Australia’s rejected asylum seekers arriving as refugees in the US don’t show up in State Department’s data, or do they?

Manus Island refugees
330 of these mostly single Muslim men held in detention by Australia have been placed in American towns and cities during Donald Trump’s presidency.  Trump said we would take up to 1,250 (processing is continuing) that Australia will not allow on its mainland.


Every few months I have a look at the “Processing Country Map” provided by Wrapsnet (The US State Department’s Refugee Processing Center).

The new map is posted usually on the fifth of the month for the previous months of the present fiscal year (in this case FY18).

The processing country is the location where the ‘refugee’ goes through his or her paperwork processing and security screening.  We are not told what nationality they are.

One is left guessing about who exactly is coming in from that country.

The latest map is below.  You can find it here yourself (click on this: Map Arrivals by Processing Country and Nationality as of August 31, 2018) and you might want to look at it because it is accompanied by a table which gives exact numbers for each processing country.

For example, it lists Malaysia (a Muslim country) as having processed 1,443 ‘refugees’ in to the US this year.  Those aren’t Malaysians, but likely a large number are Rohingya Muslims from Burma who have been illegally entering Malaysia over the last few years.  They should be Malaysia’s problem, not ours.

Here is the map…

Processing country map Aug 18
When you look at this map and see the countries where we are processing refugees consider how much fraud could be being perpetrated on America.



Let’s talk about some of the questionable processing countries.

But, first, I had been wondering for months why the rejects from Australia (the “dumb” Obama deal that Trump is honoring) weren’t showing up as being processed by Australia. Ah ha! Here they are!  234 were processed by Nauru and 96 in Papua New Guinea.

A total of 330 failed asylum seekers to Australia are now living in Yourtown, USA! 

These were Australia’s problems not ours! (See my Australia deal file here.)

Other questionable processing locations are these:

Israel (133):  Why are we taking any refugees from the prosperous country of Israel?  If asylum seekers from Africa arrived there they should be given a thumbs up or down from Israel, not shuffled off to Yourtown, USA as a ‘refugee.’

El Salvador (624):  What the heck! I thought the Trump Administration ended the illegal pick up of migrants from El Salvador that Obama had initiated.

Costa Rica (56):  Who are these people (what nationality) and again why are Costa Rica’s migrant issues our concern.

Pakistan (409):   There are a few Christians coming out of Pakistan, but no where near 409. So who are these Muslims we feel compelled to resettle from a Muslim country?

Aquarious cargo
When you see images of Mediterranean ‘rescue’ ships, remember that some of these migrants who get to Malta are coming to the US as your new neighbors!

Malta (128):  I have dozens of posts on Malta going back ten years.  When I first heard of the resettlement Bush began from Malta, I was infuriated.

Malta is a safe European country but unfortunately its location in the Mediterranean made it a primary target for migrant ‘rescue’ boats which were bringing Africans and Middle Easterners to Europe by the hundreds of thousands.

So guess what! We kindly allowed some of those African illegal aliens to be passed along by Malta to Yourtown, USA.

Europe’s illegals are not our problem, but even Trump is continuing this questionable practice.

South Africa (128):  So who the heck are they?

SA is the Rainbow Nation, right?  Why does the State Department data base not tell us which nationalities are not being ‘welcomed’ in SA?  Why are we taking migrants who got in to SA from elsewhere in Africa and bringing them to America?  We know from past reporting that many are Somalis (if you didn’t know, black South Africans are xenophobic)!  Why is that our problem?

Although, as I said, there may be a way to find out which nationalities are being processed in these countries, I can’t find it.

But, I did a check to see how many South African citizens we have resettled in the last 11 months and the answer is 1 (one Christian).

Donald Trump could do more!

The choice of which countries we work through to process refugees is a choice that is made through the US State Department and the UN.  As I have said repeatedly the US Refugee Admissions Program must be completely overhauled by Congress.

Meanwhile, however, the President can do a lot administratively and one thing he could do is to reassess where we pick up ‘refugees’ around the world!

This post is filed in my ‘Where to find information’ category, you might check it out from time to time.



Regular refugee numbers don’t tell the whole story; thousands of Afghans getting in to US each year in separate program

They are called Special Immigrant Visa holders (SIVs for short) and they supposedly helped the US in some way (or they could have helped an NGO!), sometimes as interpreters.  They and their immediate family members are welcomed to the US and treated with the same package of goodies refugees receive.

Also, we are told that the resettlement contractors are paid (by you) to place them as well, and those funds we’ve heard are helping to keep the contractors from completely going belly-up!

(See my post yesterday about the number of regular refugees admitted this fiscal year, the number is relatively low, but the SIV number is not! 2,196 Muslims were admitted as regular refugees, but add to that 9,166 Afghan Muslims in the last 11 months!)


Nato commander
Yesterday US General Austin Miller took over NATO command in Afghanistan.  We have been there for 17 years. Here is what I want to know? If we continue to bring to America the tens of thousands of Afghans who willingly helped us, won’t only the worst of the worst be left in the country?


Continue reading “Regular refugee numbers don’t tell the whole story; thousands of Afghans getting in to US each year in separate program”

Trump Administration likely to come in at half the number of refugees they had signaled could be admitted

In September of last year, the Trump Administration set the CEILING for refugee admissions at 45,000 for the fiscal year that began October 1, 2017.

As of the last day of August the number actually admitted so far is 19,899. 

Trump and Bush
Previously George Bush held the record for the lowest number of refugee admitted to the US. President Trump is set to break that record.

That would be an average monthly admissions rate of 1,809 for FY18. Assuming that rate continues (although August was below average at 1,685), total admissions for the year will come in at less than 22,000 for the entire fiscal year.

I looked around to see if I saw any anti-Trump screeches from the federal refugee contractors***,  but not so far. Maybe they are all at the beach.

Here (below) is a map from Wrapsnet showing where this year’s ‘New Americans’ were placed.

See how ‘welcoming’ your state has been this year!

Hint! Texas and Ohio top the list!

Continue reading “Trump Administration likely to come in at half the number of refugees they had signaled could be admitted”

German publication asks: When should the media report on murders committed by refugees?

That is a very interesting question.

Short answer: Always!

However, apparently the mainstream media in Germany has a really hard time with it!

German media isn’t alone! The Left-leaning media here in the US has for the last decade failed to report on some really horrible refugee crime stories I believe out of willful blindness—reports of refugees committing violent crime simply don’t fit their world view!

Just the word refugee is supposed to make people melt with love and be more willing to invite them in as neighbors!

Esar Met evil face

Case in point!

When Esar Met, a Burmese Rohingya refugee, raped and murdered a little Christian girl in Salt Lake City, only the major paper in Utah covered the horrific details and long trial.  The story never made it out of Utah.

(In 2014 Met was sentenced to life in prison, see here.)

Now here is The Local (Germany) with a hand-wringing report on the question.

Do we report the crime and fire up the xenophobes and racists? Or downplay the crime so as not to interfere with the warm and fuzzy meme about refugees that Mama Merkel and company are promoting?

When should the media report on murders by refugees?

Continue reading “German publication asks: When should the media report on murders committed by refugees?”

Don’t miss Conservative Review’s accounting of legal immigrants from Muslim countries admitted to the US since 9/11

Daniel Horowitz has penned an excellent (and frightening) analysis of who is being admitted to the US through myriad legal programs (in addition to the usual refugee numbers that we know are way down in recent months).

Conservative Review (hat tip: Cathy):

Aimless fighting in Afghanistan — while we bring Afghanistan to our shores

A reader has brought it to our attention that the last column is obviously mislabeled and should read (2001-2018)


Whoever thought of the strategy of sending our troops to referee Islamic civil wars on their soil while bringing their civil wars and terror financing to our own shores was brilliantly dumb. But that is still the strategy of the West in combatting jihad. The European countries are even worse than we are in importing the Middle East, but we are not that far behind. Meanwhile, we continue to put our boots on their ground and shoulder the burden of endless wars that would not affect us if not for our immigration policies.

Here’s a novel idea: What if we focused on our own borders, stopped self-destructing through our front-door immigration policies, busted up terror financing networks globally and domestically, and disrupted the Muslim Brotherhood and other radical networks operating here at home?

Unlike China, Russia, North Korea, and potentially Iran, nothing that happens in these Sunni hellholes – from Somalia, Yemen, Niger, and Mali to Syria and Afghanistan – can harm us … unless we bring them to our country, as we did for years and are increasingly doing now. Yet our endless and aimless missions, chasing our tails in their sand dunes at a cost of trillions of dollars and thousands of precious U.S. lives, have depleted our resources and our resolve to deal with those who truly pose a conventional threat to our homeland, now or in the future.

One year later, the Afghanistan surge is a failure….


The miserable irony is that while nothing in Afghanistan can come close to hurting us, as the Taliban has nowhere near the global reach of a group like Hezbollah, we are bringing Afghans here at a record pace. Just in the first quarter of 2018, we brought in 5,718. At that pace, 2018’s total number will dwarf the recent trend of 12,000 per year. We’ve brought in over 86,000 Afghans since 9/11! In last year’s defense authorization bill, Congress authorized another 3,500 special immigrant visas, which grant refugee status to Afghan officials, despite a SIGAR report showing that half of all the foreign personnel who have gone AWOL in this country after being brought here for training were Afghans. Most are still at large and unaccounted for.

The rise in immigration from Afghanistan reflects a broader trend of importing the Middle East to our country. I counted the number of green cards given out in 2017, the first year of Trump’s presidency, to nationals from 47 majority-Muslim countries, and the total number was up to 167,000. The pace for 2018, based on hard data from the first quarter, seems to be tracking with that rate. This is still a very high level and only very slightly down from Obama’s record year in 2016. Overall, we’ve admitted 2.2 million immigrants from those countries from 2001 through March 31, 2018.

Continue reading here.

See my previous posts on Afghan Special Immigrant Visa holders.  While the number of regular refugees is declining under the Trump Administration, Afghan SIVs are treated as refugees and their numbers  are helping the refugee contractors stay afloat because the contractors (the VOLAGs) are paid to place them as well.