Turkish President Recep Erdogan may have seen his opening as the world fixates on the spread of the coronavirus and American media can’t shut up about the lackluster Democrats and their campaign to defeat Donald Trump.
So, we follow the shiny objects the media has chosen for us as the next phase (will it be the final phase?) of the war on western civilization is unfolding at the Greek/Turkish border.
There is an excellent piece by Jared Peterson at American Thinker that explains how many European leaders are digging their graves because they don’t get it—Century after century, Islamic supremacist desires never rest.
Fighting the Muslim Re-Conquest of Europe on the Greece-Turkey Border
As Americans remain riveted to the corona virus and the nauseating vicissitudes of the Democrats’ battle to choose a presidential nominee — a choice now apparently winnowed down to the Marxist or the moron — this writer’s thoughts once again are drawn to events in Europe. The critical situation now unfolding day by day on the Greek-Turkish border may at first seem of minor concern to America, but in fact it’s a critical part of the overall struggle by patriots on both sides of the Atlantic to preserve Western Civilization.
The same forces working here to dissolve American civilization through mass migration and deliberately inculcated cultural self-loathing are busy in Europe pursuing the same goal by identical means. And the same traditional, patriotic segment of the population, guilty of the crime of loving their civilization and wanting to preserve it, resists cultural dissolution in both Europe and America. The commonality of the struggle is striking.
European patriots, however, face worse odds. Their governments are more ruthless in condemning patriotism and love of country (who knew those feelings made one a Nazi?), and Europeans’ history of submission to authority, and consequent ingrained passivity, make them less inclined to risk social condemnation to save themselves.
In 1683 Christian Armies defeated the Ottoman Turks at the Gates of Vienna saving Europe for Christendom. The Polish winged Hussars led what is described as the largest cavalry battle in world history destroying the Muslim hordes led by Kara Mustafa. Erdogan has not forgotten.
Last Saturday, the futility of a purchased peace with Islamist governments was once again revealed with striking clarity: Recep Erdogan explicitly cancelled the 2016 agreement and announced that his government would no longer halt or hinder the estimated 3.5 million non-Turkish Muslims already living in Turkey, and the hundreds of thousands more migrants who will now enter Turkey across its eastern border, in their westward movement across Turkey into Europe, via Greece.
Little more than a week after Erdogan’s announcement, scenes of chaos and violence just short of war are unfolding on the Greek-Turkish border. In the ancient Greek province of Thrace, where Turkey’s European-side province is separated from Greece by the River Evros, Greek soldiers and police, behind fences and barbed wire, face off against would-be border crossers numbering, depending on source, anywhere from 13,000 to 30,000, to 75,000. The numbers of would-be invaders and violence increase daily.
German language alternative web sites report that the mobs at the Greek border have not had to engage in all that much “trekking” across Turkey, that unmarked buses headed west — as many 5-6 per hour — depart from migrant camps in eastern Turkey, and that Erdogan’s state railroad assists with transporting the invaders to the Greek/EU/Turkish border.
Clearly, this second 21st century Muslim invasion of Europe is Turkey’s child.
After the amazing governmental capitulation and public passivity in Germany during 2015, Erdogan is smart enough to perceive that now is his chance to dramatically advance through migration what Kara Mustafa failed to achieve in 1683 through direct military invasion: The gradual but relentless Islamization of Europe.
It is a long article, but take a few minutes to focus on something other than viruses and Democrats and read it !
Note to PayPal donors! I want to thank all of you who send me donations for my work via PayPal. I very much appreciate your thoughtfulness. However, PayPal is making changes to their terms of service and I’ve decided to opt-out beginning on March 10, 2020.
As you all know by now the President submitted a refugee cap of 18,000 refugees to be admitted to the US between October 1, 2019 and September 30, 2020 (FY2020). Five months into the fiscal year, the number stands at just over 6,000 according to the Refugee Processing Center.
But, not counted in that number is a special category of nationals from Afghanistan and Iraq known as Special Immigrant Visa holders who supposedly worked with us during those two long wars. They are admitted with their families and are treated as refugees, but rarely mentioned.
(Don’t miss Daniel Greenfield’s piece on the “interpreter scam” where he did a deep dive into the numbers of Special Immigrant Visa holders, mostly Muslims, entering the US.)
Another 6,221 Afghans and 146 Iraqis were admitted (as SIVs) in this fiscal year (so far) bringing the total of those given all the benefits of refugee resettlement to 12,640 in the last five months.
I think we should get used to referring to the refugee numbers that way—adding together the regular refugees and the SIVs.
Here (below) is a map showing where the regular refugees were resettled.
The top ten ‘welcoming’ states are Washington, California, Texas, New York, Michigan, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Minnesota, and Ohio.
How many Muslims?
If you are wondering how many of the 6,273 regular refugees are Muslims, the number is 1,233. There is no Muslim ban!
Top Muslim sending countries so far this year:
Afghanistan: 514
Burma: 143
Iraq: 136
Syria: 115
Somalia: 80
Special Immigrant Visas…
So as I said above, so far this fiscal year we have admitted 6,221 Afghan SIVs.
In FY19 the number was 7,703, FY18 9,651 and in Trump’s first year FY17—a whopping 16,866!
There is no breakdown of religions for SIVs, but I suspect that virtually all of the Special Immigrant Visas are Muslims. If I am right and the vast majority are Muslims then 60% of the refugees/SIVs entering the US right now are Muslim.
There is also no map for SIVs, but there is a spreadsheet at the Refugee Processing Center.
See where most of the Afghan SIVs have been placed since FY07. Out of a total admissions number of 65,916. Five states have taken on most of the financial burden of these special ‘refugees.’
California: 24,307
Texas: 9,913
Virginia: 8,849
Washington: 3,806
Maryland: 3,506
Want to dig into these numbers yourself. See my post Knowledge is Power IV on how to use the Refugee Processing Center.
Note to PayPal donors! I want to thank all of you who send me donations for my work via PayPal. I very much appreciate your thoughtfulness. However, PayPal is making changes to their terms of service and I’ve decided to opt-out beginning on March 10, 2020.
And, if the violent attack wasn’t sickening enough, a staff attorney at juvenile court determined that his IQ was so low that he wouldn’t be able to help in his defense. The case was dropped.
‘I’ve been failed by the system’ | Teen walks free after neighbor says he broke her nose, left her in bruises
ST. LOUIS — A St. Louis woman feels like the judicial system failed her, after she said her teenage neighbor attacked her and walked away free.
Alicia Clarke said exactly a week ago she went for a quick run outside her south city home. When she came back, she noticed her shoes had been moved to a different spot and her cell phone was gone.
From there, she used Find My iPhone to search for it. The location said it was on her property grid. She used her work phone to call it.
“I open my back door to call it and I hear it in my neighbor’s backyard behind me,” Clarke said.
Clarke said she hopped the fence to get it and jumped back over to her yard. Another neighbor yelled out to her and said, “Hey, I told him, ‘I know you did this and I’m calling the police!'”
Clarke said that’s when the 6-foot teen jumped the fence and tackled her.
After the initial assault, he came back with a weapon (a screw driver), continue readingto see what happened next.
Clarke thought the fight was over. But when she went to juvenile court a few days later, she learned his case was dismissed.
“The most hurtful thing of all of this, is the dropped charges. That was much more hurtful than the physical assault,” Clarke said.
A juvenile court official said a staff attorney dropped the case before even going to the judge. The courts weren’t able to comment specifically on this incident, since it involves a juvenile. Clarke said she was told her accused attacker was found incompetent to aid in his own defense because he has an IQ of 49.
Alicia has a broken nose, staples in her head and stitches to the puncture wound under her eye.
Clark’s sister who wants the story told far and wide posted this additional information on her facebook page.
Hassan is a 15 year old refugee from Somalia who lives with his family. He is 6’ and approx 175lbs, much larger than my sister. He has broken into Alicia’s car 3 different times and broken into another neighbors house. The police were involved every single time and reported that nothing could be done since he was a minor. Surely this time would be different, though.
I haven’t seen much news lately about the “dumb deal” that Obama made to admit over a thousand asylum seekers that Australia had been holding for years in offshore detention camps, until this story from Saturday.
Of course, even as President Trump described the deal as a “dumb” one, he went along with it supposedly with extreme vetting determining who we would admit and who we would reject.
This story from theBrisbane Times is mostly about how one Rohingya escaped the detention camp and ultimately made it to Canada where he was granted asylum.
There is a bit at the end updating readers on where the number being sent to your US towns and cities stands today.
‘Never heard of anything like this’: Advocates stunned by Manus escape
Toronto, Canada: Refugee advocates have described a Rohingya asylum seeker’s escape from Australia’s offshore processing centre on Manus Island, and successful resettlement in Canada, as unprecedented and extraordinary.
Jaivet Ealom, 27, has spoken publicly for the first time about his high-risk and secretive journey to freedom in a series of interviews with The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age in Canada.
Political activist who used social media to pressure the Australian government, Iranian Behrouz Boochani, has permission to come to America as a refugee.
The department said 699 refugees have been resettled in America under the deal with the US government while another 26 have been resettled in other countries.
In November, Iranian asylum seeker Behrouz Boochani, author of the award-winning No Friend But the Mountains, travelled from PNG to New Zealand for a literary festival and overstayed his visa.
He said he had been offered resettlement in the US but was also open to resettlement in a third country.
Meet the Aussie Expats Fighting to Give Asylum Seekers A Fair Go
When entrepreneur and former fashion designer Fleur Wood heard that 1250 asylum seekers from Australia’s off-shore detention centres were being resettled in the US, she was struck with empathy.
It was 2016 and the men, women and children who had spent years languishing on Nauru and Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island would now be transferred to a country on the other side of the world as part of a deal between the Australian government and the Obama administration. After so much uncertainty and despair, this was their chance to start over – but not without enormous challenges.
Wood began building a network of Australians living in the US who were keen to help out, and in 2018 she co-founded the not-for-profit Ads-Up (Aussie Diaspora Steps Up) with fellow Australian Ben Winsor.
Their aim was to do what the Australian government would not: provide a social network and financial assistance to help refugees begin their lives in a new country.
For volunteers, connecting with refugees provides a chance to make amends in some small way for Australia’s inhumane treatment of asylum seekers. Says Wood, “Regardless of where you stand on the immigration issue, or whether you think these people should be allowed into Australia, you can’t deny the incredible human rights violations that they have suffered.”
The Australian government doesn’t provide regular information about Nauru and Manus Island, but according to the Refugee Council of Australia, 632 people have been resettled in the US.
Last June, Minister for Home Affairs Peter Dutton said the target of resettling 1250 refugees wouldn’t be met, hindering the Coalition’s goal of closing down the detention centres. US President Donald Trump was also famously scathing of the deal.
But Trump went along with the deal for over 600 detainees (so far) that Australia would not allow on its own soil. 600 plus is just as “dumb” as 1,250 in my view.
The practice of taking another (safe) country’s rejects is outside the normal accepted international resettlement procedure and should never have been encouraged.
‘We are all America’s‘ platform is here (they have not updated their refugee section obviously) and is focusing on the following states with their lobbying campaign: Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee and Texas.
I’m posting this news to show readers how organized the open borders left is.
Frankly, those of us concerned about too much immigration to America have nothing like this.
Republican Governor Ducey: Yes please! More refugees for Arizona!
Arizonasure looks like it is on the cusp of turning blue.
Recently the Republican governor was one of the first Republican governors out of the chute to oppose the President’s efforts to slow the refugee program and now the Republican Senate backs him because a bunch of refugee lobbyists descended on them (and because the Rs want the steady supply of cheap labor for their business pals.)
Pro-refugee resolution passes Arizona Senate after push from local activists
PHOENIX – As a Somali refugee and determined activist, Naruro Hassan is used to other people speaking on behalf of the refugee community.
Naruro Hassan
Yet she was finally able to make her own voice heard Feb. 10, when a group of more than 50 lobbyists for refugee rights joined her at the Arizona Capitol to attend legislative meetings and speak to senators one-on-one.
By day’s end, the Senate unanimously passed a pro-refugee resolution expressing gratitude for refugee contributions within the state. It’s waiting on a vote by the House.
The We Are All America coalition, which works to empower and support the refugee community across the country, organized Refugee Lobbying Day, an event meant to empower refugees in the community, make their voices heard on the topic of resettlement and encourage state legislatures to pass pro-refugee legislation.
The gang is all here, including CAIR!
We Are All America was joined by other organizations, including the Council on American Islamic Relations, Somali United, the International Rescue Committee of Phoenix, Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest and Arizona Jews for Justice.
I have no clue who is bankrolling ‘We are All America‘, but no surprise that two of the nine major refugee resettlement contractors that receive your tax dollars were in the mix.