Australia may take 4,000 Christian Iraqi and Syrian refugees

The Abbott government, which is constantly beaten-up by those who want Australia to take in the world, is considering resettling persecuted Christians, but that isn’t enough for the no-borders pushers.

From the Sydney Morning Herald:

The Abbott government is considering offering refuge to as many as 4000 Iraqis and Syrians after the new Anglican Primate of Australia, Philip Freier, called for asylum in Australia for Christians facing slaughter in northern Iraq.

Dr Freier, Anglican Archbishop of Melbourne, said he had written to Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Immigration Minister Scott Morrison asking that they emulate France in offering refuge to Christians facing forced conversion to Islam or death.

By the way, has anyone seen anything from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service or any of the other US “religious” resettlement contractors saying we should be taking CHRISTIANS into the US now?  Or, are they so politically-correct and fearful of saying anything against Islam that they keep their mouths shut?

(New readers of RRW probably don’t know that Catholics and Lutherans are responsible for much of the Muslim refugee resettlement happening in the US right now.)

Adam Bandt wants to know why Abbott treats those in detention differently than persecuted Christians from Iraq. Could it be that those in detention have broken the law and won’t make good citizens.

Greens call out Abbott

The text of the Sydney Morning Herald story does not include anything from the Green Party, but there is a clip of Green Party leader Adam Bandt criticizing Tony Abbott for what he calls hypocrisy because while perhaps agreeing to take 4,000 refugees now, the government is holding hundreds of Iraqis in detention.  He wonders why the disparity in treatment.

It is pretty obvious to me!   Those in detention are mostly Muslims who broke into Australia illegally—not persecuted Christians running for their lives at the moment.

Here is the caption under the film clip:

PM needs to decide if he’s a humanitarian or a hypocrite: Greens

Granting extra places to refugees fleeing Iraq is a good start, but it would be hypocritical of the government to send refugees already in detention back to Iraq says Adam Bandt.

See all of our coverage of the migrant problem in Australia by clicking here (141 previous posts!).  See especially Australia’s Muslim migrants call for Caliphate.  What does Bandt not see about the difference between Muslims and Christians as prospective new Aussies?

Iraqi refugee sentenced to 26 years to life for murdering wife wants to be executed…

….so his body can be taken ‘home’ to Iraq.

The convicted murderer weeps at wife’s Muslim funeral when it was still believed she was killed by Islamophobes!


Sentencing, a week ago today in June was the final step in the lengthy investigation and murder trial that surely cost the taxpayers of California a bundle.  Not only did Kassim Al-Himidi brutally murder his wife, but left a note at the murder scene that first led investigators to think that a hate-crime against Muslim immigrants had occurred.

And, this is what we are paying for in our “humanitarian” refugee resettlement program!

All of our coverage of the case is here. (El Cajon Iraqi hate crime archive, see especially “fishy” hate crime story here on April fools’ day 2012).

From the Los Angeles Times:

An Iraqi immigrant was sentenced Monday to 26 years to life in prison for the 2012 bludgeon slaying of his wife in their El Cajon home.

Kassim Al-Himidi, 50, left a note near the body to mislead investigators into thinking that the fatal beating of his wife, Shaima Alawadi, 32, was an anti-immigrant hate crime, prosecutors said.

Still loudly protesting his innocence, Al-Himidi told Judge William McGrath at the sentencing Monday that he would prefer to be executed so his body could be returned to his native Iraq.

Read it all.

About the photo:  I wonder did the New York Times ever update (apologize!) that story depicting the people of El Cajon as racist and Islamophobic!

UNHCR says US has pledged “open-ended resettlement numbers” for Syrians

What the heck does “open-ended” mean?

We have been puzzled in recent weeks about why there is no announcement from the US State Department about the number of Syrians they expect to resettle in the US this fiscal year (the fiscal year ends Sept. 30th).  As regular visitors to RRW  know, the contractors*** want 12,000-15,000 this year.

As of May 31st we have resettled 42 Syrians as “refugees.”   And, there isn’t much squawking coming from the contractors.  Do they know something we don’t know?

Here is the news release from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees:

Socialist UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres.

Geneva, 27 June 2014 – New offers of resettlement or humanitarian admissions for Syrian refugees were today pledged by Belgium, Ireland, Switzerland and Uruguay. In all, 565 new places were announced during a high-level meeting of 42 countries, taking the total number of offers received since mid-2013 to more than 34,700 places. In addition, the United States has pledged open-ended resettlement numbers.

The majority of offers to date come from European states, with Germany having offered over half the global total. [Invasion of Europe!—ed].   In all 22 countries have offered places for Syrian refugees so far.

High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres said: “I hope this momentum continues over the coming months. Resettlement and other humanitarian admission programmes are critical and can be life-saving for the victims of the conflict in Syria.

Now, go to the US Refugee Admission numbers for this year (so far, as of May 31).

Obama set the ceiling for admissions from the Near East/South Asia at 33,000 for the fiscal year that ends Sept. 30th.  (See Presidential Determination for FY2014.)

We have taken 11,660 Iraqis so far.   6,005 came from Bhutan, and smaller numbers from other countries in the region bringing the total to 20,278.  There are also 2,000 spaces labeled as ‘unallocated reserve.’   It is those 2,000 spaces that most observers believe will be available to Syrians.

There is no such thing as open-ended resettlement, EXCEPT as this President has shown us time and again, he can make law since most members of the Legislative branch of government have abrogated their duty under the Constitution and are letting him get away with it!

Will the announcement on Syrians arriving in large numbers during the remaining 3 months of the fiscal year be the next stunner out of the lawless Obama Administration?

***The contractors:

UN and media lackeys hype numbers for World Refugee Day

Ho hum!  I guess we can’t expect honesty for their big propaganda day.

Several people reported this headline to me:   For First Time Since WWII There Are More Than 50 Million Refugees.   

My first thought was directed at the UN—“liar, liar, pants on fire!”—but maybe I should be directing my annoyance at the AP reporters and the headline writer because I wondered how that 50 million “refugees” jives with the Pew study (using UN numbers) that says the number of refugees is down to between 10 and 12 million from a peak in the early 90s of 18 million (see graph below right)

Iraqis on the move (again) this week. The US takes 20,000 Iraqis a year. Iraqis make up the largest ethnic group we are resettling right now.

Here is the story, hat tip Judy, that I wasn’t going to waste my time on, but since it is everywhere, I will (waste my time) and post it:

TAZA KHORMATO, Iraq (AP) — In a battered car loaded with blankets and clothes, Hassan Abbas and his mother left a dusty town in northern Iraq, fleeing this week’s violence and joining what the United Nations says is the largest worldwide population of displaced people since World War II.

The U.N. refugee agency’s latest annual report, released Friday, found more than 50 million people worldwide were displaced at the end of last year, reflecting an ever-expanding web of international conflicts.

Last year’s increase in displaced people was the largest in at least two decades, driven mainly by the civil war in Syria, which has claimed an estimated 160,000 lives and forced 9 million people to flee their homes. Now Iraq is adding to that tide.

Notice the word “displaced”—that does not mean they are by definition all “refugees.”  Twenty paragraphs into the story we learn this:

Of 51.2 million displaced people worldwide last year, 16.7 million were refugees outside their countries’ borders. More than half of the refugees under UNHCR’s care — 6.3 million — had been in exile for more than five years, the agency said.

That 16.7 million is likely inflated as well, but even so it is still LESS than the peak in the early 1990’s of 18 million.

LOL!  This is what I would have picked out of the story for my headline!

On World Refugee Day: Violence in Muslim countries producing most of world’s refugees.

Just a few paragraphs from the end of the AP story:

By country, the biggest refugee populations were Afghan, Syrian and Somali, the report said.  [and now Iraqis again, of course—ed]


You know stories like this one from AP are used as propaganda (often effectively with naive Americans and dumb politicians) to soften them up.  But, besides the usual do-gooder verbiage about “vulnerable” people, “humanitarian” gestures, and “welcoming” communities would someone please tell me….

What good does it do America to bring a relative handful here?   And, why do we want to bring any of their Islam-driven violence and squabbles to America anyway? 


Here we go again! Muslim jihadists creating more refugees in Iraq

It is all over the news, so we don’t need to say much, except (ho hum!) here we go again!


This is just what needs to happen, set up camps for those displaced and the UN can protect them from attack right there and move them home later.

From NBC News:

The new wave of violence in western Iraq has created a “toxic brew” of hardship that has ballooned the country’s crippling refugee crisis by more than 50 percent in just a few days, international aid groups said Thursday.

Just this week, an estimated half-million people have fled the city of Mosul, which was overrun by suspected militants of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, also called ISIL or ISIS, international aid workers told NBC News. Most, about 300,000, are pitching up in Erbil province in the north, according to the office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, with the rest flowing elsewhere inside Mosul’s Nineveh province.

Readers, at this moment, Iraqis make up the largest segment of the refugee flow to America (and most are not Christians!).  We are taking about 20,000 a year.  So far this fiscal year (2014) we have taken 11,660.  With millions on the move and apparently more to come, and as Muslims continue their squabbles, what do we think we are accomplishing by continuing the flow of needy Muslims into your cities and towns?

Readers, this is our 618th post about Iraqi refugees—-getting pretty sick of them!