity pieces. The article touted that Bowling Green’s Muslim population comes from more than 20 different countries. By and large, the Muslims interviewed for the piece said they felt at ease in Bowling Green. There was a dissenting voice – that of Ayoob Joe:
Ayoob Akteyarlee worked as an Iraqi interpreter for the U.S. military and is now living in Bowling Green through a Special Immigrant Visa, which was granted to him after he received a number of death threats and several assassination attempts from terrorist groups in Iraq.
Akteyarlee told the Daily News in April he has been the target of racial slurs since coming to the U.S.
“Some people say ‘Go back to your country, you terrorist,’ ” he said. “We served the United States for five years, why are they telling me to go back to my country?”
“I hate that word,” Akteyarlee said about being called a terrorist. “It feels so bad.”
What he alleges, may have happened. Two Iraqi terrorists were, after all, found to be living in Bowling Green, and maybe he ran across a Kentuckian with a grudge. Or perhaps, those Iraqi guys when they hang out together look sort of strange to the locals. I’m sorry his feelings were so badly hurt. But I wonder whether – like a well-known news anchor we’ve been hearing about – Ayoob Joe exaggerated?
In a prior press appearance, on February 2, 2013, Ayoob Joe made the lead in a story about immigrants struggling to pass the driver’s exam:
He has been driving a car since he was 13 years old in Iraq but never had to get a driver’s license.
Iraqi laws didn’t require drivers to have a license until about two years ago, when new laws were implemented, Iraqi immigrant Ayoob Akteyarlee, 24, said.
Akteyarlee has failed his permit test six times since he’s been in Bowling Green, having taken the test four times in Arabic and twice in English.
On Friday, Akteyarlee and 11 other participants got to review U.S. driving laws, including how to identify traffic signals and traffic signs, right-of-way laws and proper use of lanes, at the National Corvette Museum.
Ayoob Joe couldn’t pass on six tries?! He doesn’t sound very smart. Or, seeking sympathy again, perhaps he exaggerated a bit?
The way Ayoob tells his age is puzzling and gives insight as to his character. For the early February 2013 piece, he told the Daily News he was 24. In an April interview, he said he was 25. That makes sense if someone is born on February 12 – in 1988. However, two unrelated sources give Ayoob’s year of birth as one year earlier – 1987.[Here’s one – link here to ICE hold PDF]
Arabs usually say they are older than they are, because they count the year they are entering (e.g., his “26th year”). Ayoob did the opposite. Maybe he fudged his age. Not a big deal, women do it all of the time. But coming on top of his other odd quirks, I get the uneasy feeling this guy is not to be trusted.
The Fall: “They said you was high classed, well, that was just a lie”
Ayoob enjoyed cruising around Kentucky. He got around enough to find himself a wife. Maybe the bride got “lucky” in that the whole marriage thing blew up so quickly, before Ayoob could do more damage.
The couple married in Warren County, Kentucky, in January 2014. A few months later they were in Austin, Texas. Maybe I’m too suspicious, but did Ayoob find out Texas is a community property state? At any rate, Texas is where Ayoob Joe’s first known mugshot appeared.
He was booked on 4/8/14 for “ASSAULT CAUSES BODILY INJURY FAMILY MEMBER”. That means domestic violence.
A few months later, Ayoob was back in Kentucky. We know this because on 8/1/14 he got himself a new mugshot.
He was picked up as a fugitive from justice and enjoyed a taxpayer-paid stay in the Warren County jail.
On 8/19/14 he was charged with “AGG SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A CHILD”. “AGG” stands for “aggravated”. That’s only part of it. On the Travis County, Texas, criminal case log, it’s described as “continuous”. Per Texas code Sec. 21.02, I take that to mean he is accused of assaulting the victim at least twice, and the child is younger than 14.
According to the case log, his next court date, in Austin, for the two separate cases – domestic assault and sexual assault – will be on February 17. Ayoob Akteyarlee will be 28 – for real.
Will the Bowling Green Daily News report on how Ayoob turned out? They might. Bowling Green has had a stew of diversity crime cases of late.
That hound dog, he “ain’t no friend of mine”!
Editor: For youngsters, click here. And for oldsters—smile!