But, the radicals in the White House, including Susan Rice, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken wanted the refugee ceiling bumped up to 62,500 for the remainder of the year.
Years ago, care for the Unaccompanied Alien Children was shifted to the Office of Refugee Resettlement which is in the Department of Health and Human Services and is thus the root of today’s problem—an agency in crisis as it attempts to deal with thousands of children who are not refugees illegally arriving at our borders at the express invitation of the Biden administration when its original mission was to manage refugees selected for admission to the US.
Here is Politicoon the internal scuffle using just the nicest tones they can muster so as not to make it sounds like the Biden ship is foundering.
I am laughing to myself because this sort of internal squabbling during the Trump years would have been blown sky high by corporate media with the help of deep state leakers in a way to make Trump look foolish.
Somebody, other than Saint Joe, has to be the fall-guy in the dream administration’s first major public relations fiasco and it looks like the long knives in the White House have found their man.
For a little chuckle, watch Biden announcing his pick for HHS Secretary butcher the name of the Department of Health and Human Service before butchering Becerra’s name in the first minute of this youtube video.
Becerra’s cautious border play rankles White House
Xavier Becerra spent decades urging congressional leaders to support liberalized legal immigration. But he’s sounding a different note as Health secretary, responsible for caring for upwards of 21,000 migrant children.
Biden’s kids in cages!
Becerra has argued for maintaining the historically low Trump-era cap on refugee admissions to the U.S., according to two people with knowledge of the matter, for fear of stretching the already-thin resources of his department’s refugee office.
His insistence on a more cautious approach to immigration policy has, moreover, contributed to his shaky standing with some quarters of a fast-paced White House where senior aides have spent weeks pressing the Health department to speed its intake of thousands of children at the southern border, and bristled at what friends and skeptics alike described as Becerra’s at times deliberate manner.
“He cares about raising the caps — but let’s take one challenge at a time,” one person close to Becerra said of his mindset. “Emotionally, he’s there. But he’s always a pragmatist.”
Becerra apparently had some common sense!
President Joe Biden in April initially agreed to keep the refugee limit in place, siding with Becerra and overruling top officials including Secretary of State Antony Blinken. But the blowback from immigration advocates and Democrats on Capitol Hill was immediate and intense, and Biden has since reversed course.
Becerra in the meantime has been privately frustrated by the White House’s rush to ease a series of immigration guardrails well before he was confirmed to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, allies said, including a key decision to allow unaccompanied immigrant children to remain in the country.
That responsibility for caring for unaccompanied children has landed chiefly on HHS’ Office of Refugee Resettlement, which also handles foreigners seeking refugee status, though the two operations are not intertwined.
For Becerra, a relative latecomer as one of Biden’s last Cabinet officials to be confirmed, it represents an early and steep management test.
And it comes after years in Congress and state government as a vocal immigrant-rights advocate who pressed both Democratic and Republican administrations to take more aggressive efforts to overhaul the immigration system and “open the doors of opportunity” for those coming to the U.S. Becerra frequently invokes the experiences of his immigrant Mexican parents and once chided fellow Latinos for “running from their heritage” in advocating for tough immigration restrictions.
Although we have no idea where large numbers of the ‘children’ will be placed in facilities around the US (unless information leaks out like in this North Carolina case), you can see where some of the mostly teenagers have been placed with sponsors through the end of March.
State and county data is available. Don’t miss the fact that tens of thousands were placed during Trump’s tenure.
Where have the refugees, placed via the US Refugee Admissions Program, gone so far this fiscal year?
Call your local elected representatives at the city or county level and ask if your community is being selected to ‘welcome’ either the illegal aliens invading our southern border now, or are being asked to become a refugee resettlement site as I reported recently about Winchester, Virginia.
If the answer is yes, you must get to work to create controversy where you live.
Editor: For a month or so there wasn’t much news on the US Refugee Admissions Program as the Biden White House flipped and floppedon the subject of admission numbers for this fiscal year so I was writing a weekly roundup of refugee news. However, now, because there is so much news, I’ll need to go back to daily, or almost daily posting.
Do you remember those “No Fear” T-shirts teens were wearing a few decades ago? I think of those shirts every time I hear from Michelle Malkin. (No longer invited on respectable Ha! Ha! Fox News, but be sure to catch her on Newsmax).
Ready or not, here they come. Thanks to Joe Biden, America the Weary will soon open its doors to another 62,500 low-skilled foreigners from the Third World. The sovereign citizens in neighborhoods across our nation where these newcomers will be dumped will have no say in these decisions. Zip. Zilch. Nada.
Open borders judges made sure that the wants and needs of ordinary Americans would be subordinated to those of the refugee resettlement racket. There is no recourse under U.S. law to reestablish local control of the process.
Instead, the United Nations, the U.S. State Department and their globalist partners in the “faith” community (who rake in billions of dollars in tax subsidies off the backs of refugees and at the expense of voiceless citizens) will dictate who gets in and who moves where.
It will be mostly young low-skilled Americans forced to compete with the influx of 22,000 Africans, 6,000 East Asians, 4,000 Europeans and Central Asians, 5,000 Latin Americans and Caribbean nationals, 13,000 Near Easterners and South Asians, and another 12,500 refugees from unspecified countries. (Hint: Look for a “Green New Dealer” to ram a bunch of future Democratic-voting “climate refugees” into the mix.)
The numbers don’t lie. Replacement theory*** isn’t a theory. It’s a grim reality.
Read it, get it distributed widely, and buy Malkin’s book!
Pockets of Resistance!
And, as I said in my post on Winchester, Virginia a week ago, the only recourse you have now is to make political noise locally.
If the federal resettlement contractors become aware of a vocal “unwelcoming” local community they have been known to move to where they will find less resistance.
***And, don’t miss my post at ‘Frauds and Crooks.’
They are all happy, happy, happy that the Biden/Harris (Harris/Biden?) Administration hasflip-flopped and flipped itself back to its original goal of moving 62,500 refugees to Anytown, USA by September 30th, the end of the present fiscal year.
On October first they plan to up that number to 125,000 for fiscal year 2022.
And, just to remind you again, these migrants will be chosen by the United Nations and placed in your towns by nine federal contractors*** in addition tothe tens/hundreds of thousands flowing in illegally across our borders.
So who is praising Biden this week besides the nine contractors?
First up is Big Meat!
I have dozens and dozens of posts here at RRW from over a decade of writing about how the meatpacking industry (Big Poultry too) has changed the heartland by its greedy desire for a cheap and plentiful supply of immigrant labor.
I drove around the West and Midwest in 2016 to see for myself how towns like Ft. Morgan, Colorado have been changed forever by the refugee workers, like these Somalis who were demanding additional time in their work day to practice their Islamic faith, who were imported for the meat industry.
If you are interested in writing a book, I have done a lot of research for you!
Meatpackers praise Biden decision to increase refugee allotment
The North American Meat Institute today praised President Biden’s decision Monday to increase the number of refugees admitted to the United States – 62,500, up from the Trump administration’s limit of 15,000.
In an email to The Hagstrom Report, the Meat Institute said, “President Biden’s decision to increase the number of refugees is positive news for the meat and poultry industry. Meat packers and processors have employed those in the refugee community because they are hardworking and dependable. Finding a stable workforce is always a challenge….
In 2020, the Los Angeles Times noted that the meatpacking industry is dependent on refugees as employees.
You will see in my ‘Meatpacker’ archive that the refugee contractors (below) work closely with Big Meat to help them acquire a steady supply of workers.
Apparently happy to help Big Meat find workers too!
CAIR Welcomes President Biden’s Increase of Refugee Cap from Historic Low, Pledge to Next Year Expand to 125,000
In a statement, CAIR Director of Government Affairs Department Robert S. McCaw said:
“CAIR welcomes President Biden’s decision to raise the nation’s 2021 refugee cap to 62,500 and his pledge to increase the cap to 125,000 in 2022. Raising the nation’s refugee cap from its historic low was the morally correct decision and a first step to undoing the prior administration’s xenophobic policy of punitively targeting those seeking refuge in our nation as part of an effort to maintain systemic anti-Black racism and white supremacy.
“The American Muslim community is determined to ensure the rights of every immigrant are upheld and our nation remains a place of safe haven for refugees and asylum seekers.”
LOL! And then CAIR can happily use the imported workers to demand Islamic accommodation in the workplace!
The Episcopal Church is cheering Biden!
More refugees means more money for them!
Here is the press release from the Episcopal Church. It is one of nine federal contractors that will now be getting a new traunch of federal bucks, your tax dollars, to place refugees throughout the country.
I’m posting their whole gobbledygook press statement here and suggesting they need a new writer in their Government Relations Office:
Rev. Dr. C.K. Robertson, canon to the Presiding Bishop, happy that Biden will be sending them more money so they can help serve “vulnerable” refugees.
Today President Biden followed through on his promise to raise the Fiscal Year 2021 refugee cap from 15,000 to 62,500. The Episcopal Church commends President Biden for recognizing the United States’ obligation to protecting some of the most vulnerable individuals in our world. The Episcopal Church has called on the United States and other wealthy nations to “contribute to resettlement, establish and maintain safe and orderly humanitarian protection for refugees, internally displaced persons, and other migrants seeking long-term solutions and safety.” Given that the Episcopal Church has put these words into practice through its refugee resettlement work with Episcopal Migration Ministries and the welcoming work of its parishes, we appreciate the White House has done the same with its campaign promises to expand refugee resettlement and strengthen the refugee program.
“Today’s decision was a very important moment to mark a return to form for the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program and the United States’ commitment to refugees,” said the Rev. Dr. C.K. Robertson, canon to the Presiding Bishop, “for decades we’ve seen Republican and Democratic administrations make robust refugee resettlement an important part of their immigration and foreign policy and appreciate that the Biden administration will follow in their footsteps to serve these populations. The Episcopal Church also commends the work of its members and staff who have been instrumental in advocating for the refugee program and refugees in recent weeks. “The Episcopal Church has a long history of welcoming the stranger and we’re incredibly proud that our members met with and contacted their members of Congress to encourage the Biden Administration to meet its 62,500 pledge,” said Demetrio Alvero.“We stand ready to work with the administration to implement this new goal and its future efforts to expand refugee resettlement in Fiscal Year 2022.”
Alvero is not identified in that release, but here he is as Director of Operations of their Migration department. That means he is the church’s lobbyist.
The Episcopal Church has obviously determined that we have run out of poor Americans to care for.
Or, is it that there are lucrative government grants and contracts available to them for moving the third world to America and helping supply Big Meat and other global corporations with their worker pawns?
I could go on and on with woke ‘religious’ charities singing the praises of the Biden decision to put Foreigners First, but this is getting too long already.
Unhappy are American taxpayers who must pay for the importation of cheap migrant labor and new Democrat voters all the while watching their towns and cities changed forever.
***In case you are new to RRW, here are all of the nine contractors that have monopolized all refugee distribution in the US for decades.
They worked to ‘elect’ Biden/Harris andlobby for open borders. As taxpayers you pay them millions annually to change America by changing the people.
Two of the contractors, the USCCB and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service are also paid to find locations for the Unaccompanied Alien Children.
This is Dadaab in Kenya, one of the largest refugee camps in the world. It is where most of our Somali refugees lived before coming to America (including Rep. Ilhan Omar). Kenya wants the camp closed by June 2022. So where do you think thousands of the 430,000 housed there now will go? Anytown, USA? https://www.dw.com/en/kenya-to-close-2-refugee-camps-next-year/a-57382561
***Update***Another Letter writersays he is happy refugees will be placed in his “rural community” where people know and love their neighbors. The point is that when Church World Service does its work, they soon won’t know their neighbors.
Editor: This is a follow-up to my post on Saturday:
A letter writer who lives in Frederick County (Winchester is the county seat) is critical of the plan to begin moving Biden’s refugees into the city.
But as interesting as the letter is, it is the comments that are most informative.
First, hereis the letter from county resident Dale Watten to the Winchester Star:
Letter to the editor: Winchester wrong location for refugee settlement
I think that Winchester is the wrong place and this is the wrong time to place a refugee resettlement office in our community. As Kim Herbstritt pointed out, Winchester does not have any excess housing, much less affordable housing for refugees. Our schools are overflowing as are the English as second language classes. After a year of COVID lockdowns and business closures, I don’t think this area has enough jobs for our own citizens let alone foreign refugees who can’t speak English.
I don’t think rural America should have to bear the burden of the Biden administration’s misguided policies that most of us in rural America did not vote for. Might I point out what has happened to once lovely Minneapolis in large part due to refugee resettlement. Send the refugees to NYC, San Francisco or Biden’s home state of Delaware. Don’t send them to Winchester. I strongly urge Winchester City Council to reject the proposed refugee resettlement office.
Dale Watten
Now, check out the comments.
They have devolved into controversy mostly between two commenters, one arguing that rural people (mostly Trump supporters!) should basically shut up about what the city does, demonstrating the great and growing divide between rural and urban America.
The fact is, and what readers need to know is, that once a resettlement office is established, refugees may be placed up to 100 miles of that office.
And the other area of discussion relates to the illegals flooding our southern border and whether Winchester will end up being the recipient of some of those illegal aliens, demonstrating exactly what supposedly Biden, or at least whoever is Joe’s brain, feared when expanding refugee admissions in the middle of the border crisis.
I found this tiny segment of aPolitico storyfrom Monday of interest.
The story is about the flip-flop-flipping the White House has been doing for the last couple of months on the issue of setting the refugee cap at a level 4 times higher than Trump had left it.
Near the end of Politico‘s report is this bit of information.
Biden, or his other brain, feared conflation of the two issues—expanded refugee resettlement and the border invasion would be one and the same in the minds of the increasingly angry general public:
Several sources have said that Biden himself has expressed distress over immigration issues overall and raised concern about lifting the cap before the system could catch up. The White House has also been sensitive to thesteady stream of bad press coming from conservative media about the border and predicted that if Biden announced a large number of refugees would be allowed in on top of it, critics would purposely conflate the two issues to accelerate a “open borders” false narrative.
There is nothing false about it, the Biden administration has gone full-on Open Borders and they know their time is limited to flood America as the 2022 Midterm elections loom!
The vast majority of Americans will see this for exactly what it is—an invasion run by Democrats to relocate poverty from every corner of the world and thereby putting Americans Last!
You have been told what they fear, and so it is incumbent on you to make sure the “steady stream of bad press” keeps coming!
Get some pockets of resistance going!
As I said yesterday, call your local government officials and find out if your community is being fingered as a new home to the third world, and if so, make your views known just as Frederick County, Virginia resident Dale Watten did yesterday.
But, be prepared for the vile verbal attacks that will come from the Socialist Leftwing pressing Harris/Biden for double 62,500 for admission to the US in FY22 which begins in less than five months.
Oh he mentioned immigration—“our war over immigration,” he called it—-but the word “refugee” does not appear in the text of his simplistic speech seemingly geared to a middle school reading level, given to a mostly empty House chamber, before a largely odd-looking bunch of masked (vaccinated!) so-called American leaders.
It must have been a hilarious spectacle for our enemies around the world. I tried to watch it, I really did, but just couldn’t stand it for more than a half an hour.
Formerly Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
Yesterday, refugee contractor HIAS, in an e-mail to supporters, indicated that they had high hopes that there would be a renewed enthusiasm by Mr. Biden to expand the number of refugees to be admitted and that he would reaffirm that desire to the nation last night.
Nope! He didn’t.
Dear friend,
Tonight at 9 p.m. ET, President Biden will make his first joint address to Congress since taking office.
HIAS will be watching his remarks closely.
You probably followed the news last week, when the Biden administration announced plans to keep the number of refugees resettled in the U.S. at its all-time low level. Advocates like you immediately and fiercely called upon the administration to reverse the decision, and within hours, the administration committed to raising the refugee admissions ceiling by May 15.
The new deadline is less than three weeks away.
The e-mail goes on to urge supporters to keep the pressure on the White House.
Signed: The HIAS Team
Here is the textof Biden’s ‘government-is-here-to-take-care-of-you’ speech in which he mentions immigration. The ‘R-word’ is missing.
As you read this, think about the fact that the Obama/Biden administration had EIGHT YEARS to lead an effort to fix “our war over immigration” and it failed to do so.
Now Biden is tossing this hot potato to Nancy and (LOL! ) to Kamala…
Read it all, but here is the section on immigration.
Let’s end our exhausting war over immigration.
For more than 30 years, politicians have talked about immigration reform and done nothing about it. [Joe forgets that he was there for those 30 years and more!—-ed]
It’s time to fix it.
Biden: I am leaving it to the giddy girls to fix it! Wouldn’t you have loved to be a fly on the wall at Xi Jinping’s house as he watched this performance.
On Day One of my presidency, I kept my commitment and I sent a comprehensive immigration bill to Congress [Hot potato toss to Nancy—ed].
If you believe we need a secure border – pass it.
If you believe in a pathway to citizenship – pass it.
If you actually want to solve the problem – I have sent you a bill, now pass it.
We also have to get at the root of the problem of why people are fleeing to our southern border from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador.
The violence. The corruption. The gangs. The political instability. Hunger. Hurricanes. Earthquakes.
When I was Vice President, I focused on providing the help needed to address these root causes of migration.
It helped keep people in their own countries instead of being forced to leave. [What the heck is he talking about. They came throughout the Obama/Biden eight years!—ed]
Our plan worked.
But the last administration shut it down.
I’m restoring the program and asked Vice President Harris to lead our diplomatic efforts. [Hot potato toss to Kamala, but didn’t he do that about a month ago?–ed]
I have absolute confidence she will get the job done.
Now, if Congress won’t pass my plan – let’s at least pass what we agree on.
Congress needs to pass legislation this year to finally secure protection for the Dreamers – the young people who have only known America as their home.