Ignorance at the Washington Post is stunning

“As for the cost, most is borne by private resettlement agencies.”

(Washington Post Editorial Board)


What! They don’t read RRW every day?

I’ve said it on many occasions but it is frightening to know something about an issue and then see flat-out ignorance about it from people who should have the facts….


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Too funny!


But, I suppose when it comes to the Washington Post it might just be that they do know the facts, but are purposefully spewing FAKE NEWS, like this line in their pro-more-refugees-anti-Trump editorial (Trump flirts with a new age of American timidity) a few days ago.

After taking a whack at Stephen Miller they say this:

The stated rationales for further refu­gee cuts — concerns over terrorists sneaking in, and the costs involved — are not defensible. In fact, both the Obama and Trump administrations have tightened vetting for refugees, who are now the subject of exhaustive background checks despite the fact that very few terrorist attacks, in the United States or Europe, have been carried out by refugees. As for the cost, most is borne by private resettlement agencies.

Nevermind for now, that we, and many others, have chronicled the number of refugee terrorists (or wannabe terrorists caught before they acted) in the refugee population in Europe and here.  It is that last sentence that rockets me through the roof!

After years of, not just me, but many other investigators exposing how much money the “private resettlement agencies”*** are paid OUT OF THE US TREASURY to resettle refugees, how can they possibly promote such a falsehood!

See my post on the US Conference of Catholic Bishops here two days ago.

And, here, if you missed it is my recent accounting of all 9 federal refugee contractors. Episcopal Migration Ministries takes the top prize at 99.5% funded by taxpayer dollars!

***These are the federal contractors paid by the head for refugee “clients” they place (secretively!) in your towns and cities. Congress should be investigating how they are using the millions of federal dollars they receive annually.

And, as long as they are running the program on your dime along with their side job of political agitation and community organizing, there can never be reform of the USRAP!

High paid Brit lectures us about the American story…

This is rich!

I’ve told you about David Miliband in many previous posts.  He is the former UK Labor Party Foreign Minister (his brother is known in the UK as “red Ed”) who came over to New York to head up the fabulously wealthy International Rescue Committee where he is sucking down a salary of $591,846 annually.

miliband laughing
David Miliband: Have I got a cool gig or what? Living in Manhattan, deciding which third world migrants will be seeded into American towns, hobnobbing with Hillary, schmoozing Soros, smacking down Donald Trump, weighing in on British politics and being handsomely compensated by American taxpayers! Wow!

(The IRC is the wealthiest monetarily of nine federal refugee contractors, although we are told that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops handles a higher volume of refugees each year.)

Btw, if you follow Miliband even tangentially you will see he is still busy mucking around in British politics.

Here is some Lefty website called Death and Taxes on British national Miliband and that meany, Donald Trump:

“It’s not an exaggeration to say the very existence of refugee resettlement as a core aspect of the American story, and America’s role as a global leader in this area, is at stake,” David Miliband, president of the International Rescue Committee said.

I’m willing to give up our supposed “global leader” role, aren’t you?  (But, wait, didn’t we just hear from Human Rights Watch that Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon are the global leaders giving protection to refugees?).

Here is erudite reporter Tosten Burks at Death and Taxes on Trump White House aid Stephen Miller (LOL! this was my tip-off about the nature of this ‘magazine’):

During a meeting at the White House on Tuesday, Homeland Security officials proposed a 2018 cap of 40,000, the Times reports. Racist booger Stephen Miller has pushed for an even lower cap of 15,000, sources said. No final decision has been made.

This post is filed in my ‘Laugh of the day’ category, here.

Too funny! Now Trudeau tones down his welcome to refugees!

We are so cool and so smart!

I thought I was done posting for the day (see previous 3 posts), but could not resist this ‘oopsy’ moment!

He wanted to stick it to Trump! And, earn an ‘attaboy’ from his hero—Obama!

From the UK Telegraph (and lots and lots of other media sources):

Justin Trudeau has sought to tone down the warm welcome he promised to migrants, after arrivals at the Canadian border hit 250 a day, leaving immigration officials struggling to cope with the influx.

The Canadian prime minister tweeted shortly after President Donald Trump announced the halt of the US refugee programme that Canada would still be a haven.

“To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada,” he said.


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They are all yours Justin, all yours!

Much more here.

Three quarters of a million likes! Three quarters of a million people on twitter who don’t know squat!


Cambridge, Mass: No refugees for you! Neighborhood is too wealthy!

Waahhhh!  The Harvard kids want refugees, but there isn’t any low income housing in Cambridge so the US State Department and its contractors send refugees to working class communities elsewhere in Massachusetts!

Tony Cambridge, Mass. home to Harvard University won’t see refugees placed there anytime soon! More Boston photos: http://www.stevenedson.net/photographs-of-boston-01/rowers-at-weeks-bridge-cambridge-ma-35_6_767.html

Moral of the story:  Wealthy communities don’t get refugees, but working class communities do.  And, if you build low income housing, your town becomes a refugee magnet!
From the Boston Globe:

“Help us welcome local refugees to our community!” read a flier advertising the carnival in Cambridge, where attendees would later pose at a photo booth, mingle, and munch on baked goods inside a balloon-festooned gymnasium.

“We wanted to have . . . an opportunity for refugee families to come and have a fun time, relax, play games,” said Caitlin Nichols, a Harvard PhD student who helped organize last month’s event.

But notably absent from the event? Refugees.


In September 2015, after watching the number of Syrians displaced by violence soar, Cambridge City Councilor Nadeem Mazen decided the council had “a moral and economic imperative” to act. He won passage of legislation calling on city officials to determine Cambridge’s capacity to take in Syrian refugees and then provide those families with the housing and support they would need.

Cambridge “peace and justice” commissioner, Brian Corr. https://twitter.com/bcorr

But when peace commissioner Brian Corr — the local official charged with promoting “peace and social justice within Cambridge and in the wider world”— began reaching out to refugee resettlement agencies and government officials, he was told, politely, no thanks.

“I spoke to a lot of people and got a lot of e-mail information. Long story short . . . Cambridge is not the place where refugees get resettled,” Corr said.

Where refugees end up is largely at the discretion of the State Department and nine resettlement agencies nationwide. From 2014 to 2016, 233 Syrian refugees arrived in Massachusetts. More than half went to Lowell, Springfield, or West Springfield, according to State Department records. None wound up in Cambridge.

Financial support is limited for new arrivals. Representatives of the State Department and Massachusetts resettlement agencies said they consider two factors when placing refugees, in addition to family ties.

“The key factor is a combination of cost of living and employment opportunities that will allow them to become economically self-sufficient quickly because the support that the federal government provides is extremely limited,” said Jeffrey Thielman, president and CEO of the International Institute of New England, the area’s largest resettlement agency.

Here they are admitting it again, the contractor*** pockets half of the per head payment the refugee gets from the feds (no mention that all forms of welfare are available to refugees upon arrival). BTW, the contractors primary job is to get the refugees signed up for their services and then they move on to the next batch of paying “clients.”

Each refugee receives a one-time stipend of $2,075 from the federal government, and nearly half of that goes to the resettlement agency to help finance their work, according to a State Department spokeswoman.

Agencies sometimes provide refugees additional cash assistance, and some refugees can receive $428 per month from the state for up to 18 months.

Such small sums don’t go far in Cambridge, where two-bedroom apartments rent for around $3,000 a month. That’s twice as expensive as housing in Springfield or Lowell.

Throughout Greater Boston, inexpensive housing options are few and shrinking. Thielman said the only places in the area where his agency can find housing for refugees are shared units for single individuals in Lynn or Dorchester — places where they can pay $350 or less in rent per month.

Continue reading here because some refugee advocates have a new angle. See what it is!
This is my ‘laugh of the day!’ post but it isn’t so funny!
The International Institute of New England (aka International Institute of Boston) works as a subcontractor for the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI).
Don’t forget to write to the White House!
***Federal contractors/middlemen/lobbyists/community organizers paid by you to place refugees in your towns and cities.  Because their income is largely dependent on taxpayer dollars based on the number of refugees admitted to the US, the only way for real reform of how the US admits refugees is to remove the contractors from the process.

Actor Clooney: Do as I say, not as I do!

These super rich Lefty celebrities have no shame!
George Clooney is reportedly moving his young family to his Los Angeles mansion which is deemed safer (from Jihadists) than is his property in the UK or his Italian get-away mansion at Lake Como.
From Breitbart (hat tip: Brenda):

Report: Open Borders Advocate George Clooney Moving Family Back to Trump’s America for ‘Security Reasons’

Actor and immigration activist George Clooney will move to Los Angeles with his wife Amal and newborn twins Ella and Alexander due to security concerns at his England estate, according to a report.

In 2016, Clooney and his wife praise German Chancellor Angela Merkel for her welcome to the migrant invaders (not using those words of course!). Italy as an escape? maybe not so much! http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2016/02/12/george-clooney-praises-merkel-for-migrant-policy-as-he-seeks-greater-seclusion-in-italy/

Life & Style magazine reported last week that the 56-year-old Oscar-winner will move his newly-expanded family to his mansion in Studio City, California, after deeming his 17th century mansion in Sonning, England to be not sufficiently safe for them.

“As soon as Amal found out she was pregnant, he hired former Secret Service agents to assess all his properties and make recommendations for improvement,” an unnamed Clooney “insider” told the magazine. “His mansion in Studio City [Calif.] was deemed the most secure, and it’s within minutes of an LAPD station.”


In May, British government officials disclosed that 23,000 known jihadi terrorists are believed to be residing in Britain, far more than the 3,000 that had initially been reported.


In February of last year, the actor met privately with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and praised the German leader’s acceptance of refugees from Syria and other countries. The same month, Clooney told Sky News in an interview that the United States is not doing “enough” to help Syrian refugees, and that 10,000 refugees per year was too low a figure to be admitting into the country.


In July of last year, a makeshift refugee camp was established in Lake Como after the Swiss government decided to close its southern border with Italy. Dozens of refugees arrived from African and Asian countries were housed in tents close to the Clooneys’ home, with a local tour guide telling the Daily Mail that the refugee camps were a “big problem because of the huge numbers [of refugees] who are arriving all the time.”

More here.
Bill Gates woke up and smelled the coffee, any chance Clooney will get it?
This post is filed in my ‘Laugh of the day’ category.  I have another good laugh for later (or tomorrow), so come on back!
Click here for my complete archive on the Invasion of Europe.