Refugee news round-up July 16, 2017

I tried this previously, and will try it again because there is way too much refugee news for me to keep up with.
Thanks to all of you for sending me stories (most I tweet, if I don’t post) and I read a lot that you should know about, but haven’t time to post it all.  Therefore, I am trying again to simply give you links to follow on your own.
(Not to be confused with my occasional weekly and monthly round-ups of RRW top stories)
~’Charities’ freak out as Italy tries to slow the flow of African migrants to the country. From The Independent:
~Turkey’s great wall is nearing completion! From Al-Monitor:
~Canada granting asylum to too many, and that is why some Canadians prefer Trump to Trudeau.  From The New York Post:

Here come the “replacements.”

~White South Africans face genocide, why aren’t they admitted as refugees? From WND:
~Derbyshire: Trump could put white South Africans in his determination for FY18 due in September. From VDARE:
~Europe’s Afghan crime wave out of control. From The National Interest:
~Heritage allows a twenty-something to set their refugee policy and Forbes publishes it! Nuts!
~French Archbishop says the “great replacement” is underway in Europe. From Christian Today:
~ For all of you who have asked how ‘citizens’ are voting who can’t speak a word of English, here is the answer. From the Unz Review:
More later ….
This post is cross-filed in my archive for the ‘Invasion of Europe,’ here.

News roundup February 8, 2017

Editor:  Because the issue continues to be hot (and I’m getting so many new readers)—swamped with e-mails, facebook messages, phone calls to return, media requests to respond to, and comments to posts etc.—I am taking some time today to clean up my mess.
Update: LOL! I am reading e-mails including hate mail.  One, who hates Trump and me, sent his screed with one of those privacy notices at the bottom and reminded me that I was not permitted to post it.  What a chicken!
The number of articles involving refugees is exploding!  Here are just some from the last day or so for your reading ‘pleasure.’
And, btw, a request for information from a grassroots activist reminds me to remind you to see ‘FAQs! Finding stuff’ at the top of this page, click here.  You can find a link to your state refugee coordinators, contact information for your city’s refugee resettlement contractors, and a link to a post about ‘ten things town needs to know’ among other useful information.
To all of my new readers, you might want to use our search window and enter your state’s name to see what we have written about it over the years.  Also, if you want to see everything I have said on the Trump EO, see my category Trump Watch! by clicking here.  My statement to reporters is here.

Below are ten articles, in no particular order of importance, to see today!  (I may add to this list as the day goes on!)

Judicial watch files suit for refugee travel loans

Sen. Tom Cotton: Time to Cut Immigration Levels, Shift Focus to Helping American Citizens First

EU blocks refugees from Libya, somehow Trump is attacked

Expert: Refugee ‘Chain Migration’ Puts Foreign Labor First

Nonprofits Formally Take Over Federal Refugee Program in Texas

Another 22 refugees brave cold to illegally cross U.S.-Manitoba border

Fake news on Christian ‘refugee’ numbers

Trump proven right: Media spinning terror stories

100 Syrian Refugees Rush into Country After Seattle Judge Halts Trump Executive Order

White House Weighs Terrorist Designation for Muslim Brotherhood


Travel ban could mean layoffs for Lancaster, PA Church World Service

Christian Churches work to increase refugee resettlement in Arkansas

Refugee Resettlement Fraud Part IV: Refugee Vetting And The Trump EO

News roundup: what you might have missed over the holiday weekend

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving 2016 with family and friends and are now rested and ready to continue the revolution to make America great again!
While you were away, I posted what I think are very important stories, and because I want to be sure you got them all (some of you reported that you didn’t get my post on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (9/11 mastermind) telling interrogators that the Islamists plan to take over America by immigration and out-breeding us), I’m listing here a series of posts I wrote since the day you got in the car (or on a plane) to head to grandma’s house for Thanksgiving!

Grassley and Goodlatte blast Obama Admin on secret Australian ‘refugee’ deal

Not good: Nikki Haley to be Trump Ambassador to United Nations

Australian press thinks its unlikely US will take rejected ‘refugees’ off their hands

9/11 Mastermind says the goal of Al-Qaeda is to takeover America through immigration

Trump has power to stop refugee flow, will he also slow flow of our $$$ to UN?

Maine immigration lawyer: we are too old and too white!

Migrants looking for economic opportunity and running from gangs/violence are NOT refugees

We should all be Geert Wilders, use your free speech while you have it!

German court: Syrian ‘refugees’ may not be refugees by definition

Lancaster County, PA refugee economic study is misleading

Students at William and Mary pushing for refugee resettlement for Williamsburg, VA

Turkey threatens to unleash millions of Syrian Muslims on Europe (again)

Cut the crap! Australia ‘refugee’ deal is about the Australian public not wanting any more Muslim migrants

Sorry (to those of you who look for it), I didn’t get around to a weekly round-up of top posts again this past week, but will do a round-up for the month of November later this week. By the way, if you haven’t noticed there is a right hand sidebar here at RRW entitled Top Posts where the posts being most read over the last day or so are listed. There is a really old post about the Clintons and Podesta trending for some reason.

News round-up for Monday, October 31, 2016

shutterstock_136997168Because there is way too much happening, here is another News Round-up of stories that interested me, but for which I have no time to post!
(Don’t confuse this round-up with my usual ‘Top posts of the week’ which I skipped this past week. Will do an October round-up tomorrow for hot news at RRW over the last month).
Listed here in no particular order:
Seventeen migrant men attack two women in Freiburg, Germany
Migrants moved from “The Jungle” at Calais, France to Alpine resort, want out of there ASAP
Canada admitted tens of thousands of Syrians, now all the relatives want in too!
Australia bars any rejected (boat people) asylum seekers from ever entering Australia again
Taqiyya at St. Ann Catholic Church in Arlington and more here: No questions allowed! (featuring one of our all-time favorites—Anastasia Brown)
Keep an eye on new pro-Palestinian Socialist UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres
Automation and advancements in technology will make jobs scarce for unskilled immigrant labor
Mogadishu, Minnesota: Somali activists upset by coming film about “recruitment” etc. in Minnesota
Federal pre-election coverup of US Southern border invasion.
Hillary’s America is already here—in Michigan!
More later…….

News round-up for Friday, October 14, 2016


shutterstock_136997168I’m going to be away. I hope I will have time to write, but if not here are some recent news items for your weekend reading:

296 Somalis in Minnesota diagnosed with ACTIVE TB, top refugee TB state in nation
Scary: Global identity system for a world with shifting borders
Hillary’s public vs. private positions (including on Syrian refugees)
Robert Spencer: massive flood of new immigrants from Muslim nations
Overburdened German cities tell refugees to get out
See my new ‘News Round-up’ category for some other useful stories during the last week.