NYT Op-ed: hand wringing about future of Democrat Party; Somalis mentioned

I confess I didn’t read the whole opinion piece in the New York Times as carefully as I should have (I have so little patience for this sort of excruciating hand wringing analysis).

minnesota somalis on fox

But, I read far enough to know that the gist of the schism, between our two major political parties, has to do with the rapid racial and ethnic diversification of America with the Dems on the side of the ‘new Americans’ and showing  little interest in helping white working class American citizens.

Much of the current polarization is driven by difference of opinion on issues of race and immigration.

In fact one of those pontificating about how the Dems should proceed suggests that the Dems don’t hesitate to move in the direction of more catering to their immigrant base and forget the white working class altogether.

Begala is in favor of trying to get the white working class back in the fold

And then author, Thomas Edsall, mentions Paul Begala (remember him from the Clinton inner circle, Rush calls him the “forehead”) who is on the side of trying harder to reach the white working class.

Begala says something that I know many readers here will relate to (after you get past his painting of some whites as drunks and drug-addled).

Edsall at the NYT:

Paul Begala, a Democratic consultant and adviser to Bill Clinton, also comes back to the cultural breach between upscale Democrats and the white working class and poses this basic question:

If you look at the Democratic platform, or Hillary’s speeches on the economy, Democrats have a raft of good ideas, loads of sound policies that would make life better for the white working class. So why have they rejected us?

White working-class Americans are “dying before their time,” Begala wrote in an email, specifically citing the rise in alcoholism, cirrhosis, drug addiction, overdoses, suicide and poisoning:

If the life expectancy of, say, Somali immigrants in Minnesota suddenly took a dive, Democrats would be falling all over each other trying to ascertain the causes and advocate the cures. We owe white working-class Americans no less.

Ain’t it the truth!

This post is filed in my ‘Laugh of the day’ category, here.

Think Progress complains about Russian facebook pages that mention refugees

Don’t get me wrong, I am not defending the Russian government (or Russian anybody). But, I do want to say that this is rich (and it makes me laugh!)—Soros/Podesta‘s Think Progress apparently doesn’t like the competition from skilled propagandists when propaganda is Soros’s greatest asset!

The implication in the story is that these “fake” Russian facebook pages are promoting fake news. We know in one case, the Starbuck’s story, there is nothing fake about the news. It happened. So, I guess Think Progress is really just furious (and jealous!) about the way the news is presented in order to have the most impact.

Here is Think Progress

How Russia’s Facebook ads inflamed America’s social tensions

Gun rights and same-sex marriage. Secession movements and refugee intake. Racial tensions and, of all things, dog lovers.

These are a smattering of the topics unearthed so far from Russia’s fake Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts.


Facebook, as it has over the past few months, remains hesitant to publicly identify the accounts they’ve since pulled down. But the handful of accounts reporters have uncovered thus far highlight how Russian actors viewed the types of schisms running through the U.S., and how best to incense, provoke, and enrage millions of followers.


The Russian “Secured Borders” account, which attempted to host an anti-immigrant rally in Twin Falls, Idaho, pushed material regularly regurgitating nativist talking points. According to a search through Google Cache, the “Secured Borders” page was fraught with the types of anti-migrant language familiar to the current administration.


The site appeared to espouse a special ire for refugees, especially those from the Middle East. One post from August claimed a link between increased refugee resettlement and higher rates of tuberculosis, complaining that refugees were allowed to be hired at Starbucks (which the site referred to as “Shariabucks”).

(LOL! Shariabucks! Clever!)

We reported on the research about the increasing rates of TB especially high in San Diego, and the special hiring event at Starbucks!  It happened.  So what is Think Progress‘s beef, that this real news was presented by Russian facebookers in a format that would get people’s attention?

Does the Soros Open Borders propaganda machine have some serious competition from sites like these? I think so!

Here is one of the facebook ‘ads’ (ads or just pages that anyone can set up?) that Think Progress wants you to treat as fake news (filed in my ‘Laugh of the day’ category):

Screenshot (926)

Screenshot (927)

Phony outrage from Senators on Trump refugee consultation with Congress

I can’t spend a lot of time on this, but it warrants a bit of attention.

These US Senators have no shame! 


Grassley and Feinstein
Senator Grassley has been there 36 years and Feinstein 25 years.  I would like them both to tell us when exactly was the Refugee Act of 1980 properly/legally carried out when it came to the provision involving the Presidential “determination” and “consultation” with Congress.

What the hell is Senator Grassley doing scolding the White House/State Department, complaining that the legal process was not followed on THIS year’s legally required consultation on the refugee CEILING/CAP.

For the last ten years (and probably the ten before I was watching), Congress never paid any attention to the law when it came to the President’s determination about how many refugees COULD be admitted in the coming fiscal year.

Someone from the Administration would come to the Hill in mid to late September, present the determination and report, and no one on the Hill said boo!

Whatever was sent up, even literally within days of October 1, Congress accepted.

Faux outrage!

Now, only now! are they screaming about how the process was subverted (because it is Trump?).

Go here where I told you almost a month ago what the process is (a process they never followed anyway!).

Here is the complaint initiated by REPUBLICAN Senator Grassley (chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee).  Maybe he is getting too old to remember that he gave Obama a pass for the previous 8 years!

From Talking Points Memo (hat tip: Joanne):

Grassley, Feinstein Blast State Dept. For Barely Consulting Them On Refugee Cap

In a blistering statement Wednesday afternoon, the leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) called out the Trump administration for its rushed consultation of the committee before announcing it would lower the refugee cap next year.

Grassley and Feinstein complained that they learned of the refugee cap in the news before they had a meeting with the administration, despite asking months ago for a meeting on the issue. State Department officials met with the members of both the House and Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday afternoon, and only scheduled the meeting on Tuesday, per Grassley and Feinstein.

“We are incredibly frustrated that the annual consultation for refugee admissions, which is required by law, was finalized just one day in advance. It is simply unacceptable to read in the press that the administration had reached its decision on the refugee cap before the mandated meeting with Congress had even been scheduled,” Grassley and Feinstein said in the statement.

This post is filed in my ‘Laugh of the day’ category, here. ROFLMAO!

One more thing:  A number of years ago I asked my Congressman to see if I could be allowed to attend the “consultation” and was told that the public cannot attend. And, besides, I was told, there isn’t much to see—just a perfunctory handing-off of the determination report sometimes by an Assistant Secretary and not the Secretary of State himself or herself.

Dear Donald, Send refugee resettlement agencies to Puerto Rico!

Tomorrow or the next day, if you ‘welcome’ the admission of 40,000-50,000 impoverished people (in need of housing, food, and medical care) from Burma, DR Congo, Afghanistan, etc. to begin arriving on Sunday (Oct. 1, the first day of the new fiscal  year), all hell is going to break loose for you from the nine major federal resettlement contractors*** who will say you are mean and racist because they want at minimum 75,000 third worlders to care for.

Conversely, all those Americans who believed your campaign statements (like the one about how communities should have a say when their town is targeted for resettlement) and who believe 40-50 thousand is way too many, are going to be pretty ticked off.

Here is a compromise!

donald-trump smug

How about this:

Suspend the US Refugee Admissions Program for right now and send the employees of the nine federal resettlement contractors (they are all quasi-government agencies anyway) to help our people, the poor people of Puerto Rico rebuild their country

Give them some modest remuneration if necessary (travel expenses, food and shelter) and let them put their humanitarian drive to a very good purpose.

So what will they and their friends at the UN say, that you are mean and racist for helping Puerto Ricans?

What will the mainstream media, already raising a ruckus claiming you aren’t doing enough for our own people in Puerto Rico say (that you shouldn’t send so much help to the devastated island!).

***These are the nine major resettlement contractors, each is paid millions from the US Treasury every year to do their charitable good works. Let’s put them to work helping hurricane refugees in Puerto Rico!

Hitting a nerve (again!) at Right Wing Watch

I served up some red meat for the Right Wing Watchers here at World Net Daily with my comments about the Rohingya ‘crisis’ in Burma.  You can read the Watchers yourself!

RWW’s Miranda Blue, one of my biggest fans! @bluemir https://twitter.com/bluemir

How dare I (and others) challenge the Left Wing meme that the Rohingya are the helpless victims, pure as the driven snow, in the decades-old violent conflict between these two great religions of peace!

Watch for it!

The Syrian Muslim refugees were yesterday’s downtrodden, but the Left has moved on to the new flavor of the year—-the Rohingya—who we should support with millions of taxpayer dollars, or better still move to your neighborhoods ASAP.

For ambitious readers, I have over 200 posts on the Rohingya conflict archived here over TEN years. See for yourself what’s been happening there.

Oh, and see my other mentions at Right Wing Watch, here.  Miss Miranda sure didn’t like me telling Americans to have more babies!

This post is filed, not just in Rohingya Reports, but in my category ‘Laugh of the day!’ here.