Certain immigrants aren’t choosing red states, and red states won’t benefit!

“Immigrants ‘find their way’ to ______(city or state)!”

Joel Kotkin is a Presidential Fellow in Urban Futures at Chapman University

Although Joel Kotkin writing at New Geography doesn’t use that phrase I’ve come to hate, he implies it.

They don’t ‘find their way’ to your city by magic!

The majority of the cities he cites in his wrong-headed assessment of immigrant demographics are cities the US State Department and their nine major contractors CHOSE for refugee resettlement.  Once refugees from certain ethnic groups take up residence, those same contractors do the paperwork to bring in the family and others of that ethnic group—like Catholic Charities did with Kurds in Nashville.  Then secondary migrants of the ethnic group move there to set up their little Nation within our Nation.   Nashville is known now as Little Kurdistan (and it isn’t a positive thing!). Minneapolis is Little Mogadishu represented by Keith Ellison (as I said yesterday).

I believe that the State Department and the Left-leaning contractors are purposefully changing the demographics of cities in order to turn them from Red to Blue expecting the state to soon follow.

Immigrants largely vote for Democrats because they, for the most part, want to be taken care of by the government.

And, if cities are benefiting I’m not seeing it unless you count the federal welfare dollars that come to the cities with the refugees and other low-skilled immigrants.  As for the businesses they establish and Kotkin touts, they are funded by you, the taxpayer, through micro-loan programs also administered by the immigration contractors.  Furthermore, Kotkin isn’t factoring in the drain on the local school systems and the criminal justice system (Kurdish gangs in Nashville!).

Here is Kotkin (Why The Red States Will Profit Most From More U.S. Immigration) emphasis mine (hat tip: Richard Falknor, Blue Ridge Forum):

In recent years, the debate over immigration has been portrayed in large part as a battle between immigrant-tolerant blue states and regions and their less welcoming red counterparts. Yet increasingly, it appears that red states in the interior and the south may actually have more to gain from liberalized immigration than many blue state bastions.

Nashville the fastest growing immigrant city in U.S. Muslim Kurds and Somalis brought there by Catholic Charities.

Indeed an analysis of foreign born population by demographer Wendell Cox reveals that the fastest growth in the numbers of newcomers are actually in cities (metropolitan areas) not usually seen as immigrant hubs. The fastest growth in population of foreign born residents–more than doubling over the decade was #1 Nashville, a place more traditionally linked to country music than ethnic diversity. Today besides the Grand Old Opry, the city also boasts the nation’s largest Kurdish population, and a thriving “Little Kurdistan,” as well as growing Mexican, Somali and other immigrant enclaves.

Other cities are equally surprising, including #2 Birmingham, AL; #3 Indianapolis, IN; #4 Louisville, KY and#5 Charlotte, NC, all of which doubled their foreign born population between 2000 and 2011. Right behind them are #6 Richmond,VA, #7 Raleigh,NC , #8 Orlando, Fl, #9 Jacksonville,Fl and #10 Columbus, OH. All these states either voted for Mitt Romney last year or have state governments under Republican control [Just wait until all those immigrants of the last decade are voting!—ed]. None easily fit the impression of liberally minded immigrant attracting bastions from only a decade ago.

[I don’t know about Birmingham, but all of the other cities mentioned by Kotkin are cities aggressively being populated with refugees by federal refugee contractors.  Is it possible that the cities were thriving because they didn’t have a lot of immigrant poverty (until now!)?—ed]

Although the New York metropolitan area still has the greatest numeric growth in immigrants since 2000, a net gain of more than 600,000, there’s no question that the momentum lies with these fast growing immigrant hubs.The reasons are not too difficult to fathom. In the modern global economy, migrants represent the veritable “canaries in the coalmine”. They go to economic opportunities are often the greatest, which often means thriving places like Nashville, Raleigh, Charlotte, Columbus or #11 Austin, TX. Housing prices and business climate also seem to be a factor here; all these areas have lower home prices relative to income than many traditional immigrant hubs.

[Again, all US State Department refugee resettlement target cities—ed]

As a result, many immigrants are moving from their traditional “comfort zone” cities with historical larger immigrant populations — New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Chicago — to generally faster growing, more affordable cities.

This is insanity!  Studies show that the majority of new immigrants are a drain on the economy and that they take much more from public assistance than they return through paying taxes (most don’t make enough to pay taxes!).

Kotkin continues:

This is drastically reshaping the demographic future of the country. Over the past decade the increase in foreign born residents accounted for 44% of the nation’s overall population growth rate. With the U.S. birthrate heading downwards, at least for now, immigration represents perhaps the one way regions can boost their populations and energize their economies. It may be America’s biggest hope  as well in keeping Social Security and Medicare from collapse

[Ask the Germans and the French if their wholesale importation of immigrants saved them using this ridiculous supposition—ed]

It might be a surprise to Kotkin (maybe he really doesn’t know about refugee resettlement) or new readers here, but we knew and Catholic Charities knew that Nashville was being “changed” with the importation of Somalis and Kurds and others!

Kotkin concludes with this:

A decade ago, after all, who would have seen Nashville, the ultimate symbol of our country heritage, as a rising immigrant hub?

Readers, we have a whole category on Nashville(45 posts!), go here and weep.  My most cynical side wonders if indeed Nashville was targeted for Muslim immigration because it was the buckle of the Bible Belt—what an opportunity to stick it in the faces of rednecks.

Tennessean op-ed: Catholic Bishops must contribute more; consult communities

Update January 26th:  The Nashville Scene doesn’t like Barnett’s commentary, attacks Barnett Alinsky-style.  They are so predictable.

On the heels of my post yesterday about the US Conference of Catholic Bishops “National Migration Week” comes this zinger of an opinion piece from longtime observer of the federal government’s refugee resettlement program, Don Barnett, published in The Tennessean also yesterday (highlights are mine):

Refugee resettlement was once the work of self-supporting charities that invested their own resources and were directly responsible for outcomes. Today, it is the work of federal contractors who spend public resources and have no responsibility three months after the refugee has been “resettled.”

A July Government Accountability Office report, “Refugee Resettlement — Greater Consultation With Community Stakeholders Could Strengthen Program,” is critical of refugee contractors and how they place refugees in local communities across the U.S. In particular, the report cites lack of adequate consultation with local “stakeholders” before placing refugees in a community. The agencies that resettle refugees are compensated from 17 different federal programs tailored to refugee resettlement, as well as from numerous nonspecific grants and programs at the federal and state levels.

The largest resettlement contractor is the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), which resettles refugees through its affiliate, Catholic Charities.

As the GAO report notes, a network of contractors, known as “voluntary agencies,” “selects the communities where refugees will live. … Voluntary agencies consider various factors when determining where refugees will be placed, but few agencies we visited consulted relevant local stakeholders, which posed challenges for service providers.”

The report found that “… most public entities such as public schools and health departments generally said that agencies notified them of the number of refugees expected to arrive in the coming year, but did not consult them regarding the number of refugees they could serve before proposals were submitted to the (U.S. State Department).”

Since striking a deal in 2008 to manage the federal dollars for other, smaller refugee contractors in the state, Catholic Charities of Tennessee effectively runs refugee resettlement in Tennessee. Today, only 35 percent of its annual budget is dedicated to nonrefugee social services. As the GAO report notes, for organizations such as Catholic Charities, “funding is based on the number of refugees they serve, so affiliates have an incentive to maintain or increase the number of refugees they resettle each year rather than allowing the number to decrease.”

Sure enough, resettlement in Tennessee went up dramatically after 2008. In fact, since 2009, Tennessee has taken an average of about 1,450 refugees per year, a 62 percent increase over the average number resettled from 2004 to 2008. The total number of refugees resettled to the U.S. actually went down at the same time that Tennessee’s number of resettled refugees went up.

More refugees mean more government services, since the contractors assist the refugees for only three months or less in the vast majority of cases. Most refugees go into TennCare for varying periods of time. TennCare and other welfare programs such as Families First are used by refugees at much higher than average rates and are partially supported by state taxpayer dollars.

Refugee resettlement is very profitable for the nonprofits. There is a reason why refugee resettlement is Tennessee Catholic Charities’ biggest mission. All of its non-refugee social services are smaller, less lucrative and almost all are shrinking from year to year. Ironically, its national motto is: Working to Reduce Poverty in America.

USCCB took in an astonishing $72.1 million in revenue from refugee resettlement alone in 2011, 97 percent of which came from government contracts, grants and earnings from federal refugee programs. A significant portion of this money does not have to be shown as having been spent on refugees. In other words, millions flow to the contracting agency with no strings attached. (My personal favorite in this money racket: USCCB received $3.7 million in 2011 as a commission for collecting on the loans made by the U.S. government to refugees for airline tickets to the U.S. USCCB is under no obligation to spend any of this money on refugees.

Federal contractors will always act like federal contractors. But is it too much to ask refugee contractors to cover at least a portion of the costs borne by Tennessee taxpayers today? Is it too much to ask for more of a voice for the taxpayer who, after all, is the main stakeholder in this program?

‘Diversity is strength’ alert from Nashville, TN

We’ve got a bunch of new readers here at RRW lately, so I bet many of you don’t know that Nashville, TN is one of the hottest refugee resettlement cities in America thanks to the work of Catholic Charities which is running the state program and using your tax dollars to do it. In fact, it is so hot, we actually have a whole category just for “welcoming” Nashville (here).

Now here comes one of those joys-of-diversity reports (hat tip: a friend from Tennessee), entitled ‘Man attempts to rape cousin to prevent marriage.’



Metro police arrested a man Monday for attempting to rape his cousin in order to prevent her from getting married.

According to police affidavits, Alaa Mikhaiel does not like his cousin’s boyfriend and doesn’t want them to marry.

Mikhaiel, 26, went to her apartment Monday and persuaded her to get into his car.  He then drove the victim, against her will, to the Hamilton Creek boat ramp area.

Once there, Mikhaiel began pulling off the victim’s clothes while telling her “I’m going to rape you,” an affidavit stated.

The victim fought the suspect off until he finally opened her car door and shoved her out.

Had Mikhaiel raped his cousin, her boyfriend likely wouldn’t have married her to due to “Egyptian customs.”

Mikhaiel was charged with kidnapping, attempted rape and domestic assault.

He made bond and was released from jail Tuesday.

The “Egyptian customs” referenced here are most likely Muslim customs but we don’t know for sure—we do know they are not our customs.

We don’t take very many Egyptian refugees (YET!), however a whole batch of Egyptian diversity visa lottery (new seed immigration!) winners were reported in Tennessee a few years back, here, but they were identified at the time as Coptic Christians.   We bring in over 3000 Egyptians each year with the lottery.

Europe’s multi-culti nightmare: Kurds this time

Kurds (they are Muslims) are making the news these days.   We just had a report of a Kurdish refugee “welcomed” by Australia being found guilty of human trafficking.   Then earlier this summer we learned that young Kurds in Nashville (little Kurdistan!) are chief promoters of gang violence.   And, some European countries are deporting Kurds, here.

Looks like Kurds are scaring the ‘bejeezus’ out of Germany.  This ‘event’ happened two weeks ago, did you read about it or see it on your favorite TV news programs?  No! (I didn’t think so).

Here is the story at Frontpage magazine (hat tip: Judy):

“The festival gives expression to our demand for a peaceful coexistence of all humans with their different cultures, languages and traditions.”

– Proclamation of the festival’s organizers.

The beautiful, rosy multicultural paradise Europe’s leftists promised in the 1960s and ’70s manifested itself brilliantly again recently at a Kurdish festival in Mannheim, a German city in the south-western state of Baden-Wurttemberg. Almost as soon as the festival began, German police were set upon by hundreds of young Kurds who were encouraged “with words and applause” by thousands of others. When the shocking, hours-long savagery ended, eighty policemen were injured, one seriously, while “more than a dozen vehicles were destroyed” before order could be restored.

Martin Boll, a spokesman for Mannheim’s police, said he had never seen such violence in his 30 years of police service.

They had been allowed into Europe under the multicultural banner or asylum laws!

It was estimated 40,000 people, of whom 2,500 were regarded as “violent or violence-prepared,” attended the twentieth holding of this annual “multicultural” event. Most of the previous 19 Kurdish festivals had been held in the German state of Rhineland-Westphalia. An estimated 600,000 to 800,000 Kurds live in Germany, but Kurds had travelled from all over Europe for this year’s festival in Mannheim.

The riot began when officials of a security firm contracted by the festival’s organizers asked two policemen for assistance with a 14-year-old Kurdish youth who was refusing to give up a flag he was carrying of the banned Kurdish terrorist group, the Kurdish Workers’ Party (PKK).  Apparently angry at the police intervention, about 100 young Kurds “suddenly attacked the two policemen from behind and kicked them in the back.” The violence escalated from there as more police and thugs were drawn in.

Unfortunately, the Mannheim riot is not an isolated incident. Germans and other Europeans are becoming more accustomed to seeing their municipal police forces attacked by people who, for the most part, had been allowed into Europe under the multicultural banner or asylum laws. [Coming soon to a town near you?—ed]

Greatest worry for Germans?  The Police lost control.

It is not surprising that Germans are wondering what is going on in their country today. Many realize that multiculturalism is a destructive, failed policy and that they are destined to experience many more such violent, “culturally enriching” moments in the future. They question why people are being let into Germany who actually belong in jail rather than on their streets. But what appears to upset Germans most about the Mannheim riot, even more than the lack of arrests, is that the police lost control of the situation and actually had to retreat to safety, leaving the rioters in control of the area for hours until police reinforcements arrived.


Due to this loss of control on the part of the Mannheim police, some Germans are now worried whether security authorities will be able protect them when such inevitable rioting occurs again in future.

Get a gun if you wish to survive in this beautiful multi-culti world!

And if the police cannot enforce law and order, another reader asked, what could prevent such a “violence-prepared” mob from “breaking into houses, plundering and pillaging?”

The answer is nothing. The politicians are also not going to help correct the situation by sending large numbers of these miscreants back to their country of origin. So the only option left is, like in America, for the ordinary citizen to arm him- or herself, if one wants to survive in the “beautiful, new multicultural world” Europe has become.

There is more on what is happening in Europe—read it all!

Nashville: Muslim woman arrested/charged after threatening co-worker at Dell

This story is significant on many levels.

Nashville has become the home of thousands of Muslim “refugees” including large numbers of Somalis (although the news story I’m about to report does not say the arrested woman is Somali, she appears to be).  Catholic Charities (funded by you, the US taxpayer) works with refugees to get them jobs in various companies nearby.

Nashville is also home to Dell which was the focus of an aggressive campaign by CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) when it pushed workplace demands for religious accommodation on the company a number of years ago.

And, finally, take note of one phrase in the woman’s tirade:   “…this whole country will be Muslim soon.”   I have heard that phrase many times from Somali refugees in stories I’ve reported on, or from commenters to RRW.

From The Tennessean (Hat tip: The Religion of Peace, a website you should all visit daily).

A Nashville woman was charged with attempted terrorism Friday after investigators said she threatened to hurt co-workers at the South Nashville Dell facility last weekend.

The trouble began when a CEVA Logistics employee said his co-worker Amal Ahmed Abdullahi, 29, of Zermatt Avenue, approached him during his shift last Saturday.

According to a release from Metro police, Abdullahi told the employee that “her people were dying for Allah every day; that she was ready to die for Allah; that this whole country will be Muslim soon; that this country is full of non-believers and that this place (her work place) is full of non-believers; that all unbelievers should die; that her life starts after death; that her life is not here, nobody pays attention to her and she should pick up a gun and shoot all these people.”

CEVA Logistics signed the arrest warrant as the prosecutor against Abdullahi, accusing her of intimidating/coercing a civilian population.

Metro police spokesman Don Aaron said Friday that he was not immediately aware of anyone previously being charged with attempted terrorism in Nashville.

Local Muslim mouthpiece:  Islam is a religion of peace

Still, news of the arrest was enough to send shock waves through Nashville’s Muslim community.

“We are very saddened to hear this, that one of our people acted this way,” said Amir Arain, spokesman for the Islamic Center of Nashville. “Islam condemns violence of all forms and condones peaceful coexistence and love for our neighbors..”

So, what happened at Dell several years ago?

Here is one of several accounts reported in 2005.  This is from Militant Islam Monitor:

Psychological Jihad was being waged last week at the offices of Dell computers after Somali Muslim temporary workers walked off their jobs and claimed they were not being given prayer time. The situation was exploited by Islamist organisations such as the Council of American Islamic Relations, and the Human Rights Commission, who intimidated Dell into giving into the workers demands which included monetary benefits such as back salaries for time off additional undisclosed payments. It is highly symbolic that this ‘Jihad byDa’wa ‘ is taking place at Dell, one of the world’s leading computer firms ,owned by Michael Dell, one of the richest men in the country, who ‘happens’ to be Jewish. The fact that Dell dominates the computer market in Israel could be another reason why CAIR wants to portray them as ‘anti Muslim’ and threaten a boycott of their products.

The audacity of temporary workers demanding that their religous ‘needs’ be accomodated has nothing to do with freedom of religion or civil rights. It is an attempt to bring Islam into the American workplace under the guise of ‘tolerance and diversity’. Even more alarming is that Dell has agreed to give employees training in the ‘requirements’ of Muslims…

Read it all!

New readers:  Because Nashville, and Tennessee generally, has become an important focal point for Muslim political agitation and the resultant push-back from anti-jihadists we have a whole category on Nashville, here.