Idaho citizens defeat proposed resolution in support of refugees

Increasingly city and county governments are making themselves heard on the issue of UN/US State Department refugee resettlement for their communities.  We told you here recently about Craven Co. North Carolina considering a resolution opposing more refugees. And, then here in Montana, the Missoula County Commission opened the door for the resettlement of third-worlders from the Middle East and Africa.
In Idaho, a heated public meeting of the Sandpoint City Council in Bonner County in the far northern reaches of the state resulted in the withdrawal of a resolution to support refugee resettlement to the community.

Sandpoint meeting
Audience cheers as mayor withdraws resolution. Boise Weekly Photo: Ben Olsen

The federal government and their paid resettlement contractors (listed here) will be quick to say that local governments have no right to say whether refugees are seeded there or not.  However, they do frequently say they will not place refugees where the refugees would be “unwelcome”
If Congress was doing its job there would be a major movement to rewrite the Refugee Act of 1980 (or scrap it all together) in order to give local communities a say in what happens to their counties, cities and towns.  I predict there will be increasing tension in towns across America on the controversial issue.
And, it’s not just about the prospect that Islamic terrorists might be in the refugee stream, there are very serious economic costs involved as refugees (as a special immigrant class) are able to access most forms of welfare available only to American citizens. They also add to the shortage of low income housing often pushing poor and disabled Americans to the back of the line.
From Boise Weekly:
Sandpoint mayor
Sandpoint Mayor Shelby Rognstad

Sandpoint City Council members voted Wednesday night to withdraw a resolution supporting refugee resettlement, bringing an end to a heated, month-long controversy.

Cheers erupted from the audience when newly elected Sandpoint Mayor Shelby Rognstad asked the council to withdraw the resolution from consideration. A measure meant to counter statements from Bonner County commissioners and Sheriff Darryl Wheeler opposing the resettlement of refugees, the resolution was intended to restate Sandpoint’s commitments to human rights, according to Rognstad.

“This resolution has only served to divide us and this community,” said Rognstad, as he requested the withdrawal. “That saddens me.”

Once again, anti-refugee activists turned out in force to oppose the resolution and, once again, the council meeting procedure was punctured by applause and shouts. When Rognstad called for order, the crowd responded with catcalls.

There is much more, continue reading here.
We have an extensive archive on Idaho, learn more by clicking here.  Both Boise and Twin Falls are already large resettlement sites.
Be sure to learn more about Jan Reeves who is responsible for refugees going to Idaho.  He was a 2013 Obama Champion of Change, see here.

‘Humanitarianism’ is a cover for big business drivers of more immigration.

For citizens of Idaho and everywhere being confronted with this issue, please be sure to investigate and find out what large industries are driving the resettlement where you live.  Big business including BIG MEAT, Chobani Yogurt, and other manufacturing companies are looking for cheap immigrant labor and the federal resettlement contractors act as ‘head hunters’ for them.
The big business pays low wages and the remainder of the refugee family’s support comes from the taxpayer via welfare, education and medical care.
Also, find out which elected officials are receiving campaign donations from those companies.  Expose them!

Wisconsin: It is not just meatpackers having problems with Muslim refugee employees

Update Feb. 9, 2016:  Here is a good update on the story at a trade publication.  Moral of the story, don’t even hire them in the first place!
This is a story, hat tip: Dave, about a Green Bay, Wisconsin manufacturer which is trying to get demands for special prayer break times under control at its plant.
Green Bay Imam
I’m a few days late with this story, so there may be more news by now.  But, I want you to see the original story and the fact that CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) has its nose in the issue.
Readers the important thing to note is that this is about advancing the Islamic supremacist agenda and planting Shariah law in the work place.  It is not some unimportant little controversy.
Here is the story at Bizpac Review.
And, go here to see a news clip at WBAY Channel 2 News with the story.  See Hasan Abdi in action.
Here is CAIR weighing in:

See a recent controversy over prayer break times at a Ft. Morgan meatpacking plant also involving Somali refugee workers with CAIR riding to their rescue.
Go here and scroll down to Wisconsin and see that it is Catholic Charities that is responsible for bringing Somali Muslim workers to Green Bay.  By the way, I have no sympathy for greedy corporations that were too dumb and naive and hired Muslim workers in the first place! What did they expect?

See American Resistance 2016! for a couple of stories that might interest RRW readers

marching-men 2No time to cross-post, but would love for you to see two posts at American Resistance 2016!
The first is on the globalists (like Soros and Sutherland) and their plans to erase borders and destroy national sovereignty (perhaps the explanation for Angela Merkel‘s strange behavior). Click here.
And, then take a trip down memory lane on the subject of Syrian refugees with Senator Ted Cruz (a year before he joined the 2016 Presidential campaign).  Go here for that story and news clip.

More evidence that big business is a driver of refugee resettlement in America

Update:  Be sure to learn more about what you should do about this during Election 2016 at American Resistance 2016!
The so-called ‘religious’ charities*** that resettle refugees in America and those in the UN/US State Department administering the refugee admissions program that is bringing tens of thousands of Muslim (and other) refugees to your towns want you to think this is all about ‘humanitarianism.’  It is not!
The do-gooders bringing refugees to America are shills for big business whether they know it or not!

It is about globalization and multi-national corporations’ need for cheap migrant laborers!

Did you read our post about BIG MEAT and Amarillo, TX just this week? It went viral and has brought thousands upon thousands of readers to RRW!  The business model is that companies, often times companies in the food industry, encourage (lobby for!) more refugees to be admitted to the US (or for amnesty for illegal aliens).

They get the slave laborers, your town gets the social/cultural tension, and taxpayers at all levels of government supplement the meager wages with WELFARE!  

Chobani Twin Falls Idaho
Twin Falls plant. As a driver of refugee resettlement, Chobani Yogurt is changing Idaho by changing the people.

Dems get reliable Leftwing voters!
(See also our post on foreign operatives changing America with refugee labor, here.)
Rich people going to Davos to make plans for your town!
This is what got me started this morning.  The Financial Times tells us that the founder of Chobani Yogurt will be making a pitch at Davos this week at the World Economic Forum for more companies to adopt that ‘business model’ and hire (read IMPORT) more refugees to small and medium-sized American cities!
Financial Times:

Last year Hamdi Ulukaya, a Kurdish entrepreneur who created the billion-dollar US-based Chobani yoghurt empire, travelled to Greece to see the swelling refugee crisis with his own eyes. Unsurprisingly, he was horrified by the human suffering that he witnessed, particularly as he shares a cultural affinity with many of the refugees — he grew up near the Syrian border in Turkey, before moving to the US as a student.

But Ulukaya was also appalled by something else: the hopelessly bureaucratic and old-fashioned nature of the organisations running the aid efforts. “The refugee issue is being dealt with using [methods from] the 1940s and it’s in the hands of the UN and mostly government and you don’t see a lot of private sector and entrepreneurs involved,” he told me last week. “I decided we have got to hack this — we have got to bring another perspective into this issue, there are technologies that can be used.”

So Ulukaya decided to act. Last year he established a foundation, Tent, to channel financial aid and innovation efforts into refugee work.


And he has stepped up efforts to hire as many refugees as he can at his yoghurt plants, where they currently account for 30 per cent of the total workforce, or 600 people. “There are 11 or 12 languages spoken in our factories,” says Ulukaya. “We have translators 24 hours a day.”


At next week’s World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, he will call on other CEOs to join a campaign to channel corporate money, lobbying initiatives, services and jobs to refugees. Five companies have already signed up: Ikea, MasterCard, Airbnb, LinkedIn and UPS — and Ulukaya says more are poised to join.

Continue reading!  Reporter Gillian Tett quotes me, and mentions protests in Idaho and New York where Chobani is bringing in the refugee laborers.
See our complete archive on Twin Falls, Idaho and the ‘pocket of resistance’ that has formed there.
P.S. When I first learned about what Chobani Yogurt was doing to rural America (here), I never again bought any Chobani Yogurt!  I go down that dairy aisle and give them a mental finger (sorry to our more proper and polite readers).
***Nine major federal contractors which like to call themselves VOLAGs (Voluntary agencies) which is such a joke considering how much federal money they receive:


Amarillo, TX being destroyed by refugee overload

“Small ghettos” of competing ethnic groups have developed!

We have been writing about Amarillo, Texas (a ‘pocket of resistance’) for a couple of years (see our complete archive by clicking here).  Like so many meatpacking towns in America, federal refugee resettlement contractors*** got a foot hold there years ago (mostly working as ‘head hunters’ for the meatpacking industry) and have continued to pour third-worlders into Amarillo despite pleas by elected officials to STOP! (See our post just yesterday, here, about BIG MEAT).
***Update*** See more about Cargill, the meat giant, here.
***Update Jan. 15th*** For some reason this post went viral, please take a minute to read the comments esp. ‘7delta’s’ response to reader Keith Jones who said that sharia law is no threat to us.

Omar Jamal in Amarillo
Omar Jamal meets with Somali workers from Cargill after van rollover accident in 2012.

From (hat tip: Robin):

As Texas officials spar with Obama administration lawyers over refugee resettlement, Amarillo is building Muslim “ghettos.”

Under federal refugee programs, the North Texas town has become home to more than 1,000 Mideast migrants – giving Amarillo the highest refugee ratio in the country.

“Our education system is overloaded with kids who can’t speak English. We have something like 22 languages spoken in our schools,” said William Sumerford, a local taxpayer activist.

City Commissioner Randy Burkett is considering a plan to halt further refugee settlements. Burkett could not be reached, but Mayor Paul Harpole isn’t optimistic about the city’s authority to push back.

“We’ve been a giving community, and it’s a huge disservice to bring in refugees in numbers that we’re not able to handle. We create small ghettos,” Harpole told

Why do Somalis need their own government within American cities?  It is about Sharia Law! This is how it begins!

“A group of Somalis came in to say they had elected a mayor of their community,” Harpole related. “Then another faction claimed they had their own leader. We come to find out that rival tribes — slaves and masters — were being settled together.”


Mayor Harpole said the city’s schools are particularly hard hit.

“We have 660 (refugee) kids who don’t speak English and the U.S. Department of Education says they have to be at grade level within one year. It’s a ludicrous requirement — they don’t even know how to use the bathroom,” Harpole said. Washington pays schools $100 per refugee student per year.

There is much more at
See also our three part series on Texas, here, from last year.
And, here is a recent post about Cargill caving to Somali demands regarding prayer break times.  Cargill is one of four meat giants destroying America towns and cities as they lure cheap refugee labor to your community.
Photo:  I can’t believe it, Omar Jamal, was acting once again like the Somali ‘Jesse Jackson’ here in 2012.  I bet we have mentioned Jamal in 50 posts (more!) here at RRW over the years.  He was originally an illegal alien, but was never deported and he manages to get to every hot spot in America as the voice of Somalis.
*** Click here and scroll down to Texas to see which Refugee Resettlement contractors are working there.