Georgia refugee agency worried about Trump Presidency

Ted Terry
Clarkston Mayor Ted Terry building a microcosm of our future world right there in Georgia. Yippee!

For those of you in ‘pockets of resistance’ in Georgia, have a look at this article.
I don’t have time to say much, just want everyone to know that federal refugee contractors (like New American Pathways) are shaking in their boots because they may be ripped off the government teat if Donald Trump is elected President.  We can only dream!
From Global Atlanta (Title: Refugee Resettlement Agency Eyeing ‘Contingency Plan’ for Trump Presidency):

Ted Terry, mayor of Clarkston, Ga., has taken up a banner of hospitality and integration, despite opposition he has faced from vocal critics worried about things like job displacement and even the establishment of Shariah law on U.S. soil.


“In Clarkston, we are providing sort of a microcosm of what the world may very well look like in the future,” Mr. Terry said.

Georgians who are concerned about this news should join with Refugee Resettlement Relief, click here to learn more.
So why aren’t they worried about a Ted Cruz presidency?  Just asking.

Comment worth noting: Where have all the Cinderella men gone?

Editor:   We have a category here at RRW entitled ‘Comments worth noting/guest posts.’  This is a good comment from reader Cathy that I am bringing to your attention.  The comment was made to yesterday’s post, ‘Jobs Americans won’t do….’  Emphasis below is mine.
From Cathy:

When I talk to people about the hit that American citizens are taking by big companies hiring immigrants, both legal and illegal, they always come back with the statement that the American citizens do not want to work, have a poor work ethic, are not dependable, etc. My guess is that this might well be the case because we have paid people to not work, making it an option, with no stigma.


In the past, it was terrible to be on welfare or unemployment. Remember the movie, Cinderella Man? He went back to the government office and paid back the welfare money when he could finally earn enough money to feed his family. That was during the Depression.

My fear is that the government has done such a good job of destroying the working class family by introducing welfare that insisted that the man not be in the household so that we now have a deeply embedded culture of single parent families, drifting children, no concept of a work ethic, and the result is employers using that as an excuse to not hire Americans, but to go for hard working foreigners.

Remember that the employers have tax benefits involved in hiring foreigners. Also, the foreigners cannot argue with the employer because if they lose their job, then they must go home if they are here on the H1B or H2B visas. If they are illegal, they have no recourse. This makes for a diligent, compliant workforce.

The employer doesn’t have to pay higher wages, so the taxpayer picks up the additional social costs due to low paying jobs. The schools have to educate in many languages, the hospital ER takes care of the sick, and the local community suffers the double hit of paying unemployment/welfare to their own citizens and all the social costs associated with reducing people to a dependent class. The employer pockets the extra earnings.

We can thank our elites in DC for the many bad decisions that have led to this disaster that has taken several generations to reach its current epic proportions. A final blow is that the lack of worth that comes with being a non-working dependent class leads to additional social problems.

My hypothesis is that the current heroin epidemic that the government is trying to stem can be linked back to the broken family and jobless lifestyle of our formerly working class citizens. I know that heroin is ravaging children from all classes, but it is particularly bad on the people that have no hope and see no way out.

For more comments and guest posts from readers, click here.
It occurs to me that if a Presidential candidate picked up this theme in a serious way it would resonate with voters….

Jobs Americans won't do? Making Chicago cheesecake

The new UN High Commissioner for Refugees (after visiting Senator John McCain in Washington and signing an agreement to get more money from US taxpayers) visited Eli’s Cheesecake Company in Chicago.

McCain and Grandi
Arizona Senator John McCain warmly greets new UN High Commissioner for Refugees as Grandi comes to DC for his annual dip into the US Treasury. Grandi is ‘head hunter’ for American big business.

We learn that a federal refugee contractor lines up jobs for refugees with Eli’s!
Contractor RefugeeOne took in $2.1 million from taxpayers in 2014 to act as an employment service for refugees.  It brags that it brought 16,000 refugees to Chicago since 1982!
What! no Americans willing to make cheesecake? Or, is there some special tax incentive for Eli’s to hire foreign labor?
The UN trumpets the news here:

CHICAGO, United States, March 18 (UNHCR) – During a week-long visit to the United States, the head of the United Nations refugee agency welcomed Washington’s longstanding commitment to resettling more refugees than any other country and emphasized that managing the refugee crisis is a global responsibility.

Speaking on a visit to Chicago, where he met with refugees, US lawmakers and resettlement agencies, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said: “Resettlement addresses the needs of the most vulnerable and is the safest way to move people from one country to another. Refugees flee terror, they don’t bring terror to countries. Their arrival is very carefully vetted, so there should be no fear.”


While in the Midwestern city, Grandi visited RefugeeOne, a Chicago area non-profit that works with refugees fleeing war, persecution and terror, helping them to build new lives of safety, dignity and self-reliance.

Eli’s CEO Marc Schulman gets cheap immigrant labor and bakes cakes for Obama!

Finding employment is a major step for a refugee to become self-reliant and one of the businesses that RefugeeOne has long partnered with is Eli’s Cheesecake Company, which has been employing refugees for over 25 years.


“It takes UNHCR to protect us, RefugeeOne to place us in jobs and people like Marc to help us become productive,” he added, referring to the President of Eli’s Cheesecake Company.


RefugeeOne is a subcontractor of three BIG contracting agencies of the US State Department:  Church World Service, Episcopal Migration Ministries, and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.

So, no low income Americans want the jobs? Or, it just isn’t cool enough for these Christian charities to help Americans first?

See Leo Hohmann at WND about African Americans being hammered by competition with immigrant labor, here.

Dallas: Turning red states blue, one city at a time

There is nothing surprising in this story at Breitbart about Dallas, Texas “progressive” mayor Mike Rawlings.

mike Rawlings
Democrat Mayor Mike Rawlings “welcomes” third worlders to Dallas.

But, please take note of the the big global bank—JP Morgan Chase—underwriting this series of discussions called ‘City Makers Summit’ where they are attempting to sell the idea that only migrants can revitalize cities.
I’ve been begging for years for some think tank with economic know-how to do a study of long-established resettlement cities like Utica, NY  (or Amarillo, TX!) because I believe such a study would quickly kill this notion that importing poverty was good for a city.
Lana Shadwick at Breitbart:

Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings said during a recent summit on the city’s economy, its workforce, and its future, that he believes welcoming refugees is crucial to Dallas becoming a “global city.” The Democratic mayor made the statement after being asked about “hosting refugees” and “bringing people inside” as “one of the building blocks of a revitalized town.”

Rawlings made these statements during a recent “City Makers Summit” hosted by The Atlantic and JP Morgan Chase. The summit was held on March 10th and was the third of such events by the publication. Other events have been held in Washington, D.C. and San Francisco.


The Democrat mayor in the democratic/”Blue” city called himself “a pretty progressive guy” and appeared to be quite proud of it.

Continue reading here.
Then be sure to visit my three part series on Texas from early last summer.  Begin reading here.  There are some good links to excellent data on who is being “welcomed” to Dallas county. Arabic is the top language spoken by refugees going to Dallas.

Meatpackers and Somali workers (again) disrupt small town life in America

This time it is the New York Times doing the story, but it is not new for us.  We told you about problems in Ft. Morgan, Colorado way back beginning in 2008, see our huge archive on Ft. Morgan by clicking here.

Editor’s note: There is so much going on these days and life has been interrupting my writing time, please follow my tweets (right hand side bar here at RRW) because when I do get time at the computer, I do try to keep up with the news by tweeting.  This NYT story is from a couple of days ago (I did tweet it then).

Cargill Somalis

Back to Ft. Morgan…. 
I can’t resist repeating this little bit from a post I wrote on September 30, 2008 about the Ft. Morgan Times editorial excitedly inviting Somalis to town and calling out this blog!
Here is what I said:

Today [9/30/08] the Ft. Morgan Times has an editorial [original editorial is gone, so it’s a good thing I got it at the time! Found by reader Jeff, here—ed] entitled, “Refugees taking root in Ft. Morgan.”   I have read a lot of politically correct, diversity is beautiful, let’s all sing ‘kumbaya’ articles, but this one I’m going to print out and hang by my computer and wait for the day when something happens in Ft. Morgan, CO and I can refer to it again. [Needless to say much happened in Ft. Morgan, even an honor killing, since then!—ed]

Here is what the editor said about RRW (who else could it be!)

Of course, if it were up to some people, Somali refugees would not have a chance to resettle anywhere in the U.S. There is even a Web site devoted to teaching Americans how to chase refugees of various sorts out of town.

I’m going to encourage you to read the whole NYT story, click here, about the prayer break dispute at Cargill and the Somalis now packing up and leaving town.  This is the takeaway for you:

As the demographics of small-town America shift and more Muslim immigrants move in, it is a dynamic that is likely to play out again and again.

Why is the US still taking Somalis after three decades?

The US State Department and its contractors like the Lutherans in Colorado Springs, Greeley and Ft. Morgan, Colorado are still bringing Somalis to the US by the thousands. Exactly why they are still colonizing your towns with Somalis isn’t exactly clear.
Since Obama was elected to office, the US admitted 45,718 Somalis. Many of those came from refugee camps in Kenya, but we picked up thousands of others around the world (screening?).  Data here.
In that time frame (of the 45,718 admitted), Colorado got 1,412 of them while Minnesota got 6,037!  But, Somali refugees were resettled all over American and often move (they call it secondary migration) to be with THEIR people in other seed communities.
In the first five months of this fiscal year (2016) we have admitted 3,107 new Somalis.
This isn’t about humanitarianism, it’s about large global corporations wanting cheap immigrant labor and the US State Department and ‘religious’ groups like Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service acting as their head hunters.