Foreign operatives and foreign-owned businesses changing America by changing the people

The Wall Street Journal’s Miriam Jordan gives us a peak inside the employment services that the nine major refugee resettlement contractors offer American businesses.
I just want to scream when I see stories like this—what about Americans who might like to own a small business or need work?
Everyone working in ‘pockets of resistance’ must begin to expose the businesses in your city and state that work with refugee contractors to displace American workers. And, don’t forget the Chamber of Commerce!  It is all about keeping wages low!

David Miliband, the former British Foreign Secretary (bff Hillary) is changing America by changing the people as CEO of the financially largest US refugee resettlement contractor. He wants 100,000 Syrians in here by the end of Obama’s term.

And, then be sure to find out which elected officials are receiving campaign donations from those same businesses—expose them!
You also must check out the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s micro-enterprise loan program which gives grants to contractors like the International Rescue Committee so they can be big shots and hand those loans out to their refugee ‘clients.’ The story says that the IRC is dishing out $4 million in loans to refugees, but if you could ever get to the bottom line, I will bet you find that most of the $4 million comes through federal and state taxpayers’ pockets.
See the story at the Wall Street Journal and take note of the businesses in Ohio and Kentucky that are working with a federal resettlement contractor to get the cheap refugee labor.  It is all the more galling when you know the cheap hourly wages are being supplemented with your welfare dollars in the form of subsidized housing, Medicaid, and food stamps.


Jordan mentions JBS Swift & Co. hiring refugees in the Louisville, KY area.  Swift is a Brazilian-owned company.

Swift CEO is Andre Nogueira a Brazilian, changing America by changing the people! See all others who are helping bring refugee laborers to your towns.

Think about it, a Brazilian company is changing your American town by bringing in cheap immigrant/refugee laborers with the help of federal government supposedly ‘religious’ refugee contractors!
Click here to see where Swift & Co. is operating (and changing your community).
We first learned about the impact of meat packing in conjunction with the refugee industry here in 2008 when we learned about Bill Clinton bringing Bosnian ‘refugee’ labor to Iowa!
I was told repeatedly for years that meatpacking wages were excellent and American workers were very happy with the work until the industry discovered first cheap illegal immigrant labor and then legal immigrant labor, so I took a few minutes (and it only took a few!) to find out that it is factual—wages in meatpacking were excellent BEFORE the 1980’s.
(Related? Remember Hillary’s special little gig involving Tyson Foods)
Really someone should write a book:  

How the meatpacking industry demographically destroyed America!

So check this out.  Here is some information (and I will bet there is much more if someone really looked into it!) about how wages declined when the industry (now monopolized by four major companies) discovered CHEAP immigrant labor.

The average wage of animal slaughterers and processors remained comparatively strong from the 1960s through the early 1980s. The average wage earned by a meat packing employee during the 60s and 70s was 14-18 percent higher than their counterpart in the larger U.S. manufacturing sector. The peak average hourly wage of a meat packing employee during this period was nearly $20 an hour when adjusted for inflation.  [Remember Jordan reports that the refugees in KY are making about $10 an hour today—ed]


The 1980s were a transitional decade for America’s meat packing industry. Developments such as improved distribution channels allowed meat packing companies to move out of urban, union-dominated centers and relocate to rural areas closer to livestock feedlots. New industry powerhouses like Iowa Beef Processors (IBP) sought to undercut the competition by operating on slim profit margins, increasing worker speed and productivity, and cutting labor costs.

Please remember readers that this is all about MONEY (Democrat voters, and erasing borders)!

Forget the BS about how bringing refugees to America is all about humanitarianism!  

Ft. Morgan: Cargill caves to CAIR, will allow Somali workers to reapply for jobs in 30 days

Update!  A reader suggests you contact Cargill and complain about their accommodation of Islamic demands.  Tell them to hire Americans while you are at it!
It all boils down to the fact that ‘Big Meat’ doesn’t want to pay higher wages and so they have become completely dependent on refugee labor.  In the meantime, they are changing the face of rural America.

Cargill workers
Fired Somali workers could soon be back on the Job as CAIR has Cargill by the short hairs.

We reported the Ft. Morgan Cargill plant’s woes here as Somalis walked off the job with demands for special accommodation for prayer breaks.
Now here is the news that Cargill has changed its re-hiring policy to get many of those fired Somalis back to work. (While having given CAIR an opportunity to press for sharia workplace compliance!).
From the Minneapolis Star-Tribune:

Cargill will change its hiring policy — allowing employees to be potentially rehired 30 days after termination, not 180 days — in response to a walkout by Somali workers in Colorado.

After a dispute over Muslim prayer time, about 150 employees at Cargill’s sprawling Fort Morgan, Colo., plant didn’t show up for work for three days — grounds for termination. They were fired. Some of those workers claimed they weren’t allowed to take prayer breaks, while Cargill claimed that it was still following its policy allowing the breaks.

Minnetonka-based Cargill said in a statement Friday that it will change the hiring policy at all of its North American beef plants, allowing former employees terminated for “attendance violation or job abandonment” to be considered for rehiring 30 days after being fired. The workers would have to reapply for their jobs.

“We believe the change in our beef business policy related to how quickly a former employee may be eligible to reapply for positions at our beef plants is a reasonable update to something that’s been in place for quite a few years,” Cargill Beef President John Keating said in a statement.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which has been representing many terminated Somali workers, said it welcomed Cargill’s change in hiring policy, though it criticized Cargill’s prayer break policy as ambiguous.

Now see at the very end, the admission that ‘Big Meat’ is changing America by changing the people.

They can get away with cheap wages as long as the federal government (and their resettlement contractors) continue to bring them fresh refugee laborers every year.   While they get away with paying low wages, you supplement the refugee family’s income with welfare payments!  What a business model for the meatpacking industry.

Over the past few decades, U.S. meatpacking plants — including in Minnesota — have increasingly relied on immigrant communities for labor. About one-third of Cargill’s workers at Fort Morgan are immigrants, or come from immigrant families from Africa, and are predominantly Muslim. Much of the rest of the workforce there is of Hispanic descent.

Read it all here.
Here is an interesting map showing Cargill meatpacking and other facilities in North America.
To learn more about how refugees have changed Fort Morgan, click here where we have an extensive archive going back several years.

Fort Morgan, CO: Nearly 200 Somali workers fired at Cargill meatpacking plant

Oh boy, I get to use that wonderful German word – schadenfreude!
I first wrote about “WELCOMING” Ft. Morgan in 2008, go here to see many pages of posts on how the town opened its arms to Somalis being brought there through a refugee contractor for employment at Cargill Meat Solutions.
Cargill, by seeking out immigrant labor (including cheap Somali refugee labor), is one of the corporations directly responsible for destroying the cultural cohesiveness of your towns and cities often followed by the introduction of shariah law.  Demanding special treatment in the workplace for Islamic prayer is bringing shariah law to your community!

Refugees from Somalia fill their place of worship on Friday afternoons for prayer in the rented back rooms of a main street business in Fort Morgan. Joe Amon, The Denver Post
Refugees from Somalia fill their place of worship on Friday afternoons for prayer in the rented back rooms of a main street business in Fort Morgan. Joe Amon, The Denver Post

(Lutheran Social Services of Rocky Mountains is largely responsible along with Cargill. That is the same contractor that wants to seed Wyoming with Somalis).
See also, ‘Meatpackers changing small town America,’ here.
The Denver Post tells us the seeding of Ft. Morgan began in 2005.
Don’t miss one of my favorite posts of all time.  I reported on the Editor of the Ft. Morgan Times calling me out (I don’t know who else he could have meant at the time).
I’ve been waiting since 2008 to use this!

Of course, if it were up to some people, Somali refugees would not have a chance to resettle anywhere in the U.S. There is even a Web site devoted to teaching Americans how to chase refugees of various sorts out of town.

This is a kind of insanity, since everyone except Native Americans are immigrants. Unfortunately, it shows the dark, ugly underside of our great country.

Now, here is the news yesterday from Reuters. Will there now be 200 unemployed Somalis hanging around Ft. Morgan?

Nearly 200 workers, mostly Somali immigrants, have been fired from a meat-packing plant in Colorado after staging a walkout to protest what they said were insufficient prayer accommodations, the company and Islamic advocacy groups said on Thursday.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said the workers were treated in a “discriminatory manner” by managers at the Cargill Meat Solutions [CARGIL.UL] facility in Fort Morgan, about 75 miles northeast of Denver.

I’m not shedding any tears for Cargill, but I am for America!
Continue reading here and see that the ‘Somali Jesse Jackson’ (Omar Jamal) has inserted himself into the controversy.  I bet we have nearly 100 posts on Jamal who entered the US illegally more than a decade ago and was never deported!
Editor: This will be cross-posted at my new blog ‘American Resistance 2016’ because it makes a major point the we are covering there.

Jeff Sessions leads the charge to cut funds for refugee resettlement on Senate side

Go here for all the latest on the House side where blogger Richard Falknor is tracking it at Blue Ridge Forum.

Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., listens to testimony at a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing on the accident in the Gulf of Mexico involving the explosion on the offshore oil rig Deepwater Horizon, May 11, 2010. (CQ Roll Call via AP Images)
Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala. leading efforts in the Senate to cut funding for Obama’s agenda to change America by changing the people. (CQ Roll Call via AP Images)

Here is the news yesterday at World Net Daily from reporter Leo Hohmann with a catchy title:

New date that will live in infamy: December 11′

Despite all the tough talk by Speaker Paul Ryan and GOP leaders in Congress about Syrian refugees and the need for better screening, the true intent of those leaders will be laid bare on Dec. 11.

That’s the day that a catch-all “omnibus” budget bill is scheduled to be voted on in the House.

In that bill there is expected to be full funding of President Obama’s refugee resettlement program, which costs $1.2 billion annually to bring in 85,000 refugees from more than two dozen countries around the world. About half of them will come from countries with active jihadist movements including 10,000 from Syria, about 8,000 from Somalia, nearly 10,000 from Iraq, and several thousand more from Burma, Uzbekistan, Bosnia, Democratic Republic of Congo and Afghanistan.

The United Nations will choose which refugees from what countries get to come to America at the U.S. taxpayer’s expense. The nationalities of these refugees will be concealed in most cases until after they arrive in the more than 180 cities and towns across the U.S.

The House passed a bill, the America SAFE Act, by a lopsided vote two weeks ago that calls for a “pause” in the resettlements until the White House can provide certain assurances that the refugees have been properly vetted.

But that’s a smokescreen as the SAFE Act won’t stop a single refugee from arriving in any of those 180 cities, says Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., who is chairman of the Senate’s subcommittee on immigration and the national interest.

Continue reading here.
Go here for Sessions’ statement yesterday.
This is critically important!  The other side is organized and working hard (here, here and here) as this is the closest they have ever come to having their agenda to change America threatened!

Action Alert:  Call your members of the House and Senate at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vigorously oppose the Refugee Resettlement funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15! Please call by this Friday, Dec. 4th.


Guest column: This is not the time to let up!

Editor’s note:  As we mentioned here just recently we do publish important comments and guest commentary from time to time.
This is a message from one of our regular readers and an energetic researcher and advocate for our cause, Mr. Bob Enos of Willmar, MN.  We have all been encouraged by the national media attention to the problem of refugee resettlement which we’ve known about for a long time.  The abrupt turnaround by governors, many of whom hardly had any idea that refugees were being resettled in their states in the first place, is heartening.  But, it isn’t time for us to let up because, as Bob quotes Yogi Berra, “it ain’t over till it’s over.”
From Bob Enos:

In the aftermath of the most recent terrorist attacks in Paris, Russia, and Lebanon, I have received phone calls and emails from numerous, fellow activists who have been fighting the good fight against unbridled, forcible refugee resettlement in the United States. To be sure, it’s been tough sledding for us. The reaction from over 20 US governors and many state legislatures, demanding the Syrian refugee resettlement program be halted amidst security concerns, is a long-overdue validation of our concerns.

That said, this is not the time for us to become self-satisfied, smug, or complacent.


(Watch and listen to Mr. Enos making a presentation to a county council, here, last summer—just one example of what citizen activists have been doing to educate their fellow citizens and elected officials.)

The US refugee resettlement industry – and it IS an industry – has been knocked back on its heels for a moment, but let’s not forget, this is a multi-million dollar money-maker for “non-profit” organizations, meatpackers and various low-wage employers, and the United Nations. The Mob has killed adversaries over smaller stakes than this! These human traffickers – and that’s what they are – will reset, recallibrate, adjust their plans and p/r, and resume their business with renewed vigor; count on it.

We must keep up the pressure, on as many fronts as possible. The resettlement of Somali refugees in my home state of Minnesota continues unabated, even though recent studies indicate that the resettlement of ONE Somali family cost the taxpayers in the neighborhood of a half million dollars for five years. Just yesterday, an activist sent me an official document from the Stearns County, MN Family Services Department, indicating that its annual budget for Emergency General Assistance programs – primarily for housing – has been exhausted in three months. Stearns County contains the second-largest concentration of Somali refugees of any county in Minnesota.

We cannot continue to finance resettlement with a blank check issued by taxpayers, for a program they never asked for.

So remember: as the late Yogi Berra once said, “it ain’t over till it’s over.” Continue to press local, county, and state officials for complete transparency in refugee resettlement financing.

Contact your state legislative representatives – particularly those led by Republican majorities in states whose governors’ offices are held by Democrats – and remind them of the opportunity that these tragic attacks have provided. This is a way to honor the memories of those innocents who have died from acts of terrorism.

One final thought. In 1958, a book hit the shelves, called “The Ugly American.” It became a benchmark in political literature. It depicted the failure of American diplomats to be sensitive to the local customs, language, and traditions of host countries in which they worked. The term was later applied to American tourists visiting foreign countries who behaved obnoxiously, waving their money, running their mouths, making demands of their hosts.

Doesn’t it seem that the tables have turned?

See other ‘comments worth noting and guest posts’ by clicking here.