Minnesota Republican candidate for governor tells Breitbart radio he would seek to end refugee resettlement in the state if elected

And, I was surprised to see that in a recent poll he is only five points behind the Democrat candidate for governor.  Minnesotans who want to save their state need to get to work!

For inspiration, re-visit this 2015 post where Minnesota’s present Democrat Governor told Minnesotans to leave the state if they didn’t like the diversity he was welcoming!

By the way, in every state and district, all of you concerned about immigration should make sure that someone is at Democrat campaign stops from now until November to bring up the question of refugee resettlement, the border wall, sanctuary cities, migrant crimes etc.  Get the candidate on the record!

This is your best chance this year to get YOUR views out past the mainstream media filter!

From Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart:

Minnesota GOP Gubernatorial Nominee: Time to End Refugee Resettlement in State

Jeff Johnson make MN red
Johnson with running mate:   https://blogs.mprnews.org/capitol-view/2018/06/jeff-johnson-i-want-trumps-backing/

Minnesota Republican gubernatorial nominee Jeff Johnson says it is time to end the federal government’s refugee resettlement program in the state.

Johnson told Breitbart News’s deputy Washington political editor Amanda House on Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Sunday that if elected he will go to Washington, D.C. and deliver that message to the Trump administration officials in charge of the Refugee Admissions Program.

“Here, we have the issue of becoming a sanctuary state or not. My Democrat opponent actually has signed on to becoming a sanctuary state, which I think is absolutely insane,” Johnson said.

“We also have a refugee issue in Minnesota. We have been more generous and accepted more refugees than any other state in the country. Not by a little, but by a lot,” he added.

“What I have called for is that we end our participation in that [federal refugee resettlement] program, at least until we get answers to the questions of cost, and start addressing the issue of whether the refugees that are here are succeeding or not, because many of them aren’t. The unemployment rate is extremely high among the Somali population in Minnesota,” Johnson said.

“If you include state and federal spending, [the cost of supporting refugees is] in the hundreds of millions of dollars. We don’t know what the number is though, because the Legislative Auditor, which is a very well respected non-partisan office, was charged with trying to figure that out, and the answer they came back with was, well no one keeps track of that and no one asks the right questions,” he added.

On this issue of getting at the costs of refugee resettlement. Every time someone who wants to restrict refugees asks, he or she is told there simply is no good data on what refugees cost the taxpayer.

Then I want to know how the Open Borders gang, like Welcoming America!, comes up with studies that say unequivocally that refugees BENEFIT the economy.  Where are they getting their numbers? Or are they just not trying to find out the true costs?

Leahy continues:

“There is an existing lawsuit that Tennessee has gotten involved with. Would you be willing to jump on board that lawsuit?” House asked.

“Absolutely I would consider that,” Johnson responded.

Leahy then tells readers about two big issues for Minnesota involving refugees: health issues especially high rates of TB, and the issue of MN producing jihadists!

The latest poll shows Johnson trails his Democrat rival in the governor’s race, Rep. Tim Walz (D-MN-01) by five points, 46 percent to 41 percent.

More here.

I’ve written literally hundreds of posts on Minnesota over the last 11 years and have been to the state twice to see for myself.  Go here for my Minnesota archive.

Another Uzbek refugee sentenced to prison on terrorism charges

We have reported on the case of Jamshid Muhtorov for several years, click here for background.  The other Uzbek jihadist making the news lately is Fazliddin Kurbanov.

jamshid nbc
A Muslim refugee who was frustrated and angry about life in the U.S.

Yesterday a judge in Colorado sentenced Muhtorov to 11 years for conspiring to aid a terrorist group in Uzbekistan.  The AP story is entitled:

Uzbek refugee given 11 years for supporting terror group

What is so noteworthy about that headline?

The fact that the word refugee is used. Back in the day (LOL! when I first started writing this blog!), the headline would have read “Colorado man given 11 years for supporting terror group.”

The article would have then given only his name leaving you wondering where he came from and how he got here!

Little by little the times are changing and refugees who commit crimes are being identified.

Continue reading “Another Uzbek refugee sentenced to prison on terrorism charges”

13 more of Australia’s rejected asylum seekers are headed to Yourtown, USA

And, many have mental challenges after five years of all-male detention on Manus Island says refugee activist. Oh joy!

Manus Island refugees
Some of these single men who have been in detention for five years will soon be free in your American neighborhood!

Of course we are not told where the 13 (probably all Muslims) are going to be placed in America.

Just when I had been thinking that maybe the Trump Administration was quietly forgetting about the Obama “dumb deal” with Australia, here comes the news from Radio New Zealand:


13 Manus refugees flown to the US for resettlement

Continue reading “13 more of Australia’s rejected asylum seekers are headed to Yourtown, USA”

750 “faith” groups and “faith” leaders tell the President that they want 75,000 additional third worlders admitted to US beginning October first

They cite their “collective scriptural mandate” as the reason for their demands that you, the American taxpayer, pay for their ‘religious’ charity.

Honestly, this is probably one of the most maddening aspects of this subject—-why on earth do they think the Bible says that government must take care of the poor?

Why can’t these “faith” leaders find ways to take care of the impoverished in the world (starting in their own towns!) using their own money!

(Or they can volunteer to help the third world in the third world!)


greek refugees
Your new neighbors? I had to laugh about the photo the Christian Post uses to illustrate this news.  Do these ‘refugees’ in Greece make you want to invite them home?  Where is the photo of  mothers and babies? And, why is one guy laughing?  Maybe because they fooled these Europeans!


Is your church lobbying the President? See below…. Continue reading “750 “faith” groups and “faith” leaders tell the President that they want 75,000 additional third worlders admitted to US beginning October first”

Former State Department employee: virtually impossible to vet refugees

Adding a knowledgeable and experienced voice to the on-going debate in the White House on possible refugee admission numbers for FY19, don’t miss Mary Doetsch writing at the Daily Caller yesterday on the question of security screening of refugees.




As refugee contractors — who make money on every refugee they resettle — break into hyper-lobbying mode to demand that the Trump administration resettle “at least 75,000” in the coming fiscal year, the recent lies and criminal activity of five refugees who were resettled via the fraud-laden U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) are, once again, being willfully ignored.

we are all america tweet
This is part of the refugee industry’s extensive and well-funded media campaign to pressure the President in to agreeing to admit 75,000 refugees beginning in five weeks.

Four improperly deemed “refugees” were charged with murder, lying to gain admission into the United States, and immigration benefits, among other crimes, while a fifth was charged with attempted murder.

In each case, the approved refugee likely would have been subjected to the much-touted, though often feckless, “enhanced vetting” that advocates say both ensures the legitimacy of the refugee claim and protects U.S. security interests. Nonetheless, at least four of the five successfully lied their way through what advocates claim is the “most vetted” interviewing process, duping refugee officers with their fabricated stories.

Sadly, these cases are simply the tip of the iceberg. As a Refugee Coordinator who covered the Middle East, Africa, Russia, Europe and Cuba for eight years, I had first-hand knowledge of country conditions and political realities, and I saw and read hundreds of fraudulent refugee claims.

Disturbingly, the majority of refugee claims are ultimately approved, despite serious questions regarding the applicants’ reliability and truthfulness, often based solely on their testimony.


Despite claims that refugees are subject to the most intense scrutiny prior to resettlement into the United States, the bottom line is that in countries with ill-functioning governments or where no reliable data exists, it is virtually impossible to vet refugee candidates.

Read it all here.


And, if you haven’t told the White House what you think about how many refugees could be admitted to the US beginning October first, do it now.

I’m saying zero until the refugee program is completely reformed by Congress!